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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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I suggested something like this in my thread about Onslaught having bosses but DE seems to have combined it all into the megathread so it's all lost forever in the sea of "LeT mE eXtRAcT eArLiER" and "iTsNoT lEiK sUrViVaL" arguments.

I'm down for this. Like... Past a certain number of zones, modifiers start to kick in like "Primaries only" or "Vampire mode" or "Secondary only". Stuff like that.

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9 minutes ago, -CM-TotallyNotLimbo said:

It's to avoid people farming xp on onslaught. The large amounts of enemies and fast spawn rates makes it the best farm in the game, at 12 rounds w/ booster to max out three rank 0 weapons and a companion, and it takes only half an hour.

Problem is, weapons are perfectly okay shooting from 0 to 30 in 20 minutes. I've basically grinded up a Jat Kittag from Unranked to 30 twice in less than an hour and I'm aware it's ridiculous. Which is why if they're going to prevent this, they should be looking to prevent it completely. At it stands, it's sitting in an odd limbo where you can throw unlimited Formas into everything except your Warframe using the Onslaught.

The way I see it, either you restrict everything to 30, you remove the restriction, or you remove the restriction and make it such that affinity gain can only go towards Focus. I got Zephyr Prime in the build queue and it's burning a bit of an itch in me knowing that I can't use her while working towards Peculiar Bloom and Khora but I can build an unlimited supply of weapons and bring them in immediately.

Edited by Flandyrll
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i see the problem with some of the levels ,specially for solo players,

zones like 6 / 7 / 11 / 12 and i think 16 or 17 that huuuge one on corpus and probably more ( never got far enough because the zones) should be resized, like way resized or enemies should be quadrupled there

zones like 2 / 9 /10 are like the perfect size, its big enough for team and managable for solo players

this seems like it has been slapped together last minute, for mod like this i would think they would make  own "arena" maps that are small size and enemies pummeling at you from all sides, but thats my 2 cents

Also i think we need extra warframe slot for "troll mods" and more of them

flower boy says HI


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well congrats getting that far,

but yea i just mention in other thread they really should resize or better make new "arena" sized maps for this mod, like zone 2 / 9 /10 are perfect size and solo players (like me) can manage these sizes

the mod is really fun on those  small sized maps, but gets not fun at all on those large ones where you have to run 800 miles to see if there is 1 enemy

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hace 18 minutos, Flandyrll dijo:

Problem is, weapons are perfectly okay shooting from 0 to 30 in 20 minutes. I've basically grinded up a Jat Kittag from Unranked to 30 twice in less than an hour and I'm aware it's ridiculous. Which is why if they're going to prevent this, they should be looking to prevent it completely. At it stands, it's sitting in an odd limbo where you can throw unlimited Formas into everything except your Warframe using the Onslaught.

The way I see it, either you restrict everything to 30, you remove the restriction, or you remove the restriction and make it such that affinity gain can only go towards Focus. I got Zephyr Prime in the build queue and it's burning a bit of an itch in me knowing that I can't use her while working towards Peculiar Bloom and Khora but I can build an unlimited supply of weapons and bring them in immediately.

Yeah, but making you able to only enter with rank 30 weapons would be the only solution, since focus is linked to xp, and that would be way too restrictive, while only banning not maxed frames is a solution already in place (sorties), and will hold up while they work out a solution. It will cease too, sadly.

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I'm so disappointed that the "high level" enemies have drastically reduced health and armor scaling. I was looking forward to some enemies that would present a challenge, but it's just more cannon fodder to one-shot. The last thing we need is larger amounts of very easy enemies, with bigger numbers over their heads. You just took regular Warframe and made it even easier.

Please, please give us a mode with fewer, more challenging enemies that have the same scaling as the rest of the game. And let me access it on demand, without waiting for an hour. This has always been what Warframe lacks. I don't understand why we can't have this.

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We are loving Sanctuary. Bugs are annoying but I trust that they'll be eradicated in time.

We love the whole idea of a game mode that is an open ended fast ramping challenge to see how far you can get, with no extraction worry.


The standard loot rotation concept really doesn't work with this game mode. We really need something that gets better continuously (up to a point and then flatline on further zones) to reflect the challenge.
For example.
Instead of: A A B C A A B C A A B C A A B C A A B C A A B C
Make it:     A A B B C C C D D D D E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ...

BECAUSE... Public groups seem currently to be mostly made up of loot whores that just quit at zone 9 to restart and get the easiest run at the best loot. There's no loot incentive to continue and far too many players need that kind of incentive.

I know this would be different to every other game mode reward rotation, but this really is a totally different game mode.

Edited by Thirdofherne
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I mean, the whole idea of an "onslaught" is being overwhelmed with hostiles from all sides. That I have no problem with. But when the spawns start tapering off the mode becomes less fun than tedious.
All in all it seems like a simple enough fix: just up the spawn rates in the more open maps, and perhaps even make the mobs faster, more aggressive in their movements.

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Can we have the reward show up without going through the portal, sure it looks cooler to go through the portal and get the reward but in squads this feature is very annoying, you can end up sacrificing a squad members rewards by them going through the portal and host migration fails. And if your wondering Yes this did happen to me, I don't think wasting 20 minutes of my time was worth it.

With this at least you will not get host migration and risk losing everything in a pub squad.

Edited by CaptainJLP
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The problem is that guns just don't have the sustainable DPS that long reaching melee weapons do. Most guns can only hit 3-4 enemies at most at one time, which is very sad compare to a whip or polearm with primed reach. I manage to go solo and reach wave 10 on a poorly modded atterax with Nidus. I stopped because my hand was starting to hurt and it was getting boring.

If you think guns are viable, go solo on onslaught tell us how far you were able to go, because I'll be interested if you can find another alternative .


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Issue that I'm finding with onslaught is once the breach stars forming to go to the next zone, enemies stop spawning and efficiency drops dramatically, I would suggest to keep enemies spawning even though the breach hasn't formed for us to keep the efficiency up and not be presented a finished missions screen just because we ran out of enemies to kill to keep out efficiency up. It happened to me earlier today, we cleared the map, breach started opening and it wouldn't open cause we ran out of efficiency because there were no enemies to kill to keep efficiency up, and we didn't get a C rotation reward because of it.

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I just fell victim to the "host migration" thing - just got Khora BP after zone 8, everyone's happy... then... Host migration, for almost a solid 2 minutes

once that finally resolves, I'm instantly given the post-mission screen and a COMPLETELY BLANK REWARDS PAGE. Oh sure the onslaught score page shows my score, but no rewards... no focus, no khora BP

Come on DE - fix this! I don't mind the grind, but that grind better damn well work!

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2 hours ago, -skimmer- said:

----Removed video--


This is supposed to be the ultimate challenge of gun and blade for the tenno. Just spinning with meme strike is way too easy and if thats all people will ever do, this mode will get stale very quickly.

Simaris already blocks overused abilities to force people to use different tactics. Let him also temporarily block an overused weapon if players refuse vary their attacks. Lets make the builds more interesting than mere one tricks.

:facepalm:Why dont you ask Devs for an Conculyst enemy and get done with it

in that way you are beeing forced to use something else

-- End of being Sarcastic -- 


--- And no iam not asking for nerfs buffs to break this game even further --


Ps love you're build .. have tryed it thinking about use ing it more than Attrax :crylaugh: 

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and to top it off when soloing the onslaught its completely random at which it ends and at times it cant be sustained because of the dang mobs running for freaking cover. or they are running in some of the dang hallways in some of those really complex hallways. at least i don't have to worry about the dang infested running to the furthest corner and cry their eyes out wishing for it to stop. the dang mobs that are range troops should at least find cover "closest" to the target they are so pose to kill, but they end up going to the furthest possible place in the dang zone map to bawl out their eyes because their whole life is a living hell.....wow. i would probably do that too if i was constantly being revived and killed in a simulation.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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I'm not sure whether this is something that has been mentioned before, there's a lot of pages to go through to check, but!

Is it possible to have the reward given when the data conduit opens rather than when you go through it? It seemed really unintuitive to go through the entirety of Wave 16, decide it was a good point to leave and then realise that you don't actually get given a reward unless you go onto the next wave.

As it stands, rewards are at the Start of wave 3, 5, 7 & 9... etc rather than the end of 2, 4, 6 & 8... etc and it's quite weird that way and unrewarding to those cashing out. <3

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On 4/20/2018 at 9:51 AM, Gabbynaru said:

Just did a quick sanctuary. Casual, not hardcore. Main piece of feedback after that is the fact that efficiency is going down way too fast in solo. Couldn't even manage to get to 10 minutes, even though everything was dying in one shot, and they were many at once dying. Is this supposed to be a co-op only mode? I really hope it's not...


On 4/20/2018 at 10:59 AM, Avengerwyw said:

The game mode is too buggy... First try till around Zone 10, game hanged. Have to reboot. Rejoin same team and continue till around zone 15, game crashed. no reward no score. Second try. Zone 11, have score no reward and progress. I can send you both screen cap if required. Crash report also sent.


On 4/20/2018 at 11:57 AM, The_soldier_of_no_Sorrow said:

Permanently froze my entire computer after a handful of waves.


33 minutes ago, webkilla said:

I just fell victim to the "host migration" thing - just got Khora BP after zone 8, everyone's happy... then... Host migration, for almost a solid 2 minutes

once that finally resolves, I'm instantly given the post-mission screen and a COMPLETELY BLANK REWARDS PAGE. Oh sure the onslaught score page shows my score, but no rewards... no focus, no khora BP

I'm having all these problems.  Farming Khora, while fun, has also been terribly punishing.  Please fix this asap.  I'm not sure how much further I can raise my blood pressure.

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Please for the love of god i will kill myself if i get a crash again due to the fact that my teammamtes dont want to end the game onslaught when i ask, and i either disconect after 30 minute game or i crash and loose literaly all my progress, and dont give me that excuse that its game mechanics and its nothing you can do. Please add an option to leave game if we choose to do so. I dont want to play in public missions precisely because of this reason but new game mode is forcing me to do so because i cant keep up killing so many enemies on my own. Please again FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ADD A LEAVE GAME OPTION WHICH WILL SAVE MY PROGRESS I HAD SO FAR LIKE IN DEFENSE MISSIONS >.< Like after every 2 waves give us that option please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE IM SO TIRED AND ANGRY YOU CANNOT IMAGINE HOW TILTING IT IS TO WORK FOR SOMETHING AND GET #*!%ED BECAUSE OF OUTSIDE INFLUENCE ITS FRUSTRATING TO NO END

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On 4/21/2018 at 8:45 PM, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

I mean that sucks... but S#&amp;&#036; happens. This isn't really feedback though.

Any monkey at DE should figure out theres a better way of tracking loot by automatically adding the loot items to your inventory and removing loot lost from failed missions.

No one but noobs fail missions, and theyre the ones most likely to leave forever when they lose all their progress in a misson.

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I would like to see rewards appear as soon as a wave ends and the conduit starts loading. As it stands, the rewards appear for everyone only when one person goes through the conduit, which puts everyone at the mercy of unexpected host migrations that cost them their rewards. 

I imagine the host migration issue is probably a tricky fix, but the above would be a good temporary measure while it’s being worked out.

Also, since the conduits appear to wait until everyone’s client has loaded the next area, that puts the entire squad at the mercy of the person with the slowest PC or connection, which isn’t healthy. Can we get a complete freeze on efficiency while the conduit is opening?

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The game mode isnt designed to be played for long without using meme or maim, DE decided to make efficiency drop SO fast the only way to stay ahead is to spin.

Thats said i use equinox with arca plasmor which gets me thru elite until the kuva enemies, then i just switch because its not worth it anymore.

DEs poor design in weapons and missions just came to fruition, its their fault moreso than the players by making this necessary

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