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Chroma is utterly underwhelming...


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All of its abilities feel like a joke...

1 literally does nothing outside of tickling some of its oponents

2 is just a wtf why i even turned this on...

3 the defense it grants is a joke  you still feel like paper

4 ...... Yeah no one of the worst 4 ability i saw sofar... Bad dmg... Stationary.. Low range... And its also a self nerf because it reduces your armor...


I feel like im forced into defensive arcanes if i want to survive something.


Ability color costumasation is taken away from players because its abilities are locked to his ability color.

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32 minutes ago, Zoliru said:

All of its abilities feel like a joke...

1 literally does nothing outside of tickling some of its oponents

2 is just a wtf why i even turned this on...

3 the defense it grants is a joke  you still feel like paper

4 ...... Yeah no one of the worst 4 ability i saw sofar... Bad dmg... Stationary.. Low range... And its also a self nerf because it reduces your armor...


I feel like im forced into defensive arcanes if i want to survive something.


Ability color costumasation is taken away from players because its abilities are locked to his ability color.

Ice Chroma 2 with Vex Armor 3 kept up is a very Tanky build.

His 1 and 4 are in drastic need of a rework though.

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34 minutes ago, Zoliru said:

All of its abilities feel like a joke...

1 literally does nothing outside of tickling some of its oponents

2 is just a wtf why i even turned this on...

3 the defense it grants is a joke  you still feel like paper

4 ...... Yeah no one of the worst 4 ability i saw sofar... Bad dmg... Stationary.. Low range... And its also a self nerf because it reduces your armor...


I feel like im forced into defensive arcanes if i want to survive something.


Ability color costumasation is taken away from players because its abilities are locked to his ability color.

1 is indead S#&$ and will be S#&$ untill DE finally lets you A use weapons with 1 or B replaces it with a completely new less worthless ability.

2 electric and ice chroma are bestma's (personally i like electric chroma > ice.)

3:  its not valkyr inviciblity cheese ness but its one of the best tank abilties in the game.

4. is ok its good for cc other then that ya its pritty meh.



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Chroma was great, until they 'normalized' how the calculation for his abilities worked. His only current benefit is being able to spew an element of choice on enemies to enhance Condition Overload, or automate crate opening with his 2.

What's worse is that anyone using him is now forced into only going for ice if they want to survive anything and forgo fashion preferences.

Due to his Sentient origins I would like his rework, or review, revisit, or whatever-they-call-it-this-time to include the following changes, which would open him to more build variation than just ice:


Passive: Sentient Adaptation: 
Whenever Chroma takes damage, he will begin to negate one damage type until another damage type does more damage. Applies only when pelt is on or within affinity range of the Effigy.

1: Spectral Scream:


-Tapping would cause Chroma to scream, stunning enemies for a duration and opening them to finishers.
-Holding this will cause him to enter the original Spectral Scream; an exalted weapon mode which can be disabled by swapping weapons or holding the ability again.
-Tapping the ability after entering the weapon mode will cause Chroma to buffet the area infront of him. 
-Holding the trigger causes him to exhale both his chosen element and the element he has been negating.
-Aimgliding while in this weapon mode is infinite, and unbound by gravity, but drains energy; the Pelt's wings will be present, and flap appropriately to explain this visually.

2: Elemental Ward.


-Tapping will cause Chroma to switch through his base elements, removing: any combined damage acquired from using 1, all (de)buffs, and disabling powers for one second. During this time, Chroma's passive will not function and his energy will refund itself from all powers, damage, and (de)buffs attained.
-Holding for a time will activate a buff related to the damage type you've received most, and the chosen element's buff.
-It will also heal you if you are taking direct health damage.
-Element icons can be used to represent each element he can swap to.

3: Vex Armour:


-Tapping will activate it as normal. Recasting will stack it's previous buff on top of a fresh one. A stacking combo counter will display above it.
-Nullifiers cannot nullify this, or his passive, so long as the pelt is equipped. 
-Recasting within it's duration discounts energy cost, additional discounts if Chroma is in range of his Effigy or is still wearing it.

4: Effigy:


-Tapping will spawn the Effigy. Tapping again will cause it to use Chroma's scream at no extra cost, at the price of the stunned enemies not being finisher-enabled (duration is doubled). This extra-tap function is overriden by the 'move Effigy' augment. 
-Any damage taken within an area around the Effigy (or by Chroma himself) will be redirected at the Effigy. The Effigy adapts to damage and will switch elements instantaneously, and at random; can be affected by Chroma tapping his 2 to force it to pick that element. 
-Hold to reclaim Effigy.


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3 minutes ago, Zoliru said:

Btw i was mostly talking about fire ele... Because red power color...


I refuse to run arround glowing white lol

Thus, your argument is absolutely valid. I find that his 2nd ability is only worth using if I go with ice. That's not really good; the ability should be useful regardless of elemental damage chosen. Even with Ice, I find myself always on the brink of death if I don't hop around like an idiot; Chroma is not very agile.

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This is the build I use, pretty much entirely for his 3rd ability. I can't say I've noticed any problems with his defense; just make sure you take damage to shields before trying to take damage to health.


3 Forma

Aura: Dead Eye   Exilus: Power Drift
Fleeting Expertise, Vitality, Primed Continuity, rank 5 Narrow Minded

Blind Rage, Steel Fiber, Intensify, Stretch.


Some form of mild health regen is also good. Life Strike, Healing Return, Hirudo, Hunter Recovery, Medi-ray, or a number of arcanes come to mind; and there are many more options.

This is just one way Chroma can be good, I am sure there are many more.

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32 minutes ago, Nomayonnaiseinireland said:

This is the build I use, pretty much entirely for his 3rd ability. I can't say I've noticed any problems with his defense; just make sure you take damage to shields before trying to take damage to health.

  Reveal hidden contents

3 Forma

Aura: Dead Eye   Exilus: Power Drift
Fleeting Expertise, Vitality, Primed Continuity, rank 5 Narrow Minded

Blind Rage, Steel Fiber, Intensify, Stretch.


Some form of mild health regen is also good. Life Strike, Healing Return, Hirudo, Hunter Recovery, Medi-ray, or a number of arcanes come to mind; and there are many more options.

This is just one way Chroma can be good, I am sure there are many more.

Warframe abilities should be good and usefull from the get go.. And mods should only enchants these abilities... NOT make the valid...then whats the point with the abilities....


I mean look at nidus ALL of his abilities are great from the get go.. Even if your low level...

But chroma ? Even excalibur a super old frame have better kit and abilities...

Edited by Zoliru
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Just thought I should point out that after the nerf, fire actually has more ehp than ice.  Both can survive sorties pretty well with enough ability strength and some way of healing.  I'm not saying that Chroma is fine, though.  Anything above sortie level will give him issues compared to other tanky frames.  There's also the fact that his 1 and 4 are both in desperate need of a buff to be worth using.  There's no real reason to use 1 when a weapon does everything better without costing energy, and 4 just sucks up all of his energy while also making him much easier to kill.

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8 hours ago, rune_me said:

Just go with ice chroma. Ignore 1 & 4 they are useless. But keep up 2 & 3. Even after his nerf you can easily face tank anything up to and including sorties without worrying about dying.

Good luck with that.  Ice chroma tops out at like a quarter of the EHP that heat chroma can get.  Heat beats Ice now, by a huge margin.

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11 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

Good luck with that.  Ice chroma tops out at like a quarter of the EHP that heat chroma can get.  Heat beats Ice now, by a huge margin.

Really? I'll try. Ice works fine though. There's nothing in the sorties that have been even close to hurting me last time I brought an Ice Chroma.

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9 hours ago, Zoliru said:

Chroma is utterly underwhelming...

I somewhat agree with this, but not in the same way I think you mean it. Deepite Chroma not being perfect (his 1 has a short range, and his 4 ought to do more or cost less) our dear Dragonframe is endlessly effective. I find him underwhelming because although he's effective, I just don't find him all that exciting. I enjoy him now and then and he's heckin' strong, but after a few missions I lose interest.

I think I'd find him a lot more interesting if his deployable dragon pelt served as a second cast point for his abilities, which would let Chroma play with positioning a lot more.

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Chroma could use a couple of tweaks, but he's certainly not underwhelming. even after the recent changes he is still extremely powerful.

- Spectral Scream used to be worse before his rework as it restricted movement to a slow walk and did less damage. now it can be used with almost full mobility, and against enemies weak to your element, it's a nice alternative way of dealing damage. useful if you run out of bullets too.

- Elemental ward functions as a very welcome healing ability on a Fire Chroma, with enough range Chroma can act as a healer in the absence of Trinity or Oberon.

- Vex armour still remains as one of the best tanking abilities in the game. sure it's not outright godmode like what Valkyr has, but you try taking damage from high level enemies without it and you'll notice the difference. it's important to have good strength and Duration on your Vex armour, and the buff can now be passed to the squad, meaning that while Chroma has lost a little of his own boost, the team as a whole benefit from his powers and make up for the loss in damage. Chroma is still a mainstay of Eidolon squads, where high damage buffs are very important for a quick capture, so he can't be doing too badly.

- Effigy still needs a little work, but in it's current form it's good for locking down corridors and other narrow spaces during defensive combat. the main problem is energy efficiency, the loss in armour can be dealt with by simply moving around more rather than trying to tank.

Chroma is still tanky as all hell, so I believe the problem lies in your build, OP. I'll admit that fashionframe is a little more restrictive on him though.



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8 hours ago, Zoliru said:

Warframe abilities should be good and usefull from the get go.. And mods should only enchants these abilities... NOT make the valid...then whats the point with the abilities....


I mean look at nidus ALL of his abilities are great from the get go.. Even if your low level...

But chroma ? Even excalibur a super old frame have better kit and abilities...

This is a clear cut sign that you have no idea how Warframe even works, learn the game before you start bashing anything about it. No Warframe does well in mid-high level content without mods, not even Nidus as you so "expertly" mentioned. No one cares what your unmodded frame can do against level 10s.

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Since the change he's become a more consistent tank, but far less tanky than he used to be. 

With his new armor calculations I would personally go with Fire as his element with 2 arcane guardians, since personally I don't feel Ice is worth it anymore. 

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