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Baro’s Infiltrated Vaulted Relics


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Il y a 2 heures, [DE]Megan a dit :

Neo O1 and Axi V8 Relics will be 55k Credits and 125 Ducats each :highfive:

That's kind of a supercosted price for it .. I hope it's a typo .. and its 30 ducats each or something like that.. Let say the average cracked relic (normal one) brings you 30 ducats each .. it mean you need to crack 4 relics for around 125 ducats.. be lucky ..  and farm credits also .. 

From what I've heard last time they did this the price was lower.. Wasn't playing so I don't really know

Edited by MunsuLight
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il y a 3 minutes, TypeZeroTheNirvash a dit :

that's not even expensive... 125 ducats is so easy to get.

That's an average of 4 cracked relics if you are lucky .. to get 1 relics.. + credits cost..  

Don't forget he will bring other stuff beside that.. So I need what 5k ducats.. That's ridiculous for someone that is playing since around 3 months and need Primed Mod + This vaulted Stuff

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3 minutes ago, MunsuLight said:

That's an average of 4 cracked relics if you are lucky .. to get 1 relics.. + credits cost..  

Don't forget he will bring other stuff beside that.. So I need what 5k ducats.. That's ridiculous for someone that is playing since around 3 months and need Primed Mod + This vaulted Stuff

dude find a team that will stay in endless fissures for a long time. It's not that hard..

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1 minute ago, TypeZeroTheNirvash said:

dude find a team that will stay in endless fissures for a long time. It's not that hard..

The "long time" part is what makes it a pain, not finding squads or doing the missions. It's cool to grind but when it becomes mind-numbing it becomes a problem. At least in my opinion.

Edited by Maugre
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il y a 13 minutes, TypeZeroTheNirvash a dit :

dude find a team that will stay in endless fissures for a long time. It's not that hard..

You make it looks like easy.. Sure it's easy.. But it is time consuming..  Let say you need 15 relics each .. so 45 relics total.. that 5,6k ducats +2.5 M Credits....  You find it good ? So that means around 185 relics cracked ? Let say you farm it non stop and a mission or survival takes 3-5 min  .. thats 9-15h of farming relics.. That's kinda insane + Add the time for 2,5 Millions Credits . (let say 1h of Index Farming)

I'm pretty sure 15 relics each  is not enough unless you are lucky to get every parts.. and you thinks it's fair ?

Edited by MunsuLight
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My opinion on Vaulted relics and how they should be able to be obtained in some manner is elaborated in the spoiler below.
As for the relics prices, that's about two gold-rarity Prime parts (2 relics) per (vaulted) relic if you're lucky. 


Personally, Vaulted relics should also drop from the Void and Derelicts in some manner, be it via a reintroduction of the Prime Void (basically, build a Void Key (researched from Orokin Lab in Clan Dojo, perhaps) using a relic, ducats, void traces, and taking it into the Void/Derelict in a gear slot triggers a fissure mission upon use).

Otherwise, it would help to un-gate these Primes by giving them other ways to get at them. One way may include that 'time limited endless exterminate' gauntlet of Ballas' you (DE) showed off a Devstream or two ago. Another is to have fissure missions after a certain time (i.e, when the rotations reset) start awarding vaulted relics.

Or have vaulted relic packs drop from Sorties instead of Endo, Forma, and Exilus.


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At 125 ducats per relic- that's about 120P worth of prime parts; assuming that's per relic and players need a minimum of 4- they're better off selling them and buying sets for 150P each; a more realistic/ competitive pricing in my opinion would be about 50-60P per relic; which makes it far more accessible to newer players. (Not talking about this for myself- I've got 6000+ ducats and all the primes; talking about this in terms of a newer player)

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6 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Neo O1 and Axi V8 Relics will be 55k Credits and 125 Ducats each :highfive:

If the target playerbase is the new ones then the price should be lowered and rounded up to 100 Ducats making the credit cost 50K which is a reasonable figure, proposed requirements seems very odd to me and tells me that those are statistically calculated figures. For vets/old players may be those relics wont even matter anything having a bunch of them lying in one of the corners of the relic store house but to encourage the players towards this new implementation the requirement should not feel like a penalty.

Also requesting not to deprive players from the EDO ARMOR set in case of any chance of a different mindset to use Baro as another source of Vaulted Primes cause if players can get the relics and farm them then why should they go for Vaulted Prime Access packs unless you guys are finally planning on giving us vaulted prime accessory packs (YAY)

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