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1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Kinda hard to keep it unique with...27...30? Warframes, animations and abilities.


Theyd have to start making frames that function on moderately to largely different fundamentals entirely to make a unique frame. Octavia is an example of a light fundamental change, Limbo is another. 


Theres also the extremely dangerous risks associated with creating frames like those or frames that further create a new fundamental floor. 

You are only confirming my point and the many others i made.

You are confirming why everyone is complaining about Khora.

However, what i refuse to do is make up excuses for DE when they are perfectly capable of making up their own excuses.  I have yet to hear any from them.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb Dragonofdarkness13:

You don't answer, you make assumptions about Why I'm posting

Based on the fact that there's really nothing else that makes whips, whips and

vor 11 Stunden schrieb Dragonofdarkness13:

 she was advertised as well... Her Kavat and her Exalted Whip were the 2 HUGE cornerstones of her Character, her Kit, Her Design 

Both criterias are arguably met since she, yes, in fact gets a whip on a different button. But here we are regardless.


....i've been around for a while you know, i come from a time where melee was used for coptering exclusive cause it wasn't able to do the numbers guns could do, where the atterax wasn't meta but in fact considered mastery fodder cause it was slow, uneffective and weak. But the game progressed. Shadow debt came around and the weak old Atterax got Combo, Primed Reach and Maiming strike backing it up. Melee Rivens were implemented and the Atterax among other whips was suddenly worth the most due to it proccing slash, what generates combo and its range, devestating entire battlefields with single swipes.

Exalted melee was allways a seperate category. With gladiator passives, wukongs Primal Fury suddenly became able to rival maiming strike builds, not per slide. Per hit.

A exalted whip, a weapon that combines both, the range and cone of a whip with the scaling in both, damage and range of a exalted weapon would be nothing less but devasting. What i did assume was that noone would be naive enough to not be aware what a exalted whip would mean for the game, that it was obvious that the idea of a exalted whip was doomed to meet change or nerfs but boy did you proove me wrong.

Or was it that you wanted to keep this thread clean of this topic why you immediatly jumped on the one comment that as much as implied it?

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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Le 16/04/2018 à 18:16, LuckyCharm a dit :

Probably the core part of her kit at this point

It doesn't look like "the core" of anything, currently if you take a look at the warframe's powers, there is no way to interract with the kavat except the 3rd power. Actually, there is no "core" at all in her gameplay... wait, maybe the "2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,...." spamming? It works for Nidus, because Nidus is built around this gameplay, because he needs to fill his stack wheel to evolve and adapt the high level.

For any warframe, the 4th ability is the one which defines the most the Warframe's role, gameplay and style. For Khora, what is the role? what is the gameplay? what is the style? I mean, look at the devstream, Khora is supposed to be released in the next days, but she's still buggy as hell (or is it normal that her ultimate ability lets everyone walk through the dome?). Based on what I said, Who will you define a Warframe with a useless ultimate ability?

They should have built the warframe around the kavat mechanic, instead of cloning other warframes powers... Either make the Venarii cast her 1st or 4th ability, and make other powers working with it, buffing it, then maybe the warframe will worth it...

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5 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

You are confirming why everyone is complaining about Khora.

However, what i refuse to do is make up excuses for DE when they are perfectly capable of making up their own excuses.  I have yet to hear any from them.

People on this forum complain about everything constantly, this isnt new, and the next frame that comes along will get complained about/called boring/mr fodder like per usual.

There is a realistic point, where i feel we may be asking too much , 34 warframes with 1 theme each and 4 powers each means 136 powers total in game and 34 themes and systems involved to each frame, Equinox, Octavia, Limbo and Titania being the more pronounced in how elements interact.

Not even counting the number of weapons available where many do different things entirely.

Many powers causing overlap, even a few themes now over lapping.

At this point 5 years since ps4 launch alone id be shocked if they could keep it fresh and new without adding in dangerous elements. 


Im not making excuses for them, though i doubt a dev would ever admit they are circling the drain, but you have to realise at least a little from a creative perspective the only way they are going to start wowing people again is by getting pretty outlandish. 

Which of course doesnt go over well with how Limbo and Octavia were complained about, especially Limbo.


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I'm very happy there isn't an exalted whip. I don't think anyone else realizes how trash Exalted weapons are aside from Mesa's 4 and perhaps Excal's 4, which without Chromatic Blade why not just spin to win with Maiming Strike and an Atterax.

No Blood Rush, Garbage.

That said, I'm not going to judge her current kit without trying it for myself and/or seeing it in action. I love CC, she has CC. Her Kavat looks promising, hoping the AI isn't derpy and the abilities it has are effective and not held back by said AI. Her whip seems to be good at proccing status effects according to its description, we won't know whether or not that true until she is released though. It does seem to deal double damage to enemies caught in her CC, which is neat. Not a fan of forced synergy, but in this case I want to see it in action before judging.

Very promising thus far and am stoked.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


Im not making excuses for them, though i doubt a dev would ever admit they are circling the drain, but you have to realise at least a little from a creative perspective the only way they are going to start wowing people again is by getting pretty outlandish. 



I'm smiling because you are correct.  You made clear what it is i was saying.  The thing is, Khora originally was to be "outlandish", which was why she became so interesting.  That was taken away.  I'm not talking about just the Exalted Whip, but the warframe as a whole.  I don't think the whip would have been unique, but it was interesting because of her intended theme.  They probably need to be more outlandish these days.  ...and yes, no dev would "admit to circling the drain", but they could give us more details as to why they did what they did with Khora at least.  I honestly don't think it had anything to do with damage 2.5, because the Khora concept could have existed fine without it.  it would have been amazing if they succeeded in their ambitions with this warframe.  i would have been impressed.  Think this is the core of the problem, that everyone had faith in De about Khora and then that faith was squashed.

I personally wish they used a poll during the last few phases of her creation, to get some ideas form the community before making the final decisions.  That would have been fair to everyone, in my opinion.

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Okay, I'm going to put some damn sense into this thread... sweet RNGesus you lot bicker...


1. Khora's Exalted Whip was only discussed, not shown. It existed under her concept as the Impact/Puncture/Slash damage poster frame, showcasing the new way that the damage system would be working.

2. When the feedback on the damage system changes came in, DE reversed their decision on that, going back to the drawing board and changing what these would do.

3. This left Khora with no abilities, because the base of them had been pulled out from under her.

4. The abilities were changed to de-couple Khora from the IPS damage system, and this likely (just a theory here) with an Exalted ability that had no defining function (where Valkyr has invulnerability and life steal, Excal launches ranged waves, Wukong's range goes up, Ivara has a bow, Mesa has pistols and Titania has a micro Archwing mode), only a defining look, because the 'function' was going to be IPS switching.

5. When the theme of damage type switching went out the window, it was likely decided that she shouldn't be a straight-up damage frame anymore.

6. Over testing by the team, the wide-area CC was decided on and they announced it when the frame was ready to actually showcase.

The process, whether you feel that it was abrupt, or whether you feel that the direction they went in with the final concept is wrong or not, has nothing to do with us, the players, and everything to do with them as the ones designing and testing the functions.

They don't need to make excuses, they have been entirely transparent, they told us what they changed and why, and you have yet to play the frame and find out if the function is good or not.

Until you get hold of Khora and play the functions to find out if they're actually good or not, then you simply don't have any feedback besides whining about something you thought they were going to do and didn't.

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Exalted weapons are the absolute worst kind of ability for a warframe: they replace instead of complimenting standard gun/swordplay.

At least you could make a case for Mesa having a whole new targeting mechanism attached to hers.

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23 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

  I honestly don't think it had anything to do with damage 2.5, because the Khora concept could have existed fine without it

It could have but knowing how she functioned, her ips switching without D2.5 wouldve fallen flat. Generally people would switch to Slash attribute and leave it there because its just that freakishly powerful vs everything.  If they sent her out like that shed be another slasher frame with a long reaching slash whip and slash kavat with hp regen speccs. 

With that our opinions divide of course.

23 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

Think this is the core of the problem, that everyone had faith in De about Khora and then that faith was squashed.

Faith is a funny thing really, people had and lacked faith in D2.5 - the core system Khora was to manipulate, the community shot holes into the ideas tied to it. Impact and puncture being put in the spotlight especially. 

With the idea put on hold Khora herself was now cut in half, she would be delegated to an exalted slash frame regardless.

23 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

and yes, no dev would "admit to circling the drain", but they could give us more details as to why they did what they did with Khora at least. 

I agree, though they are mostly transparent a bit of explanation could ease some peoples frustrations.

23 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

They probably need to be more outlandish these days.

I half heartedly wish they would but at the same time, lately, ive become aware that adding alien objects can very well spiral out of control. The only way this game can create Outlandish frames is by allowing the frames to further manipulate themselves and/or their environments which is what worries me.

While the prior is not as dangerous the latter definitely is, its almost too easy to create another Limbo, despite my love for Limbo, i can see how such creations can become very harmful.

Maybe we will get what youre hoping for and i in turn hope it turns out well.


Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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5 minutes ago, Naqel said:

Exalted weapons are the absolute worst kind of ability for a warframe: they replace instead of complimenting standard gun/swordplay.

At least you could make a case for Mesa having a whole new targeting mechanism attached to hers.

As someone that has Valkyr as their go-to Frame I have to respectfully say no to this...
it changes the way the Warframe works .. and the tactics you have to apply, Valkyr for Example ... sure she can't be damaged but loses all but one ranged attack forcing you to learn tricks to handle certain enemies ( I swat Raptors out of the sky like a Cat catching a bird )
These aren't the " Just spam the button " powers that everyone claims them to be and sets them and the frames that use them in a different class type~

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il y a 3 minutes, Dragonofdarkness13 a dit :

As someone that has Valkyr as their go-to Frame I have to respectfully say no to this...
it changes the way the Warframe works .. and the tactics you have to apply, Valkyr for Example ... sure she can't be damaged but loses all but one ranged attack forcing you to learn tricks to handle certain enemies ( I swat Raptors out of the sky like a Cat catching a bird )
These aren't the " Just spam the button " powers that everyone claims them to be and sets them and the frames that use them in a different class type~

What you're saying is true because, correct me if I'm wrong, all exalted weapons have a bonus effect to counterbalance the fact you can't use your other weapons:

Excalibur's ult, you throw energy blades with punch through; Valkyr's ult, health regen and immortality, Ivara's bow, fires a lot of arrows in a single shot (and a crazy, fun, and powerful syndicate augment btw) which is perfect against group of enemies, Titania's ult, archwing, reduced size and passive evasion, etc...

Exalted weapon are never the same as normal weapons, they always bring a thing that makes them useful

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Samotte:

What you're saying is true because, correct me if I'm wrong, all exalted weapons have a bonus effect to counterbalance the fact you can't use your other weapons:

Excalibur's ult, you throw energy blades with punch through; Valkyr's ult, health regen and immortality, Ivara's bow, fires a lot of arrows in a single shot (and a crazy, fun, and powerful syndicate augment btw) which is perfect against group of enemies, Titania's ult, archwing, reduced size and passive evasion, etc...

Exalted weapon are never the same as normal weapons, they always bring a thing that makes them useful

True but nowadays the balance is switching...

Excal sure has range but he can use Condition Overload and spammy crit multipliers from blinds, why his damage was made to dimish over distance.

Wukong with his augument and the gladiator set is essencially using something similar to a blood rush weapon, with damage rivaling maiming strike weapons.

Mesa, Titania and Valkyr are the only ones bound to a somewhat default setting with the kinda weapons they use and the mechanic running behind them...and i've seen many people run valkyr with a gladiator set regardless by managing the cost with zenurik.

They sure counterbalance that fact but for the longest time, it was so they could counterbalance the missing possibilities, the missing damage regular weapons provide on appropiate builds. Rather then balancing things out, those features give them a strong advantage over others now. In khoras case, it would be gamebreaking. That's probably the reason it was made what it is now.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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13 hours ago, JCBeastie said:

Depends how long you've playing I guess, but Valkyr was the first to have a unique weapon accessible via a power. Although they're referred to as exalted weapons now, Excaliburs Exalted Blade actually came after Hysteria as part of a rework. Maybe that's what they're referring to?

I had the impression it was about how many exalted users we have in the roster. Otherwise by the logic of who came first it wouldnt matter if Khora had exalted or not since she wouldnt be Valkyr.

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13 hours ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

the WIP and "subject to change" may be true ... but it's a little different when they change it last minute and it's not just a tweak in the power but a complete and utter removal and replacement.
Also just because some people have that Spin to win playstyle doesn't mean everyone does or that you have to and those that don't shouldn't be punished based on those that do.

If you could not see that happening after they said there decupling Kora from D2.5, and not doing D2.5 anymore, then I really don't know. The ability was based around D2.5 bring implemented with it. It's not happening now, and so she no longer has it. It's not THAT hard to get.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

It could have but knowing how she functioned, her ips switching without D2.5 wouldve fallen flat. Generally people would switch to Slash attribute and leave it there because its just that freakishly powerful vs everything.  If they sent her out like that shed be another slasher frame with a long reaching slash whip and slash kavat with hp regen speccs. 

With that our opinions divide of course.

Faith is a funny thing really, people had and lacked faith in D2.5 - the core system Khora was to manipulate, the community shot holes into the ideas tied to it. Impact and puncture being put in the spotlight especially. 

With the idea put on hold Khora herself was now cut in half, she would be delegated to an exalted slash frame regardless.

I agree, though they are mostly transparent a bit of explanation could ease some peoples frustrations.

I half heartedly wish they would but at the same time, lately, ive become aware that adding alien objects can very well spiral out of control. The only way this game can create Outlandish frames is by allowing the frames to further manipulate themselves and/or their environments which is what worries me.

While the prior is not as dangerous the latter definitely is, its almost too easy to create another Limbo, despite my love for Limbo, i can see how such creations can become very harmful.

Maybe we will get what youre hoping for and i in turn hope it turns out well.


Dang man, you made some good points here.  I appreciate it.

As for the first one, what if she was simply made to be a slash-only warframe?  We would not have needed Damage 2.5 or the switching mechanic, no matter how promising that could have been.  It seemed as if her theme was slash-based anyway.  It probably would have been satisfying to most players at least. Never mind that.  I think you expressed what you thought already.  Think I'm getting sleepy.

Yeah, with what you said about Limbo, as an example, that's the mysterious frontier not easily ventured.  Hard to say what the right form of action would be at this point.  My only concern now (considering what's done is done) with Khora, is usefulness.  I have not tested her, but I can't see her having any crucial role in this game.  If this is true, that's a sad result after all this time of awaiting her release.  Of course, I would have to test her out first to get a better idea about this.

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its cute that the moderators do a fantastic job of censoring all the nasty stuff i just said in the 14th tab of this thread, and yet they do such a bad job of deciding which threads to merge into super-threads (yes i'm still salty about that), is this your way of preventing even more hate in your community besides the already vastly overwhelming hate for your last minute change to khora's fourth ability? silencing dissidence should not be the policy of a company branded as the good guys by the media.

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The new 4 looks extremely boring if it's going to just be another mass CC+ damage ult with no other effects. Since she has the ability to have double companions with her own Kavat they could've done something like "allied companions in the Strangledome become enraged and receive *insert bonus stats here*".

The more I think about it, why couldn't they just design her as like an animal tamer frame? She has a whip, brings her own pet, they really should just give her Oberon's current passive which has ZERO reason to be on him and totally synergizes with her (Allied pets receive a +25% health increase, +25% shield increase, and +75 armor, The player's pet receives 1 instant revive per mission). To spice it up even more and with some bonus flavor, her Whipclaw could turn enemy/neutral animals friendly which would be fairly funny to watch Hyekka's turn on their master.

Edited by MarcusGraves
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I just have a few little nitpicks on the things displayed for Khora.

Acquirement Process -

Judging from the description on how Khora will be acquired by the players...


 From Warframe website (News Section):

⠂Travel deeper within the Sanctuary to recover the missing Khora Blueprints, new Captura Scene and more. 

This leads me to believe that unlike our more recent Frames that have been released, Khora will not be accompanied by a quest. This seems like we'll just dive into the Sanctuary and wait for a Khora part to drop. This would be quite disappointing seeing as though the pieces of Khora's lore that we currently have is pretty freakin' cool and if she just shows up in Simaris's Sanctuary, it just wouldn't make any sense.


Abilities -


Send enemies reeling with a deafening whipcrack.

I think Faze Lash was actually a better name. Just me? It just sounded so much more bad*ss! Then again, our last Warframe did have Lash in their first ability. But we could've had Whipfaze!

Hopefully, this ability isn't so weak, I didn't really catch the damage numbers from it on stream, but I'm just hoping it's stronger than Slash Dash or Shattered Lash, seeing as though it's Khora's main source of damage. I feel as though the ability should also help out Khora in more ways than just damage, seeing as though it appears to have synergies with Ensnare and Strangledome.


Bind a hapless target in living metal, entangling others who stray too close. Disperse the trap with a crack of the whip.

Props to DE for this ability description, it sounds way awesome! "Living metal" is what I'm stuck on. My problem with the ability lies with the "entangling others who stray too close" part. It's the not that's it slow like others have said-- I think it's perfect, but the range seems really low on it. It looks to be around 2-4 meters. Hopefully the Ensnaring duration isn't also low.


Weave a dome of living chain that ensnares and strangles any enemy within, and any foolish enough to approach.

There's nothing wrong with this ability in my mind, but our last Frame also had a defense ultimate that does damage, this is pretty much a re-stylized version. I do like the idea though.

But does it do damage over time? It is a Strangledome.


Weapon -


Tear through any target with these vicious, claw-like blades. The signature swords of Khora.

Y'know, for a whip Warframe, Dual Sword is an odd signature weapon.


Overpower your enemies with this whip-wielding warrior...

You'd think that since her special weapon whip got removed, she'd come with a whip as her signature melee weapon, especially since a whip is included in her 1st. We seriously have way too many dual swords in the game already (maybe even more than longswords). I don't think we want anymore for quite a while, DE.

Gara Isn't The Shattered One Here -

Y'know, Gara, being the glass Warframe and all with the theme of creating and shattering glass has her whole word thrown around for other Warframes. First Mesa with her Shatter Shield and now Khora. I think DE just broke Gara's glass somewhere down the line but forgot to replace the shattered bits, lol.


This thread isn't all too serious. Just a few nitpicks I have along with some little jokes.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)ArtPrince17 said:

I just have a few little nitpicks on the things displayed for Khora.

Acquirement Process -

Judging from the description on how Khora will be acquired by the players...

This leads me to believe that unlike our more recent Frames that have been released, Khora will not be accompanied by a quest. This seems like we'll just dive into the Sanctuary and wait for a Khora part to drop. This would be quite disappointing seeing as though the pieces of Khora's lore that we currently have is pretty freakin' cool and if she just shows up in Simaris's Sanctuary, it just wouldn't make any sense.

Not that different from Nidus and Gara. Quest for main blueprint, then farm missions for parts.

Likely main blueprint for Khora will be in market rather than quest and then farm the other parts like the other recent frames.

Last frame to be entirely build-able from their quest was Limbo, I believe.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

Oh my... when did they merge these? I was really confused when I saw that I had a thread fifteen pages long.

yep, they merged "my thoughts on devstream 109" as well as many others into your thread, so now its really confusing to track who's talking to who.. they should just archive all the related threads into a private thread for their reference instead of making it difficult for everybody to communicate in a mega-thread/super-thread

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17 hours ago, (PS4)abb12355 said:


Never once did I state that exalted weapons were like regular weapons. Let me rephrase my question, how would this differ in playstyle compared to other exalted melee weapons? 

Exalted melee generally consist of mashing the melee button. Excalibur, Valkyr, And Wukong all share this style despite the Special effects (Like Excalibur's waves, Valkyr's invulnerablitiy, and Wukong's extended Range).

What would differentiate Khora's exalted Whip from the rest of the exalted melees?


Originally - it would have been different because of Khora changing Impact/Puncture/Slash on the fly. 

That ship has sailed and aside from Cosmetics and the Ability-Kavat we basically got an entirely different Khora than what was previously talked about or showcased.

Honestly, if that was the price to be paid to not have Damage 2.5 implemented ...then it is fine.

Maybe they will keep the damage changing idea in vault until they decide to do Damage 3.0 or whatever future Damage rework comes about.

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8 hours ago, VampirePirate said:

I would buy into this mess if it were not for the fact that you used Gara for your example.  Let's take everything you said bad about exalted weapons into consideration.  If what you say is so true, then what is Khora's 1?  According to your words, that would mean that Khora's exalted weapon was not removed, that what she has is still in fact an exalted weapon.  You actually failed to make a valid point, and instead used opinions as if they were facts.

As for anyone that likes to use the excuse of preventing spin-attack spam, how is it being stopped?  "Spammed for all the wrong reasons"?  Sure.  You can say that about anything people use to abuse in this game.  it's not isolated to just exalted weapons.  So there is not exalted whip.  hooray!  so what?  People still spam other whips.  Nothing was stopped.

Exalted or not, people use bows.  Mentioning Ivara (for example) in this case makes no sense.  So if i used a cernos as a primary, it would not be considered "spamming for all the wrong reasons", but if i use Ivara's exalted bow, it would be considered "spamming for all the wrong reasons"?  Come on now.  Why not just make a post that says "i hate exalted weapons" and just leave it at that.  it's much easier to respect.

(I mean no disrespect.  Moving on.)

*   *   *

With that said, what i noticed about exalted weapons that i dislike is the fact that i can do the same darn thing with a primary or secondary or whatever the exalted weapon mimics.  I think if DE wanted to keep going with the exalted weapon theme, then they should at least put more thought into it and allow for more uniqueness.  Give us a better reason to use the ability.  They must do something extremely different or unique to make it worthwhile.  I'm not talking about Mesa and Titania, but i am talking about exalted weapons such as Ivara and Excalibur.  I can simply use Cernos Prime instead of Ivara.  I can simply use Excal's other blind ability instead of the exalted sword.  There is too much copy and paste.  Perhaps Khora would have been the same.  Sadly, her abilities seem to be copy and paste anyway, of other warframes.

I think DE's imagination is going down the drain these days.


8 hours ago, VampirePirate said:

The reason I and many others consider them boring is not because it's an Exalted Whip, but rather an Exalted something. Of all these on this list, Gara and Atlas are undoubtedly the least affected by this stigma, since it still allows for interaction between your weapons and other abilities without being super handicapped trying to build for them.

Cernos Prime and Ivara's Bow are completely different in power level and you know it. Infinite ammo, innately insane multishot (more than that of Cernos Prime) and her first abilities as an alt fire, are three examples of that. And yes, people spam other whips, but they won't be spamming a special whip on a brand new warframe, that would have been greatly augmented by powerstrength as well as basic melee mods. Why would DE see a problem like how whips are now, and decide: "Let's make a frame, but with a whip." It would have no doubt overshadowed the rest of Khora. Also Titania and Mesa do use Exalted Weapons; They equip a brand new set of weapons, unique entirely to them and they scale of warframe and weapon mods. 

Just because there are other problems and metas in the game does not mean that DE should ignore that and add more to the problem. 

And to be honest, yes, I'm not the biggest fan of exalted weapons. It just incentivizes people to make a stat stick and ignore the rest of their loadout and, most often, the rest of the warframe itself. At this point, unless done right, it just looks like a boring cop out for an ability, and until I see for myself what Khora's Strangledome can actually do in-game, I'll reserve judgement on it's usefulness. 

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