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Server Troubles (+ Boosters).


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3 minutes ago, Sylvatrix said:

Lol man I love reading forums in times of server issues, Everyone and their mother with " I lost important stuff". 90% chance says half these people haven't lost S#&$ and just looking for an excuse to get free stuff. People posting from 1 minute ago "I lost stuff", How brainless can you be after 20+ hours and no confirmation message to actually go ingame and do stuff...Online communities never cease to amuse me with the level of cry babying they can bring to the table. Seriously stop crying about what you have or haven't lost and hopw much money you've put into the game, 100% says DE have put way more money into their servers and new content creation than you will ever see in your life. Have some god dam patient and basic 10IQ to not play until a update says its been fixed... its really that simple

To be fair, some people might just start the game, play for a bit, get connection issues and go to the forums. Through that entire process they might not be aware there's issues and so they whine.

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Sadly the lastserver down costed me Zephyr Prim blueprint (we couldn't choose our reward, but our third was lucky with his drop). Well - we will try our luck later again.

But against DDOS its hard to react. I am sure DE will compensate for the wasted boosters, .. therefore just let them work and stop complaining about stuff all the time?

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10 minutes ago, Farnael said:

If ppl have so tragic little to do with their lives that their worlds almost ends because a game server is down, I do belive it is time to seek professional help for those gaming addictions... well... I had my 10 min at the computer now... gonna go spend time with my fiance and son instead... and call my dad since it's his birthday... oh wait.. i would have done that anyway even if the servers were up!

Good. Now stop stalking this forum and actually do something with your life. Sh*tposting every few minutes is not one of them. 

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11 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

And im happy if the servers are running again and can play again, thats good enouth for me. (Maybe Baro stays longer for the ones that couldnt use that time as well but i personally dont need it)

Lets just give them time to figure out a protection if its an attack or fix it if its some other issue

don't get comfortable.  yesterday the instability lasted several hours and there's no reason to think today will be any different.

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5 minutes ago, WeirdoWardo said:

People want compensation for boosters, which they bougth with money. Or a small extension on the trader since some people wanted to farm for that this weekend cause they have other stuff to do during the week. It's not a weird thing to ask.

the boosters that i have used only diminish in time when you are logged in.

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I know that this is annoying, but we complain too much, it's not DE fault that this is happening, now I know many people can only play on weekends and that many people bought boosters for 3 days and etc, de is surely to do something about that, if we want to complain we should do it to the person or persons that did the ddos, because iirc something happened some time ago just so that guy could make plat because many other people didnt get mods and other stuff from baro.

All in all, we shouldn't be giving DE a headache just because some bloody reprobate tenno genitalia head tried to fck us over.

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1 минуту назад, UltimoApollo сказал:

that help for SURE...

Just ONE post about current state will help. No need to answer to someone. One. Post. Also, engeneers does not respond on forums, it s a community manager work. I dont think CM is able to fix servers, lol

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vor 21 Stunden schrieb [DE]Rebecca:

Hi all,

For the past hour we’ve been experiencing intermittent connectivity issues. We are working to solve the problem as quickly as we can and then we’ll talk about possible Baro extensions and such! Stay posted here as our team works away! 

We’re working through a lot of trouble that appears to be DDOS related. Stay tuned for all follow up information on how we will treat boosters and Baro.

Same issues at this time..

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