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Daily Log-in Highly Unfair


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vor 37 Minuten schrieb kuciol:

Locking PLAYABLE CONTENT behind time walls, 1 times events, platforms etc is never a good thing and something i despise the most in gaming. This mentality of "ive found game before you therefor im better" is the most f up thing about gaming communities in every game. Denying the content to others just because you want to feel special is just childish.  You did nothing special for it , just happened to find the game faster than the others.

well.. i found warframe just 4 years ago..  i found it just when the pre-beta phase was gone. So can you please give me all the Founder Gear ? Money is not the problem i just want the option to buy the Founders pack today..

Its not about to feeling special. Its about beeing at one spot at the right time.

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As someone who's only not quite 2 weeks past getting the Zenistar I have to ask why/how is it unfair? I started playing shortly after the PS4 launch of the game and been playing on and off since then consistently. If I miss days logging in oh well...that's on me. I fail to see how the system is unfair because of that...something which I have control over doing. So it takes a bit longer to get a handful of weapons/mods than for others who happened to log in more frequently. No big deal as none of them are absolutely necessary for playing or enjoying the game. I hate to be blunt but get over yourself and your sense of entitlement. If the stuff was really that important to you I reckon you'd actually make more of an effort to log in consistently and you wouldn't be crying about it now.

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3 minutes ago, CpT-LaZeR said:

well.. i found warframe just 4 years ago..  i found it just when the pre-beta phase was gone. So can you please give me all the Founder Gear ? Money is not the problem i just want the option to buy the Founders pack today..

Its not about to feeling special. Its about beeing at one spot at the right time.

The is little difference here, they paid for it, founded the game. There are also alternatives to the stuff they got that are almost the same but less shiny. You did nothing for login rewards besides finding the game faster.

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About this thing being unfair.... 

A lot of you do not understand the difference between Equity and Equality.



DE follows a strong principle of equality but not of equity.. which was what they were trying to bring in with the proposed changes to the Log-in system

As for your OP, I'm sorry but put yourself in the place of a player at day 798 and DE says boom no more weapons cause thats not fair to new players

What would you say?

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10 minutes ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

About this thing being unfair.... 

A lot of you do not understand the difference between Equity and Equality.



DE follows a strong principle of equality but not of equity.. which was what they were trying to bring in with the proposed changes to the Log-in system

As for your OP, I'm sorry but put yourself in the place of a player at day 798 and DE says boom no more weapons cause thats not fair to new players

What would you say?

I would say sure why not. The same way i was ok with frost prime on twitch promo despite buying him 2 weeks before it started.

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2 minutes ago, Tora.Prime said:

Let me tell you a secret, unique items are special because are uniques, you got it?

Let me tell you a better secret. I dont care. What i care about is that its playable content locked behind insane time wall with 0 alternatives. Those could be the worst weapons in game and i wouldnt change my mind about it.

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You dont care about something being special because you want it for yourself, once you have it you think its special and dont want other people to have it. I could go the same way about founders, i dont care if they founded the game and paid alot of money when the game was dying and got special gear we will never get, i only care that i get the gear and once i have it i dont want others to have it ! But in the case of login rewards you can just get it over the course of time anyway so it doesnt matter. It doesnt matter if DE introduces this new login system it will require the same amount of commitment as this one.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

My friends and I put tons of hours into warframe before the daily log-in was a thing. Then we stopped playing and when we started playing again we were far behind most other newer players. The log-in system needs reform such as rewards being given for playing time or at least prelog-in era people should be give some sort of hefty boost. I'm at about 270 days right now and the way the system is currently makes me want to stop playing. I don't think I'll ever make it to day 500 which is really sad. Maybe a better idea would be to take log-in reward weapons away? Or lower the number of days it takes to get them? Because my friends and I almost feel as if we have been punished for playing the game early on and I would be willing to bet that I have played longer than most players that are at or over day 500. Also signing in each day begins to feel like a chore and I find myself just signing in to get the bonus and then immediately getting off. And when I miss a day I feel as if im being punished. You would think you would want to implement a system where you are rewarded for playing rather than just signing in right? I'm sure I am not the first one to bring this topic up but I do think the log-in system needs reform.


Sorry, Sir, no complains here. :satisfied:

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4 hours ago, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

My friends and I put tons of hours into warframe before the daily log-in was a thing.

so have I, but that doesn't mean you're entitled to anything.

4 hours ago, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

Maybe a better idea would be to take log-in reward weapons away?

and how exactly would this be fair? you'd be robbing players of content, and even if it's only a few weapons and cosmetics, that's still a problem. why should everyone else lose out just because you don't want to log in? now THAT would be described as "unfair"

4 hours ago, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

Also signing in each day begins to feel like a chore and I find myself just signing in to get the bonus and then immediately getting off. And when I miss a day I feel as if im being punished

oh no, the horrors of spending 2 WHOLE MINUTES to boot the game up, log in and switch it off? oh you poor thing, life must be so incredibly hard for you. I can only imagine the unbearable suffering you must be enduring, nobody should have to sacrifice such a HUGE chunk of time like that.. *sarcasm off*

4 hours ago, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

You would think you would want to implement a system where you are rewarded for playing rather than just signing in right?

you are rewarded for playing: with the things you pickup during missions and are awarded for completing said mission. logins are a small bonus, nothing more.

4 hours ago, (PS4)CamoLogan said:

I do think the log-in system needs reform.

to what end? shall we give a free weapon or cosmetic or primed mod for every day you log in? because that sounds like what you want. the weapons are OK but aren't near the meta tier, the rest are cosmetics or resources you can easily get by farming.

if you think the Login System is a Grind, I dread the salt you'll produce when you see the Plains.

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Cosmetic rewards and other stuff like cataclysts/reactors as log-in rewards would be fine in my book, but having direct upgrades there feels annoying.

"Oh boy, this Warframe -game looks pretty nifty.."

"Oh.. I'd need to wait almost two years to get mod for my weapon, well then."

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb kuciol:

 No other game i know locks playable content behind such insane time wall without any alternatives.

You are joking right?

Do you really expect to start a several years old game and be able to get ALL available cosmetics, event items, skins etc??!

There are mobile games with longer login rewards than warframe. Don't claim that Warframe is in any way exeptional unfair to the players. On the contrary, many login rewards systems punish for taking a day off and missing a day. Warframe's login rewards system is much more forgiving here - and it treats all players the same. You get what you put into it.

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1 minute ago, Anzaman said:

Cosmetic rewards and other stuff like cataclysts/reactors as log-in rewards would be fine in my book, but having direct upgrades there feels annoying.

"Oh boy, this Warframe -game looks pretty nifty.."

"Oh.. I'd need to wait almost two years to get mod for my weapon, well then."

You dont even know about the mod unless you looked into the long-in reward milestones. realistically "Oh boy, this Warframe -game looks pretty nifty... I got endo... whats that?"

 Soon enough there will be ~50 to ~100 day tracks and all the people who are new that might know what the hell a Zenistar is can get it in a few months.

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You know, this is why most games with daily login rewards typically give out only items which can be obtained through other means or cosmetics.


Hell, look at BDO. Even the NA/EU versions are great examples of KRMMO wallet-leeching and Skinner box addiction mechanics and yet it has a far healthier login reward system than WF.

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1 minute ago, Firetempest said:

You dont even know about the mod unless you looked into the long-in reward milestones. realistically "Oh boy, this Warframe -game looks pretty nifty... I got endo... whats that?"

 Soon enough there will be ~50 to ~100 day tracks and all the people who are new that might know what the hell a Zenistar is can get it in a few months.

Doing some research on game you find interesting isn't that unusual, or is it?

Especially with many build guides showing Primed mods equipped.

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Well it does sound like they are considering changing the login rewards from one gigantic track, that I'm sure is becoming a nightmare to maintain/extend to more of a shorter repeating login reward track like GW2 has. At least if I was getting the correct gist from the little they talked about it in a devstream quite some time back. 

So instead of get to 700 cumulative logins to get a specific MacGuffin it becomes get to 30-50 days and choose from the list of MacGuffins. Again assuming I'm interpreting what they said correctly.  

Undoubtably that is going to cheese off a bunch of people who don't like to share their toys, the self purported "veteran players" who will spill into the forums and freak out about how DE is disrespecting them or whatever. I've personally mulled it over and I look at things I have like the Zenistar, yeah that took me 300 days but ya know I can respect the fact that if given the option I would have preferred to get it much much sooner. Same with things like Primed vigor. I mean it isn't like it negatively effects me in any way if someone else has a Zenistar or Primed Vigor or whatever. So how selfish would I need to be to throw a tantrum over an arguably improved login reward track :P 

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1 minute ago, Anzaman said:

Doing some research on game you find interesting isn't that unusual, or is it?

Especially with many build guides showing Primed mods equipped.

That's quite the rabbit hole for a new player to start cataloging and planning for instead of I don't know, just starting the game and playing it to see if the general gameplay loop is fun. Then its maybe what frames are there, what weapons, what mods are there, what are prime mods, a trader, how often is trader, what are ducats, where do they drop, what are the other prime stuff. what are relics, what are void missions. what planets do I need to unlock (by now it should be obvious this is late game stuff)... Somewhere in that mess, forma and what it does, reactors and catalysts. Special alerts? And maybe they might remember log-ins. what else is there? 700 days for a weapon? Wtf time to complain on the forums.

Maybe im old and out of touch. I dont normally see a log-in reward in a new game and then log out to see what else I can get for free unless I have played enough to be willing to put money into it, then I would want to know what I may or many not get in game. Or do I start min-maxing out the gate before I know if I even like the mechanics.

But as already mentioned, it should hopefully be moot in a few months with adjustable tracks.

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9 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Well it does sound like they are considering changing the login rewards from one gigantic track, that I'm sure is becoming a nightmare to maintain/extend to more of a shorter repeating login reward track like GW2 has. At least if I was getting the correct gist from the little they talked about it in a devstream quite some time back. 

So instead of get to 700 cumulative logins to get a specific MacGuffin it becomes get to 30-50 days and choose from the list of MacGuffins. Again assuming I'm interpreting what they said correctly.  

Undoubtably that is going to cheese off a bunch of people who don't like to share their toys, the self purported "veteran players" who will spill into the forums and freak out about how DE is disrespecting them or whatever. I've personally mulled it over and I look at things I have like the Zenistar, yeah that took me 300 days but ya know I can respect the fact that if given the option I would have preferred to get it much much sooner. Same with things like Primed vigor. I mean it isn't like it negatively effects me in any way if someone else has a Zenistar or Primed Vigor or whatever. So how selfish would I need to be to throw a tantrum over an arguably improved login reward track :P 

The really beautiful part is that a lot of those folks are relative newcomers. They spout the same garbage every time.

Remember the Frost Prime twitch giveaway? Remember how there were two groups of people objecting to it? Remember how one reason was "Frost P probably isn't a good choice for new players since he's niche and needs some experience to mod properly", and the other was "NEW PLAYERS GET SOMETHING RARE REEEEEEE"?

One guess which response was from actual vets and which was from people who like to ring their own bells because they started playing a year or two before the influx of new players.

Edited by FlyingDice
typo ahoy
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3 hours ago, Tora.Prime said:

Well, as someone who got 804 days i can tell you i DO care, i don't want that special items can get for anyone without put in the same effort that do a lot of us

The one who is being unfair is you

The snowflake comment... 

What work? All you did was login! No grind! No drop chance! Just login!

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