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Shrine of the Eidolon: Update 22.12.0


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"Ember ded."



"She was only ever good at low level stuff, she can't do sortie level stuff, she's just too weak!"


(This entire thread.)


It took me thirty minutes in the Simulacrum to make a build that allowed her to kill an eclectic mix of level 100 Grineer enemies while taking little to no damage, took roughly 200 energy to do it.  At level 150 it took around 300ish energy but those enemies also didn't drop any energy so I had to take a sec to grab more/drop more.   Then, went to sedna and did the interception, mobile defense, exterminate and survival for 20 minutes.  I had no issues with it.  Went to go do Axi suvival for 20 minutes, no issue.  Ember is not her World on Fire,  it was her most mindless ability and while it was good for low level trash cleaning it is by far not her only strength.


"Oh but now her powers can't kill anything."  Then work around it, use your weapons in conjunction with her powers.  Loki's powers can't kill anything either but he does fine.  "But he has invisibility and can disarm people."  Yeah, and World on Fire isn't Ember's only CC.  Take a few minutes, read what her powers do, use your brain and quite whining.


I haven't had a chance to play with Banshee or Chroma yet but I have little doubt that I'll find a build for them that is just as useful.  Savage Silence Banshee is still a thing, is still excessively powerful and I have ideas of making Chroma just the best little team buffer he can be,  All it is is a change of paradigm, roll with it.  I honestly doubt they're going to give Chroma back anything near the power he had, built right he could one shot pretty much everything past level 150 with any decently strong gun, that is absurd for a single frame,  I can imagine it with any two frames but a single one?  yeah, no.  They have every right to nerf him, that they did it as a thinly veiled preventive measure of people oneshotting their precious new eidolons doesn't change the fact that he was getting nerfed eventually, this just happened to be the best time to do it as everyone and their mother were using him for eidolons.

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Thanks you guys touched alot of weapons in this patch that are my favorites, Though they were awful I still persisted in using ones like Twin Gremlins and Akjagara, though the Tiberon was so bad that I just couldnt justify using it. Now I can finally expand out and use a bunch of the weapons that I really wanted to but couldnt stand how much I had to nerf myself in order to use them.

Others that I'm glad i'll be able to use more are the Stradavar, Drakgoon, Karak Wraith and the Prisma Tetra. Other changes that are nice are the Braton Prime, Dera Vandal, Harpak, Tenora, Burston Prime, Prisma Grakata, Quartakk, Supra, Akvasto, Stubba, Prisma Angstrum(though the ammo cut is brutal), Akmagnus, Mara Detron, and the Daikyu.


I'm also greatful for the attention Zephyr got, she is my favorite frame and its nice to see that she got some much needed attention.

Also hopefully my cetus door problems have been solved, it would be nice if I could actually run for the vaulted stuff without having to do it solo.


It seems that whatever fixes were put in regarding the gate not opening in PoE has Finally fixed whatever problem I was having. I've sucessfully gone in and out od cetus and plains in multiplayer without the gate bugging out and not opening.

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i Never said that... and i always promoted your game to the best of my capabilities... but Honestly DE you #*($%%@ up removing raids... there is alot of changes that u do and i don't really agree with you guys but there is always some kind of thinking and logic behind it that i can understand but removing raids the only fun thing that i do with my clan... the amount of energie that we spend to further more doing them efficiently and switl, the joy to see our runs geting smoother you are just removing one of the best part of your grind based game and its's slowly killing it... 
Mistakes have been made DE, i hope you wake up and get them back on, prove to us that you listen to your community and that we are not commenting on your forums for nothing.

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Interesting changes!

As a further improvment, could it be possible to have a better description of the abilities in the arsenal? For example for the changes on the 1 of Ember, could it be possible to have the effects of holding the spell before releasing? Same for her ult, could it be possible to have the effects written in game and not only on the forum/wiki?

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il y a 39 minutes, AyaEve a dit :

Best thing about this update is seeing all those Ember "press 4 and forget" players crying.

And what exactly was your problem with not everyone enjoying this game in the same way that you do? Why does everyone have to play with the frames that you like? What exactly do you have against me going into some lower tier missions with ember to relax after a 5-6 hours griend? You think you're so much better than everyone else just because you dont enjoy ember. How about you dont use her if you dont enjoy her and let the rest of us have our fun, in the way we like it. Or you think you're the center of the universe here?

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12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Worth Noting: Remaining in the Plains for the entire Day Cycle effectively allows you to hunt the Eidolons across multiple nights. If your team kills all 3 Eidolons in one night, or across several, then the Teralyst will respawn and you can start the hunt again. TLDR players can hunt Eidolons across multiple nights without losing progress as long as they stay within their current session. Going back to Cetus resets it.

I am confused.

Does this mean if I captured a terraryst and then I captured a gantulyst followed by a hydralyst, and day comes, another terraryst will spawn in the day?

Or does it mean that I will need to stay in the mission for 100min (of day time) before I see the next terraryst??

I noticed that now I can stay in the same night cycle and hunt as many eidolons as possible but when day comes, why would I remain in the day cycle?

Is it because the eidolons will still spawn?

Or does it mean that if I captured a terraryst and day comes, and stay for 100mins, I can start off by hunting the gantulyst instead of the terraryst in the upcoming night cycle?

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Jaaay, annother feature for the plains of lag!

Also, thanks for grading up the unvaultet relics to silver tier during this patch, so people hating the plains of eidolon have to play it even more.

Ill take a break of this game for a while, it feels trashier update by update.

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13 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


Rubble (new mechanic)
- Comes from killing petrified enemies. Atlas collects rubble to restore his health, or temporarily increase armor if already at max health. Rubble has a singular decay. Picking up more rubble delays the decay for a brief time.

- Killing petrified enemies with Landslide generates bonus rubble. We have also increased the contact radius at max rank from 1.5m to 2m.

- Can use Petrify on Tectonics’ bulwarks to increase rolling velocity and damage. Can also be cast on Rumblers to heal them for a % of max health.

-Petrify is now a single cast instead of a channel ability, instantly Petrifying enemies in front of you regardless of level! https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/bonybrokenappaloosa   . 

-Ore Gaze Augment is now 25% effective at max rank.

- Petrified enemies take increased damage from all sources.

- While casting, creates an AoE around Atlas that will petrify any enemy that comes close.
- Rumblers create rubble when they expire, based on how much health they had

Released in late 2015, Atlas fills the role of a beefy brawler Warframe. While his first ability Landslide really packs a punch, the rest of his kit falls short in comparison to other frames. We saw this reflected in Atlas’ usage stats, where he was the generally the least-used frame that didn’t have a Prime variant.



Similar to other recent reworks, we aim to give Atlas more synergy between the abilities at his disposal. Petrify is now a versatile ability that does not limit the casting of other abilities, and can be used to buff bulwarks and heal Rumblers. Introducing the Rubble mechanic improves Atlas’ survivability, while rewarding players for taking advantage of the frame’s synergies. The instant AoE Petrify upon casting his Rumblers ultimate also helps protect players during the cast animation.


Yes These changes have made atlas one of my most favourite frames, Zephyr is also one of my favourites now, I go in with Tonkor, I dont even need to build for stupid amount of power strength and my tonkor grenades explode on impact. Great Buffs, These ones are my favourite

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb Giantconch:

Aww damn... you guys are still staying with this "unvaulted relics only from bounties" rubbish? PLEASE add the unvaulted relics into regular mission droptables. You REALLY need to make more alternatives, more options for obtaining these relics other than trying to carrot players onto the plains to run those boring bounites =/

If DE says you will play the plains, you will play the god damn plains damnit (i am still uncertain why they are dumping all their eggs AND the henhouse into that one basket that isn't exactly 100% popular with the community, but it's their choice to stop expanding the game in favor of dumping every bit of interesting rewards into that one space. i don't think it's a good choice personally, but it is their choice to make and ours to react to)

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13 hours ago, Viyrew said:

Your explanation of the removal of raids were honestly terrible. We were promised statistics, we were promised evidence and we got back a 5 minute segment on the same thing you stated on the forums thread. This is a insult to the raid community.

On a personal note,

I would like to thank DE for killing off RSB.
I would like to thank DE for killing the warframe speedrun community.

I would like to thank DE for killing all the raid dedicated clans.

I would like to thank DE for removing content that a lot of veterans play daily.


P.S, Your new Dark Sector Mode is a glorified survival mode where the only unique aspect is the changing tiles. Except you don't even have to kill enemies, just capture the orbs. To say that this is on any level of difficulty of raids is further insulting to us. To think three years was spent to make this is ridiculous.

I have to say I dont realy agree with you, even though I like to have the raids still in the game becuse I realy like them and would like to see more of them I can understand thier point of view if it takes up to much time for little "reward" But do think the Dark sector looks fun and its still in very early stage so things might change, like it is now It dident look like you need any real teamwork and thats something I would like to change, and maybe it will?

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I've been toying around with the Zephyr changes and I enjoy the massive increase in mobility quite a bit- with some mods included the height of her 1 is ridiculously high now. Combining Dive Bomb into her 1 is something I've wanted for a long time so its nice to see it included even if it still does pretty weak damage. I also really like the general concept of being able to control the tornadoes with aiming and having an easy access knockdown (her new second ability) to keep enemies controlled. I would love a similar level of treatment given to Titania someday because the "airborne" Warframe is a unique concept that really appeals to me as a unique style of play.

What I have noticed is that the damage done to enemies caught in a tornado by shooting said tornado tends to be pretty dang weak- after some testing I believe this is because tornadoes are treated as the "object" class by the game, much like Frost's snow globes, meaning they cannot be affected by critical hits! That 70k damage Opticor shot you can normally slam a Corpus Tech with gets massively nerfed by the inability to land crits, which is compounded by the fact that those same tornadoes always seem to randomly drop enemies or launch them in random directions, severely limiting the amount of time you can damage a group of enemies even if your tornadoes manage to scoop them up. I would like to see crits added to tornado damage and tornadoes do a better job "gripping" enemies because the concept is pretty neat but right now I find it just too difficult to make them effective against higher level enemies.

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52 minutes ago, FireSky said:

And what exactly was your problem with not everyone enjoying this game in the same way that you do? Why does everyone have to play with the frames that you like? What exactly do you have against me going into some lower tier missions with ember to relax after a 5-6 hours griend? You think you're so much better than everyone else just because you dont enjoy ember. How about you dont use her if you dont enjoy her and let the rest of us have our fun, in the way we like it. Or you think you're the center of the universe here?

That kind of playstyle adversly affect other players, I cant count how many times I've left on wave 5 because a RQ banshee or limbo joined my hydron xp run. Its boring af to have those frames in your game. Lots of people arent the type to just no effort their way through grindy stuff, if I gotta grind I want to play the game at the same time not sit around with my thumb in my bum while some press and forget frame does all the work.

Though as far as I can see the only real change for press and forget embers is that they have to toggle 4 every once and awhile and actually move around to hit stuff and pickup juice, otherwise it works the same.

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Everything is great, just one complain. Let me have the riven transmute thing outside of plains, since that stuff can't run without an imminent crash, let us have it in dojo or something, it's one thing to encourage people to play plains, but other to lock content behind it. Everything newer that came out drops from plains mostly. This may not take notice, but let it be noted. Anyways ty for the update.

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I there were quite some changes made, comparing the dev post and how the patch went live. While most things are (for me) positive, there were 2 that i really did not like, although this is my personal opinion.

Those two are the Boltor Prime, this is maybe the most disappointing change for me, and the Supra family. Both went from a (fairly) balanced weapon to a status heavy weapon with a bad (or at best mediocre) critical chance. Unless the IPS changes make the status effects of those really good the will continued not to get used in high level missions.


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1 hour ago, CaptainJLP said:

Yes These changes have made atlas one of my most favourite frames, Zephyr is also one of my favourites now, I go in with Tonkor, I dont even need to build for stupid amount of power strength and my tonkor grenades explode on impact. Great Buffs, These ones are my favourite

Well, I'm not sure about you, but I personally disliked the Atlas rework, Petrify costs 2-3x as much as it did before, the whole shpeal about him using other abilities with petrify is all for nothing since it's an insta-cast and insta petrify, so they're incentivizing us to use an expensive ability with rapidly deteriorating benefits, and my favorite part of the petrify ability was that it could be used to stun enemies temporarily, or freeze them entirely, now that Ore Gaze is the absolute worst farming ability of all the farming frames, I can't justify trying to use him and have to use the other meta farming frames instead.

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