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There needs to be an appeals process for unjust bot bans


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1 minute ago, KWVance said:

your welcome to your own opinion. 🙂

I posted more fact than opinion.

You're welcome to completely ignore it though, and show that not only do you not have a valid argument but your post is driven entirely by salt.

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2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

And yet you will find that the chat in GTA Online is also - surprise - full of censored words. You can't even say "Nig" (just those 3 letters) in GTA Online.

A little different from the example i originally provided...which was a joke...at the expense of a fictional character...bearing no resemblance to anyone or any race. referencing this gets you banned.

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"How DARE a company keep me from being a trashy human being!" - Noone ever except the OP.

Seriously, I don't get this mentality. That you should be entitled to be rude.

I ran an online RP game for years, and I was originally the ONLY server in said game that enforced a word censor.  At first people whined and complained and ranted about it...some of them, but those who actually WANTED to PLAY the game and not just troll actually appreciated it.  They stayed, and my server became one of the most popular for that game!  (and then the owner killed the whole game because reasons =_=  ah well, lol)

Respect the things you care about.  

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47 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

Or! Conduct yourself in a mature way and enjoy all the freedoms and activities you normally would when you don't *accidentally* type something stupid and/or awful in chat.

You clearly do not understand how the kickbot functions, or at least you have not experienced it first hand.

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8 minutes ago, KWVance said:

A little different from the example i originally provided...which was a joke...at the expense of a fictional character...bearing no resemblance to anyone or any race. referencing this gets you banned.

A bad joke. One repeated a million times. We are not offended by the word, we are offended by your usage of tired old memes and complete lack of originality. Which is good enough reason to ban anyone.

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

"How DARE a company keep me from being a trashy human being!" - Noone ever except the OP.

Seriously, I don't get this mentality. That you should be entitled to be rude.

I ran an online RP game for years, and I was originally the ONLY server in said game that enforced a word censor.  At first people whined and complained and ranted about it...some of them, but those who actually WANTED to PLAY the game and not just troll actually appreciated it.  They stayed, and my server became one of the most popular for that game!  (and then the owner killed the whole game because reasons =_=  ah well, lol)

Respect the things you care about.  

thats it im editing the OP. its like you willfully misinterpret me I swear. Let me re-explain. its not the censorship its as much as the autonomous moderation. now if you would say the word "tr*p" in a any game, would you expect to be banned? no. If instead of banning people, they did something like prevent others from seeing it, and then you get a PM from kick_bot that warns you or whatever...that would be reasonable. I hope you can understand where im coming from.

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Just now, KWVance said:

thats it im editing the OP. its like you willfully misinterpret me I swear. Let me re-explain. its not the censorship its as much as the autonomous moderation. now if you would say the word "tr*p" in a any game, would you expect to be banned? no. 

You can say the word fine in this game as well. It's been proven many, many times. Only when you use it in a specific sentence will it get you banned.

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Just now, KWVance said:

now if you would say the word "tr*p" in a any game, would you expect to be banned

You can say trap in this game as well, sunshine. You can't however call someone a trap.

Just now, KWVance said:

then why are you still here? 🤔

Misinterpreting what I said again? I don't care if I've offended you, not that I have. There's nothing to be offended by here.

I'm still here however because it's fun to poke at you.

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I agree with the OP.

While behaving mature should be standard, that applies both ways. Let DE grow up a little and use a little common sense in their chat moderations. Be that ChatBots or Moderators (though to be fair, most of the Mods are fair, and just doing their job under DE's guidelines).

And no, I've never been chat banned. I've just seen a lot banned for incredibly petty crap in chat. It's one of the reasons I just don't use chat. DE has made it too toxic to be there with the way they moderate it. I'd rather have the morons. At least them I can place on Ignore.

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3 minutes ago, rune_me said:

You can say the word fine in this game as well. It's been proven many, many times. Only when you use it in a specific sentence will it get you banned.

thats still dumb. None of the warframes have a gender....theyre puppets.

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4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

You can say trap in this game as well, sunshine. You can't however call someone a trap.

Misinterpreting what I said again? I don't care if I've offended you, not that I have. There's nothing to be offended by here.

I'm still here however because it's fun to poke at you.

oh no dont poke me you might hurt my feefees

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4 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

As they said. 
You are just being ignorant.

You broke the rules *HERE* they won't be changing that rule at all. 

People will have to learn that it's not appropriate to say such things OR go play another game. 

Quite simple.
I quite frankly do not understand 'where you are coming from' there's a simple solution to this problem that you are having.
Read the terms of service and don't act like an idiot in chat. If you get nipped by the chat bot that should be your cue.
You learn that you've messed up. DON'T DO IT AGAIN.


I obviously wont, but how the hell was i supposed to know that it was a bannable offense jesus christ on a stick! where in the terms of service does it say "saying nehza is a tr*p will get you banned"

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5 minutes ago, KWVance said:

thats still dumb. None of the warframes have a gender....theyre puppets.

It is what it is. It's the rules. Considering how many times it has been brought up and it is still the rules, it is also not likely to change. If they wanted to change it, they would have done so by now.

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1 minute ago, KWVance said:

oh no dont poke me you might hurt my feefees

Not that you care of course, right? As far as everyone anti-censorship seems to be concerned everyone should just have a thicker skin.

I find that quite ironic if I'm honest, that a lot of people who say ''I should be able to say whatever I want and people should get a thicker skin'' come to the forums crying about the fact they got suspended.

It's almost as if you don't have a thick skin either, and don't like being treated in such a manner.

Gosh, who knew.

2 minutes ago, KWVance said:


Yeah, you know you can just say trap, right? It's already been said numerous times in this thread. I think you'll be fine.

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Come on, y'all. You all know there's no point in both making these posts, or responding to them.

DE has stated, and stated VERY clearly, what their stance on the issue is, has shown they are not budging on it, and that arguments such as "Whaaaah, I can't call that guy a P***y A** F***** B**** in the Public Chats!" or "I am Legit New Player And This Thing Only Veterans To System and Being Banned By System is Thing that is Somehow Bothering Me, New Player, And I Feel It Needs To Be Removed Now. Please Care About Me, A Legit New Player" will not change their mind on it at all.


Move along, step away from these Forum Posts.....and go hunt Condrocs for Tower White Pigments for your Clan Dojo.

Edited by Tangent-Valley
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48 minutes ago, KWVance said:

like the if you say a certain country in africa that is 1 letter off from a no no word.

Yeah. Because if that country could be used in chat it 100% would never be used as a replacement for the "no no word".

No one would use it frequently. Chat would show respect to that country & only use it in proper context.

/sarcasm off

Seriously OP. If they allowed chat like folks want then DE would have lawsuits up the ass.

Folks sue now a days over beung kicked out of their Parent's house.

You can't even mention race on TV without risking some form of racism/political agenda.

DE needs to try & keep damage to a minimum.

If you seriously believe DE should enable folks to use hateful & derogatory speech then you need to grow the hell up.

Facebook & other sites sensor because if they do not then their IP/platform/reputation becomes one of allowance/acceptance/spreading hatred, racism, sexism, etc.

Just censoring the actualy direct word does nothing.

They need to counter the "alternative" spellings.

The FIRST thing peoole do in words is remove 1 letter to get by filters.


You wanna be racist so badly? Go paint Harrow Graxx skin all White or Nekros all white & run around relays & cetus while insulting all black colored frames. 

Just don't act surprised when you're blacklisted in minutes.

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On 2018-05-26 at 8:15 AM, W3zeer said:

It's still a game for adults

As all of these threads so aptly demonstrate... there are precious few actual adults playing.

On 2018-05-26 at 8:15 AM, W3zeer said:

not even meant to harm other players

So as long as I don't intend to be a bad person, I should be able to call everyone a fa**ot?

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