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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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At the moment, onslaught is like a worse version of survival. A lot of people i've talked to agree with me and i hope the devs will take my suggestions to heart so this game mode will be enjoyable and worth participating in.

Firstly, efficiency needs to go away. It's a bad mechanic that makes this too similar to survival when it's suppose to be more of a battle to the death type mode. That being said, The mobs need to be tougher. at lvl 170, i was annihilating hordes of enemys like they were harmless. With this increase of difficulty, i feel rewards should be altered to match. Every round should give atleast one reward, and the rank you get should effect drop rates. As of now, S rank is meaningless, when it should mean you are among the highest skilled tier of players, and rewards should reflect that. And my final thought is that you should only be allowed 1 life, and the mode ends when everyone is dead. That is my ideal version of onslaught and i would be overjoyed to see the devs implement my ideas.

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Every time the portal opened it's been causing crahses to some players, I crashed a good 30 - 40 minutes into this mode...

I REALLY hope we get some compensation for this, who knows how many people have been going for incredibyl long times to get a crash and loose everything due to this...

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Efficiency goes down way too fast  in solo mode and it goes down in Co-op plays too... I really hope it gets changed other than that game mode is fun! 
And some tile sets (mostly grineer and sometimes corpus too) gets less enemy spawns. Hope you look into this

Edited by ZirkonX
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Onslaught is alright, I DO like the variety we face and different tileset cycles, that was an amazing idea.

However, like you mentioned, it feels like a Survival with a bigger reward table and seems like it will die out quickly once people have picked up Khora / Vandal parts...

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I think everything u mentioned is correct, the efficiency thing is a really big killer to me, i hope they change it to atleast deplete slowly.. at end of eachh zone i keep getting good ranks and good kills and starts the next zone with 30% efficiency remaining... not so good imo

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Yeah just had it happen to me in a team mission, I was client, got to round 8 and it just went black screen as it was loading.  Had to use task manager to shut the game down.

I did notice that the conduits were taking longer to 'spawn' than when I was soloing. 

Lost all my focus and my rewards not to mention my time was wasted, actually we couldn't even get to rotation c rewards (crashed going 7 to 8) so we'll never be able to get khora with this bug... 

Why this mission type doesn't utilise the same set up as PoE I have no idea, if we can have our rewards saved after each 'section' of a bounty we can have the same setup here after each round or 2 rounds. 


Edited by LSG501
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1 minute ago, Latiac said:

Onslaught is alright, I DO like the variety we face and different tileset cycles, that was an amazing idea.

However, like you mentioned, it feels like a Survival with a bigger reward table and seems like it will die out quickly once people have picked up Khora / Vandal parts...

That's something i forgot to mention, The tileset cycle needs to be random. At the moment, You always fight in the same order of tilesets. It gets really repetitive and it can only do good to have the map you play in to be random.

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6 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Personally, and it may be too soon to comment, I think that rewards should be 1 per Zone and not 1 per 2 Zones.
It's only increasing the duration on the already apparent Relic fest of a grind that we'll be facing.


Same, even said as much in the megathread. 

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Just now, Zaelesh said:

That's something i forgot to mention, The tileset cycle needs to be random. At the moment, You always fight in the same order of tilesets. It gets really repetitive and it can only do good to have the map you play in to be random.

if you're playing the elite mode they said it will have the same cycle throughout the week.

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OK got another 'issue'...crashed in my first team attempt

Why aren't our rewards saved at each rotation?  The system is already in place with bounties on PoE to save our rewards after each section, why isn't that being utilised on the rest of the star map to contend with game breaking bugs like we have in sanctuary onslaught where it completely crashes the game and we lose all our loot.

Edited by LSG501
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Just now, Errodin said:

People throw the word "rework" around like it's birdseed. It has issues that need fixing, and for all you know those can be fixed overnight. 

I only say rework because my intended changes make it vastly different than originally intended.

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1 minute ago, geo223 said:

if you're playing the elite mode they said it will have the same cycle throughout the week.

But what's the point of that when it could easily just be made random in every play-through?

Unless they do it that way for the sake of bug testing or something

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1 minute ago, LSG501 said:

OK got another 'issue'...

Why aren't our rewards saved at each rotation?  The system is already in place with bounties on PoE to save our rewards after each section, why isn't that being utilised on the rest of the star map to contend with game breaking bugs like we have in sanctuary onslaught where it completely crashes the game and we lose all our loot.

I know the feeling. Just finsihed my run and crashed 4 times, I lost all my Operator focus affinity. Kind of sucks -_- Lost a bunch of other stuff too

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Just now, Zaelesh said:

But what's the point of that when it could easily just be made random in every play-through?

Unless they do it that way for the sake of bug testing or something

They did it because of the leaderboard situation if everyone playing on random cycles how can the be a fair comparison 

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Just now, geo223 said:

They did it because of the leaderboard situation if everyone playing on random cycles how can the be a fair comparison 

Ok that makes sense. Fair enough. I only wish the leaderboards gave something other than publicity. Being #1 in the game should totally give you a few hundred plat atleast.

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