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Remember T4 survival void keys?


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Today doing MOT for some focus farming, and people extracting at 5 or 10 minutes... made me remember the times when it was really normal to get squads for doing at least 40 minutes in T4 void survival... it almost made me cry. I loved so much all the feelings generated in my soul by being in those golden halls during so many hours. Now it's so difficult to get a consistent squad wanting to do long runs, and AXI survival fissures are so damn rare... being a solo player with a one man army clan and no alliance, like myself, makes me have to struggle a lot to arrange random squads for long and extreme runs. Even for endless Kuva farming, people wanting to stay more that 30 minutes is impossible to find. I can always go solo, wait all that time, and fight lvl 100 enemies... but spawn rates are so low, it's not the same. Only Kuva Floods and Sorties have high lvl enemies with easily found random full squads. And well... killing Eidolons is fun, but almost 2hs wait between each hunt is depressing. 

The point about this post... is just to share some of my melancholy about T4 void key survivals. 

Have a nice day/night.

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No, I don't remember that at all. Because when that was the norm, I didn't think it was even in my grasp, and that was therefore a portion of the game completely cut off from me. Whatever you think of relics, I can do them now so I find them to be a better system.

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hace 2 minutos, NullSaint dijo:

No, I don't remember that at all. Because when that was the norm, I didn't think it was even in my grasp, and that was therefore a portion of the game completely cut off from me. Whatever you think of relics, I can do them now so I find them to be a better system.

I'm not talking about the actual relic system, it is great the way it is. I'm talking about long runs and high level enemies being in more missions... what is most close to those T4 void keys and people actually WANTING to stay for long, is Kuva endless fortress, but not enough... I feel that there is still some type of endless survival, or whatever, missing from the star chart, something that feels as engaging, defying and rewarding as those T4 survivals were. 

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5 minutes ago, BLI7Z said:

I'm not talking about the actual relic system, it is great the way it is. I'm talking about long runs and high level enemies being in more missions... what is most close to those T4 void keys and people actually WANTING to stay for long, is Kuva endless fortress, but not enough... I feel that there is still some type of endless survival, or whatever, missing from the star chart, something that feels as engaging, defying and rewarding as those T4 survivals were. 

Fair enough, Tenno. That's not for me because I do most things solo (based on aforementioned experiences) but I can understand folks in groups wanting to stay longer. Honestly, if I got in a group of 4 I would expect people to stay longer than than I can do solo. Otherwise, what is the point?

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1 hour ago, CupcakesMoo said:

If I had the gear I'd stay as long as everyone else does.

You don't need the gear. Pick any number of cheese frame you like, cheese it up and stay as long as you want to. Despite what some will tell you, it's not all that mechanically challenging. The "challenge" is forcing yourself to stay in one mode on one map for that amount of time.

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Ah yes, the "good old days" that was the never ending hell called Void missions. Where almost every one of my old comrades quit because of the sheer boredom of a faction compromised of recolors and annoying force composition was the only thing that mattered for end game since it was where the prime parts only dropped. So that every other level that was newly introduced was quickly abandoned by the player base within short time due to the simple fact they did not drop prime parts.

Yes, those good old days. I remember them quite fondly.

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Impressive. You just described every single reason of why the old Void system turned into a burnout nightmare for me. There is absolutely nothing I miss from the old Void system. No part, none, and I hope we'll never see the gameplay encouraging the same kind of monotonous dreck again.

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All we really need is for kuva survival rewards to scale. Personally, I enjoy doing long runs anyways because I am at a point in the game where I don't really care too much about rewards, but kuva is one thing I need for rivens. This could be the sort of reward that people want from endless missions. And, as a side note. saying it would be repetitive is not a valid reason to not let it scale. Kuva siphons are literally the exact same thing, over and over and over, so DE clearly doesn't care about kuva farming being repetitive.

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1 hour ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Impressive. You just described every single reason of why the old Void system turned into a burnout nightmare for me. There is absolutely nothing I miss from the old Void system. No part, none, and I hope we'll never see the gameplay encouraging the same kind of monotonous dreck again.

Same. I just want to sit around waiting for Vomvalysts spawns for low level Eidolons that I can one shot, or getting burnt out on my 10000th Exterminate Fissure against level 30 enemies. Hopefully everything can be nonscaling and low level to decrease burnout and allow me to never be incentivized to push myself in endless missions. /s

Edited by --Q--Voltage
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5 hours ago, Wildrider123 said:

Ah yes, the "good old days" that was the never ending hell called Void missions. Where almost every one of my old comrades quit because of the sheer boredom of a faction compromised of recolors and annoying force composition was the only thing that mattered for end game since it was where the prime parts only dropped. So that every other level that was newly introduced was quickly abandoned by the player base within short time due to the simple fact they did not drop prime parts.

Yes, those good old days. I remember them quite fondly.

I've experienced quite the opposite. My old friends 3k hours+ quit when they nuked the void and haven't been back.

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I don't miss the mind numbing prime part farm in the towers but I do miss running longer missions. 

I love being able to run relics in non-endless and random groups. However, I wish there was some reason to play 40-60 min missions. I don't really get why DE has been removing almost every single reason to stay a bit longer in the missions over the years. Some days the missions go by so fast that I feel like I'm just a rat running through a tunnel only to repeat the process until I've had enough and log out.

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Do I remember T4 survivals? Oh yes, not fondly. Running a T4 survival to farm rotation C for that new sweet prime part just to get repeatedly lumbered with a forma bp wasn't my idea of fun. Taking off those rose tinned nostalgia glasses and it was much more tedious before the rework, I'm glad to see it gone. And if I'm feeling that urge to go back to void to relive the 'good old days' then there's still Mot which at least now starts at level 40 mobs.

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12 hours ago, BLI7Z said:

it almost made me cry. I loved so much all the feelings generated in my soul by being in those golden halls during so many hours.

"Those golden halls." I loved the Void Tileset. I still do. I remember 3 hr survivals. 60 Wave T4 defenses. Pushing my loadouts to the limits and further. Getting proper rewards for time spent. I remember I ran a 2 hr survival with some clan mates and made it out of there with 60 R5 core packs and a bunch of prime parts. The Void was fun to navigate. Unique. 

What bugs me is a lot of Tilesets in WF are just flat out bad. LUA, Eris, Europa, Kuva Fortress. These Tilsets are made up of a bunch of broken sement, holes in floors and walls. Twists and turns. Having to run 50 meters one way, taking a bend and running 50 meters back the other. Looking for a tiny hole in the wall. Then bullet jumping through a whole in the ceiling upper level. Getting stuck on ish etc etc. These Tilesets imo are just bad designs.

My biggest gripe right now is with the Kuva Fortress. We recently got endless on PS4 a few days ago and I am already tired of this Tileset. I know the Map was here before that but even before I stayed away from the Fortress. It's not fun, it's bland. Navigating the Kuva Fortress is a pain. Having to run downstairs, upstairs and upstairs again just to kill enemies is a pain. Getting shot by turrets off in the distant. Red lasers all over the place. Openings in bunkers that you think you can slide through but nope, gotta find a different way around. I recently noticed some sort of electric probe ( I forget what it's called) that sits by an open door. It will shock and knock you over when you run by it. There is no way to destroy it. It just shoots from the ground and casually shocks and knocks over anyone that runs by it. Whose idea was this?  After a while the Kuva Fortress just becomes less and less interesting. I never had this problem with the Void. Nope. Not with the beautiful Vibrant Void. "Those golden halls."

And I do agree that it's a bit difficult to join a random squad and get people to stay 10+ minutes/ waves in a mission. In and out seems to be "Warframe" nowadays. 

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