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Inaros Ramses Skin feedback


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Can you allow the sword skin to apply to Machetes too? Gazal Djinn and Gazal Machete are very great thematic fits for his Egyptian theme is my main reason, but Sword/Machete are already so close in nature that I think it wouldn't be much issue.

Really I'd love that to always be the case.

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8 minutes ago, TKDancer said:

yay 3 people(or 2? is nieth you?), damn that must enough to change DE's mind /s


also u do realize people dont need a degree to be able to say "vibrant colors and metalics that look metalic are better to us than extremely dull and washed out colors than dont match anything else in the game"


as i already said, file ur support ticket for a refund, they aint gonna change their minds about changing the skin



Seems to actually take a degree to know basic aesthetics looking at this forum.

It is funny how so few very verbal people here pushed DE to change the art direction of a skin.

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1 minute ago, FloraGreen said:

Seems to actually take a degree to know basic aesthetics looking at this forum.

It is funny how so few very verbal people here pushed DE to change the art direction of a skin.

its okay to have an unpopular opinion mang, but its not okay to be extremely arrogant about it


and you're clearly not looking

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Came here just to say what has been said, the "metal" texture is really poorly implemented. I'm regretting my purchase.

Colors look muted and I haven't found any combination that can improve upon it. really really hope DE makes adjustments to an otherwise great looking model.

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8 hours ago, FloraGreen said:

I am a 3d visualization artist; bad texturing is the worst sin in that field.

Besides it is not just me... every single person in the clan i am in agrees on this topic.

I have not seen a single person outside the forum actually preferring the updated version of this skin. 


You're a 3d visualization artist and could only run the game on what? low-medium graphics in 1080p?

I've been saying it needs changed since it came out along with anyone who speaks in council chat.

It's still keeping the possibility to have grey like it has now and will still have metallic textures, but now it'll actually match the preview we were given before and in the picture of the actual skin in-game.

Having an opinion about something and just being petty and ignorant are two very different things

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So on the Octavia DX skin i have a Grey I use (from the stalker skin for the sword and whip...easy to figure out the colors) on her primary and secondary....

Same color scheme used from the sword and whip...except BLACK, grey, red, duller prime yellow (tenno Prime is to bright, thus using one from the storm pack)

it looks the same.......a pure black that LOOKS BLACK on Octavia DX...is NOT on Inaros DX......and everything is faded (like in a sandstorm...but i digress) This is not ok imo.....His Secondary can be the Pure black....so why is his Primary so toned up?

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13 hours ago, MirageKnight said:
17 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

I guess I'll have to wait till Gazal Prime appears as hopefully a correct Khopesh sword.

The Gazal reminds me more of a Greek Kopis or a Roman Falcata, minus the guard....or even a Nepalese Khukri (although Khukris tend to have a more pronounced "bend" to them).

I think the Gazal machete is supposed to be more of a Kukuri-style weapon. Just a really big one.

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While I admit the new inaros skin is a pain to match up with my gear I would prefer it stayed as is.  When I first saw it in the patch notes I was totally excited and bought it right away.  My only real negative opinion about it was that the syandana colors couldn't match the warframe colors.

Please leave it as is.


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10 hours ago, TKDancer said:

its okay to have an unpopular opinion mang, but its not okay to be extremely arrogant about it


and you're clearly not looking

Talking about being arrogant, you guys want DE to change a newly released skin because you did not like it, and felt you were better than the artists at DE at their job.

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1 hour ago, FloraGreen said:

Talking about being arrogant, you guys want DE to change a newly released skin because you did not like it, and felt you were better than the artists at DE at their job.

I'll tell you this: the decision in the end is done by DE, and not by any of us. They could have done the same they do other times, which is just stand by the decision. If they decided to change it, it might be because they must have agreed to this.

The decision they've picked is a dangerous one though. There's no guarantee anymore that the thing you purchase is the one you'll end up getting. They should be more careful next time before releasing stuff.

Edited by NightmareT12
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2 hours ago, FloraGreen said:

Talking about being arrogant, you guys want DE to change a newly released skin because you did not like it, and felt you were better than the artists at DE at their job.

its something people pay money for, so they expressed disappointment at the colors


DE listened and decided to change the skin, we didnt force their hands, they could very much have said "no, it's staying as it is" but they didnt, as the person above said, it was DE's decision


meanwhile you're here calling the possible changed version ugly and saying people are unable to know whats good looking :^/

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3 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

I think the Gazal machete is supposed to be more of a Kukuri-style weapon. Just a really big one.

Staring intensely Looking at it a bit more, yes I think that would be a more accurate description.

2 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

They should be more careful next time before releasing stuff.

You'd think they'd have learned from the debacle that was the Ember Deluxe skin....

The way I see it, there are 5 basic steps to ensure a winning, profitable, deluxe skin:

  1. Showcase propose design(s) to target audience to get feedback.
  2. Act on feedback from target audience and refine design as needed. Play close attention to detail.
  3. Showcase refined design to get feedback. Go back to 2 if needed. If the vast majority of the target audience approves, go to 4.
  4. Release final design.
  5. Profit.
2 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

There's no guarantee anymore that the thing you purchase is the one you'll end up getting.

This. They really need to work on their QA and ensure that we actually get what they say we're going to get.

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1 hour ago, TKDancer said:

its something people pay money for, so they expressed disappointment at the colors


DE listened and decided to change the skin, we didnt force their hands, they could very much have said "no, it's staying as it is" but they didnt, as the person above said, it was DE's decision


meanwhile you're here calling the possible changed version ugly and saying people are unable to know whats good looking :^/

You must understand though that this kind of frustration is hard to manage -- I don't know many games where once you *have* purchased an item it gets changed so drastically afterwards. Understand the user and bear with him, because these things freaking sucks. Seeing people be basically "just ask for a refund" downplay the issue at hand: Selling goods to change them afterwards is no bueno. Sometimes we need to suck them up because there's no other way around (PBRing any Prime with 4 tint channels basically), but in this case it's quite... bitter.

I wonder though... They already have all the files, why not allow a "legacy" item for those of us who got it early in case we want to use it?

1 hour ago, MirageKnight said:

Staring intensely Looking at it a bit more, yes I think that would be a more accurate description.

You'd think they'd have learned from the debacle that was the Ember Deluxe skin...

The way I see it, there are 5 basic steps to ensure a winning, profitable, deluxe skin:

  1. Showcase propose design(s) to target audience to get feedback.
  2. Act on feedback from target audience and refine design as needed. Play close attention to detail.
  3. Showcase refined design to get feedback. Go back to 2 if needed. If the vast majority of the target audience approves, go to 4.
  4. Release final design.
  5. Profit.

This. They really need to work on their QA and ensure that we actually get what they say we're going to get.

Actually, I thought they would have learnt this after the Harka Frost changes. The worst part was that the community team on that case was radio silence and I had to bother Steve to talk him about it. Thankfully dude's great.

But totally agree, they need to make a series of guidelines so this never happens again. I mean, right now I'm seriously wondering if I can throw my money at stuff like Deluxe Skins and other goodies I tend to purchase because of looks.

Edited by NightmareT12
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2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:

You must understand though that this kind of frustration is hard to manage

2 minutes ago, NightmareT12 said:


But totally agree, they need to make a series of guidelines so this never happens again.


its a change to how the thing takes colors, stop being over dramatic, specially before we even get the changes to actually mess around with colors


just file a support ticket for a refund


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2 minutes ago, TKDancer said:


its a change to how the thing takes colors, stop being over dramatic, specially before we even get the changes to actually mess around with colors


just file a support ticket for a refund


I wish someone could complain about how your car model looks because they don't like it and then it magically changed overnight. Maybe then you can understand why this is bad business practice.

Perhaps you could get some empathy afterwards. Maybe one day they will change what you like and you wish someone understood you.

Edited by NightmareT12
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Just now, NightmareT12 said:

I wish someone could complain about how your car model looks because they don't like it and then it magically changed overnight. Maybe then you can understand why this is bad business practice.

Perhaps you could get some empathy afterwards. Maybe one day they will change what you like and you wish someone understood you.

except you didnt pay thousands of dollars for a skin in a video game that is constantly being changed and updated


i am showing empathy, i sincerely hope you guys get ur refunds without issue, but you are guys are overreacting by a lot before we even got the changes

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Just now, TKDancer said:

except you didnt pay thousands of dollars for a skin in a video game that is constantly being changed and updated


i am showing empathy, i sincerely hope you guys get ur refunds without issue, but you are guys are overreacting by a lot before we even got the changes


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On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 1:15 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

The art team is working away on improving things for Inaros Ramses based on texture feedback - expect this to hit your PCs Monday!


Thanks. While they are at it, please consider removing some of the jets. There are currently 11 jets (insert Spinal Tap joke here) on the skin, including two nonfunctional ones on the calves. That's overkill on what is an Egyptian mummy themed frame.

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PLEASE don't change inaros Ramses skin, I love the texture and I've dyed it well,  vivid colours appear  really faded which I love, which makes it really easy to find a colour I like to dye it. please don't change it T_T

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Heard something that it was being changed on last prime time but didnt bother to check till now since i was enjoying the skin ingame :S

I doubt anyone with a "straight face" could look at both images and say the one on the right looks "best"...

You can do a darker black like that if you want as the skin stands atm... 

Why are we getting this change? Player feedback? DE decision?

I will never go against DE because its their game and they develop it how they see fit but if this is from player feedback then i swear this is rhino prime iron skin 2.0 all over again...

"Hey make iron skin color be bounded by accents!" What a brilliant idea... When all they had to do was set ability color and acents on the same color if they wanted it like that...

What we all got with it?  Even less colors during ironskin...

For me this is an excelent bundle... Everything it has even if the skin looses quality its still worth but for the love of god... 

If it was community feedback pls learn to enjoy something for what it is...

Or are we also touching after this one nova deluxe Helmet? Trinity and Oberon lack of "real legs", mag deluxe coloring...

There are some stuff im not "super fond" either but DE and designers would just have a hard time pleasing us all... 

Inaros deluxe has a great mettalic / futuristic vibe to him that makes him look great and amazing.

Just hope DE dont end up taking those 2 parts away in the end :S

Other then that, if you enjoy the skin as it is dont be shy to voice your opinion as well

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