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Why do you destroy Warframe DE?


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16 minutes ago, ingrimmsche said:

thats why i play such games

You do get that DE isn't making Warframe just for you, right? Why you play such games is probably not on the top of their list of priorities when making changes to their game. 

But yeah, in the future DE should send you a personal message with a list of all changes, so you can approve them before they're implemented. Heaven forbid they should ruin your reasons for playing the game.

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about the bad english and grammar im from germany and i alwasy was bad in both german and english because it was boring for me to learn it in school

i was more the type who worked with his hands so i can only say sorry for my bad english i hope i hurt noone xD

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51 minutes ago, ingrimmsche said:

ofc DE isnt making the game just for me

This isn't obvious by the way you are treating game balance as a personal attack.

52 minutes ago, ingrimmsche said:

do you really think im the only one who feel that way really?

I hope they have the good idea to maybe think through their actual problems with the game and the developer instead of dumping that wall of text.

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From what I gather in your original post and the lengthier one you replied with sometime after, you’re devastated by the fact they took out older mechanics that you’re used to, rebalanced the weapons you loved using in the past, and now with every content update they do you believe they’re “destroying” older, dated weapons in favor of more OP newer weapons.

Prior note to all this: while it was difficult to read your posts, I get where you’re coming from and wonder if you took a long break in between updates and now are seeing drastic changes.


Movement system: Coptering with melee weapons wasn’t removed in the game. DE actually took it and created Parkour 2.0 which is basically a smoother version of it. Sure, you might not be flying across the map or spinning your Dual Zoren a few times to fly across those maps, but even faster than coptering is your Operator with the right schools (I’ll come back to this point at a later time). Bullet jumping is a far more effective movement tool for general use, and once you’ve learned the fine mechanics with it you have much better survivability than coptering. Visually, I thought Parkour 2.0 was impossible coming back to Warframe. After learning to bullet jump, I’ve found other games incredibly boring because you can’t jump let alone bullet jump. That is, in effect, its own form of “power to the players.”  You can jump through maps with just your frame itself, instead of having to rely on a weapon to do it for you. Yes, it takes away the challenge of being able to scale incredible heights but it has also prevented a lot of deaths for myself and teammates in hundreds of missions.


Nuking frames: Equinox isn’t a new “nuke”, and according to DE Equinox is a “she” in both forms (although her day form is technically masculine in appearance). {WARNING: the following is a TL;DR on Equinox as a frame, because I’ve recently been seeing people cry about how Equinox is the new Ember and how OP she is and yadda yadda. Feel free to continue reading if you’d like my spiel on this, or skip the next 3 paragraphs to get on with the point}

On lower maps, Equinox is basically a low-key Ember being able to wipe maps. You are correct and incorrect: Equinox is NOT op. She takes a lot to master and knowing her builds in and out to be play her effectively is a challenge not many people take up because she has 7 skills you need to know, instead of just 4. She takes the longest to build, isn’t the tankiest, doesn’t have the highest damage numbers, buffs are weaker than most other frames, doesn’t heal as well as Trin/Oberon/etc. Overall as a base, she’s not strong. 

Where you are incorrect is the fact she’s just a nuke frame. She can be built to be strong. She can sleep mobs like Ivara or force them to take extra damage. She buffs the team with day aura that has no timer (only how much energy she has and can receive energy from EV), slow down enemies and take less damage with said aura in night form (it can slow mobs even more than Nova’s Molecular Prime minus the 2x damage multiplier). She can heal teammates and constantly give overshields to teammates who stand on Mend. She is capable of “nuking” rooms with enough damage stacked up on her Maim (she can stack infinitely on her Maim, but doesn’t scale quite as well as EV or Smite) or stun lock with bleed procs in case an ally is down and your teammates can help them out without worrying about getting shot at.

Equinox is a frame that is a jack of all trades, and a good compliment to any team composition. There are more optimal ones sure, but she can switch roles mid-mission if necessary and that’s what makes her powerful, not her potential to just do damage. She is my go to when I know my team is gonna need more frames than what we’re capable of bringing, just to give them the boost they need when they need it.

Saryn’s Miasma got nerfed, and Resonating Quake Banshee got changed. Okay, yeah. Balances happen all the time. Where’s the complaint about Limbo’s Cataclysm? Frost’s Avalanche? They’re in the same position as being “one-button” nukes, yet just because Equinox Maim is kind of similar to Ember suddenly she’s gonna be lumped in the same category as being “too OP nerf pls”. I agree, she needs some changes to her Maim, but if she just got her Mend reworked and not her Maim, there must be a reason why they didn’t touch Maim or perhaps they will before her prime comes out (which may take a long time given our current roster of to-be-primed frames). If frames were such an issue about their variety of skills and how to balance them, there would be no need to introduce any new frames in the game. Why not stick to a frame specifically for each role (a tank, healer, dps, etc).

Weapon balances: If we kept it how some weapons like Tonkor didn’t have self-damage, you wouldn’t see it being used in some later game play. Chroma relies on self-damage to buff himself, and in the case of a recent Trinity + Castanas build. Then you’d have to argue for the Angstrum/Prisma varient, Castanas/Sancti variant, Lenz, Cerrata, Corinth (yes, it is actually possible to kill yourself with the Tenno shotgun), etc having no self-damage. A lot of high damage output with no negative consequences to yourself? I’d pick all those weapons over the Tonkor, simply because they’d be more fun to play. Lenz would essentially become more superior than the Tonkor, because it requires no reload timer, has a built in ammo converter, shoots grenades on arrows, doesn’t need to press a second button to trigger, and can be modded to fire much faster, and is more accurate. Tonkor needed to have self-damage not because DE wanted to kill “fun stuff” as later weapons provide diversity in that kind of gameplay, but because it makes it an unrewarding experience. Personally, I don’t feel it’s fair to have an explosive weapon that doesn’t kill you while others do.

Corinth is actually a really good balance between not killing yourself with it and still having the potential. It’s a shotgun with an airburst secondary fire. You can’t kill yourself with the airburst because it requires at least 20m before it detonates, but if you fire it at a nullifier bubble, it can reflect back at you and explode right where you are. There you go, a weapon that can’t self-damage except in special circumstances.  There’s also the Exodia Epidemic where you can kill yourself with the viral procs, but it’s hard to do so unless you’re aiming at the ground right in front/under you or trigger it in close quarters. Basically doing it on purpose.


Operators: this is such a big stink or perk for a lot of players, and I’m on the side that enjoys operator play. I understand where people hate operators, because this is after all warframe and not war-operator. Saying Operators are not tanky/ineffective/useless to gameplay is exaggerating. Focus 1.0 was great for Zenurik, but that was all you could use. You wanted more armor? Switch to Unairu but lose your Zenurik buffs. Wanted to stay stealth the entire time with melee? Naramon was your go-to, but better hope you don’t need to rely on any other school. 

Current focus system and operator combat makes it so the gameplay is smoother and better for the ones who enjoy it. I can unlock passive abilities from other schools now so it’s not just one school. From that, my operator is built to function even better than a warframe, but only when I’m stuck in a bad situation. My main school is Unairu, so I have more base armor than all my frames save Valkyr and maybe Rhino? It has an arcane that allows me to heal when I dash, and Vazarin gives me passive health regeneration. Zenurik boosts how much energy I have in operator form and increases how fast it regenerates, and coupled with increased Dash Speed/range from Naramon I can cover large distances quickly. It’s faster than bullet jumping yet not so OP that I would pick it over archwing on the plains if I have to travel more than 500m+.  I’ve yet to unlock Madurai, simply because 1m focus is a bit hard to get when you have to spend upwards of 90-100k focus to expand way capacity per point. 

Zenurik regen is actually much stronger than 1.0. If two of your teammates have the Zenurik regen, it stacks up for a ridiculous energy regen. You don’t even have to dash more than an inch in front of you to get the bubble, and it’s much faster than waiting for you to cast in the old system. With how fluid it is now, you don’t have to stop and cast. You pop out, dash forward, immediately switch back and bam. Energy regen. Sure you have to “actively” get energy back, but it’s such a small inconvenience that it can be easily included in your rotation of “ability spamming.” They made the energy regen an active ability from a passive one, there are still passives with operators just not as “noteworthy” as the Zenurik Change. Well, Naramon had a change, but you don’t hear outcry about that change. Just because one ability from one school was changed from passive to active doesn’t meant the entire focus system is complete and utter bullS#&$. It just means it’s not as passive anymore, which is what they’re trying to get away from. Let’s face it, if you really want that passive energy regen at a lower rate than a higher one that takes less than 5 seconds to cast, just put on Energy Siphon and Coaction Drift. 

I admit it – I hate not having enough energy either since most of my frames require maintaining a decent energy pool. I would happily pick Zenurik, but for the passives I can unlock and the other abilities in other trees, I don’t NEED Zenurik. It’s a bonus, not a necessity which is how Operators and Focus should be. You CAN make your operator pretty damn good and some schools CAN be strong, but it’s up to you and what you make of it. Sure, you might not like it. It wasn’t necessary for DE to put operators in the game either, and have Zenurik give you energy passively. Energy Siphon existed before Zenurik, energy pads existed before Zenuirk, for #*!%’s sake TRINITY IS THE HOLY MOTHER OF ENERGY and she was basically out at the start of Warframe. 


TL;DR: Adjustments happen in a game whether it changes how you play or not. I for one embrace them and find the ways that make it even more enjoyable than the older system. If it was a clear, blatant nerf, then yeah I’m gonna have problems with it. I’m not protecting DE and what they’ve done, because there are plenty of things in this game I wish they could change. But for how you’ve put yourself forward, this seems to be more an issue of you unwilling to change how you play for what they are trying to streamline.

I apologize if I came off patronizing or condescending in this post. I didn’t realize how many goddamn words there are and I could probably make a paper off this in some poor kid’s English class somewhere. If I’m going to claim something, I better back it up with facts or a detailed explanation. That’s just me though.

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3 hours ago, Bao said:

From what I gather in your original post and the lengthier one you replied with sometime after, you’re devastated by the fact they took out older mechanics that you’re used to, rebalanced the weapons you loved using in the past, and now with every content update they do you believe they’re “destroying” older, dated weapons in favor of more OP newer weapons.

Prior note to all this: while it was difficult to read your posts, I get where you’re coming from and wonder if you took a long break in between updates and now are seeing drastic changes.


Movement system: Coptering with melee weapons wasn’t removed in the game. DE actually took it and created Parkour 2.0 which is basically a smoother version of it. Sure, you might not be flying across the map or spinning your Dual Zoren a few times to fly across those maps, but even faster than coptering is your Operator with the right schools (I’ll come back to this point at a later time). Bullet jumping is a far more effective movement tool for general use, and once you’ve learned the fine mechanics with it you have much better survivability than coptering. Visually, I thought Parkour 2.0 was impossible coming back to Warframe. After learning to bullet jump, I’ve found other games incredibly boring because you can’t jump let alone bullet jump. That is, in effect, its own form of “power to the players.”  You can jump through maps with just your frame itself, instead of having to rely on a weapon to do it for you. Yes, it takes away the challenge of being able to scale incredible heights but it has also prevented a lot of deaths for myself and teammates in hundreds of missions.


Nuking frames: Equinox isn’t a new “nuke”, and according to DE Equinox is a “she” in both forms (although her day form is technically masculine in appearance). {WARNING: the following is a TL;DR on Equinox as a frame, because I’ve recently been seeing people cry about how Equinox is the new Ember and how OP she is and yadda yadda. Feel free to continue reading if you’d like my spiel on this, or skip the next 3 paragraphs to get on with the point}

On lower maps, Equinox is basically a low-key Ember being able to wipe maps. You are correct and incorrect: Equinox is NOT op. She takes a lot to master and knowing her builds in and out to be play her effectively is a challenge not many people take up because she has 7 skills you need to know, instead of just 4. She takes the longest to build, isn’t the tankiest, doesn’t have the highest damage numbers, buffs are weaker than most other frames, doesn’t heal as well as Trin/Oberon/etc. Overall as a base, she’s not strong. 

Where you are incorrect is the fact she’s just a nuke frame. She can be built to be strong. She can sleep mobs like Ivara or force them to take extra damage. She buffs the team with day aura that has no timer (only how much energy she has and can receive energy from EV), slow down enemies and take less damage with said aura in night form (it can slow mobs even more than Nova’s Molecular Prime minus the 2x damage multiplier). She can heal teammates and constantly give overshields to teammates who stand on Mend. She is capable of “nuking” rooms with enough damage stacked up on her Maim (she can stack infinitely on her Maim, but doesn’t scale quite as well as EV or Smite) or stun lock with bleed procs in case an ally is down and your teammates can help them out without worrying about getting shot at.

Equinox is a frame that is a jack of all trades, and a good compliment to any team composition. There are more optimal ones sure, but she can switch roles mid-mission if necessary and that’s what makes her powerful, not her potential to just do damage. She is my go to when I know my team is gonna need more frames than what we’re capable of bringing, just to give them the boost they need when they need it.

Saryn’s Miasma got nerfed, and Resonating Quake Banshee got changed. Okay, yeah. Balances happen all the time. Where’s the complaint about Limbo’s Cataclysm? Frost’s Avalanche? They’re in the same position as being “one-button” nukes, yet just because Equinox Maim is kind of similar to Ember suddenly she’s gonna be lumped in the same category as being “too OP nerf pls”. I agree, she needs some changes to her Maim, but if she just got her Mend reworked and not her Maim, there must be a reason why they didn’t touch Maim or perhaps they will before her prime comes out (which may take a long time given our current roster of to-be-primed frames). If frames were such an issue about their variety of skills and how to balance them, there would be no need to introduce any new frames in the game. Why not stick to a frame specifically for each role (a tank, healer, dps, etc).

Weapon balances: If we kept it how some weapons like Tonkor didn’t have self-damage, you wouldn’t see it being used in some later game play. Chroma relies on self-damage to buff himself, and in the case of a recent Trinity + Castanas build. Then you’d have to argue for the Angstrum/Prisma varient, Castanas/Sancti variant, Lenz, Cerrata, Corinth (yes, it is actually possible to kill yourself with the Tenno shotgun), etc having no self-damage. A lot of high damage output with no negative consequences to yourself? I’d pick all those weapons over the Tonkor, simply because they’d be more fun to play. Lenz would essentially become more superior than the Tonkor, because it requires no reload timer, has a built in ammo converter, shoots grenades on arrows, doesn’t need to press a second button to trigger, and can be modded to fire much faster, and is more accurate. Tonkor needed to have self-damage not because DE wanted to kill “fun stuff” as later weapons provide diversity in that kind of gameplay, but because it makes it an unrewarding experience. Personally, I don’t feel it’s fair to have an explosive weapon that doesn’t kill you while others do.

Corinth is actually a really good balance between not killing yourself with it and still having the potential. It’s a shotgun with an airburst secondary fire. You can’t kill yourself with the airburst because it requires at least 20m before it detonates, but if you fire it at a nullifier bubble, it can reflect back at you and explode right where you are. There you go, a weapon that can’t self-damage except in special circumstances.  There’s also the Exodia Epidemic where you can kill yourself with the viral procs, but it’s hard to do so unless you’re aiming at the ground right in front/under you or trigger it in close quarters. Basically doing it on purpose.


Operators: this is such a big stink or perk for a lot of players, and I’m on the side that enjoys operator play. I understand where people hate operators, because this is after all warframe and not war-operator. Saying Operators are not tanky/ineffective/useless to gameplay is exaggerating. Focus 1.0 was great for Zenurik, but that was all you could use. You wanted more armor? Switch to Unairu but lose your Zenurik buffs. Wanted to stay stealth the entire time with melee? Naramon was your go-to, but better hope you don’t need to rely on any other school. 

Current focus system and operator combat makes it so the gameplay is smoother and better for the ones who enjoy it. I can unlock passive abilities from other schools now so it’s not just one school. From that, my operator is built to function even better than a warframe, but only when I’m stuck in a bad situation. My main school is Unairu, so I have more base armor than all my frames save Valkyr and maybe Rhino? It has an arcane that allows me to heal when I dash, and Vazarin gives me passive health regeneration. Zenurik boosts how much energy I have in operator form and increases how fast it regenerates, and coupled with increased Dash Speed/range from Naramon I can cover large distances quickly. It’s faster than bullet jumping yet not so OP that I would pick it over archwing on the plains if I have to travel more than 500m+.  I’ve yet to unlock Madurai, simply because 1m focus is a bit hard to get when you have to spend upwards of 90-100k focus to expand way capacity per point. 

Zenurik regen is actually much stronger than 1.0. If two of your teammates have the Zenurik regen, it stacks up for a ridiculous energy regen. You don’t even have to dash more than an inch in front of you to get the bubble, and it’s much faster than waiting for you to cast in the old system. With how fluid it is now, you don’t have to stop and cast. You pop out, dash forward, immediately switch back and bam. Energy regen. Sure you have to “actively” get energy back, but it’s such a small inconvenience that it can be easily included in your rotation of “ability spamming.” They made the energy regen an active ability from a passive one, there are still passives with operators just not as “noteworthy” as the Zenurik Change. Well, Naramon had a change, but you don’t hear outcry about that change. Just because one ability from one school was changed from passive to active doesn’t meant the entire focus system is complete and utter bullS#&$. It just means it’s not as passive anymore, which is what they’re trying to get away from. Let’s face it, if you really want that passive energy regen at a lower rate than a higher one that takes less than 5 seconds to cast, just put on Energy Siphon and Coaction Drift. 

I admit it – I hate not having enough energy either since most of my frames require maintaining a decent energy pool. I would happily pick Zenurik, but for the passives I can unlock and the other abilities in other trees, I don’t NEED Zenurik. It’s a bonus, not a necessity which is how Operators and Focus should be. You CAN make your operator pretty damn good and some schools CAN be strong, but it’s up to you and what you make of it. Sure, you might not like it. It wasn’t necessary for DE to put operators in the game either, and have Zenurik give you energy passively. Energy Siphon existed before Zenurik, energy pads existed before Zenuirk, for #*!%’s sake TRINITY IS THE HOLY MOTHER OF ENERGY and she was basically out at the start of Warframe. 


TL;DR: Adjustments happen in a game whether it changes how you play or not. I for one embrace them and find the ways that make it even more enjoyable than the older system. If it was a clear, blatant nerf, then yeah I’m gonna have problems with it. I’m not protecting DE and what they’ve done, because there are plenty of things in this game I wish they could change. But for how you’ve put yourself forward, this seems to be more an issue of you unwilling to change how you play for what they are trying to streamline.

I apologize if I came off patronizing or condescending in this post. I didn’t realize how many goddamn words there are and I could probably make a paper off this in some poor kid’s English class somewhere. If I’m going to claim something, I better back it up with facts or a detailed explanation. That’s just me though.

I must be one of the rare few that still detests Operator play.. I outright refuse to play any content that requires their use.

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Just now, rune_me said:

Guess you never finished The War Within then.

Hah.. you got me there, I suppose. Yes, I did finish The War Within.. though I found the forced Operator parts to be.. tolerable at best. I am more speaking of non-story quest content. Eidolons, Kuva Guardians. The moment the game starts telling me to go into operator form I am like..


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1 minute ago, Lanadra said:

Hah.. you got me there, I suppose. Yes, I did finish The War Within.. though I found the forced Operator parts to be.. tolerable at best. I am more speaking of non-story quest content. Eidolons, Kuva Guardians. The moment the game starts telling me to go into operator form I am like..


I know. It was just a joke. I totally feel you. I used to avoid the operator as well. I really don't like it. Now I'm playing a lot of operator because I want all those arcanes from eidolon hunts. But once I have them all, I absolutely will stop using the operator again.

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8 minutes ago, rune_me said:

I know. It was just a joke. I totally feel you. I used to avoid the operator as well. I really don't like it. Now I'm playing a lot of operator because I want all those arcanes from eidolon hunts. But once I have them all, I absolutely will stop using the operator again.

Well.. I haven't touched Eidolon Hunts.. but then, I don't tend to touch content like that period, content with very specific requirements and tactics like Eidolon Hunts and Trials/Raids. And generally any content I don't enjoy, Archwing, Conclave and indeed Operator based gameplay. I'll usually give it a swing to see whether it's for me.. and if not, I usually never touch it again. When the game forces otherwise.. it does tend to grind my nerves.

I dare say even the Plains itself as an open world doesn't at all appeal to me, I've tried several times now to find some reason to actually bother.. but I'm just left wondering, pretty much every time I enter that map: ''What the hell am I even supposed to do here..?''

Edited by Lanadra
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"there no op weapons there are only better players and because the worse ones have not the balls to say ok im worse they instead trying to hurt the better ones"

You can't possibly believe that? "Better players" is a laughing stock when they're using ember world on fire, tonkor, ash bladestorm, saryn 4 nuke, or the synoid spamulor. Those deserved nerfs because they were highly OP and ruining people's gameplay that had the unfortunate experience of joining those people's games. 

It's laughable you think there's no such thing as OP weapons. 

6 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

and to everyone thinking that this is bullS#&$ and saying there are op weapons i have 2 funny examples about peeps who think there are op weapons

The only funny thing is the examples you used that were not only not Warframe, but one was a PVP game and the other an MMO. Not really helping your case when they're 2 entirely opposite communities from Warframe. 


Another thing that's funny:

6 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

DE loves his crying babys

6 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

another crying baby

6 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

the crying baby

6 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

crying baby just left the server

6 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

you kids can dream

6 hours ago, ingrimmsche said:

blind fanboys

Gotta love that when people go against your absurd opinions, you start throwing bewildering, childish insults. No construction or maturity in anything you say when you start bashing others. So yeah, you're more of a "cry baby" than any I've seen. 

And with that, you're done. You really just don't get how DE runs their game, because you're only so focused on yourself because they nerfed something you liked. Maybe you can be the "Better player" and actually pick up other guns and get to work on those instead of picking fights on the forums? Just a thought. 

Edited by FashionFrame
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So you took a break and are surprised that the game is not the same as you left it. The only thing "destroyed" is your perception of what you knew and how you played then, welcome to Now and how it is. If you cant handle that then we'll get you a berth on sub-level "D" where we keep all the others who have been unable to adapt to a change in the game and now live out their days moaning on the forums about it.

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- Melee weapon movement was changed because it was not meant to function like that, it looked archaic, glitchy, defiled the suspension of disbelief. Movement 2.0 intended to address this issue and add a faster phasing in place. You could argue that coptering was faster but I think you forget how often it was detrimental and that even though we might say Movement 2.0 could use a bit look still, it did improve the overall flow of the game quite a bit. With the old system you had to have something like Zoren to go fast. That is not good for gameplay health, experience nor design.

- Saryn was changed because her Miasma was erasing full maps and DE's philosophy has been to change this because it does not really offer play and counterplay for the cost and effort for it. Equinox can nuke a map, but the trade-off is she needs to build up the charge over a time and she can not nuke by simply pressing 4. Nuke was not the problem, it was how often and how easily a player could nuke. It is the same reason Mirage + Simulor was nerfed because it nuked the map and left no play and counterplay, not alone for the rest of the team who often participated in a walking simulator. This is not true with Equinox.

- Tonkor was nerfed in a time when it was way too good for the cost it had and the MR requirement. We could argue they should change it back to what it was originally because self-damage conflicts with the games phasing and we have other tools that can achieve similar power levels anyway. Self-damage is not bad in of itself but the problem of Tonkor is its unpredictability and Warframe lacking ability to survive the blast if mistakes are made. Maybe decrease self damage or have it be fixed flat value?

- Nuking was fun sure but not necessarily for the rest. Remember that back then it could somewhat pass because the only way to gain energy back then was either thanks to the invaluable Energy Siphon aura or getting energy orbs (not even Carrier with Vaccuum initially). Now we have all kinds of things, Energy Plates, Zenurik, Energy Siphon aura, Orbs, Rage/Hunter Synergy etc.

Sure I get it that some changes have not been ideal or incomplete, I do miss some of the things but I also understand why they were changed and honestly I think overall the design decisions have been for the better. Yeah I wish Miasma was better, I almost never use it because it does not justify the cost for me, or old endless modes (oh how I miss them). Still if you think about the past, set aside us old farts rosy-tinted glasses for a bit and look at how the game has evolved, it is all for the better.

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ok i give up you win

all i can do now is crossing finger for every update and hoping

they do not nerf my next 6 forma weapon they do not remove a game mechanic i like or other stuff i invested a few 100 hours

i wish i where like you and could fall on my knees and say yeah gj DE thx for taking all away what i loved for so many years

i see you guys will what ever DE does defend it with your blood when needed

i say it again DE ofc does a great job warframe is still the best game in the world when you take every aspect of it no daubt

but i still feel betrayed when it comes to some nerfs and changes

but i guess thats my problem alone with every change there will be some players left behind at the roadside for the good of the rest

that sounds dramatic ha? xD believe or not for me after all these years with the game it is it really is

maybe you can understand that maybe not when you have a game you love as it is and then you take a break

and after a half year you come back thinking yeah a few rounds good old surv lets bash something

and then you realize  that is not the game anymore and yeah this happens to me like 3 - 5 times

when ever i get used to new stuff for example focus 1.0 i take break come back and then its focus 2.0

and nothing makes sense anymore thats dramatic because the one guy here is right i have problems with changes

i like things they stay as they are i can go away and come back knowing what awaits me

but now it is like omg lets hope they dont did it agan

maby you get the idea

at least i apologize for the (crying baby S#&$) i got a bit angry when typing this

nwo wins it looks like

thats the end i will no longer and never again hurt you with my bad grammar and bad english

and i hope that every one can enjoy warframe as it is and im tense how WF will develop in the future



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10 minutes ago, ingrimmsche said:

and after a half year you come back thinking yeah a few rounds good old surv lets bash something

and then you realize  that is not the game anymore and yeah this happens to me like 3 - 5 times

when ever i get used to new stuff for example focus 1.0 i take break come back and then its focus 2.0

and nothing makes sense anymore thats dramatic because the one guy here is right i have problems with changes

i like things they stay as they are i can go away and come back knowing what awaits me

So basically you go away for half a year, and DE shouldn't change a thing, not add anything, just flat out stop developing their game, on the off chance that you might one day come back and expect everything to be the same as it were when you left?

Sounds legit.

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1 minute ago, rune_me said:

So basically you go away for half a year, and DE shouldn't change a thing, not add anything, just flat out stop developing their game, on the off chance that you might one day come back and expect everything to be the same as it were when you left?

Sounds legit.

The most ironic thing is that the biggest updates happened within the last half a year+, and most of that have been controversial (i.e, operator play. Still got a lot of people who want DE to remove that BS. Plains was a bad idea and should have never been released, rivens have too much rng or need to drop more often, small universal vacuum that still doesn't satisfy a majority of the player base, the lack of a battle royale in the game, etc), but generally they don't do drastic changes that affect the core play. Most of the time they're QoL changes, or mostly cosmetic stuff and whatnot. 


It is also on the player to do research on what the hell exactly changed in the game. Warframe is one of those games where they don't exactly update you on a lot of stuff in-game, but they have plenty of update posts and information on their forums so it's up to the player whether or not they want to read up on them or take them as they come. By the sounds of OP, he's about dead set in his ways like most older folks. Even then, I know a few 50yo+ players that accept the adjustments better than OP...

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On 4/2/2018 at 8:42 AM, FashionFrame said:

ember's world on fire

I liked everything about your post but this... Not because I disagree with you, but because their change to Ember absolutely 100% failed to accomplish anything but reducing the range of her endgame viable CC build while still allowing experienced well-modded players to totally trivialize low-level content. It was a lazy change that blatantly failed at its intended purpose.

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ok im playing warframe since the first hour and i still call it the best game out there why?

Me too!  Ever since update 6/7.  Oddly, I've avoided the salt.


the first thing was the remove of the meeleweapon movement (ceramicdaggerslide) was my personal favorite

Zorencoptering was clunky, janky, and innacurate.  Bullet Jumping is the way to go.  It's that emergent gameplay baked directly into the game's mechanics.  Previously, Zorencoptering restricted weapon choice since you needed quick slide melees to keep up with others.  Now, we're liberated!  DE did it right..


then you nerfed the tonkor so it will kill the user all player where happy finally having a explosive weapon that will not kill them selfs and you take it away why i dont get it

Don't you mean Nova?  Either way, Saryn is still a force to be reckoned with.  It just takes more than a single button press.


really if this where pvp ok but this is pve player against bots so who cares only because some crying kids in the forum said ähhhh they make so many kills

Because you need to make an interesting gameplay loop that goes beyond 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4.  Now you have to hit 2-1-4-2-1-4.  Lol. 


omg but then you said hey guys know what the players have to much fun lets take again away the toys from them so they will suffer

That's one way of putting it, I guess.  Focus abilities were made more active because that's more interesting.  Sure, you have to press more buttons..  but honestly, that's in the spirit of Warframe.  It's a game about mobility and speed...  not sitting in a corner and hitting 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4


see no other reason you did this why would a normal thinking person take away these things i dont get it

Because the Draco playstyle was pure cancer.  Simply put.  It burnt people out hardcore, and it didn't fit in with the intended gameplay loop.  Meanwhile, Hydron does. 


now you have to jump out of your warframe (WARFRAME) to do a stupid voiddash to regenerate energy in the middle of a surv mission sure why not

(maybe you rename the game to: dont stay outside for to long) or something else like that

Operator mode isn't all that bad.  I'd like there to be an alternative..  But the game is still Warframe-centric.  Operator form isn't really suited to mass combat.  There's your encouragement to stay in your Warframe.


now you have to jump out of your warframe (WARFRAME) to do a stupid voiddash to regenerate energy in the middle of a surv mission sure why not

(maybe you rename the game to: dont stay outside for to long) or something else like that

I don't...  I don't really see this.  There's still tons of enemies in survival... 


so i ask you now why do you destroy this game more and more with every update why are you doing this what is the reason do you hate the players maybe because the dont buy platin what

is it i really try to understand why you destroying warframe

I have to ask you this...  If they're destroying Warframe...  They're doing a bad job.  Unless destroying Warframe means a consistently growing playerbase?  Because Warframe's playerbase has done nothing but grow over time.  Of course, it spikes and dips with updates.  But generally, the playercount has only gone up.


DE is on the right course.  You're merely too attached to old, outdated mechanics that gave you a quick thrill. 

This brings up a post I made on these forums long ago.  If you build something in this game, and it's so strong that it breaks the normal gameplay loop that is running around, using melee and or weapons, interspersed with powers...  it's probably broken.  It's not the meta, it's not "strong"..  It's broken. 

If your build is reliant on a single piece of equipment..  that equipment is probably broken. 

If your gameplay consists of you doing nothing but sitting in one spot and spamming a single key..  it's broken.

And DE fix things that are broken.  As they should. 

Movement IS Warframe.  Being active IS Warframe.  You play a Space Ninja in this game, not some kind of artillery emplacement!  Laziness doesn't have a place.  Embrace the agility and speed that is this game's intended gameplay loop, and you'll have a lot more fun. 
I'm a Volt main.  I would know.

Edited by Gaminus
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