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**Full sacrifice spoilers** My thoughts after the quest (&how do you feel?)


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First and foremost let me acknowledge that DE has truly outdone themselves again and given us a quest worthy of the support I've been giving them for the past five years, Especially being free content.

And any criticism I give is feedback to an A1 company.

So 95% of the quest was awsome, great lore pertaining to Orokin times, a powerful moment of integrating with umbra and the reveal of lotus in her sentient form witch was huge. 

But... the ending could have been better. Due to the fact that not much has changed, Im really just left with a cliffhanger.

Oh, and its gonna be another year of simulated lotus witch I'm not excited for.

Like really not excited for.

It could just be my preference, but I would like DE to know that two cliffhangers in a row is very close to disappointing, honestly I was hoping DE was fooling us and bringing the last part of the quest in a hotfix. 

But it's good to see that a lot of players liked the quest.

BUT THAT'S JUST ME. What were your feelings after completing it? 

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While is did not like being left with yet another cliffhanger it did seem to complete the first major story arc being that when it started we were taught about who the sentients were and this one ended with a foreshadow that they are coming back or we are going to Tau. Either way, it should be interesting. Now onto my scattered list of random thoughts on the quest.

I kind of wish we could play that minigame with Ballas again or with other players, I enjoyed it.

Spacemom is now officially wack, I wish Ordis would replace her or Teshin would pop in and do his voice lines instead of the Lotus.

I loved all the lore implications this brought out, especially since it makes the player kind of ask themselves if they are really the good guys or not.

Umbra is neat, I kind of hope we get some more in the future or at least a tau mod slot for formas.

The UI is confusing as shizzle dizzle.

Overall though, it was worth the hype to me, but dang do I want some more.

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1 minute ago, kyori said:

DE cannot wrap things up. It has to go on, for Warframe to survive.

While true, it would be nice if we could get some form of closure that shows us a look to the future. Kind of like how DBZ or other anime tends to do with a full story arc that opens and closes and then opens again with a new thing. This was a bit of a vague ending that leaves a loooot of things unanswered and solved.

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17 minutes ago, kyori said:

DE cannot wrap things up. It has to go on, for Warframe to survive.

Nah, they definitely can, just like every Book\Series\Movie\Anime\Cartoon ends an arc  You just make a good ending and introduce characters and a new plot that those characters play into.

and to an extent they did that this quest, Ballas\Sentient lotus\Sentient Mother are now introduced as the new antagonists with the new playing field being the Tau system and Umbra will probably play as the way we can defeat those antagonists. its just extremely anticlimactic with how Warframe updates go because we will have to wait probably till next year till we can actually see the Tau system.

Edited by Midrib
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I've never liked the Lotus, so i'm glad i have more reasons to kill her. With that being said i think there's something more aside from the quest.
DE said that Ayatan Sculptures should be more important after the quest and during the Sacrifice we had a lot of references to the Helminth.
Maybe we need to figure those things out on our own.

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Cutscene with Ballas, when we and Umbra boi go after him is just perfect. It really showed that we became one with a warframe, who back then was one of the Dax. It was really great quest, but as people before me had said - we are left with a nasty cliffhanger.

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I also feel like people are misusing the word cliffhanger. A cliffhanger would be, like, if Ballas had us pinned on the ground, and was about to execute us, and the screen cuts to black and says 'check back next story update.'

This was just the end to a book/movie in a series. The quest was rounded out. The big question now is: "Where do we go from here?", to which the answer is probably to Tau. And that'll be the next chapter of the story.

IDK, probably just being anal, but that's not a cliffhanger.

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Since it has Spoiler Tag on the Title. I will not put any information in spoiler tag.

- It is confirm that Lotus IS the sentient. She has become full Queen and control the sentient drones. She has some promise with Ballas, that is why she carry him in the end.

- It is confirm that Umbra ARE escape from the Lua when it was out of the void. It also confirm that Ballas cannot kill Umbra on his own. Thus he have to seek sentient help. In this case he has to make Lotus the queen because Hunhow is dead (inside the War. Although is it not confirm that he fully dead).

- Is there any other who called Tenno the Star-Child? I think we have met someone who call us that before.

- It is not confirm that Lotus body is Margulis body since it can be that sentient eat away her body so it can fuse and become Lotus. Or DE just want to show her body so that we can recognize her easily. Either way it is confirm that the Helmet is not Lotus. But it may contain some memories of... Margulis?

- Although, it is confirm that Warframe is Infested of the Dax soldier/Orokin of the Helminth stain. It was also make no sense that we can build Warframe from blueprints... But maybe because the foundary in the Orbiter can synthesize living being (atleast, spore) and it require Orokin Cell that it may possible. So, even other faction have the blueprints they cannot build it because they do not have Foundary of the Tenno.

- Ballas confirm dead.... He may became sentient now... Good Luck Ballas...

- Lotus went back to her space mom... All sentient is back with her. It is not confirm that she travel through the void. Since we still fight sentients even they are back with Lotus may confirm that Hunhow still alive.

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The Story was great, with all these little scenes (old memories but yet constant reminder); even if the end (except on the form) was kinda known or expected.


A bit sad about Ballas...


I would have love a "boss" or just a scene of butchery with someone/thing bashing him again & again ... Even if I surrender to the Neutral end (Sun was way to "orokin" and the Moon way to absurd "no feelingz bra, am empty").


About the other main character.. I only want to say two things:


1- #NotMyMom
Margulis died centuries ago; we know it - the Lotus is nothing more than Natah. Even with corrupted data, she remained until now the major threat to the Solar system (Hunhow being imprisoned). 
Thankfully some orokin supposedly dead came as a white knight, to deliver the princess ... and repair the Doom's day chrono... well done !

As Tenno, we should have regroup, to mature a bit (as with the syndicates) to detach ourself to the "need of a Space Mom" - goshdamm ! We couldn't do anything by ourself for how long exactly ? Relying on a random "mother like figure" full of mystery.

2- Ordis throw your simulacrum of Natah out of my HUD !


That aside, I like a very specific point in the quest:

Your operator is not an amoeba anymore ! So much feeling, like if the Operator was a living thing that we could relate to ! 

I still found one mystery to answer:
Why did Ballas wanted to... defect the Orokin empire ? Is it following the death of Margulis, or before that ? And for what purpose, to go where ? He was litteraly communicating with the enemy & leave the conclusion that only the Void is somewhere "safe" from them... Maybe... that's because he didn't wanted to go away..

Maybe... could it be that he IS responsible for the appearance of the Lotus ? A twisted way to resurect Margulis, by secretly hacking/reprogram the Daughter of the one who is communicating to ?

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I loved the entire quest, even though I was expecting a... different ending. Can we even still call her space mom at this point anymore? nothing about Ballas, Lotus and Margulis has been answered and why she went back to Ballas in the Apostasy, but this will lead to a great story arc more focused on the old Orokin era, Sentients and Hunhow/Lotus in the Tau system (hopefully). I'm not sad that we got an ending like that, I'm sad because it left us with yet another huge cliffhanger that won't be answered for a long time.
Overall, the quest was great. :]

Edited by Kiwinille
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58 minutes ago, kyori said:

DE cannot wrap things up. It has to go on, for Warframe to survive.

Good writing can wrap things up completely for every arc without a cliffhanger and continue on with a new arc. Hanging the players by the thread is not only a cheap way to keep player retention, its also the least of things that the game needs. Given DE's healthy track record of story quests, everyone will come back for every single quest released, so cliffhanger wasn't necessary at all.

Edited by Twilight053
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The first CHAPTER is now closed. We have an understanding of what the Sentients are, how they operate, and what their goals are. We also know their weaknesses and have the beginnings of an arsenal to use against them. They have retreated from the Origin System now that Natah has returned to them and Ballas has been mortally wounded. They were dealt a tremendous blow in him being wounded as such and the secrets of the Umbral Warframe falling into our hands. This is not a Cliffhanger, this is a hook at the end of a movie saying "Hey, the immediate threat has been extinguished, but don't you worry, they're still out there, but our heroes now have better tools to fight and defend against this threat. So the next stage in the story is to turn these tools against them."

So, if this is any indication, it's not a bad prediction to say the next smaller quests and bigger cinematic quest will likely revolve around building up a more robust Umbral arsenal to draw on before finding a way to travel to the Tau System to confront the Sentients there.

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One thing i try thinking about is Lotus helmet. Why did the helmet call us in the first place could it be that a fragment of Lotus or Margulis is inside of it and has a magical connection to Natha and tries to warn us. Maybe the Natha part of lotus didnt wanted to save the tenno but to destroy like she was tasked by her father hunhow. Ballas said he was the stone and Natha the hand.

Also the vetruvian had a lot of other symbols that we couldnt listen to. Maybe thats something for the following quests. 

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As yearning as I am for some conclusiveness and resolution, I'm overall pretty happy the devs didn't just status-quo Lotus back to us. The quest revealed some very interesting connections between powerful forces in the universe and gave clear nods into Sentient-facing directions. The implications are that DE is far from done the Warframe story.


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46 minutes ago, ShogunGunshow said:

I also feel like people are misusing the word cliffhanger. A cliffhanger would be, like, if Ballas had us pinned on the ground, and was about to execute us, and the screen cuts to black and says 'check back next story update.'

This was just the end to a book/movie in a series. The quest was rounded out. The big question now is: "Where do we go from here?", to which the answer is probably to Tau. And that'll be the next chapter of the story.

IDK, probably just being anal, but that's not a cliffhanger.

This. Yes. Thank you. This is not a "cliffhanger" ending. It may be frustratingly leaving you wanting more, but we know exactly how it ended. The operator and Umbra attacked Ballas, and Natah intervened and took him, alive or dead, with her. A lot of people are saying this quest answered nothing and only raised more questions. We know a LOT more about the nature and origin of Warframes and the dualism metaphor is much more pronounced now. We know more about Sentients and the Orokin. We know more about Lotus/Margulis/Natah. We are now teased with the Tau system. That's not cliffhanging, that's setting up the next chapter.

By Warframe standards this was a very well done conclusion, but it's not The End of the Warframe story, and I'm unsure why anyone wanted or expected such.

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By the way, I didn't notice someone saying that but:

"Vetruvian" = this is a direct reference to Da Vinci, with the Uomo Vitruviano (Vitruvian Man)

If the object itself doesn't have any reference (other than the Rell's instrument which is looking quite similar) : the schematics inside are immediatly recognizable.




il y a 11 minutes, Efro_D_Siac a dit :

Do you guys think the quest was too much about umbra? or could it have had it's own quest,?

Nah, I think that's fine:

Lotus disappear : you search for her / Deus Ex Machina: the Helmet gives you a clue about something happening; seemingly without any relation to what you seek (could also have been memories taken by Ordis after analysis of the helmet => that way you don't have the Deus Ex & something more "realistic" for our point of view).

Looking for the new technology found, you are in pursue with something that your enemy wants too = doing so & reaching the target before the enemy, you fight together to take him down.

That's pretty neat.

Edited by Umbriellan
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2 minutes ago, Efro_D_Siac said:

Do you guys think the quest was too much about umbra? or could it have had it's own quest,?

Because from now on he will be our canonical warframe. The whole story in "this chapter" is all about tenno and warframes. We woke up, regained our power and our personal warframe. Only now we're set and ready to fight on our own.

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