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Coming Soon: Devstream #108!


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On 3/14/2018 at 10:26 AM, Punchedface said:

In the past few months, there have been an increase in the implementation of literally blinding lights in the environment and enemy VFX; the worst culprits being the Eidolons.


Will they be removed from the game? Can we have an option to completely turn them off? Do I have to wear sunglasses indoors from now on?

I second the blinding lights question. There are some places on some maps where I can barely navigate my way through because it's so bright and blinding.

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Question:Will there be an option for armor size and position customisation?i would really like be to able to make my should pads much bigger or the chest plate smaller and to be able to move it.Thank you!

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Can we finally get a normal hitbox on Teralyst limbs?



P.S.: Can I get any more information on the stalker mission on prime time #200 and what is the purpose of it? Is it going to implement into the sacrifice quest or it is just a one time thing that never going to be in warframe. Moreover, when the sacrifice quest will be coming ? 

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  • Any news on Damage 2.5 and Khora ? ( Its so exhausting to wait for her )
  • Is The Sacrifice getting closer ?
  • Will we get more stances for Articulas or size scaling for them ?
  • When will Flying Eidolons be implemented ?
  • Will we get more unique enemy types ? Ghouls and Nox are really good additions. I'd like to see more well designed enemies rather than recolored units.
  • Are we getting more Warframe revisits ? I'd like to see refreshing changes to less used / interesting or clunky frames. ( Atlas Revisit is just awesome , can't wait to play with him. )
  • Will we get bird companions soon ?
  • Can we get Peltless Chroma for Arsenal ? Equinox and Nidus have alternate views , why can't Chroma have one ?
  • Will we get more purpose for Infested Room and Helminth ? OR Will we be able to reinfect cured frames ? I still regret removing cyst from Nidus ; - ;
  • Any news on Login changes ? 
  • Can you tie focus to loadouts ?
  • Can we get more loadout slots ? We have 34 frames ( not counting primes ) and 35th is on the way. Current loadout slots are not enough.
  • Are operators getting more suits / accessories ? If they are , what are the chances of getting loadout slots for Operators ?
  • Any progress with rest of deluxes ? 
  • Can we get decors with light sources ? OR can you make Cetus Lambs produce light ?
  • Will there be decorations for Tellerium / Nitain and other resources ?
  • Will we get new walk / run / sprint animations ? Are you working on hover animation with walking / running ( Titania's Stances ) that you talked about many streams ago.
  • Any plans on releasing alternate interiors for Orbiter ?
  • When will our Operators be able to pet kavats / kubrows ?
  • When will we be able to farm Kuva in Kuva Fortress ?
  • Can we get model updates for Mag and Frost Prime ? They don't look so different than their vanilla versions ( especially Frost Prime ) except helmets.
  • Is Kingpin / Nemesis system scrapped ? No news about it for ages.
  • Will we get a purpose for " moral compass " other than reflecting our choices ? Also I'd like to replay those quests ( TWW and Glast Gambit ) to overwrite my choices.
  • Any news on dual wield system ? Still waiting for Machetes and Single Swords to get same treatment. 
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Any plans to increase Warframe Prime releases? At the current rate it’ll take several years just to Prime the current roster. 

I really don’t want to have to wait 4-5 years for Octavia Prime, for example. :) 

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hey guys got one major question, do you have plans for fixing the host not found bug where certain players cannot host a specific player and vice versa. we have been able to work around it by joining a host that does not have the bug, but i have yet to see anyone to acknowledge the bug exists. 

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When are you going to stop this mad rng based system with rolling with rivens. I have zero incentive to place dice trying to make a riven good/worthwhile. Its hard enough to get a riven you want let alone having to spend billions of kuva just for rolling. I dont see how that is fun in any sense.  I remember people used to complain about the void when farming parts but how is this any different? I personally love the old void missions, was more enjoyable than running around getting reactant :D

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I was wondering if there would ever be a chance to link gear and archwing selection to a specific loadout. 

For example, hunting Eidolons, I use Oberon with a decaying dragon key, because the shields get in the way of my intended function.   But I don't want this key equipped with my other loadout.  Additionally,  I use the amesha archwing for Eidolon hunting, for general use I stick to Odonata Prime.  

It would be a useful QoL if you could customize the gear for each specific loadout.

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When will we see the return of Lato Vandal, and Braton Vandal?

Will they be lumped in with the classic/modern skins of Lato and Bronco, showed off on an earlier devstream?

Can you add Operator suits and hoods based on the Syndicates?

Can you add an Augment for Excalibur that changes his Exalted Blade to an Exalted Glaive, complete with new stances? DarkSector<3

Can you fix the language filter in game so it doesn't think "Balla" (The Zaw strike) is an offensive word?

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QUESTION 1 why do the prime warframe have the same ability as the original warframe. 

QUESTION 2 why dont the prime warframe have a similar ability as the original warframe but different even little powerfull.

QUESTION 3 when will we have a mount to ride on it would be nice to have a mount.

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Will there be any more information to do with ordis? I. E. His past. More missions maybe even weapons or a frame (long shot I know but if you don't ask you don't get, right?)

P. S that text rework is beautiful. Just wanted to throw that one out there. 

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Hey DE! My question is this:

With the exception of Infested, all faction weapons have unique variants of themselves (Tenno have Prime, Grineer have Wraith, Corpus have Vandal, etc.), and even Syndicates have their own unique variants of weapons.

Would you ever consider adding unique variants of Infested weapons?

Gameplay-wise, Infested weapons don't get as much love as many other factions, and that's a real shame, considering some of the coolest weapons in the game are Infested (Hema, Mutalist Cernos, Hirudo, Caustacyst, Phage, etc.).

Maybe you haven't considered it because it wouldn't be "lore-friendly" to the mythos of Warframe. However, since Infested weapons are living organisms, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that certain members of that "species" have "evolved" further than their own counterparts, since Infested can seemingly evolve into new forms very quickly.

I hope that my contribution to the thread will reach DE's eyes and ears, so they can at least consider it. Thank you!

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