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Petition To have Teshin take over for mission dialogue rather than fake space mom.


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Sign if you would like Teshin or someone else (please specify who - within reason) to have the voice mission briefing dialogue lines. Such as when Life support is delivered, Kuva is collected, ect. 

- Space mom abandoned us (she is dead to me) and I'm not a fan of fake space mom. Since we probably aren't going to have Lotus back for years, I'd rather have someone else take over for her in mission dialogue.  

-Space mom tried to kill us too and chose Ballas over us. I would think that would warrant a removal of her being able to give us directions. 

Try to keep it to people actually allied to the Tenno. 

Edited by Dallyoop
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2 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

Since "Fake Lotus" is Ordis, I imagine DE has a proper excuse to create voice packs and sell them for plat. I've been asking for that since Apostasy Prologue. I want Worm Queen to belittle me in missions.

I think I would even take actual Ordis over the fake Lotus. 

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2 minutes ago, Cmdr-A said:

Screw teshin. I want Lotus Hek https://warframe.com/lotus-packs/

He's so supportive and positive. If only DE profited off of this and how relevant it'd be in todays current situation in warframe.


This would be me if I ever had to listen to Hek on my orbiter.  I'm interested to see how this is going to go.  But given those of us that went through the Sacrifice -- Synth Lotus is a sham that makes it difficult to listen to when we know what happened and who is in control of the synth.  

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15 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

Since "Fake Lotus" is Ordis, I imagine DE has a proper excuse to create voice packs and sell them for plat. I've been asking for that since Apostasy Prologue. I want Worm Queen to belittle me in missions.

Fellow masochist here, yes please.

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9 minutes ago, Dallyoop said:

How about people actually allied to the Tenno? I'm positive DE wouldn't go for our enemies giving us directions. 

I'm not saying Worm should give me directions, I'm saying she should be cocky and make fun of me and all the other factions. Or, like, if we have Alad V or Regor, he should constantly act like he's studying us. You know, something that actually fits their personalities. I'm sick and tired of hearing Lotus give me directions, I heard her for 3100+ hours, I need something else.

Heck, imagine an option where there are voice packs for so many characters and you have a "select random voice pack at mission start" option. That would be so invigorating, and it would not get boring anywhere near as fast as hearing Lotus over and over again. Instructions should be left to Fake Lotus (or Darvo), cause that's her role in the game, a mentor, and the other voice packs should be fun and add a new dynamic to missions, not a rehash of the same old lines we know of, just spoken by someone else.


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5 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Not just have a VA redo every Lotus line currently in the game, but have them do every future line as well. And then, have unique lines for them? This is an absurd amount of work for purely cosmetic reasons.

Not really. They already did it for Darvo in some missions. So it's not that crazy, negative nelly. 

And there shouldn't BE any new dialogue lines from Lotus, being that she is gone. How would she ever say anything new? There is actually very few lines of speaking from lotus over all, it's all just repeats of the same lines over and over. Think about it, how many unique lines of dialogue in ALL the missions does Lotus speak? 20? 30 max? That's not that much my dude. 

Edited by Dallyoop
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2 minutes ago, Dallyoop said:

Not really. They already did it for Darvo in some missions. So it's not that crazy, negative nelly. 

How is Darvo dialogue in a few missions the same as every instance where the Lotus has a line?

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7 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

How is Darvo dialogue in a few missions the same as every instance where the Lotus has a line?

Because there isn't that many unique lines that lotus has. She has maybe 20 - 30. I'm not saying to change every single line of dialogue she has ever spoken, you obviously haven't read the OP. I'm talking for specifically repeatable star chart missions. If you don't think they can't redo 30 lines of speaking, you are crazy. 

Now if you want to keep fake Lotus, good for you. Just say that and move on. 

Edited by Dallyoop
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