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PoE destroyed Chroma


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3 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

No they should not.

You don't just introduce something able to bring weapons from trash can but that will cost you 365+days farming or 1-10k platinum, rip the profit off of it and then nerf like everything else. This is such a d**e move that is ten times worse than nerfing any frame.

Well maybe then stop comparing like that for once if you don't want to get every frame nerfed in one way or another eventually.


I'm done.

That was poor wording on my part I apologize. I certainly don't want to see them nerfed or see it as fair to do by any means as that would really be more than a smack in the face for most. Just if they are going to nerf Chroma for the reason he can one shot then it isn't fair reasoning or balanced if so many other things can do the exact same thing.

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45 minutes ago, Dark_Roxas said:

The actual reason why Chroma get his "nerf" is because of all the eidolon hunters who let the frame, who is no where better than the others( yes, Im saying this as a Chroma player), be  important and popular for only one thing, one shoting things. Everyone who played and knew Chroma before the plains, had known how strong he is and was send back into the shadows of warframe by the rest of the community. The only reason why he has been used back time from this unknown player was credit farming, because they didnt see his full potential of beeing the real berserker frame( Valkyr is just a kitty on her period, you cant call her a berserker)

So after reaching 50% with Chroma in a time of 2000+ hour, I should go back to Excal, hoping he wont get any bad changes in the next 2000hous I'll play him

So actually PoE didn't destroy Chroma. Chroma was already destroyed, it was just that nobody noticed until PoE. 

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24 minutes ago, -Temp0- said:

You do realize that talks like that is what sets up 90% of nerfs?

So, are you telling me that every game developer would take into account the forums' cryool stories rather than looking at and analyzing the data they collect over the months and years to make changes? TIL:clem:


We had it coming almost a year ago. PoE didn't destroy Chroma, though, it did fuel DE to finally take a look:


Solving Vex Armor actually takes as back to Chroma's beginning. On original power creation, we used some less-than-ideal calculation methods to create Scorn and Fury's effects. If you are an avid Chroma user, you probably know the power maximizing this ability brings. At some point in Chroma's future we will need to revisit and use ideal methods for his Abilities; we will inform you well in advance when Chroma is under review.


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I love how people are defending his nerf by saying he is now a team player. That's like saying: "I got my legs cutoff, but now I have 2 more people to carry me, Thus my total number of legs have doubled, So I should be happy about it".

Also their intention to "fix" chroma was not because of the mathematical error which they could've fixed a long time ago when he was released or when his augments were made or when his deluxe skin came or when he was solidified as a credit farmer ,But now when his damage has a place in game outside of endless missions. The very fact they said that they don't want their dear teralysts being one shot by people who actually run proper setups. This show's how short sighted their thinking is.

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10 minutes ago, SharkPot said:

I love how people are defending his nerf by saying he is now a team player. That's like saying: "I got my legs cutoff, but now I have 2 more people to carry me, Thus my total number of legs have doubled, So I should be happy about it".

2 more people? Wait, how many people do you have to carry you now?

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Though I find chroma super fun to use, I'm not gonna slam my face on my keyboard, and complain about the changes till I try them first hand and see what builds I can do. You know, not be a quitter. Glad I dropped the "maining"  attitude years ago. 

Edited by FashionFrame
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2 hours ago, OoKeNnEtHoO said:

Don't go back to Excal.

Historically, he is the most nerfed balanced frame.


Forget about the concept of "main" and just play as many as you can.

Next nerf balance should be Mesa or Saryn.

Loki is the safest.

Avoid DPS frames if you wanna reduce likelihood of getting nerfed balanced.

Good luck!

Yes yes, all of this is 200% truth.  Inaros is my fav but I know one day DE will drag him thru the sand so to speak.  That's why rotate between him and like 5 other frames.  Diversify your portfolio Tennos!

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)dZy_dEviL said:

Yes yes, all of this is 200% truth.  Inaros is my fav but I know one day DE will drag him thru the sand so to speak.  That's why rotate between him and like 5 other frames.  Diversify your portfolio Tennos!

I rotate on all of them. 

I had a week where I was taking wrong frames to some alerts because “it was their turn”. Pretty weird feeling when I took Hydroid on spy missions XD

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2 hours ago, Kuestenjung said:

I have to disagree with you, because if Vex Armor infact used the modded stats, then it´s another sad Story of DE taking so long to fix something. Everything in this game only counts the bas Warframe stats and Chrome should be no expectation.

And btw, with the fix he is also getting a buff for the whole team, but I know people tend to only see the dark side.

Which is a lazy compensation, his augment already shares his 2 why not extend it to his 3 (sure his augment would be the first to be shared between two abilities but I think augments should do more than just augment a single ability at times)? Why not actually compensate some problems on Chroma like his energy cost with low energy pool, why not change the way his buff works? Have it work like Inaros charging skill? Making it an aura is stupid we already have to nuke his range and eff and now more than ever you'll want to min-max to get the most out of him.

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5 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

All they did in the dev workshop for Chroma:

Fix a calculation error in his 3 that they stated was an error months before PoE was even announced.

Buff his 3 now it's team wide.

Buff his one in mobility and damage.

Exactly and its perfect.

but people now are used to the 2000% buff and now complain because how will they do any damage with only the 500% buff he was always supposed to have?

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15 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

All they did in the dev workshop for Chroma:

Fix a calculation error in his 3 that they stated was an error months before PoE was even announced.

Buff his 3 now it's team wide.

Buff his one in mobility and damage.

Yet they let it be there till now that players started using him for an actual good purpose.

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1 minute ago, Aleksi134 said:

Yet they let it be there till now that players started using him for an actual good purpose.

The calculation were wrong all the time, but there it didnt have an actually negative impact on the game.

a teralyst not supposed to go down in one shot, like its shield werent supposed to disappear with shield aura.

now that his buff becomes problematic gameplay wise they are taking the time to fix his calculation. 

But dont worry there’s still plenty of ways to destroy an eidolon limbs in few seconds. Just not oneshot.

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hace 2 horas, NZ_CodeBlue dijo:

Ah ok, I wasn't there when PoE was release >.<

No... in game data determines if a Warframe needs balancing. Forums is just to see our reaction. I really doubt any game company would use forums to nit pick the next balancing.

Not even close , people crying have a A LOT more influence than any "game data" (more now than devs seems to only care for the noobs that cant kill anything.... ) . Chroma for example has no change for a lot of time (and the solution was just change the way damage its calculated , nothing that take more than 5 minutes ... but they didnt do it in all this time ) , people cry ... now nerfed . Same with Banshee/ember (and with banshee even worst because people were angry for banshee stucking enemies far from them ... now she is going to do the same with even more range and less damage , so more time stuck for enemies )  .

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35 minutes ago, Aleksi134 said:

Yet they let it be there till now that players started using him for an actual good purpose.

Replace "good purpose" with "not intended abuse". They didn't rush to fix it because as they explained, it was complicated and it didn't affect any gameplay doing such high damage until a big boss fight was created, which made his buff bug a balance issue. So basically, people complaining about this bug fix (nerf they call it lol) are just people who only use Chorma for cheesing the eidolons. Shocker, now they'll have to play like everyone else in the game in order to kill Teralyst, except the can also buff other people now, the horror, literally unplayable!

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i guess this is the same case as Arca Plasmor nerf. If it was like this, I mean, non intended dmg, DE should fix it faster. 

When you take months to do it, the problem and complains when you fix it, only get worse.

One thing to notice is that most older frames that were "reworked" are in reality straight up weaker than the previous versions.

This make room to newer frames that are released and are powerful and praised by the community, only to be "balanced" later...

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8 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

Replace "good purpose" with "not intended abuse". They didn't rush to fix it because as they explained, it was complicated and it didn't affect any gameplay doing such high damage until a big boss fight was created, which made his buff bug a balance issue. So basically, people complaining about this bug fix (nerf they call it lol) are just people who only use Chorma for cheesing the eidolons. Shocker, now they'll have to play like everyone else in the game in order to kill Teralyst, except the can also buff other people now, the horror, literally unplayable!

This made me laugh so loud! Internet points for this guy! 

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Fixing vex armor is no problem for me, chroma shouldnt have any formula advantage over others. And it will stay one of the best dmg buffs in the game.

What really worries me is the vex armor buff range:

In the stream the chroma Rebb used had 14.5m range (green number thus modded) so basically 10m range in vanilla because Stretch. TEN METERS.

You get the buff only if you stay close to Chroma. Minmaxing aside(34% range ftw) that is way too low imo. It should either have more range when others need to be near all the time or just being close to chroma when he CASTS vex armor should sufficient. Otherwise he doesnt become "a teamplayer" imo.

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il y a 41 minutes, Calumniis a dit :

Fixing vex armor is no problem for me, chroma shouldnt have any formula advantage over others. And it will stay one of the best dmg buffs in the game.

What really worries me is the vex armor buff range:

In the stream the chroma Rebb used had 14.5m range (green number thus modded) so basically 10m range in vanilla because Stretch. TEN METERS.

You get the buff only if you stay close to Chroma. Minmaxing aside(34% range ftw) that is way too low imo. It should either have more range when others need to be near all the time or just being close to chroma when he CASTS vex armor should sufficient. Otherwise he doesnt become "a teamplayer" imo.


Excalty what I was worried about. Then range is so damn small it isn’t even worth to mod for, to sacrifice mod slots and a huge chunk of duration to make *10 meters* better? And if allies leave they lose the buff.


The team buffing is literally useless. Nobody is going to use that unless you are saccing all your duration for a 10 second vex armor which won’t be useful in the slightest either.

Edited by Compassion
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Well, you can still play Chroma as an egostic minmax on duration or buff the armor of every member in your party.

I mean, you're actually crying about a corrected formula and an addition on an ability which was already strong enough, an addition which can be totally ignored in the PoE case or during sortie. It's just something added, a bonus and you're actually crying about making it work. If you truly want to damage buffs yours allies, you can simply take Banshee/Nova/Mesa or even Mag. Why bother?

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