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Rest In Peace John Bain, TotalBiscuit.


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I can't believe he's gone. Just yesterday, I remember seeing a tweet that his medication was starting to work at long last, and then I wake up past midnight to see these news...

John has been such an inspiration for me, having followed him for the last 7 years through his hardships and struggle with both physical and mental pressure. 

Suffering these myself, I always found myself powering through because of him.

Ever since he had the diagnosis of cancer, I've been rooting for him to beat the illness like he has so much else. My own family has been haunted by cancer, as most of my mom's family is dead today because of it. These news hit a very personal nerve in that regard,  which will definitely take time to get over.

It hurts to know I'll never see new inspiring tweets or words for him, but I will always he thankful for his video that introduced me to this incredible game, and the will to fight my personal battles, which I neglected for so long prior to it.

Rest in peace, John. A great Tenno, taken too soon.

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It's tough losing a loved one.

My Uncle passed away this March. We had a small family get-together to remember the best of memories with him and have some closure with his passing so suddenly.

So for John, I wish his family and friends the best.

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To DE, Warframe Team, and the Warframe community. with the passing of Total Biscuit(John Peter Bain) And everyone going to remember him in the Mercury Relay. I ask that DE changes the Rhino Statue to a limbo with a classic top hat to remember Total Biscuit who died at the young age of 33.

Though he died today, he can live on in the Warframe community.

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To DE, Warframe Team, and the Warframe community. with the passing of Total Biscuit(John Peter Bain) And everyone going to remember him in the Mercury Relay. I ask that DE changes the Rhino Statue to a limbo with a classic top hat to remember Total Biscuit who died at the young age of 33.

Though he died today, he can live on in the Warframe community.

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Rest in peace, TotalBiscuit.

I can't in honesty claim to have been a fan of his, though not out of any malice or disagreement. I simply wasn't one to consume content of the type he typically put out. But I was aware of him, and I know of some of his contributions to the gaming hobby, and I've heard of his integrity and tenacity. And that I do respect.

I also know what cancer can do to a person from watching it happen to a loved one firsthand. To be faced with that and to continue on with your life and work for as long as he did is not something to be taken lightly. And it's not easy on the family either. I've been in a similar position to his wife, and I respect her for sticking by him and wish her the best in the future.

Rest in peace, John Bain. And Genna Bain, stand strong.

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3 hours ago John (Peter) Bain aka TotalBiscuit has died, one of my all time favourite game critics and the man that helped Warframe get it's playerbase when it needed it the most. I'd really love to see DE make something for him since they already acknowledged him as someone that helped Warframe gets on it knees in early days.
League of Legends has had his name in the game for years as an item to honor the help he gave them.
DE could at least make a noggle wearing his top hat so that he could live on in a virtual world he loved so much.
Just an idea...

I'd suggest a cancer related charity but I feel like asking for that is a bit much.

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