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Who are your favourite Warframe YouTubers?


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Hello all,

I'm curious about which content creators you enjoy the most.


- For builds and guides, Nooblshowtek, that guy know his deal,

- For news and discussions, Life of Rio,

- For laughs, Cephalon Shy,

and honorable mentions are Brozime who changes riven dispositions with his tier lists. Thanks a lot!?! (Mostly unbiased though), Xenogelion for a few episodes of arbiter interviews.

Also Mogamu for being in the early days in warframe. I guess that's about it.

I want to point that though, I think iFlynn guy is the worst. He doesn't know what he is talking mostly. His guides and reviews are trash imho. Best to be avoided. Maybe he is useful when you are too fresh into this game, I don't know.

Thanks and cheers!

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Cephalon shy totally, if not for her warframe content, but because she's a great artist too.

If I'm going for builds though, I guess I'll go to MCGamerCZ or Brozime if only for their opinion, and Brozime has his WWYU test.

Edit: Just checked out N00blshowtek because others were saying it a lot. I must say I like him, and he seems to know their stuff and present it in a clean and very simple way.

Edited by MaksymP
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2 minutes ago, NZ_CodeBlue said:

Only time I watch youtube for warframe is for some guide like the MR test.

I won't watch hours of twitch streams / youtube of someone playing the game.

Probably cause I prefer to do 3D modelling on my spare time instead of watching youtube :)

Good for you. Here have a cookie :moon:

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I.... don't have any?  For builds and stuff I figure them out myself or I consult people I know.  I don't care much for "funny" videos because most of them are grating though I do enjoy occasional animation videos by random youtubers. I don't watch other fan artists do art (but I do watch friends' art videos) because I rather spend time drawing instead. I do find videos on mastery tests or other game mechanics by random players quite useful and I do follow the official WF channel.  It's not like I actively avoid videos but at the same time I don't seek them out.  I rarely watch youtube videos in the first place so I'm definitely not the person to ask who are my favorite youtubers, haha.

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On 1/5/2018 at 8:39 PM, ugoooo said:

Hello all,

I'm curious about which content creators you enjoy the most.


- For builds and guides, Nooblshowtek, that guy know his deal,

- For news and discussions, Life of Rio,

- For laughs, Cephalon Shy,

and honorable mentions are Brozime who changes riven dispositions with his tier lists. Thanks a lot!?! (Mostly unbiased though), Xenogelion for a few episodes of arbiter interviews.

Also Mogamu for being in the early days in warframe. I guess that's about it.

I want to point that though, I think iFlynn guy is the worst. He doesn't know what he is talking mostly. His guides and reviews are trash imho. Best to be avoided. Maybe he is useful when you are too fresh into this game, I don't know.

Thanks and cheers!

have to agree iFlynn is completely horrible, his builds are a bad joke, his information is way outdated if it ever was valid to begin with, he doesnt remove old videos with outdated info, he argues with posters, he has little to no clue about anything he makes videos about, he showcases new weapons with frames that provide buffs and makes out to new viewers/players that they will get same results with any frame, anyone new to game going by this guys advice will be having a very hard time at playing or even understanding how he gets his results due to no information given about frame buffs/arcanes he uses everytime.

i do however enjoy, tactical potato for his accent

lifeofrio is great for endgame builds and content, cant find any other youtuber that knows about as much of endgame(not that we have endgame, but survival and endurance runs) as he does

memesage has some good humour and decent builds

brozime has great beginner guides

mogamu isnt relevant, maybe in years past he was good to watch, turned into nothing but an angry negative abusive arsehole about 2 years ago making threats of getting players banned cause he has (power) lmao

shy is nothing but a bad joke copying others posts with some bs computer voice and nothing of interest to add to any topic she covers

skillup is nothing but a tag along, his content may be well produced but is utter trash when it comes to actual needed ingame advice, he cant give any, just a noob that can make well produced videos, he also proliferates bad information regularly

AGGP copy's every single video he does from some other youtubers video, also runs down players in his chat, abuses people in discord and so on

noobishowtek is great for information


just my opinion, im sure others have different takes on youtubers depending on what they have watched, time frames they have watched them over, whether they provided any actual real help, and there own personal opinion on the people, most warframe youtubers dont provide any real help at all, just trying to make $ and get free stuff from De in the form of "1st day access" which all warframe partners get all new weapons/frames/mods given to them on release. they dont have to grind or play or buy the new stuff , we do :)

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Well Shy is definitely up there. I still don't understand why i love her unfiltered vulgar personality, she uses in her videos, so much but it definitely is something different that i don't want to lose to some people saying "this is too vulgar, please make this illegal".

On another hand i would really like to mention SkillUp. He does not just do Warframe content, in fact he doesn't do it much but he is very reasonable and his videos are well thought out and structured. He criticizes wrongdoings in game design constructively and points out flaws after he explained what makes certain games as positively addicting as they are.

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For builds and guides: Mcgamercz

For news and discussions: Mcgamercz

For humor and general information: Mcgamercz

For my glyph: Mcgamercz


...I'm not biased.


For real though I watch all of MC's content, his playstyle matches mine very well so I find almost everything he puts out useful in some way. Also, he just seems like a genuine and likable sort of guy.

I do like NoobIshowtek's builds often, but I like listening to YouTube at work in the background so a YouTuber who doesn't talk kind of hurts that. If I'm at home looking for builds though he's one I frequent.

I also appreciate Brozime and of course Potato, they both tend to have good insights even if I don't always agree, Brozime can be a little slow on content but that's sort of whatever.

Rio knows his stuff, he really really does, but I also really don't like his style in his videos. Sometime's I'll mute the video and just skip to a build though if I want to check it out but largely I don't watch his stuff.

Rob...I don't like Rob. I wanted to like Rob as his video quality is great, he knows how to put a video together and he has a lot of knowledge about the game but his personality grates on me so badly, and despite his knowledge of the game I have never once liked a build I saw in one of his videos...so I guess his stuff just isn't my style. 

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I turn on Brozime in the background, because some of his random rants are funny to me, and because he is pretty genuine, even if I may disagree with him on just a few things. He is also a Missouri bro, so I feel a sort of kindred brotherly bond, haha.

Shy is cool for some quick funny videos, though I can't say I agree with some of her positions on things, but that's not the reason to watch her anyway. I'm also a big art fan and appreciate her cool fan art.

I would have said Mogamu a while back, especially cuz us Brothers got to represent, lol, but I haven't consistently watched his stuff in a long time. I did recently watch his VHS Warframe video though, which was pretty cool.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Shy for the comedy relief, art and brutal honesty.

Potato for his interesting builds and speculations.

Not so much Mogamu anymore. He used to be really on top of the latest weapons and upcoming stuff, but he rarely posts these days (can't say I blame him tho).

I avoid AGGP like the plague. He's a brown-noser and I don't like how he treats people that disagree with him.

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I don't really like the main youtube warframe channels ,and here are the reasons .

Quiet shallow

while her videos are funny  you can only hear "you scum,sucks,It's sheet"only so much in minutes time "which is the duration of her videos"  until you lose interest,well for me at least.


His videos are informative,but he goes off on tangents way too often and for some reason when i see um I can't help but think he smells like funyuns and b.o.

Mogamu i liked mogamu but every since he "quit" warframe and then come back I just don't see um in the same light.

Agayguyplays , he is probably great but I never watched um nor would I, I remember seeing a clip of him at tennocon saying how he like to say "$&*^s" a lot....hey that's great not for me though.

I don't care for the main I like the hidden gems .


I have about 5-6 that I watch regularly ,only thing  i can say is go find some of the lesser known youtubers youll probably be pleasently surprised.

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25 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RevenantRequiem said:

Some on here hating him probably just cuz he's gay.

Me personally I watch Dan's gaming on twitch "spoiler alert he likes mens" but I said hey I'll pick a random vid and give  aggap a chance and see how it goes ...so I viewed the one above and  I turned it off at  1:26 because it was flithy.

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Mostly don't watch any of them anymore since I'm way past the phase of needing help and consequently don't care about their opinions. 


When I was starting out, I watched a lot of Mogamu (big help early on), MikeyB, and PCG. 

Nowadays, I'm only interested in very technical information and the best I've seen is Distant Observer. If you want to see math to break the game, here is a good place to find it. Honorable mention goes to h3adsh0t, who is also very worth watching, but not quite so...mathy. 

Rob from AGGP is usually worth tuning into if you want good builds once you're past all the $&*^ jokes. He's less technical, but the builds are solid...and you get a little fashion 'frame into the bargain. 

A few I still watch for pure entertainment value like Quiette Shy (satire) and DK (manic weirdness). 


Ah, hell, and how could any one forget Tactical Potato? Guy is just fun to watch with good builds to boot. 

Edited by Sloan441
gross oversight
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Tactical Potato because if it weren't for his beginner series, I wouldn't be playing Warframe. Also, he opened my eyes about Chroma.

LifeofRio because he actually plays the game. You ever go to a YouTuber, or even another player on this forum, for a build and then get to 40 minutes in survival and your sh*t stops doing damage? This is why I respect Rio, he doesn't just do 20 minute survivals and a bunch of low level stuff, so his builds, in general, are actually useful for players that go beyond those things. Also, it's fun to listen to him when he's ranting about something he is passionate about.

Nooblshowtek for the same reason as Rio, he actually plays Warframe, not just get on and do a bunch of low level stuff. He clearly understands the damage system and I respect that. Also, he has videos that are very helpful, a lot of times he picks up on something that just flew right past my own dense head.

EDIT: I can't do AGGP because he literally rambles for like 20 minutes before actually getting to the topic of his videos. I've never been able to watch an entire video by him.

Edited by (PS4)supernova_girlie
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