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Does anyone here actually like the Operator?


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4 hours ago, Sader said:

how is 1000 health with 450 armor less tanky than most warframes?

Slower than most warframes? I can beat nearly warframe except maybe a volt or a nova across most maps.

Input delay on the controller? PC Master race what can I say?

They deal almost no damage: YOUR operator deals almost no damage. Mine damages just fine.

Animations are stiff and cumbersome. Nope, but if you don't play them how could I expect you to learn how to move quickly with them.

Movement unexciting and plodding: I can move faster than your warframe, so lets just toss that out the window again.

I do like that four of your complaints are the exact same complaint though to try to pad your "list" of things operators are bad at. 

Compared to frames, theyre bad at everything. Theres nothing they offer, thatca frame cant do. Better.

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1 hour ago, DatDarkOne said:

There isn't a input delay on controllers.  I already debunked this one a page or two back.  Short of having massive lag and/ping you will not have any more lag with a controller than you do with a KB.  I'm not really sure where this idea came from really.  :smile:

It came from observation. Of the delay. On controller.

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1 minute ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Compared to frames, theyre bad at everything. Theres nothing they offer, thatca frame cant do. Better.

You do realize that just because you keep saying this over and over it doesn't become anymore true right?

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17 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

It came from observation. Of the delay. On controller.

That's strange because I've been using controller on PC for 2 years and never noticed such a thing.  Note that I also tend to play solo a lot and usually don't have a ping higher than 200 ping when in a group.  Then again I also stopped using Steam version because it started messing with how my controller worked in game.  :smile:

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Combat capable operators are bad story and bad story telling.

The switch mechanic is clunky and disorientating and suffers from lag due to not being client side but requiring host interaction.

Apparently the idea was for players to weave frame and operator game play together exploiting cross synergies but with the bad clunky switch mechanic this will never work out. Take a look at DMC to see how stance switching is implemented properly in a fluid and enjoyable manner.

If it was up to me all that operator nonsense would be scrapped, The War Within and Quills rewritten.


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13 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

That's strange because I've been using controller on PC for 2 years and never noticed such a thing.  Note that I also tend to play solo a lot and usually don't have a ping higher than 200 ping when in a group.  Then again I also stopped using Steam version because it started messing with how my controller worked in game.  :smile:

Maybe that is it. I also notice that its worse when I am not hosting. So that could be it, too. 

I just wish the Operators were FUN to actually USE. Warframes are sleek, agile, fast and empowering. Operators just plod slowly along, dash, stop, dash, stop and fire a tiny boring, weak energy beam over a short range...its boring. Especially compared to what we ALREADY HAD.

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Actually I am of the opinion that Operators are the direction DE wants to move Warframe to. Creating a singular playable character that you can customized is alot easier to design and maintain than a roster of disparate and unique looking characters with their own special gfx, animations and mechanics to wrangle. Focus is also an attempt to unify the power mechanic to something which would make it easier to design and update in the future.

I wouldn't be surprised that in the next few years we will see less and less warframes and more and more update to Operators to replace the value of warframes as a playable character. Until eventually Warframes will occupy the space Archwings occupy now, largely unused and not updated.

Think on it from a design and programming point of view, why would you complicate your design process and include 2 types of playable characters that require completely separate development? They don't have the resources to develop Operators and Warframes in tandem without de-emphasizing one over the other. Rught now Operators represent a "endgame" content that most players don't need to use right now, but they could easily update the game to make operators essential and Warframes useless.

While I don't care for operators I wasn't opposed to the idea of them as a story hook. But I can't stand that they are kids, they should have been adults. I think the whole Natah/Second Dream/The War Within kinda broke the old lore of Warframe and eventually DE will have to decide whether they really want to maintain that older vision of the game further or switch and take the game in a different direction. But right now if you really pay attention to the game it's exist in a schizo state, halfway between a one character action rpg and a 3rd person shooter with a cast of characters.  Eventually one side has to give in to the other, the game can't exist in this split state.

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On 9.1.2018 at 12:42 PM, Twilight053 said:

Zenurik Operator with Electrifying Dash is comparable to Ember WoF, so....

Yes, I enjoy Operator. Zenurik school, at least.

Was looking for this.
Those dashes are powerful as hell, just need to learn using it.

For the topic.
Yeah, focus is not perfect, but I can do good with it. The most grindy thing in the game, both amps and focus, but DE mentioned they are considering more changes to make it easier to farm.

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I don't mind the operators story-wise, but the gameplay of operators just feels like the opposite of what the game is about.

It just breaks the flow, going from Spider-Man levels of fluid agility, then plopping out a kid with some janky non-combat and momentum-killing abilities. It doesn't feel dangerously powerful like the Tenno have been portrayed as, yet still trivializes the frame as you basically say "Lol later, nerd." You leave your titular god suit behind in a rigid pose and do some choppy and ungraceful teleports or hunch over and just disappear from the mortal plane, before either tripping on a pebble or snapping your fingers and returning to your murder machine.

I want to feel like I'm unleashing my dazzling true power, not turning on a passive cheat mode.  

Edited by (XB1)IceTriden7
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I don't like them. At all.

I have no choice but to use them, I suppose. I'm rather bummed that the direction of the game appears to be "replace the warframes with their inner children," especially when we're talking about operators with devastating combat power and massive tankiness, huge speed, and all that. 

DE seems hellbent on changing this game into "Operator." 

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1 hour ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

DE seems hellbent on changing this game into "Operator." 

That's a bit much. In the entire game, there are like five places where you're forced to use your operator—and all but two of those are one-off quests or a mastery test. And even in those two instances, if you're in a group you can probably get by letting somebody else do the operator stuff.

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On 1/20/2018 at 12:40 PM, LSG501 said:

lol... clearly I hit a nerve, maybe I was spot on with my response, which was not an assumption when you told us how much damage you are able to do. 

Except your post was to me.  I offered advise because you complained about not having enough time to grind.  Then you come back with a list of resources much greater than mine.  


Either you are lying about your list, or lying about your RL commitments.  Due to long term playing (MR 25), I was able to complete all waybounds except Uranui as soon as focus patch hit, and I'm still far from that level of completing.  


You complain about the game, complain about people trying to help based on your own feedback, and then complain at thier response.  


Good luck in life bud.  Guess what, your really not a victim. 

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4 minutes ago, Educated_Beast said:

Except your post was to me.  I offered advise because you complained about not having enough time to grind.  Then you come back with a list of resources much greater than mine.  


Um... I think you might be a bit confused regarding my replies there...

As to the resources, they were pretty easy to get though, the wisps are affected by boosters so you can double up and if you're excessively lucky you can also get a smeeta buff.  You could double duty with any mission on the plains easy enough and the gems were basically bought with standing from plague star event because It was easier/faster to farm that than it was to mine them. 

There was also no 'night time restriction' with getting the resources I mentioned which can make a huge difference to farming things, I can't remember if I said here or another thread but while players might be able to play every day they may not be able to get on when it's night time.  I've had situations where I've had the time to play the game but every time I've been able to login it's been day time on plains... last time I checked you can't farm eidolons during the day time on cetus...something being stuck behind a specific time to farm something makes it a lot harder to farm, just look at the complaints about nitain. 

As to focus, something I hadn't even brought up in my original comment ironically, not everyone bothered with focus 1.0 when they got the important stuff from the main schools which were actually useful, there just wasn't any reason to do anything else because adding more abilities meant more cooldown.  Now the change has made it so we can run more without the cooldown but it does mean many of will need to get focus again and getting it in any decent quantity these days requires meta farming (DE nerfed several of the old methods) and to be perfectly blunt meta farming focus is boring as anything.  Hopefully the changes that DE have been working on will be released sooner rather than later. 

I'm also struggling to see how my original and later comments is actually complaining (other than people not reading what I'm writing)... My first post is leaving feedback on my experiences with the operator and while I'll openly admit I don't like them and feel they're unnecessary the only thing I specifically suggested a change to was a 'hunt eidolon button'....nothing about gear, nothing about difficulty, just experiences in public groups which is what a lot of people play, hell I even put a caveat in my post saying other people's experiences might be different.....  the bits about gear etc were only brought up after a player basically came in with an asinine comment which in hindsight I should have just put on the ignore list.... 

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I just wish they had more say in the game, these past few quests they remain completely timid after TWW it's like Teshin silently snapped out their vocal cords out of them while they weren't watching and it's not like you can't mute their dialogues in the settings if you're not happy with it 

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I love the operator. Especially the fashion. That sad part is, there’s nothing to do with them. Why kill enemies with my operator that is extremely fragile, when I can kill them twice as fast with my Warframe? There needs to be more interactions with the operator, so we can use them a lot more. 

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On 1/20/2018 at 7:17 AM, Sader said:

You're complaining about how hard or bad things are, but if you had the proper gear you could solo the thing yourself with minimal help from the randoms who you claim can't stay alive.

I see this as an issue deeper than randoms dying.

So you (players)  faceroll game content, DE (Steve) make operators, and enemies that can't be face rolled, added 'complexity' which very soon after release is... being face rolled.:thumbup:gg DE

On 1/20/2018 at 7:17 AM, Sader said:

The fight can be carried by one competent player, maybe instead of complaining you should step up your own game?

I see this as the greater issue.


The added 'complexity' isn't 'complexity' but confusion; enemies are resistant, or out right immune to Warframes for no good reason.

The interesting/compelling balance of Warframes working together is now a Warframe/Operator, facerolling game content.

It's simpleminded cluelessness at best, at worst its ignorant disregard.

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On 1/21/2018 at 2:46 PM, Aleksi134 said:

They arent a mistake, they are a missed opportunity to make something good.

But continuing to pour time and money into them, IS a mistake. They aren't good. They aren't fun. Their grind is absurdly circular and limited by impossible to obtain lenses. It's a PAY to grind system.

So yeah... continuing to push a bad position is a mistake.

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I personally like the operator. I use them all the time to revive, give a quick cc on enemies, spirit regen, scale tall vertical spaces, some spy missions. They make the game more versatile. I honestly think most people hate them because they feel they are not as overpowered as frames. Tbh I don't get how you can hate something that you could completely ignore.


Hating the focus gains and how slow it is I get though.

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Operators are actually pretty strong and even better than some warframes once you unlock the waybounds and have the right amp with the right arcanes.

They take tons of investment though but once you do get most of it maxed out, they are not as bad as some of the warframes; Definitely not the best but not the worst either.

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57 minutes ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

Operators are actually pretty strong and even better than some warframes once you unlock the waybounds and have the right amp with the right arcanes.

They take tons of investment though but once you do get most of it maxed out, they are not as bad as some of the warframes; Definitely not the best but not the worst either.

This is where I think the wheels come off -- in my opinion, the operator should never be the equal of even the weakest Rank 0, unmodded frame. The entire point of the Warframes is to be the weapons that allow the operators to survive the steep odds they faced. Hell, releasing control of the warframe should send it feral -- maybe something you want from time to time, but it's just as dangerous to you as it is to others (I realize that's not the lore; I'd have made it the lore). 

If I'd been in the design team, the operators would never have left their chair, nor even been fully conscious. Blood-tinged fever dream side quests? Sure, absoultely. Passive abilities that are unlocked with focus and imbue the warframe? Sure. But being able to like, be out there in the real world? Nah. Bad idea. 

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1 minute ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

This is where I think the wheels come off -- in my opinion, the operator should never be the equal of even the weakest Rank 0, unmodded frame. The entire point of the Warframes is to be the weapons that allow the operators to survive the steep odds they faced. Hell, releasing control of the warframe should send it feral -- maybe something you want from time to time, but it's just as dangerous to you as it is to others (I realize that's not the lore; I'd have made it the lore). 

If I'd been in the design team, the operators would never have left their chair, nor even been fully conscious. Blood-tinged fever dream side quests? Sure, absoultely. Passive abilities that are unlocked with focus and imbue the warframe? Sure. But being able to like, be out there in the real world? Nah. Bad idea. 

Agree completely. 

Operator on the battlefield makes ZERO sense. If the Operator is that deadly dangerous, why was the frame ever necessary? If they Need the frame to survive the battlefield...why in the world ever leave it? 

Not to mention that suddenly manifesting on the battlefield while sitting in your chair thousands of miles above, in or it, is a ridiculous stretch of suspension of disbelief, void powers or no.

The whole thing makes no sense, crapped all over lore and isn't fun to play besides. Just a massive, all round failure, from the gimmicky, frustrating quests, to the brevity of their play time versus Dev time, to the underwhelming movement, terrible combat and forced use.

If it were up to me I'd roll back to Focus 1.0 with the power and passives and never, ever mention the Operator again. Ever.

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