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What do you just HATE about Warframe?


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il y a 19 minutes, TheRealDestian a dit :

Then I'm sorry, but you've not played an MMO where you can just walk up to an AH or market board and immediately get the item you want without having to arrange a trade with someone in game to do so.

If I have to type in the name of the person, that's an unnecessary hurdle. If I have to find out that they already sold it and it was an old listing, ALSO an unnecessary hurdle.

Auction houses are standard equipment in any game like this with a player-driven economy. It's a shame that Warframe pushes the envelope in so many ways but just stumbles backwards on this one...

So basically you want the game to drop platinum instead of prime parts.

Or you want them to be sold magically from your inventory.

Also there is no such thing as old list, god just use the page before saying some stupidity again.

OHHH you have to write the name... Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V problem solved...

I mean if you can't spend 45 sec to sell an item, but can waste so much time writing incoherently then you should rethink how you administrate your time.

Also as i told you the market is too fast, and action houses are way too slow... 

You have to put an item and wait like an eternity to be sold because there are 200 of the exact same item listed there trying to be sold.

The system the game is using allow dedicated players to sell an item for a higher price than the regular one.

If you were able to buy and sell your whole inventory with just a click the game would become more grindy of what is already now.

Edited by lMatrex
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Only a month in so if there is something I've missed, that'll be why.

Archwing Rush

The mission with the four control points when solo.  Particularly if it's a mission and ordus keeps reminding you to do it.

People tap tapping the watch when you are looking for something in the map.  

The woman on the POE who keeps telling you about missions when you are farming.

Being put in a squad while farming POE.

Mr being shown only after you have all the parts...

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On 2/24/2018 at 3:09 PM, Recel said:

Currently, the design councils dumb riven challenges.

Today's pistol riven challenge: Capture a Simulacrum target while not taking damage, not using traps, not using abilities and with a Hobble Dragon Key. And yes, the damage and no abilities part apply to the whole mission...


Council didn't make that challenge though.

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On 2/22/2018 at 3:44 PM, Zhoyzu said:

the stronger and stronger anime influence

the game was made on anime influence.

you came to the wrong game if you want to avoid it.

hell several of DE are anime fans.

ok that aside.

the daily login system. 800 days to unlock somthing that i will be an old man by the time i get to it.

not to mention that DE is neglecting the days we played before this system was implemented.

2. people complaining about not enough endgame content when they arn't even Rank 30 and thus are not at end game.

3. daily standing limit on Cetus

its awful restrictive and just plain bad.


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Forced teaming content awarding unique rewards was my big one, but with the Trials going away that is solved.

I suppose the next would be: using an unbounded random distribution for notable reward generation.

This means that it is by design that a player can simply never get a specific reward, there is nothing in the game that ever says "you have done enough" which means that there will always be some players who are just completely shafted for no reason.

It also means that there is no progress at all, (in these areas) which devalues the content. E.G. if you complete a fissure mission (Run missions until you get the relic, run other fissure missions until you have enough traces, upgrade the relic and happen to have a suitable mission available) there is no difference between run 1 and run X, you haven't improved, you didn't do anything different if you are finally given the drop, it's just that everything up until you happen to get the drop might as well not have happened, an evening spent running fissures that doesn't get you the reward you wanted gets you no closer at all (and no, trading isn't a replacement for a sensible drop mechanism)

Imagine if Mario, had levels where you complete the level but only get a 10% chance of progressing to the next level, completely random, just sent back to do it again? It would suck!

This doesn't mean that "it takes too long to get prime parts" what I'm saying is there should be progress: if you've run X times you should have something to mark that and if you haven't gotten the drop by (say) the 90% mark (which is ~21 runs of a "rare" 10% drop rate item, for example) the game should give it to you.

It doesn't need to be hard, just a "scanner"-like counter that records a %age "found" that goes up but a factor of the drop chance each time you don't get the drop you want (And have set the scanner for) and evaporates giving you the part if it hits 100% or if you get the drop early.

This way you always make progress, even if everything you get is junk, you've set a target and your progress to it is being measured (even if a lucky drop can short-circuit that)

Edited by SilentMobius
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Definitely the balance. DE definitely lacks control over what a player is capable of and their attempts to compensate for this leads to some really un-fun situations. There are too many situations where you're either one shotting everything or being one shot. It's actually probably the majority of the game for someone who doesn't play a high armor frame.Those situations aren't even mutually exclusive.

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-The very idea of DNA stabilizer, for it means kubrows and kavats created by Tenno are no more than the flawed creature that are not able to stay alive without much care, ratier than only need for the food. That's the sole reason why I swear to not making any other kubrow or kavat at all, after complete Howl of the Kubrow. For now I am even regret to touch the quest as well, and I shouldn't even tough it until the last day of Warframe. It is a very serious moral issue, really. For me, it is the worst problem in Warframe without a doubt, above anything else.

-Archwing, for it is annoying but compeled to use.

-Ridiculous new tiering MR on the weapons. MR restriction must not meant to making the tier. Rather, it needs to locking the weapons that is not easy to use and only allow it to the veteran.

-Non newbie-friendly early game problem. New Tenno should get the basic mods, as well as more tutorial and guides, and more importantly, no traps on starter warframe - still Mag is not eligible for starter(she is good endgame frame now but she is still bad starter).

-Weird focus school systems:

--Zenurik is a sole option unless you can max out all five schools and can change it easily. Focus is not the thing to easily changed like as warframes and weapons, so only the generally used one is become the sole option.

--It only making the operator combat focused, but that's not a role of him at all so it is simply pointless. It includes worthless nodes with 'spend x more energy', which is only read as 'it is a trap and you must not pick this.'

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Casual players

PvP competitive ignoring

Peer to peer connection

Dark sector killing


Hardcore grind ignoring

Useless captura thing

Most forgotten mechanics

Lunaro developing

All mods which is added after orokin vault update

Edited by ---UMBRA---
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- People that use the "you don't need to nerf anything in a pve game" argument unironically.

- The lack of rewarding high level missions outside of sorties. 

- Maiming Strike and the spin to win macroed whip meta.

- Bullet jumps. I don't hate them that much, but they do trivialize the design of every tileset. I'd love to have bullet jumps on, let's say, a ten seconds cooldown, so we can make better use of the terrain.

- Tall grass in the plains. It's beautiful, but Grineer can auto aim through it from hundreds of meters. It feels like being in a gunfight in a corn field surrounded by enemies with thermal googles.

- DE's idea of "balance". "It's been like four years, but don't worry, we are changing Ember so that she remains useful but without wiping entire maps in seconds in the star chart with WoF" ¿The result? WoF remains as intrusive as it was, but now Firequake builds are useless. That is just the latest example. I love DE and Warframe despite of this, it's my most played game ever and I will continue praising it because it has many more pros to outbalance it... But seriously, I think they just sketch ideas for abilities that sound cool on paper, based on the delusion that there is some kind of synergy in the game, and only test them for five minutes on Mercury before shipping them.


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The community is my least favorite part about the game at the moment.

Everyone pretends that Warframe has the most fantastic gaming community on the internet because people are willing to part with their 100th Warframe set to a noob for free. Such kindness giving away something that truly holds little value to you when content is so dry that all you do is grind sets of gear for the sake of doing so.

In reality the community has become a spoiled bunch, constantly demanding changes because if they don't have a piece of gear or content it's automatically "unfair".

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I think that most hated thing in warframe is ...

- Quick Log-In day in warframe, and have to something else IRL. ... bumm ... " Drop Rate boost reward " ... and no time to use it ... --- Why ?! --Why !!!?? Please make them activate to use, not insta-active.

Edited by Kn0xxPT
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