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Is it Even Worth Buying Cetus Wisps? (Plague Star)


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Aside from passive gains of affinity, mods, etc. from just playing the game, I actually don't really think there's much benefit to buying wisps from Nakak than directly farming them with a resource booster. 750 standing per single wisp sounds rather expensive, if you consider the amount of time it takes to obtain 750 standing. Fish resources are certainly overpriced. Gems are locked behind RNG, but I'm pretty sure you can obtain them faster by farming them directly as well?

So, that leaves me with a bunch of Forma! (Not gonna complain there.)

How is everyone else spending their standing after buying the plague zaws and zaw arcanes?

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2k standing after a mere 10 minutes? (if not farming the hemocysts) that is 2 with the ocasional 3 every run...

yeah if it is night and you have a booster then that is better...but if its day and/or you dont have a booster....well this isnt too bad.

as far as after....im getting the gems needed for the arcanes and then forma.

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Imo. no.

A dedicated wisp farm can grant you enough wisps a night to craft multiple amps. Compared to that forma may be more expensive but also a lot more valuable as they are build and so do not have the 12 hour build time added to them.

I got gems last time but as of the mining buffs this year mining has become a lot more rewarding with the open cave + camp 2 mining farm

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yes if you have S#&$ RNG luck like me Wisp are a blessing from the plague star event.


i am pritty sure with my RNG luck some where in a past life or alternate reality  i must have done something horrible like drowned puppies or something >_> 


because stalker only show up every once in a blue moon. (like ill have maybe 1 stalker every 4 months.)

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3 hours ago, Airwolfen said:

Imo. no.

A dedicated wisp farm can grant you enough wisps a night to craft multiple amps. Compared to that forma may be more expensive but also a lot more valuable as they are build and so do not have the 12 hour build time added to them.

I got gems last time but as of the mining buffs this year mining has become a lot more rewarding with the open cave + camp 2 mining farm


Completely agreed. I'll also say that in my personal opinion, doing multiple laps around the primary lakes is still better than Plague Star. The bounty is one of the most unenjoyable things to do in game besides Hive missions.

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7 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

yes if you have S#&$ RNG luck like me Wisp are a blessing from the plague star event.


i am pritty sure with my RNG luck some where in a past life or alternate reality  i must have done something horrible like drowned puppies or something >_> 


because stalker only show up every once in a blue moon. (like ill have maybe 1 stalker every 4 months.)

Are you farming wisps at night? They spawn like 5 wisps minimum, I've seen up to 7 per night run. Even better if you have a friend to run plains with you so you can split and look for them and mark them so you can do more runs per night. I got all my amps in a couple hours of wisp farming at night time.

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1 minute ago, Kiwinille said:

Are you farming wisps at night? They spawn like 5 wisps minimum, I've seen up to 7 per night run. Even better if you have a friend to run plains with you so you can split and look for them and mark them so you can do more runs per night. I got all my amps in a couple hours of wisp farming at night time.

yes i can only find 1 or 2 at night. again my RNG is horrid.

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Personally I'm focusing on rare gems first (want to try and get enough to not have to mine again), 120 of each from last time isn't enough if I want just one set of every arcane due to the stupid 3 rare gems per arcane meaning a full set costs 30.....

Then anything I manage to get after that will likely go towards wisps (wiki says we need about 1000 for everything) or forma. 


I have enough infested zaw parts left from the first time and I have about 50 extra plague arcanes due to the changes to arcanes meaning I now only need one set..which is really annoying as I can't sell them unless they're built and I can't even convert them back to standing :(

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7 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

yes i can only find 1 or 2 at night. again my RNG is horrid.

You're probably not looking properly in all possible spawns or being quick enough before they disappear. When they have a high spawnr at night, having a couple of runs with 1-2 is extremely rare and understandable, but always? nah.

Edited by Kiwinille
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Wisps are not worth the standing. I'd go for Forma and, MAYBE, a few gems if you don't have boosters. With boosters, gems are a total joke to farm.

I'll be farming those zaw bps tho. I'm dying to try a few combinations.

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26 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

Are you farming wisps at night? They spawn like 5 wisps minimum, I've seen up to 7 per night run. Even better if you have a friend to run plains with you so you can split and look for them and mark them so you can do more runs per night. I got all my amps in a couple hours of wisp farming at night time.

You can get more than 5? TEACH ME!

Cetus wisps are horrible for me to farm. I get like 7 a whole night, running around every body of water, and you get per run?

This is why I spend my standing on wisps mostly, because it's so annoying for me to farm. Gems next (I got the kind of luck that I get only one of the rare gems but almost nothing of the second one). I don't even touch the rest because I already have them.

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11 minutes ago, FrostedMike said:

You can get more than 5? TEACH ME!

Cetus wisps are horrible for me to farm. I get like 7 a whole night, running around every body of water, and you get per run?

This is why I spend my standing on wisps mostly, because it's so annoying for me to farm. Gems next (I got the kind of luck that I get only one of the rare gems but almost nothing of the second one). I don't even touch the rest because I already have them.

just use itzal and speed run around all water sources and suck them up, use loot detector as well, takes like 3-4m to farm 8-14 a run


other then arcanes and zaw parts,mods(if u dont have them) nothing in this event is worth farming, wisps and gems drop more often just running around plains looking for them compared to time used to farm standing and convert it

Edited by xXHobbitXx
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25 minutes ago, xXHobbitXx said:

just use itzal and speed run around all water sources and suck them up, use loot detector as well, takes like 3-4m to farm 8-14 a run


other then arcanes and zaw parts,mods(if u dont have them) nothing in this event is worth farming, wisps and gems drop more often just running around plains looking for them compared to time used to farm standing and convert it

Itzal can suck them up? They're immune to most other vacuum effects, even the 3m universal one.

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Wisp farming is at the top of my most hated farms in the game. It is rolls up every trope I hate into one.

  • No killing? check
  • More load screens than mission time? check
  • Mindless running? check
  • Getting literally no other rewards (other resources, affinity, etcetera)? check
  • No variation in missions? check


So yeah, the time investment may be questionable, but it is for the sake of my sanity.

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39 minutes ago, (XB1)Mr Calverley said:

Itzal can suck them up? They're immune to most other vacuum effects, even the 3m universal one.

Itzal's 3 is not a loot vacuum. It pulls everything, including enemies and loot, so vacuum doesn't affect it, it just pulls wisps on top of you, resulting in you grabbing it.

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Cosmic crush (Itzal's 3rd ability) will suck them up. Just know the range is 12 meters or so.


19 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

Itzal's 3 is not a loot vacuum. It pulls everything, including enemies and loot, so vacuum doesn't affect it, it just pulls wisps on top of you, resulting in you grabbing it.

Ah. Well thanks guys, I'll keep that in mind.

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