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Prepare yourself: How Nuke Trin are gonna get nerf


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On 2018-04-27 at 5:12 PM, FireSegment said:


I believe it is Stupid to punish players for thinking of creative ways of using the kit.

I don't see Nuke Trinity as a problem -  I only see a problem with players that complain about others that use Forma + MOD + The Wiki to make strong builds.

Nerf some for balance is good.

Nerf everything you see, will just frustrate your player base and they will leave. This is a grindy game with some pretty intense drop rates.

What do you think will happen?


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Are you kidding me? All DE has to do to obliterate this nuke build is to make it that self-damage no longer transfers to enemies and Trinity takes the full brunt of the Castana explosions. Done.

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I would like to see some response from DE, and not only for this case but for things like wukong nukes nerf and that kind of stuff, if they did i wasn't aware, but at least giving people time to give some feedback (as in other situations) could lead to find better solutions. I think that wukong nuke build was fun, and i think the same about trinity, im yet to try that build, but i rather know first if its gonna be changed, i dont want to invest time in something thats going to be changed.

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3 hours ago, 5nak3Doctor said:

I believe it is Stupid to punish players for thinking of creative ways of using the kit.

I don't see Nuke Trinity as a problem -  I only see a problem with players that complain about others that use Forma + MOD + The Wiki to make strong builds.

Nerf some for balance is good.

Nerf everything you see, will just frustrate your player base and they will leave. This is a grindy game with some pretty intense drop rates.

i failed to recall when did i just say something like "Stuff ....." in this topic as u quote, if that's just for me to get a notification, may be use "@" next time?

so ... to the point shall we.

Saying that change or nerf something broken isn't remotely "punish player" for "thinking creative", I'm sorry but no, this overused excuse is not a valid reason to keep any broken stuff in the game as it is.

Nuke trin isn't a problem for you doesn't mean that there isn't a problem with it game play. What im trying to say here is just the more you feel comfort on playing nuke trin now, the worse it would hurt when it got fix, and DE is in the right this time

and i also didn't mention anything about Forma or mod or wiki or anything like that in my topic, so ... why bring that up?

I been playing this game since 2014, i play almost every iteration of a lot of frame that go through the buff and nerf hammer since then. DE don't go around nerf everything ( may be except for that viver gate one), they nerf what they consider harmful for the game.  Saryn's spam-4-to-win, Excal javelin spam-4-to-win, Mesa + Mag greedy pull, Mag's old polarized vs corpus, Mirage + simulor combo,.... and Nekros old desecrate. They all share a same characteristic - they remove or lesser your engagement with the enemy, that's what DE won't tolerance, in the long run, when they have time to focus on it.

also ... i don't see why u put the grinding part and the site there, cool site to know i guess but i ain't talking about loot table or why ppl leave or come back here.

Edited by FireSegment
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I'd be okay with Link not being able to transfer self-damage to enemies. She's a pure support frame, she doesn't need a nuker. I just hope they don't "rework" the rest of what she does. Unless it's her one. Even if she only gets a horn to honk at ppl as her 1 that would still be better than what she has now ;)

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On 2018-04-27 at 6:12 PM, FireSegment said:

Well .... with the nuke trin become too common now on onslaught, i think we can all agree that it's just the matter of time before DE nerf or prevent boring gameplay of shooting uself on the feet. So ... if her rework not coming out first, we can expect (and should mentally prepare for) the many ways and direction DE could "fix" trin the way DE usually do:


 1) Decoupling Diamond Skin and Aviator reduction damage with Link, make the effect no longer stack on top of each other - the 2 mod that needed for a nuke trin to not die.

 2) Not transferring the remained self damage into new link target if the 4 current one died, or add a small delay of  0.1s before link switch to new target - This would effectively make u not wanna trade u revive for just 4 enemies u linked to.

 3) Make Link require Line of sight (LoS) to the enemy in order to link.


 Honestly, i do want to see at least one of the option up there be implement soon, so that i do not get to attached to this old spam-4-to-win level of engagement, the sooner DE rule out this this method of playing, the less backlash that would unavoidably occur when the fixes got implement.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of trinity can deal damage, i love how trin suddenly have that warrior kind of feel when i first discover this build and i hope Trinity rework would base around Link (the same way Saryn with Spore and Mag with Polarize) and still provoke that warrior like feeling. However, i doubt DE would wait that long to address this problem, 

So ... yeah, tell me which option would u prefer when DE take action, or if u have another idea on how would DE drive us away from the current sucidal game play.

EDIT: Nuke trin are gonna go away because it's a spam-to-win method. Devs have no tolerance for spam-to-win in the past, that's my point, not because it's effectiveness, not because Castana is imba or self damage have a problem, in case it's not clear in my post (or u missed that part).


Yeah let nerf and already underwhelming frame because someone made a good link build. Dude, you're one of the problems with Warframe. smh

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I'll make this suggestion, only because it has no effect on how I personally use Link.

Make Aviator only take effect when the player is moving forwards- jumping in one place doesn't count.

So you have to be actively bullet jumping etc around the map and not just sitting in one place doing 'spam'.


(I don't shoot at my feet, I bullet jump first, then blow up the castana's in my hand mid aim glide. Traveling from one group of enemies to the next. It plays very much like the various Elemental Bullet Jump Mods. Very fun and active way to use Link, Try It!)

Edited by (PS4)haphazardlynamed
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On 2018-05-08 at 9:58 PM, (XB1)Rey Za BurreI said:

Yeah let nerf and already underwhelming frame because someone made a good link build. Dude, you're one of the problems with Warframe. smh




First off, Trinity is capable of levels of tankyness that out preforms nearly every other frame. With a shield and shield restoration Arcanes she is nearly immortal surpassing tank intended frames.

Second! Trinity has the only spammable energy restoration, giving her ENTIRELY UNIQUE benefit to teamgameplay.

THIRD. No other frame is so capable of instant restoration. Trinity is go to for Eidolons and rightly so. Her instant 100% heal coupled with a 30second 75% damage reduction makes Lures extremely easy to keep alive, along with teammates.


Trinity is the only frame like her. Oberon can do more outright damage but in terms of support trinity is truely alone in her usefulness.

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On 2018-05-10 at 9:49 AM, beercritch said:

Simple thing is if link trinity get a nerf then banshee and volt need a nerf first as these are much more "problematic"


At least with trinity you have to keep doing things rather than sitting in one spot pressing 1 button

No they aren't more problematic. And with Trinity you don't have to do anything except link >> castanas, jump, detonate. Just instead of the skill you spam castanas and jump.

Nukong at least you had to aim, couldn't insta spam the nuke, were restricted to areas high enough for his jump and could very easy kill yourself ("oh but wukong has defy" - if you really ever played that setup you would know that if you kept relying on defy: 1st) from glaive you always got blast proc, getting knocked down, quite annoying, 2nd) you run out of energy really fast.) So with that build you really had to be aware of your surroundings and couldn't spam it everywhere. And that still got nerfed. I loved that build because it was fun but I can accept that it got removed from game. Tho would be nice if that build just got tuned down not completely destroyed.

For Trin nuke build - just as strong as Nukong, much less fun, no awareness needed at all. Playing it from time to time to get a different play style feeling and each time I realize again and again that I personally hate that just as much as spamming quake banshee (Banshee can't kill nearly as strong enemies, she is limited to skill damage, higher energy cost over same amount of time spent spamming and armor scaling on grineer). So stop saying "it's cool and creative" "it's not like other spamming frames".


I probably wouldn't want it completely removed from game tho (as with Nukong), just tune it down, so could make it that you can't spam self damage without actually taking no self damage. So yea, just make Aviator and Diamond Skin / other resistance mods multiplicative. That way it could still kill enemies, if used with blessing wouldn't kill Trin, but you couldn't just use this method mindlessly without caring about any damage at all. 

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If Elite Onslaught didn't require 5 kills a second at Zone 7 to keep up with efficiency drain, we probably would never have seen the meta start to revolve around Masochist Trinity. It would have stayed with Meme Strike, Saryn, Equinox and Banshee. Masochist Trinity has little use outside of ESO, as carrying levelers in Hydron requires less effort with Banshee, and resource farms in Survival prefer the meta around Atlas, Hydroid and Nekros, with two of those requiring enemies to get hit by their abilities before death. With each AoE nerf, they need to rework ESO's efficiency drain, or no one will get rotation C when there are no options of mass murder.

Edited by (XB1)dude1286
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How about making Elite Onslaught less a broken mess of a borefest and/or changing the interaction between a couple mods instead of nerfing (again) an entire frame because it makes it less tedious to play said specific imbalanced game mode with a very specific build? Just saying... It's an option...

Edited by Marthrym
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On 2018-04-27 at 3:12 PM, FireSegment said:

 3) Make Link require Line of sight (LoS) to the enemy in order to link.



Yes...  This will be the thing that nerfs it.  If DE thinks the way I do, I would assume they would keep the link skill the same as it is now but they might make it so the damage (using the nuke trin setup as example) from the castanas has a visible travel time through the links.  BUT if the enemy linked is behind some form of cover the damage will just fade away upon coming in contact with said cover.

So the links will still go through walls and everything attaching to the enemies and all that but the damage has the limitation of LoS

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On 2018-05-14 at 8:22 PM, (XB1)dude1286 said:

If Elite Onslaught didn't require 5 kills a second at Zone 7 to keep up with efficiency drain, we probably would never have seen the meta start to revolve around Masochist Trinity. It would have stayed with Meme Strike, Saryn, Equinox and Banshee. Masochist Trinity has little use outside of ESO, as carrying levelers in Hydron requires less effort with Banshee, and resource farms in Survival prefer the meta around Atlas, Hydroid and Nekros, with two of those requiring enemies to get hit by their abilities before death. With each AoE nerf, they need to rework ESO's efficiency drain, or no one will get rotation C when there are no options of mass murder.

True. Players are just adapting to the game mode. Still it's sad that many game modes force us to do this (spam few abilities, use only few frames known best for it, very monotone play style) as I doubt anyone actually enjoys that - not other squad members and not the person nuking things as well (I or friends I've talked to certainly don't enjoy spamming).

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This is a horde shooter, whether people want it to be or not. But if we nerf Trinity, we might as well nerf Equinox, Frost, Ember (again), Octavia, and Banshee. And then people will complain that there are no damage Frames to take out groups.

These Warframes currently fill a niche other than "lock down the entire map with crowd control." I dunno about you, but a SHOOTER game where NOT killing enemies is more beneficial because abilities (whether CC-based or damage-based) affect more enemies at a time than guns, is not a fun game for everyone. This means that, should damage-based Warframes be removed, the number of players to which this game appeals will drop, reducing the player base, and in turn, DE's revenue.

Edited by NeoRetro10K
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I feel as if removing Link's transference of self-damage to enemies would be the most straight-forward method of nerfing Nuke Trinities, although the DEvs have implemented more convoluted solutions to problems that upset everyone in the past *COUGH**COUGH*NULLIFIERS*COUGH**COUGH* so here's hoping whatever they go with isn't too excessive.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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