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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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In general, it is hard to gauge how good this mode is because of all of the crashes. The rewards, difficulty, and enjoyment may be perfect but it is hard to tell because there is a bug or crash that cuts the mode short 90% of the time. As it stands going past rotation C is just asking for the game to crash and lose all of your rewards.


Regular Onslaught: Khora parts/BP drop chance need to be increased to at least 10% for rotation B and C. As it stands there is just no reason to do Regular Onslaught when Khora's parts have similar drop chances to Elite Onslaught. Also Khora's main BP should be in the market. It would fall in line with other frames that have their main BP in the market for credits.

There is also too much of a difference between intact relics in regular onslaught and radiant relics in elite onslaught. There needs to be some bridge in between. Similar to Khora parts, there is just no reason to do Regular onslaught when there are much better rewards in Elite Onslaught.

Elite Onslaught: Remove Khora parts from Elite Onslaught. The rewards tables are already packed with items. No need to include Khora parts and plus it will give people more reason to do regular Onslaught.

If you are going to include endo as a reward it needs to be much more. A better suggestion is to remove endo in rotations and put it as a reward in odd zone numbers. The amount could even be dropped if needed. This way at least each zone rewards something.

Braton/lato vandal parts drop % I think are good. It is just annoying currently with all the crashes. This should stabilize as bugs/crashes are removed.


Elite Onslaught efficiency: It ramps up too quickly. It ends up where wiping the whole map gives 0% to efficiency. There needs to be a point where increased degradation of efficiency stops. As it stands it doesn't feel like a challenge because I can still kill high level enemies quickly but I cant keep up with the degradation of efficiency. In general I want to fail/end a zone because I cant keep up with the enemy difficulty, not because wiping a whole mission doesn't give me any "efficiency". Also the Efficiency Stimuli need to be more forthcoming. Do they increase efficiency per kill and by how much? I also want a spot on my HUD that states the number of Stimuli picked up, not just a quick notification.

Elite Onslaught enemy level: Starting enemy level needs to be higher. I suggest 100 lvl +. I want to be challenged the second I enter the mode. As it stands I can afk for the first few zones because enemies aren't that difficult. It just doesn't feel very "elite". If the mode is intended for veterans then it needs to be more difficult.  To drive this point home; I can bring in rank 0 weapons with no forma and still kill things. This should not be possible.

General Suggestions:

Abilities: I like that using certain abilities become blocked if you use them too much. I hope DE looks at certain individual abilities and their frequency of use. Abilities like Equinox's maim can be used indefinitely to clear zones. The frequency of use  is too short to be noticeable.

Weapons: I hope there will be a restriction on frequency of weapon use similar to restrictions on frequency of ability use. If you use a weapon too much in a zone or across zones there should be a cool down. This would require players to plan accordingly across their entire arsenal. This could be implemented on how much "efficiency" you receive from kills. The more you use a specific weapon to kill the lower the amount of "efficiency" you receive. As it stands you can bring 1 good weapon in and use it for the whole mode.

Leaderboards: Elite Onslaught is aimed at veterans and there are leaderboards posted in the relay. There should be some tangible benefit for high scores. Suggestions include trophies for your dojo if you get a high enough score. Or boosters if you make it on the leaderboards. The benefits don't have to be much. In the case of boosters it could just be a 30 minute booster. Just enough to recognize your achievement.

Difficulty Modifiers: Put in difficulty modifies similar to what is in sorties. I want endgame content. The more difficult the mode is the better.

Transitions/portals: The efficiency % needs to stop while waiting for the portal to spawn. Have lost many rewards because efficiency reaches 0% while waiting for the portal to open.


All-in-all thank you for a new game mode with veterans in mind. Looking forward to how the game mode turns out in the weeks to come.


Edited by ZiG.y
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4 hours ago, tyranno66 said:

Most of us are fine with being testers as long as the game is free. If you aren't then don't play for a week or so after an update. This isn't some triple A studio that is concerned only about cash.

Could we all stop pretending that DE is some quaint little indie company. They are not. They have hundreds of employees. They makes tens of millions of dollars in sales every year (probably closer to a 100 million). They are, for all intent and purpose, a AAA studio.

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1 hour ago, W3zeer said:

I guess I came off overly negative, it's not that I doubt the intentions of the Devs, i guess they just get overly hyped themselfs and want to deliver things as fast as possible, a sign they really love their jobs. And I can appreciate that. It's just that I hope they will invest a little more time in testing and fixing before release in the future. If you heard what the lady from quality assurance had to say about testing TWW you know that they had almost no time. And the number of hard progression stoppers the quest had confirms that. I'm sure the community will understand when content is delayed for a few days due to polishing as long as it's communicated as such. And that's pretty much everything I hope for concerning this situation.

We actually have identical views, I've made post after post being highly critical of the low quality of launch for POE, Shrine, kuva surv, and Onslaught.

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I too have lost all my rewards twice today, at lvl 11 and 13. when iv looked at the rewards there was nothing, no score, no credits, nothing at all. I hope DE will 

give me something for my efforts. all because the host left. 

and also theres a bug with the portal not appearing when its meant to, done this 3 times. twice on lvl 6, and once on lvl 9.


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Not sure if it's been brought up yet, but just something to keep Sanctuary Onslaught alive past its starting/hype phase, what if DE implemented a Weekly Sector Reward Table of some sort. No RNG except for the Table itself, guaranteed Once only Rewards for reaching certain Sectors in Elite mode for that Week.


For example:

~ Weekly Rewards ~


Sector 4: 300 Kuva

Sector 7: Forma Blueprint

Sector 9: 900 Endo

Sector 13: Orokin Catalyst Blueprint

Sector 15: 4k Kuva



This is purely an example, but the idea is every week when the Sanctuary Onslaught Elite mode shifts, the Weekly Reward Table shifts as well, in both prizes, and the sectors they're achieved on. Also important, again, these are One Time Rewards for the week, so no playing up to a Sector over and over to gain one item again and again. This is to keep it from becoming an "Elite farm" for higher level rewards. This idea also helps create a zone outside of Sorties to achieve certain rewards, but requires Teamwork and effort to gain them outside the Sortie's RNG.

This whole idea isn't meant for hard-core farming, but as a "Keep it relevant" sort of thing:

"Hey dude. SO has an Orokin Catalyst drop at Sector 13, wanna head in?"

"Eh, alright."



So, thoughts on this idea? Yay or Nay? (Possible Rewards for general Sector levels?)

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56 minutes ago, Saturmorn_Carvilli said:

The more I played Onslaught, the more I felt the many of issues were created by the host's rig and/or ISP and how the program interfaces with it.  If the host was running on a decent computer with good internet (probably what DE has available and use themselves), it seemed to work fine.  However, once they game is hosted by a 76 year-old laptop with a 14.4K dial-up modem, all manner of bugs seem to creep up. 

And then there is the ever present Host Migration which always breaks it. Part of the issue is the game mode doesn't have a really clear indicator as to where its stopping point is.  Sure, I know not going through the portal is meant to be the stopping.  However, many times the reward isn't shown until you go through the portal and there is absolutely no indication of who want to continue and who wants to stop.  It just sort of transitions.  The only definitive end is when the efficiency (or kill timer more accurately) timer runs out.  I still don't trust not going through a portal to keep my rewards and instead let the timer run out.

o-o 76 year old laptop? how is that even possible ?

Also remember people the golden rule of coding. Fix one bug and 10 more appear

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When a player crashes, disconnects then reconnects back to the group, the portal to the next round does not appear.

Also, efficiency continues to drop while we wait for the portal to open and while that slow animation of going through the portal is playing.

Edited by geralt79
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53 minutes ago, rune_me said:

They have hundreds of employees.

Approximately 250, last I checked. Which is what most studios consider to be a "Team", not the entire studio.


53 minutes ago, rune_me said:

They makes tens of millions of dollars in sales every year (probably closer to a 100 million).

Would you kindly provide some citations for this assertion?

53 minutes ago, rune_me said:

They are, for all intent and purpose, a AAA studio.

The problem lies in just how nebulous the term "AAA" is. Unless you can provide a concrete definition, we can't really make a judgment either way.

Edited by Corvid
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1 hour ago, CorruptedHybrid said:

And while we're at it, how about fixing portal not opening after player reconnects after crash?

Speaking of crashing I thought I was the only one on onslaught thank goodness it's not my :poop:wifi

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I think that would be an interesting idea, maybe theme it one week, so 1 week it could be all about rivens maybe getting a veiled mod and kuva, the next be endo with a mod pack thrown in there. so long as after the first run you can continue to run it with normal drop tables. 

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Just now, KilluaWalker said:

so long as after the first run you can continue to run it with normal drop tables. 

Ah, might not have gotten the point across that this is Extra on-top of the Drop Table. It's a one time Reward Table with no RNG per drop, just RNG for what the Table will be every week.

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Honestly I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but the mode is half-baked and buggy. The enemies don't drop anything at all and the reward pool is awful

Rotation A ~5 min for an 8.33% chance of a Khora part.

Rotation B ~10-15 min for a 7.69% chance of a Khora part.

Then, what really annoys me is 20 min for 5.64% chance of a part in Rotation C. That drop rate is ridiculous.

Then the absolute worse part is the constant "host migration" error where you lose everything including 20 minutes of your life.

 Also the game mode isn't even fun. It is so boring it is physically and mentally tiring to play.

tl;dr, please, please, please make the drop rates better and make it so we don't lose everything because the host supposedly leaves.

P.S. no one wants endo drops, they are ubiquitous and unnecessary.

Edited by IanBlinktread
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There's this steakhouse. A big group of customers order well-done steak. After one minute of ordering, the customers start to complain that they deserve their perfect well-done steak now and threaten the restaurant that they will leave and never return. The restaurant serves its steak as it is. The customers now complain that it is rare. The restaurant takes back the steak and cook it to well-done again. Was it a right thing to do for the restaurant to serve rare steak? No. Is it completely and only the restaurant's fault? No.

I believe it's the fault of both sides: DE and us. In this age of short attention span and hefty competition, getting new content fast in its somewhat chaotic state bares less risk than handcrafting a masterpiece once every 6 months in gaming business. And we are sort of encouraging such behavior. Look around the forum and see how many people complain about the content drought. Look at every single patch notes and count how many "Where is das raid?" or "Where is das Umbra?" comments. A big chunck of these people even make a threatening remarks as if the game is going to die in this state. Is it a right thing to do for DE to release somewhat unstable contents? No. Is it completely and only DE's fault? No.

Give it a time. I agree the ways DE released their contents have not been the most ideal, but they have their own conflicting interest and ideals, partially generated by their own fans. Give them some slack and get a bite of Snickers.

Edited by Gharsan
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Efficiency drain increasing the longer you go while the spawns stay the same = Terrible idea. Zone 15 of Normal onslaught with 2 equinoxes literally obliterating enemies as they spawn but the efficiency still continuing to drop is not okay.

The difficulty of the zones should not be based on if you're LUCKY enough that your eff doesn't suddenly drop if you waste even a SECOND trying to find the enemies that don't spawn quick enough. There should be a LUDACRIS about of enemies spawning, how are we supposed to kill as quickly as possible when they don't spawn quick enough for us to kill them?

For every enemy killed, a new one needs to spawn immediately. Not in waves. And the only time efficiency should start becoming a problem is when the enemies levels become too high to kill them quick enough. Like, we couldn't even get to a wave where the enemies become a problem, it's all entirely the efficiency. No matter how quickly we killed or found the stimulus', it just continued to plummet. 

If you read this and immediately think anything along the lines of blaming me or telling me to "get good" don't bother replying. This is solely my opinion, I don't need to be told what I'm doing wrong or what I could be doing right.

(This was originally a separate post but it got moved into a comment)

Edited by -MortisThorne-
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What I think about the new game mode

-Honestly, I don't like it. Since this new game mode was supposed to come out with a new Warframe, I was expecting a 4-part story, each part rewarding the player with Khora part, like you did with Titania and Limbo if I recall correctly. However the Lato and Braton beta weapons are a nice surprise, but other than that, there is no other reason to even do this new game mode. Maybe players will still do it to cap focus and level up weapons, if they get sick of Adaro and Hydron. The relics in the regular mode are not even worth mentioning at all, and about the elite mode, well if I do random fissures missions, to get traces, to rad a relic I want, I also get a random prime part that I can turn into plat or ducats, or a forma blueprint. The fact that we get radiant relics from the elite mode is not that big of a deal for me.

-Ignoring the rewards for a second, the actual gameplay is focused around kills per second, which restricts the player to certain warframes and weapons it the player wishes to farm the rewards fast and efficient. Which as far as I tested myself, the perfect team would be Trinity for the energy vampire skill, Equinox for it's 4th ability in it's day form, and maybe Oberon for the armor buff and health per second regen. Primary and secondary are kinda irrelevant at high levels, since the most efficient way to kill the enemies fast it would be with a melee that has high enough reach, Blood Rush, Drifting Contact for that damage scaling and other damage mods.

-So since I just want the rewards, so I can be done with that random generated hell, I'll just spin to win and nuke the enemies with Equinox, which makes it kinda repetitive and boring.

What I gamemodes do I enjoy in Warframe:

-If this update wouldn't had happen, I would probably play random fissure missions, trying out other frames and weapons that I never used before, for the random prime parts, and hunting eidolons for focus and arcanes.

What would actually make me play this new game mode on a regular basis:

-well the normal mode I would probably play for fun, and not use any meta since is more casual, but the rewards would make it a waste of time after I get Khora, so maybe if at the end of every round we get a reward as suppose of every 2 rounds, and if you add more relics at the reward pool (like all the unvaulted relics) it would probably be the most efficient relic farm in the whole game. For example: A A B C where A has a 60% chance to drop a lith relic and 40% chance to drop a meso relic, B 20% meso relic 80% neo relic and C 20% neo and 80% axi 

-the elite mode however, should provide the player with "end game" rewards. Since we already have a leaderboard, at the end of the week when the score will reset, it would be nice if the top players will receive something they actually need(a reward that they can actually put to use) and maybe some custom cosmetics that they can wear around in other missions, that last only as long as they keep their place in leaderboard.

+and maybe all those points could go towards some sort of syndicate like the Operation Plague Star, but instead of plague zaw parts and crafted forma and cetus related rewards, we can get some similar Simaris specific rewards

+or maybe you can make it so we could increase the drop chance of a reward from an enemy that we have in the codex, with the points that we get from the elite gamemode, which would work like the traces and relics system, but with enemies loot instead of prime parts and with codex scans instead of relics

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I agree that more enemies should spawn the higher you go, maybe not spawn immediately after one dies, more like an increase in enemies in the field, or maybe even an increase in eximus units, since they give more efficiency.

11 minutes ago, -MortisThorne- said:

If you read this and immediately think anything along the lines of blaming me or telling me to "get good" don't bother commenting. This is solely my opinion, I don't need to be told what I'm doing wrong or what I could be doing right.


This is a way to make it certain people will tell you Git Gud.

also Git Gud.

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Eh, another thread that is making my brain hurt.

If you are really coming up with consistent (reproducible) game-breaking bugs, then you should go to the Support page and fill out information in the requested format so that the devs can address the issues as they arise. That way you may find what can be done on your end, as that can be a bigger factor than what many seem to realize, and should be able to get specific help in that area with Support.

As someone who has done research and have built my own rigs, I know how many different components there can be, not to mention things like the used firmware, software, Operating System issues that can be unique to a subset of computers here and there, that the devs have no possible way to account for (due to the shear volume and permutations of combinations), even with their own in-house efforts.

The fact that Hotfixes can happen so regularly is actually a sign of dedication and commitment, that as players can be hard to appreciate as our experience tends to just be the frustration of something not working.

So I can appreciate the frustration, but much of the other commentary is not well informed.

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