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Oh. My. Gods.


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A new open world, hoverboards, kit guns and Honor Harrington-esque ship battles.
I'm hyped beyond measure, and just a tad worried about the massive grinding all these items will require - I just hope no more mining/fishing and better yet no horrible resources like Cetus Wisps. It would also be nice if there will be no night/day cycle as it's quite slowing down the game.

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It was nice presentation and they did a wonderful job at making all this new content, free to boot.

But it left me kinda worried, the space part, because I tend to play solo or just with my brother and the new space content didn't look like it is much viable solo? Or you will just have to jump around the ship stations like mad... maybe there will be something like specter, that you can send to a ship station to help out with like... the space fighters defense and such. But that infiltration part? Yea, no map navigation from your ship, no turret hackings... and what about the final part of killing the enemy ship? YOu go in, sabotage, then run out to your ship to shoot the enemy ship? As I said... concerned. Seems the public party will be mandatory for "solo" players.

Edited by Noir_CZ
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Hunting seems like it will be more so a collectors thing (i.e not required) and any non-cosmetic rewards will likely be obtainable elsewhere. 

Day/night cycle will probably exist. It would be nice if you could 'force' it but idk, I don't really mind plains cycle, just wish night was longer and/or you had a easy to access clock somewhere on ship or w/e.

I hope hoverboards are upgradable, caves actually have meaning to them (unlike plains) and really want to see the size of this place compared to plains.

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb den2k:

I'm hyped beyond measure, and just a tad worried about the massive grinding all these items will require - I just hope no more mining/fishing and better yet no horrible resources like Cetus Wisps. It would also be nice if there will be no night/day cycle as it's quite slowing down the game.

Im 90% sure that there will be the same grind.

At the beginning he bought that tool from a person in the hub, and im sure that - just like with fishing spears and nosam cutters - there will be different types of them you need to farm for in order to farm more advanced stuff. We had to fish for AW-starter ramps, and im sure you need ressources for the new hoverboards and pet moas and so on that require a massive grind. And im also 90% sure there will be really rare ressources like CetusWisp/Radiant Sentirum/Nyth in order to build the "good stuff".


Maybe the animals are the new Cetus Wisp.

You have to fnd them first, and they could run away just like Cetus Wisp can disappear if you are unlucky.

Only this time, there might be "different types of Cetus Wisps", just like with gems in POE, so you need better equipment to evenbe able to farm the in the first place.



Hoping for less grind in Fortuna is like hoping for Panama miraculously appearing in the final of the Football Worldcup for some reason.



"Hunting seems like it will be more so a collectors thing (i.e not required) and any non-cosmetic rewards will likely be obtainable elsewhere."

Again, 90% sure those animals will be some type of ressource, the only collectable in POE that wasn't required for anything were the 1000 year fish things you could scan and stuff you could buy for standing after you didnt know what to do with the ressources anymore 😉

Edited by DreisterDino
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Yeah I really did not expect Railjack to happen and got super hyped. With that being said about how amazing this looks, I do think some of the things showcased for Railjack could be streamlined or cut to make the space combat more fun and less tedious; especially for people who may not have a dedicated group of people to play with. There are so many different mechanics being thrown at players during that segment, that I think public lobbies may have some difficulty in coordinating all the different roles.

Most people are probably just going to want to jump right in and shoot stuff on all the different weapon stations while trying to minimize damage, but the demo made it look like taking any hits at all causes massive damage such as hull breaches/life support leaks/fires which would constantly drag people out of their battle stations to do damage control.

I'd like to make a suggestion: Assuming a full ship crew would consist of the commander, the pilot, and two gunners, I'm wondering if it would be possible to streamline the process by just having the commander do damage control, by using their console to initiate an appropriate automated damage control process handled by the ship's systems via a minigame? That way no one has to leave their stations every time the ship gets damaged unless a boarding party breaches the ship.

Alternatively, maybe just decrease the severity and frequency of hull breach effects? It looked like they were out of hull integrity and life support within the first 5 hits they took in the demo.

Edited by notHunky
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17 hours ago, den2k said:

A new open world, hoverboards, kit guns and Honor Harrington-esque ship battles.
I'm hyped beyond measure, and just a tad worried about the massive grinding all these items will require - I just hope no more mining/fishing and better yet no horrible resources like Cetus Wisps. It would also be nice if there will be no night/day cycle as it's quite slowing down the game.

Um i disagree. I want the grind, i neeeed the grind! If u seriously dont like, need, want, the grind... How are you still here? This is the fundamentals of warframe.

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I just hope the grinding to be less tedious and limited, Cetus Wisps hunts require a lot of time for a meager loot,time that could be spent on better things. Eidolon and Tridolon hunts are limited but the day/night cycle which is as much interesting as slowing... though I must say PoE related loot and items are useful only on PoE so it can be delayed or diluted at will, presenting new content when boredom starts to kick in.

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On 2018-07-08 at 1:26 AM, More-L said:

Hunting seems like it will be more so a collectors thing (i.e not required) and any non-cosmetic rewards will likely be obtainable elsewhere. 

Day/night cycle will probably exist. It would be nice if you could 'force' it but idk, I don't really mind plains cycle, just wish night was longer and/or you had a easy to access clock somewhere on ship or w/e.

I hope hoverboards are upgradable, caves actually have meaning to them (unlike plains) and really want to see the size of this place compared to plains.

They mentioned somewhere that venus won't have a day/night cycle like poe does, instead there would be glacier storms for tougher players.

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On ‎08‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 12:06 AM, den2k said:

I just hope no more mining/fishing and better yet no horrible resources like Cetus Wisps.

you're gonna be in for a shock then. no wisps or mining or fishing, but instead another rare resource, tracking and tranquilising animals and a massive grind to get a railjack built. it's gonna happen, we all know it deep down. the robot headed workers aren't the only ones that are gonna be slaving away all day, we will be in our own way too.


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On 2018-07-07 at 7:06 PM, den2k said:

I just hope no more mining/fishing and better yet no horrible resources like Cetus Wisps.

We both saw the same trailer right? 

They made some strides in reducing grind in PoE. The events were great for eidolon gems and after they added wisps to the Quills offerings I have no trouble with them anymore. The best we can hope for is all those alternative methods being available from the get-go.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

We both saw the same trailer right? 

They made some strides in reducing grind in PoE. The events were great for eidolon gems and after they added wisps to the Quills offerings I have no trouble with them anymore. The best we can hope for is all those alternative methods being available from the get-go.

I would be perfectly fine with that.

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On 2018-07-08 at 11:20 AM, wolf96781 said:

TBH the hunting looks like it will be a hella grind. Having to draw out prey, tag it, and then physically bag it is a lot more steps than either fishing por mining

But it's way more fun... 

Like fishing is loved by a cult following, and I'd imagine hunting to be the same. 

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8 hours ago, Arniox said:

But it's way more fun... 

Like fishing is loved by a cult following, and I'd imagine hunting to be the same. 

Problem is; i won't be in either cult, and regardless, both are required for progression

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If you are hoping for no more mining/fishing or specific new resources along with hide and seek macguffins like Venus Wisps (probably won't actually be wisps)...... you're in for a bad time. 

Cause I'd be very surprised if Venus didn't have all of those things.

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