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Onslaught now near impossible to reach rotation C


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Before the recent "great" changes, the mode was easy to start, but hard to keep up. But now:

- Enemies have more health, armor and damage. They are harder to kill, so you are getting less efficiency.
- Efficiency drains UNHOLY FAST. What was written as 'past wave 10' is actually 'since wave 1'
- Eximus and ancients now spawn WAY more often. Which means more enemies with 99% damage reduction and you having 0 energy. And eximus and heavy units still give the same efficiency as a maggot/crawler.

Unless you abuse hard nukes/cheese/meme strike, good luck getting past zone 6 with 50% efficiency. Dont even try to solo.

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Tried solo twice and got to zone 7 each time.  Lots of dying but, hey, I've got revives there to be used so that's fine, except I lose my pet when I self revive and thus lose enemy/loot radar making the Stimuli harder to find. 

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Instead of fixing the problems, DE switches the tileset, enemies, adds in some elemental BS, changes efficiency drain, etc. It almost seems like DE is just pulling the lever on a slot machine and just hoping for the best. 

I would bet my life Onslaught was produced by DE's "Random Game Mode Generator". And they just keep changing the variables. :laugh:

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6 minutes ago, -skimmer- said:


Hey guess why we have 2 onslaught difficulty levels?

So we can ignore the second one because the devs trashed it, and then a minority of players who are still doing it a year from now can throw a giant fit because the game mode has been ignored for so long that it's accrued a bunch of bugs, to which the devs will respond by just removing it completely.

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7 minutes ago, Jaysus41 said:

So, obviously they're going to walk this back a bit, but are they going to overreact and turn the difficulty into marshmallow fluff like they've done in the past?

That's the grand irony of this, the difficulty that it was at before was almost perfect, we finally had a game mode with high level, dangerous enemies that weren't giant meatsacks with a billion HP. All it really needed more spawns as the game went on and maybe an increase in the number of special/hard enemies that regularly spawn (As some zones completely lacked anything in the way of Noxes, Maniacs, etc. Would have liked to see multiple Ambulas spawn on some corpus zones).

The amusing part is in addition to these "fixes" they also apparently removed a damage multiplier they were gaining, so they've already lowered the difficulty in one way. The worst way. People complain about the game having busted scaling for ages, they ACCIDENTALLY fix the problem in one of the game modes... And then they break their fix because it wasn't "working as intended." I don't have enough hands to facepalm as hard as this requires.

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9 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

they also apparently removed a damage multiplier they were gaining

I might be going crazy, but it feels like the enemies do MORE damage now.

Either the enemies are getting more levels per zone or there are more heavy units spawning, because I used to get to zone 6 without effort, but now I get instantly shredded the second I stop CC'ing them.

I know they have far more health and armor than they had, though. A level 50 ancient healer took about 15k damage to be killed, Corrupted Bombards/Heavies also have massive damage reduction (8k crits doing 700 damage)

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4 minutes ago, MobyTheDuck said:

I might be going crazy, but it feels like the enemies do MORE damage now.

Either the enemies are getting more levels per zone or there are more heavy units spawning, because I used to get to zone 6 without effort, but now I get instantly shredded the second I stop CC'ing them.

I know they have far more health and armor than they had, though. A level 50 ancient healer took about 15k damage to be killed, Corrupted Bombards/Heavies also have massive damage reduction (8k crits doing 700 damage)

They probably do earlier on, if the scaling was broken on both ends. But before, they would eventually reach a point where they felt like they were doing around sortie 3 level damage but were much less of a meatsack.

I need to test this further, to see how it pans out overall. I'm just eyeballing it as I haven't got a chance until now to get on and see what it's like in person. But I know what the base game's scaling is like very well, which is to say: Completely busted, especially on units where armor is involved. Saryn was meta before, and I expect her to be *absolutely required* now if you actually want to get anywhere, along with a team that has at least 3 CP. This isn't "Elite," this is a gear check.

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...Just tested it, it's exactly as I expected. Right down to the specifics, Saryn on a team full of CP, probably with a Trinity for energy, is going to be meta to the point that eventually it's all people will run. The other things on your team are somewhat variable, but they're still all the same suspects (Rhino, Equinox, Nova, etc). Damage ramps up faster, but not to the point where Corpus are a problem... Except when you have squishy off-meta frames, bringing Ember is basically an active detriment to the rest of your team. Mostly it's the Grineer and the ridiculous energy crunch that are the problems, and overall what it pans out as is just an intensified the gear check, nothing more nothing less.

Honestly, the devs need to either finally address the problems with scaling, specifically the ridiculous amplification of armor, or walk this last patch back. I'd actually prefer they keep the changes if they addressed scaling properly, but that's not going to happen any time soon so it's probably better they just do a roll back. Maybe roll back Ember while they're at it lol.

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It's probably because I was running Inaros with Maiming strike Atterax, but reaching wave 8 was no issue. If I had my way, I'd remove efficiency entirely, and just make it about being able to kill x amount of enemies without dieing before moving onto the next area. However that change would ruin the point of the leaderboard.

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This is actually ridiculous at this point. 

The scaling and efficiency drain was fine before. We were able to make it to stage 12-16 without too much of a problem in the normal mode...
Now it's hard to reach stage 8 with normal builds. Getting S rank every stage and yet still efficiency reduces at a faster rate than enemies spawn in and the new scaling makes grineer annoying because they're now spongey and do way more damage than they need to and spend half the time just avoiding you.

Good luck to anyone actually planning to ever get Khora now. Not that she's worth all the stupidity that is currently Onslaught.

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I just feel like the problem is almost totally on spawning rate, or system.... every match lost is likely when you cannot kill them with just  AOE skills, if they are less than usual or far away from each other... you are doomed.

The issue is more about finding them instead of killing or not be killed.... a boring, repetitive and unskilled mechanic requirements, instead of challange.

Other than that, they will lock behind the meta-wall every frame that cannot kill frames without the line of sight.

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Wow, I was actually going to give this mode a go, but now I think I'll hold off until they've straightened it out.

What bothers me the most is that almost everyone is complaining that you lose not because you couldn't kill enemies fast enough, but because they don't even spawn fast enough. That doesn't sound fun at all to me, it just means frames with huge AoE's that don't require LoS are an absolute requirement.

To top it off, putting a brand new frame behind a game mode that clearly hasn't been thoroughly tested is just insulting. It's becoming increasingly obvious that DE intends to make each new frame more tedious to get than the last in order to get people to give up and buy it with plat, and greed is such an ugly color on them.

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So, pre-patch, a Banshee quake build could, with relatively little difficulty, press 4 to win up until about wave 10 in normal mode.  After that, things scaled to the point that you needed something else, as even repeated quake casts weren't going to be enough to keep up with enemy scaling (or spawns, if lots of parasites/ancients/guardians were appearing).

And that was fine, because it was normal mode and it allowed you to at least access rotation C for a shot at the new frame BP and part that was acquired there.

As things stand now, making it past wave 6 with anything less than a meta meme strike build isn't going to happen, and even if you do manage to get past wave 6, your efficiency will probably bottom out before the end of wave 7, and certainly before you finish wave 8, thus denying you even a small chance at getting 2 out of 4 Khora parts.

With all due respect DE, come the F on.  Go ahead and make elite stupidly punishing, but when you lock a frame behind this crap it's really just a kick in the nuts.

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So I took Ivara into Elite Onslaught with the enemy radar Exilus...

It's very revealing of how bungled up AI and large maps combine to completely screw up the mode. They start on the far reaches of the map and take forever to path to the middle on the Kuva tileset, and on the earth jungle tileset they actually will sometimes sit completely still for some reason. Try it out if you want a bit of clarity on why certain tilesets are killing your efficiency.

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All those masochistic conclusions are really nonsense...
We are here to let them now every bit in the wrong place and they will address everything... like i have seen until now since the beginning of Warframe.
They are not so fast like we would like, but also this thing is always the same :P

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I was making the Khora grind enjoyable by soloing regular onslaught to rotation C with every single frame in alphabetical order, without resorting to spin2win.  I made it to Nova before the last update hit, and now it looks like I have to give up even that bit of fun.  I need to bring a meta murderframe just to solo to zone 8 in *regular* onslaught.  Now it's WORK.

With the exception of spawn bugs, zones 1-8 were just fine before.  I'm okay with it getting stupid at some point, but that point needs to be after the first rotation.

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9 hours ago, XaoGarrent said:

So we can ignore the second one because the devs trashed it


Thankfully it's not just the players pointing it out.

God, I hope I'm not misinterpreting this Tweet. Onslaught, while still needing fixes and adjustments, was perfect in the previous state. Disappointed that the first gamemode I enjoyed in such a long time was so quickly brought down.

Edited by LazerSkink
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