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Plz keep channeling


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2 minutes ago, Nacond said:

maybe I misunderstood what I read - but as far as I understand DE is planning to merge Channeling and Blocking.

if not - isn't Channeling something like "Heavy attacks"?

They're making blocking work with the benefits from channeling and will remove channeling and charge attacks to add in heavy attacks.

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4 minutes ago, Nacond said:

maybe I misunderstood what I read - but as far as I understand DE is planning to merge Channeling and Blocking.

if not - isn't Channeling something like "Heavy attacks"?

Channeling is blocking, blocking is channeling. And ya talked about replacing channeling with heavy attks. Theres nothing wrong with channeling mechanic... DE just chose to ignore it for years. Need better mods and weapons that benefit from it. CHANNELING is a 3rd layer of dmg output beyond status/crit. 

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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vor 2 Minuten schrieb -BM-Mitz:

They're making blocking work with the benefits from channeling and will remove channeling and charge attacks to add in heavy attacks.

I couldnt´'t find anything about charge attacks?


I'm asking whats the difference between channeling now and heavy attacks? to be honest, we don't know exactly what it will look like so maybe give DE time to tell us about their plans. And now channeling is a 3rd layer of dmg output - heavy attacks will be the new 3rd layer. I don't see any difference at the moment.

but for me - I never use block and I used to channel for life strike - now I'm more focused on status and use healing returns so I don't see any reason to channel. (and I play melee most of the time) so I'm hoping that DE will deliver a better system of melee

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I hate this change, everything else I can live with, even changing the default channelling key to blocking, but at the very least leave the option in to assign a key to channelling as it is now... My Main, a melee Nekros requires channelling to drain energy for equilibrium to work... So much effort into 1 frame, to be forced to play him like everyone else does. I've been waiting foe them to revamp Channelling, not basically scrap it.

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3 minutes ago, Nacond said:

I couldnt´'t find anything about charge attacks?

Heavy Attacks: Heavy attacks will now use the old Channelling button and will be powered by your combo counter. Part of this change includes improvements to charge attacks (goodbye false swings), ground slams (making them able to be directional), and more.

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10 hours ago, Nacond said:

I couldnt´'t find anything about charge attacks?


I'm asking whats the difference between channeling now and heavy attacks? to be honest, we don't know exactly what it will look like so maybe give DE time to tell us about their plans. And now channeling is a 3rd layer of dmg output - heavy attacks will be the new 3rd layer. I don't see any difference at the moment.

but for me - I never use block and I used to channel for life strike - now I'm more focused on status and use healing returns so I don't see any reason to channel. (and I play melee most of the time) so I'm hoping that DE will deliver a better system of melee

Try channeling with a CO build plus exodia force.

Or channeling with a bloodrush/gladiator build plus Exodia valor and get back to me.

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10 hours ago, Carnage2K4 said:

Heavy Attacks: Heavy attacks will now use the old Channelling button and will be powered by your combo counter. Part of this change includes improvements to charge attacks (goodbye false swings), ground slams (making them able to be directional), and more.

Might as well do away with light attks. No reason NOT to utilize combo counter.

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I'll admit that I do have channelling builds on a few of my weapons but I don' use it very much. The only way for it to be more intuitive is to basically redo the whole system. Right now I usually just use quick melee attacks, not because regular melee isn't good, because it really is, but it's kind of lack luster. It needs to be more engaging and I think the new system coming out will do that. But besides a slight increase in damage channeling never really did anything spectacular.

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You very well know that if Channeling were to become viable, people would find a way to min/max it into their builds and therefore justify never turning channeling off.

The direction of these changes DE wants is to reinforce player input and give a matter of choice into these things for much of the same reason as they've been gradually doing away with "press 4 to win" frames.

Channeling needed to die. Period.

Edited by Xaxma
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Channeling was a way of improving your raw damage at the cost of energy.  As well as block incoming damage at the cost of energy.  There were all sorts of mods that only work when you are channeling like Life Strike for example that let you heal based on damage inflicted.

After they screw the pooch on melee all that will remain of channeling will be a block button...wow...so cool.  And a new button to do heavy attacks with that consume hit count, even more lame......

Channeling never could compete with combo/crit builds in damage though so it never gets used except by people who dont care about doing their best damage.  

Channeling instead of being thrown in the trash should have been DEVELOPED into something that could compete with combo/crit builds or offered something DIFFERENT to make people have to choose between different options.    

  • Channeling could have BUILT energy instead of consume it
  • Channeling could multiply affinity (focus/xp)
  • Channeling could have made enemies drop orbs
  • Channeling could have made enemies drop more loot/credits

The coolest part of channeling was the energy that flowed through you and your weapon while it was on.  Since they are gutting it from the game I hope that stuff stays for the normal melee system =/

But I hate whats being done to melee 😞 A disgusting over-reaction to slide abusers.   You can kill sliding and build stronger walls but wtf do you gotta mess with everything else???  If you do wanna mess with everything else why dont you make channeling into an atlernative to combo/crit and add more depth to the game instead of making it more shallow and empty.  


Edited by (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN
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1 hour ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

Channeling was a way of improving your raw damage at the cost of energy.  As well as block incoming damage at the cost of energy.  There were all sorts of mods that only work when you are channeling like Life Strike for example that let you heal based on damage inflicted.

After they screw the pooch on melee all that will remain of channeling will be a block button...wow...so cool.  And a new button to do heavy attacks with that consume hit count, even more lame......

Channeling never could compete with combo/crit builds in damage though so it never gets used except by people who dont care about doing their best damage.  

Channeling instead of being thrown in the trash should have been DEVELOPED into something that could compete with combo/crit builds or offered something DIFFERENT to make people have to choose between different options.    

  • Channeling could have BUILT energy instead of consume it
  • Channeling could multiply affinity (focus/xp)
  • Channeling could have made enemies drop orbs
  • Channeling could have made enemies drop more loot/credits

The coolest part of channeling was the energy that flowed through you and your weapon while it was on.  Since they are gutting it from the game I hope that stuff stays for the normal melee system =/

But I hate whats being done to melee 😞 A disgusting over-reaction to slide abusers.   You can kill sliding and build stronger walls but wtf do you gotta mess with everything else???  If you do wanna mess with everything else why dont you make channeling into an atlernative to combo/crit and add more depth to the game instead of making it more shallow and empty.  


I agree, and it does build energy with Exodia brave. Actually a channeling Condition overload build is epic. I dont want heavy attks to consume combo counter. That will mean to utilize them, u will HAVE to depend on combo counter to be viable.

I dont like being forced into a particular playstyle.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb (PS4)big_eviljak:

I dont like being forced into a particular playstyle.

Nobody likes to be forced into something - but in the end it's DEs game, and if they want to go into Melee 3.0, they are free to do it.
But befor you complain about it, wait until you see the changes and the possibilities it brings with it.

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To justify expending energy, channeling would either have to be a source of generating more energy than you started with OR to be the objective best way to deal melee damage.  Being able to make use of frame powers is much more tantalizing than making the melee weapon glow in general.  If they want to retain the 'wowee cool glowy sword' aspect, they could simply bring in the channeling visuals as you stack combo meter, or for some other kind of specially procced mode/buff through melee gameplay.

Even if as-current channeling was that good, holding down left click to continue swinging the way I already was but glowy-er isn't... all that exciting. :v

Edited by KochDerFrettchen
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How do y'all even have room for channelling mods? After base damage, crit, status, range, attack speed and other conditionals like condition overload and bloodrush etc, do you have any room left for something that costs more than the benefits it gives? and if you're using the base channel, Im guessing its mainly for lifestike or disintegrating corpses, if not why? 

I'm legit curious since theres really not much else i can think of since the energy cost for a tiny bit more damage wasn't worth it

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21 hours ago, Xaxma said:

You very well know that if Channeling were to become viable, people would find a way to min/max it into their builds and therefore justify never turning channeling off.

The direction of these changes DE wants is to reinforce player input and give a matter of choice into these things for much of the same reason as they've been gradually doing away with "press 4 to win" frames.

Channeling needed to die. Period.

The difference would be that you're forced into a Melee stance to make use of channelling, same as you are now.
It doesn't need to die at all.
We've also not be told what is going to happen to: Zaw Arcanes, Zenurik, Rivens with Channelling, every mod based in channelling...
This is all very grey and mysterious.

I don't care if they want to make all these changes, as long as they leave he following option in the game, even if it's not assigned a button by default:

Edited by Carnage2K4
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9 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

How do y'all even have room for channelling mods? After base damage, crit, status, range, attack speed and other conditionals like condition overload and bloodrush etc, do you have any room left for something that costs more than the benefits it gives? and if you're using the base channel, Im guessing its mainly for lifestike or disintegrating corpses, if not why? 

I'm legit curious since theres really not much else i can think of since the energy cost for a tiny bit more damage wasn't worth it

i have a nekros build, revolving around.. growing power, shield of shadows, despoil, equilibrium, health conversion, and i forget the rest. then i use my fav melee wep with a riven that has only +dmg and +channelling dmg. with nekros despoil i channel at all times to keep a drain on energy to also keep health orbs flowing wich also keeps health conversion armor orbs up. all works very well into an amazing and very tanky farming machine. so i loved channeling with this frame at least....i can still spam other abilities to compensate so not a huge issue

the one thing i am curious about is how it will effect the channeling dmg buff on the riven

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11 hours ago, KochDerFrettchen said:

To justify expending energy, channeling would either have to be a source of generating more energy than you started with OR to be the objective best way to deal melee damage.  Being able to make use of frame powers is much more tantalizing than making the melee weapon glow in general.  If they want to retain the 'wowee cool glowy sword' aspect, they could simply bring in the channeling visuals as you stack combo meter, or for some other kind of specially procced mode/buff through melee gameplay.

Even if as-current channeling was that good, holding down left click to continue swinging the way I already was but glowy-er isn't... all that exciting. :v

Are you new? Base channeling... No mods, gives u a 50% dmg increase which stacks with Condition overload/Crit modifiers.

Add in any channelling dmg increase whatsoever whether it comes from exodia arcanes, mods, or rivens... And u have a weapon that can easily out damage most warframe powers. 

Keepin in mind that u can channel while using exalted blade/primal fury/landslide/whip claw etc... And they benefit from all channeling dmg modifiers coupled with crit/status modifiers.

So... Tell me again why the glowy sword isn't worth the miniscule energy cost especially coupled with the zenurik bonuses?

Fyi... U can turn the left click, into a toggle. 

Edited by (PS4)big_eviljak
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I'm confused by the YTube video I saw on it - What about when we don't channel, is that still going to be an option? or is tossing out a melee strike during a gun-fight going to be nerfed or the same as a 'light' strike?

It also looks like channeling energy is going to be a non-issue, wasting the Inaros Rage/Glad.Resolve build I have on him.

Anybody know when these changes are supposed to occur? Is it on a schedule yet?

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