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Can we get meaningful amounts of focus from regular play?


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Im a simple guy, i come up here to have some fun, run some missions, maybe do some high level bounties too then go and farm some materials for amps and/or zaws.

Currently i use titania, with the hek and the lesion, nothing special.

You know what amount of focus i earn every day?

A staggering amount of 300-400 points.

All this because i dont want to go to meta farming or fight tridolons every night.

In my best attempt to get focus i was able to collect 25K focus with a booster in an eximus sortie.

The grind is too much for those who dont want to burn out from being forced into the meta or to deal with the seizure inducing fights with the tridolons.

Can we please for the love of the void get a way to earn meaningful amounts of focus?

Removal of the orb, universal focus earning increase on all lenses or the ability to turn endo or sentient cores into focus?

Anything before i and others burn out from this madness.

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300-400 is low even for a single mission passive farm.

You should really consider installing higher tier lenses.

Also Corpus/Infested kill affinity gains are ass by default...

Edited by kgabor
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Agree.Players do need that and DE said they are going to do this.But they did mention this long time ago and I finished it all by now.

I ,personally, just love how this game is inconsistent and makes everything I finished, so easy to get later on.This is just a bit of personal saltiness that everyone in my shoes would feel I think.After unlocking almost all passives in Focus 1.0 I stopped farming it,then almost 2 years of active play later and bunch of lenses on bunch of weapons and warframes,amount I earned by casual play was very underwhelming.

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People have been asking for the removal of that dumb focus orb pretty much since it was introduced.It kills the flow of gameplay because you have to pick it up to gain any real amount of focus but De have been stubborn on stopping players from maxing focus out quickly so i doubt they will ever remove it.

What i dont get is why do we have 2 restrictions on focus first we have the dumb orb AND we also have a daily cap of 250 000 focus i mean cmon have 1 or the other not freaking both

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This is still the biggest fault of the entire Focus system IMO, it is completely out of reach for a casual player (because there are a lot of better things to do than dedicate half an hour+ to Focus).

Hell, I am pretty sure Focus is supposed to be a passive grind, something to reward you for using equipment past rank 30.


This is really going to come up in the next quest as I think it is safe to assume there will be a lot of Operator gameplay and the difference in power between a "casual" Operator and someone who dedicated the time to grinding it will make not just for an easier experience, but for two completely different ones. I would love for Operator content in a quest to test my Operator but if that was the case it would be blatantly impossible for those who did not grind out multiple waybounds, farm Arcane sets and get a good Amp (which I think it is safe to say is the minority). So instead I expect any Operator content to be a cakewalk for me, which sucks.

Balancing out Focus gains is needed if DE ever wants to push more Operator based content.

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If you haven't already, unlock the Naramon focus school as soon as possible.   Focus gain is tied to affinity gain.
Using Naramon's base Affinity Spike at max skill will give you 45% more affinity/focus for your melee kills. This makes a big difference. Put a Greater or Eidolon lens of your preferred schools on your melee weapon and your Warframe.

A run with Loki on Sedna Exterminate gets me ~40k focus without Affinity Booster.  (~26k from the melee weapon, ~13k to my frame). So after just 6 runs I have just about maxed out my daily cap.  And only 3 runs with Affinity Boosters. And I don't even do stealth kill animations, too slow for my liking. I just 1-shot them while running with my Tonbo, heavy units like Bombards get a spin attack. 

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2 hours ago, Gravitus123 said:

People have been asking for the removal of that dumb focus orb pretty much since it was introduced.It kills the flow of gameplay because you have to pick it up to gain any real amount of focus but De have been stubborn on stopping players from maxing focus out quickly so i doubt they will ever remove it.

What i dont get is why do we have 2 restrictions on focus first we have the dumb orb AND we also have a daily cap of 250 000 focus i mean cmon have 1 or the other not freaking both

DISCLAIMER: Below is an explanation of DEs comments around the focus orb, not my own thoughts, please don't think that I am blindly defending the focus orbs.
Here's the thing about the orb: Its the compromise DE decided on when they allowed radial affinity to feed into focus gains.
Before the orb you only got focus on kills that you made.  You weren't playing a nuke frame and someone else was?  You got zero focus as they hogged it all.
DE did this to prevent focus from being a passive thing that you can AFK your way through and actually had to do something active to gain focus as one of the ever present comments back then was too many leechers so they wanted to provide a system that you couldn't leech.

Obviously this led to even worse situation of everyone trying to KS from everyone else and essentially forcing players to play solo in order to get focus so that a single ember couldn't ruin the gains for the entire party she was in.

DE took a while to think about what to do and decided to allow radial affinity to feed focus gains, but because the amount of enemies would be higher and the amount of affinity turned into focus would be higher they slashed the focus gains to compensate in the hopes that on average (read non-dedicated farming) gains would be about the same as it was before they allowed for radial affinity to feed focus.
They also released the orbs at the same time with the reasoning: "If people want higher gains like they had before we are still going to make them work for it so that you can't simply leech all of your focus gains and get as much as someone who is actively working and farming towards focus gains"

SO basically the orbs are a way to deter leechers in the system, and strike a balance between the two options DE sees themselves as having with focus gains.

TL;DR: DE tried to create a system that you couldn't leech your way through, ended up creating a system that led to far worse, and made what they see as a compromise in such a way as to continue deterring leeching by making it take quite a while longer if you are a leecher.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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2 hours ago, KIREEK said:

What is your kills per mission ratio?

Just grab your kills from your profile and divide by the number of completed missions, let us know the ration and maybe we can tell you how to get more focus.

Its 110, mostly obtained with hunting the infested, nowadays im spending my times on Poe collecting materials but before that i was stalking akkad, hyeracon and sorties mostly. Rarely i done some fissures too if i needed some quick ducats but thats all, my highest lenses are greater ones but i dont have too many of them, maybe i have 8 zenurik ones.


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16 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Its 110, mostly obtained with hunting the infested, nowadays im spending my times on Poe collecting materials but before that i was stalking akkad, hyeracon and sorties mostly. Rarely i done some fissures too if i needed some quick ducats but thats all, my highest lenses are greater ones but i dont have too many of them, maybe i have 8 zenurik ones.


Well, that is pretty dam good, atleast regular killing is garanteed.

I am with you, getting a substantial ammount of focus does take time from regular missions, it is doable on the long term but yes it does take a long time.

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I'm not sure why steady, sane focus gains from playing isn't the system we have and instead we have to hop around collecting orbs, hoping that we don't kill too quickly before grabbing it depending on what frame and weapon we have and the tile were on so that we get the max. It's such a ridiculous design, it spoils the enjoyment of just playing the game.

Absolute biggest issue with the systems in the game: DE designs them, but never has to use them themselves. They don't grind out standing on Plains, they don't cap focus daily as a new player and still know that to max everything will take nearing two years. They throw in things that they think are fine because they don't look at the long haul. Put a daily cap on, fine, but let us earn it just by playing without having to do the orb mechanism again and again and again. Syndicate standing doesn't have such an unfriendly design, so why does focus?

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9 hours ago, True_Naeblis said:

I'm not sure why steady, sane focus gains from playing isn't the system we have and instead we have to hop around collecting orbs, hoping that we don't kill too quickly before grabbing it depending on what frame and weapon we have and the tile were on so that we get the max. It's such a ridiculous design, it spoils the enjoyment of just playing the game.

Absolute biggest issue with the systems in the game: DE designs them, but never has to use them themselves. They don't grind out standing on Plains, they don't cap focus daily as a new player and still know that to max everything will take nearing two years. They throw in things that they think are fine because they don't look at the long haul. Put a daily cap on, fine, but let us earn it just by playing without having to do the orb mechanism again and again and again. Syndicate standing doesn't have such an unfriendly design, so why does focus?

Remind me of plague star, it nice to kill that boss the first time but do it for the 40th time for standing and tell me you still like it.

Currently i would be fine if the daily cap gets removed and the passive gain is increased to 5% affinity transfer at base OR introduce a big line of new missions where the reward is lots of focus points if they still think the orb must be there to prevent leeching.

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14 hours ago, True_Naeblis said:

Put a daily cap on, fine, but let us earn it just by playing without having to do the orb mechanism again and again and again. Syndicate standing doesn't have such an unfriendly design, so why does focus?

Good luck convincing DE of this.
They have the orb there to answer to one of the loudest complaints on the forums (especially at the time of conception where it was much louder than currently) "Do something about the leechers!"
This is DEs answer to that: Create a system where you have to jump through hoops to get reasonable gains and therefore prevent leechers from getting anywhere near what a dedicated farmer can get.
I think that the only way to get them to remove the orbs is to come up with some other way that hampers leeching.

As to the reason why Focus has these restrictions compared to Syndicate Standing:
Focus is supposed to be "end-game" grinding.
Syndicates aren't.
Therefore DEs thought process seems to be "Because its supposed to be 'end-game' it has to be harder, take more time, and have systems in place that prevent people from leeching it so that people who actually try hard are rewarded while people who try to passively gain focus have a very rough time."

5 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Currently i would be fine if the daily cap gets removed

DE is quite against this for one big reason:
They do not want players to rush through the focus.
When they first released focus there wasn't a cap on daily gains.  They put in a cap fairly quickly but a few dedicated farmers had managed to finish multiple focus trees in the week or so from its introduction to when the daily cap was added in.  Sure this was focus 1.0 nodes, but DE thought that was way too fast to finish their "end-game" system.  So they put in a daily cap to slow players down.

DE sees focus as part of their "end-game", they want it to take longer than a week to finish from the start.  Removing the daily cap is just as likely as getting them to remove the orbs.
You have to remember: From their point of view focus was made to address some of the largest complaints at the time.  First was no end game systems that you couldn't finish in a week or two of light grinding, and second was that it was easier to leech everything than actually try.  And focus is DEs attempt to answer both of those complaints.
In order to get any real changes in focus it would be best to try to suggest something that addresses both of those concerns.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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1 hour ago, Tsukinoki said:

Good luck convincing DE of this.
They have the orb there to answer to one of the loudest complaints on the forums (especially at the time of conception where it was much louder than currently) "Do something about the leechers!"
This is DEs answer to that: Create a system where you have to jump through hoops to get reasonable gains and therefore prevent leechers from getting anywhere near what a dedicated farmer can get.
I think that the only way to get them to remove the orbs is to come up with some other way that hampers leeching.

As to the reason why Focus has these restrictions compared to Syndicate Standing:
Focus is supposed to be "end-game" grinding.
Syndicates aren't.
Therefore DEs thought process seems to be "Because its supposed to be 'end-game' it has to be harder, take more time, and have systems in place that prevent people from leeching it so that people who actually try hard are rewarded while people who try to passively gain focus have a very rough time."

DE is quite against this for one big reason:
They do not want players to rush through the focus.
When they first released focus there wasn't a cap on daily gains.  They put in a cap fairly quickly but a few dedicated farmers had managed to finish multiple focus trees in the week or so from its introduction to when the daily cap was added in.  Sure this was focus 1.0 nodes, but DE thought that was way too fast to finish their "end-game" system.  So they put in a daily cap to slow players down.

DE sees focus as part of their "end-game", they want it to take longer than a week to finish from the start.  Removing the daily cap is just as likely as getting them to remove the orbs.
You have to remember: From their point of view focus was made to address some of the largest complaints at the time.  First was no end game systems that you couldn't finish in a week or two of light grinding, and second was that it was easier to leech everything than actually try.  And focus is DEs attempt to answer both of those complaints.
In order to get any real changes in focus it would be best to try to suggest something that addresses both of those concerns.

Well, as this might have been true in the past, with the Eidolon focus farm, it's possible to get millions in focus per day, just depends on how much you can/want to grind night cycles.
Even thou this is "end game" content, the bottom line is : There is virtually no "Cap" anymore besides the number of night cycles per day multiplied by the number of eidolons you can capture in each night.
To make all of them worth it, they just had to implement maybe Tiers of cap?

Say you have 250.000 Focus cap per day.
Let's make it a little bit more, like for instance 350.000
T1 = From 350.000 to 100.000 (with 100% of the current conversion, so it would remain like it is today)
T2 = From 100.000  to 0(with like 50% of the current conversion, so it would take two times to get 100k on T1)
T3 = 0 - Your 'daily cap' reached zero, which means, you can still farm it, but with a lower conversion, maybe 10% or 20% of the original?
So on and so forth, just an idea.

Edited by rmac306
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@Tsukinoki That's what DE refuses to get: insane grind just burns people out or turns them off of it entirely. I hardly touch Plains because it's just a silly system. The drudgery of the grind outweighs the fun that might come from trying out new zaw combinations and seeing what they do the interesting way, rather than just spreadsheeting it. The drudgery of the grind outweighs the fun that might come from getting all the mats and standing to craft the operator outfitters. Focus I just don't even care about anymore. Grind on top of grind to unlock the waybounds turns me off of ever making it a priority.

They also refuse to accept that they simply cannot ever, ever pump out content fast enough to give meaningful things to do to the most obsessed, most vocal players. They try and pump it out at the cost of continually neglecting fixes that need to happen. You know what would be great? If they'd fix the bottlenecks associated with the engine that keep RAM and processor multithreading from being utilized properly so that the social hubs in the game can actually be social hubs. It would be wonderful if the trade areas could actually accommodate a decent number of players so that sellers and buyers aren't limited to what they can see in their instance only. GW2 and even SWTOR handled large numbers of players in one area better, and SWTOR is on one of the worst engines ever to happen to MMOs.

EvE doesn't pump out waves of content, it has a persistent open world that's capable of supporting large numbers of players interacting with one another in the ways that they want to outside of programmed, preset instances. I don't by any means think WF needs to be a sandbox, but it does need to be modernized to handle having more than 10 players near each other without it becoming a slideshow.

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7 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

DE is quite against this for one big reason:
They do not want players to rush through the focus.
When they first released focus there wasn't a cap on daily gains.  They put in a cap fairly quickly but a few dedicated farmers had managed to finish multiple focus trees in the week or so from its introduction to when the daily cap was added in.  Sure this was focus 1.0 nodes, but DE thought that was way too fast to finish their "end-game" system.  So they put in a daily cap to slow players down.

DE sees focus as part of their "end-game", they want it to take longer than a week to finish from the start.  Removing the daily cap is just as likely as getting them to remove the orbs.
You have to remember: From their point of view focus was made to address some of the largest complaints at the time.  First was no end game systems that you couldn't finish in a week or two of light grinding, and second was that it was easier to leech everything than actually try.  And focus is DEs attempt to answer both of those complaints.
In order to get any real changes in focus it would be best to try to suggest something that addresses both of those concerns.

Because burning out people of the grind is soo much better, also lets not forget that the cap while its there it no longer functions as you can bypass it with the tridolons.

DE always failed to see that they are not capatable of creating a system what can actually stay relevant for more than a month without actually going and observing what the playerbase wants.

Their vision wont gonna work if they dont actually dedicate themselves to it and not leave it half done like most systems introduced.

I cant count it anymore how many times people have asked for fixed endless fissures, high level nodes and whatnot for those who wanna use their min-maxed setups in a sceniario what actually matches that powerlevel.

The incoming corpus open world at best is gonna feature a staggering high level enemies around lv 15-20 what can become lv70 at the highest bounties i could bet all my plat on it.

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