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Baro’s Infiltrated Vaulted Relics


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There are a couple of factors, that put a dampener on my enthusiasm regarding this.

I'm a fairly new player, and am still struggling with getting enough dukats/credits, and will prioritize primed and ultrarare mods over gambling with relics (even if I can sell unwanted parts afterwards). The mods will guarantee an upgrade, while purchasing a relic don't. Even if I had left over dukats, I would likely save them for next time Baro lands.

Furthermore, the current unvaulting still leaves me with nothing but parts without a blueprint or blueprints missing one or more parts. While I've not been farming the unvaulted relics much, and mostly get them from syndicate purchases, I still got many times more than I could possibly buy from Baro over several weekends. I then question my chances to get even a single complete item, should I choose to pour everything I own into these relics.

And to the "Just farm more lol" argument: Not everyone is able to play 8 hours a day. Some of us have jobs, families and other interests besides this game. I personally have chronic back and shoulder pains and artheritis in my hands, among other things, and need to take breaks regularly. So no farming endless missions for hours at a time for me.

However, as long as Baro's selection of other items isn't reduced because of those relics, I can live with that. And if people get those unvaulted primes they wanted, good for them! But me... I am also waiting for Primed Serration.


Edited by Yrkul
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il y a 17 minutes, Yrkul a dit :

There are a couple of factors, that put a dampener on my enthusiasm regarding this.

I'm a fairly new player, and am still struggling with getting enough dukats/credits, and will prioritize primed and ultrarare mods over gambling with relics (even if I can sell unwanted parts afterwards). The mods will guarantee an upgrade, while purchasing a relic don't. Even if I had left over dukats, I would likely save them for next time Baro lands.

Furthermore, the current unvaulting still leaves me with nothing but parts without a blueprint or blueprints missing one or more parts. While I've not been farming the unvaulted relics much, and mostly get them from syndicate purchases, I still got many times more than I could possibly buy from Baro over several weekends. I then question my chances to get even a single complete item, should I choose to pour everything I own into these relics.

And to the "Just farm more lol" argument: Not everyone is able to play 8 hours a day. Some of us have jobs, families and other interests besides this game. I personally have chronic back and shoulder pains and artheritis in my hands, among other things, and need to take breaks regularly. So no farming endless missions for hours at a time for me.

However, as long as Baro's selection of other items isn't reduced because of those relics, I can live with that. And if people get those unvaulted primes they wanted, good for them! But me... I am also waiting for Primed Serration.


I'm happy about someone with common sense .. I'm like i said 3 months in .. and normally struggle to keep a good amount of ducats.. (credits with new index is very good) .. That's 2 Baro in a row that there is gonna be good primed mods .. And with all the things to do .. Eidolons, Mining, Fishing. .Arcanes Zaws, etc. I don't have a lot of time to farm for everything with a steady job and like to change the pace of my farming .. Farming relics non stop is mindnumbling.. 

They should really think about this decision.. There is still 4 days to think about a good price.. 

Sorry, for those who love "marketing" and "selling" vaulted things, but that's not gonna really break your market even if they put it at 30 ducatss.. That  still a very limited amount of relics that would be put in circulation. Just look at the 2 months of this unvaulting.. Price are going down.. but not as much as expected.


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Not worth it. Selling trash prime parts to players then buying from them would be much cheaper. I know what I'm going to do, i'll just buy odonata parts i'm missing from suckers who got tricked into that.

For 50 ducats that would have been a "maybe i'm going to give it a try" - and a huge maybe. 125? No way.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb An8rchy:

Not even worth xD
It would be cheaper to buy volt and odonata  from players xD

^ THIS. If you spend your ducats on primed mods or special weapons instead and trade them for platinum, you can get sets of these vaulted items for WAY less ducats with less RNG involved, especially at those relic prices. Heck even the 50 ducats a pop for the A2 relics were pretty high. Keep in mind this equates to on average FOUR opened relics worth of ducats if you score 2x bronzes and 2x silvers, to pick up ONE RELIC in return.

I'm sure glad i already have these vaulted items

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14 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Baro is bringing something both new and old with him this week

Yup I knew it will be Volt and Trinity pack to be available from Baro sooner or later since they don't have rare parts... so now they will have a rare gold part in their respective relics?

Ok, the aklex, volt etc are old... so what are the new items? There isn't any MR new gear since Viper Wraith in early Jan.

We have also missed a window for a new frame since Khora wasn't released in Dec and she is taking the place of the new frame of this March, resulting in this year having 3 new frames again like last year.

Also, is Zephyr Prime so unloved that there is still no news of her to appear this month? Not even a leaked image?

Lastly, please announce such stuffs a bit earlier, though few days ahead is still very rush for players to farm credits and ducats. I hope you guys will announce at least months ahead before phasing out dx9 @[DE]Steve 

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Wait, those are two brand new relics right? O1 means a rare Odonata Prime part, and V8 means a rare Volt Prime part?

Well it's harder to farm all the parts than using old relics during unvaulting in the future, but it's waaaaay better than nothing I guess.

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meh, was just collecting volt prime parts for selling as im completely broke and already the prices are dropping like crazy.

as if seeing nothing, but ember and loki farm in recruitment chat wasnt bad enough to the point where you can hardly find a group to farm anything else.

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First post of my own, but I just wanted to drop my 2¢ here. ... Spending Ducats (Which are already a pain in the you-know-what to obtain) for a CHANCE to obtain what I want, ... is not something I'd like to do. I'd rather spend those Ducats on Baro's mods he brings, because THAT is a guaranteed item, you get what you purchase, not a slot machine that's skewed towards giving you garbage. No thanks.

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This type of UNVAULTING is absolutely dumb. It puts new players infront of an almost impossible obstacle while veterans with loads of primed trash have a go at the relics. 

If you DE want to get people to spend money on the game maybe try giving those relics away for credits so that new players can enjoy the frame and buy the unvaulted prime accessory for it. This way they won't even bother to try or fail at the attempt, become frustrated and leave. 

FYI I am MR25 and even I don't have that much prime trash to sell in order to buy enough relics to have a reasonable crack at a full set. Only thing I wouldn't be sweating is credits and that's only because I've done a S#&$ tone of raids. But wait now we have to the index for that. 

So my suggestion: Remove the ducats cost on the new relics for Volt and Odonata and keep it for the Axi A2. This way new players can run index once and walk away with 4-5 relics. Which they will still have to rad but at least in the short time that is the weekend they will have enough time to stockpile a reasonable amount. 


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53 minutes ago, 4G0158 said:

no prisma stuff this time?

i like prisma stuff.

I love my Prisma Shade and hope Baro will offer more sentinels in the future. A Wraith version of Diriga would be fitting.

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What is this nonsense ? Lame barrow is bringing vaulted relics now ? The whole point is that when things get vaulted they come back in a Rotation .. 


Why are you guys catering to 12 year olds? 

The more you flood the market like putting all these relics in for 2 months instead of one , warframe loses money .. 


apperently they would rather have more little kids that are toxic then an unique game .. 


raids are leaving to caus ethey are too hard for 12 year olds , they bringing more vaulted relics in ..mine as well just put in an auction house and kill the whole trade market lol .. 

what gets me is they are making primes cheaper the regular warframes in the market .. 

Edited by (XB1)DjVial
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Imo im glad they did this, but the problem is the cost and what is it really worth.

125 ducats is really an huge amount to get a part of the said vaulted  item because its still rng based to get that specific part from the relic.
thats 15 bronze parts which some of them can be sold to plat and taken from other players because currently volt is going for 130-175p 

Maybe around 50-60 ducats for the relic and lesser amount of credits will be worthwhile because even to get something from that relic its rng based (its basically a gamble) 

Just imagine spending 500 ducats to get 4 relics and you make them radiant to get the specific part lets say you get it (it depends on ur luck once again) but still the cost of it will be higher because those 500 ducats can be turned into 140p to buy the whole set. 

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