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Archwing Is Awful


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Title pretty much sums up what i think of it. The controls are S#&$, the camera angle is S#&$, seriously when having to do the submersible nonsense, your camera glitches through objects, it's like some crappy space shooter fail in the discount bin of a bargain basement 90's video game store.


What's worse is that you are forced to do this S#&$ to open up the map nodes. It's awful, it's so bad it's almost bin the whole #*!%ing game so i don't have to put myself through this crapware level. Oh and that mission "pursuit" where you have to shoot the engines out and it constantly repairs. Genius came up with that, genius not being what you think it means.

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Just now, (PS4)drollive96 said:

Thank you for stating the obvious , archwing was never well liked since it 1st came out years ago, i take it you're  new here

I'm really new, and the archwing part of the game is as if it was developed by a different studio than the actual warframe bit. Archwing is the type of garbage software most people associate FTP games with. It wouldn't be so bad if it was off in a corner you didn't have to have anything to do with, but they sunk this crap right into the progression.

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I actually don't have a problem with the things you're complaining about. I do thoroughly enjoy Archwing. It took some time to get used to how different it is, I'll admit, but it grew on me.

My complaints come down to how few Archwing missions there are, and how slow it is to grind up affinity for archwing gear. Also how low chance some of those non-rare mod drops are. (Some of the uncommons are 2%?!)

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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By the way, that Pursuit mission is really freaking easy once you get the right Archwing mods, depending on your Arch-gun. I used a Velocitus to do it the other day because I wanted to try my luck at a mod drop I don't have yet, and it one-shot the engines, one-shot each small orange point thingy...

No luck on the drop though.

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I have enjoyed doing the Arch and some Sharkwing....the PoE...not so much.

It does need some work but it breaks up the run and gun work once in a while. It is good to get out of the ships and maps to blast away without worry much about searching.

With us finally getting the Arch to ship, ship to Arch transition we have wanted since the trailer...it may be better.

Try the diff missions of Arch out as a stand alone game....may feel a bit better. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)drollive96 said:

DE has been trying their hardest for a LONG time to make archwing fit in with the rest of the game,

I think Railjack will make it matter. It looks like, since it takes 3 to run the ship, the 4th person could fill a role as either cleaning up boarding parties, or hoppin in Archwing to do other tasks  (like board the enemy ship, fight off smaller craft the hard way, etc)

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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Just now, DrakeWurrum said:

I think Railjack will make it matter. It looks like, since it takes 3 to run the ship, the 4th person could fill a role as either cleaning up boarding parties, or hoppin in Archwing to do other tasks  (like board the enemy ship, fight off smaller craft the hard way, etc)

It does look very promising (And cool) that archwing is being used in a new way , who knows 

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Meanwhile people like myself actually enjoy Archwing.



It needs some QoL and other fixes for sure, but I still enjoy it.

When RailJack comes out and people have to do the whole "NOT IT" in terms of who goes Archwing, I'm gonna be all "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE". Lol.

Edited by RosaGigantea
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I think it was supposed to be something like Strike Suit Zero if you guys ever heard of it.  At one point the supposed rework even featured a similar reticle mechanic with the mentioned game. But DE is just inexperienced with that, and having it as a tacked on addition (and not a part of the core experience) to the game made it even worse. DE should've stuck to improving the Warframe experience instead of adding yet another system to the game. Hopefully Railjack doesn't suffer the same fate, since Steve seem to have seen a video of Black Flag or something a year ago (if i remember his stream correctly) and decided it would be cool to have another game's mechanics "borrowed" into warframe yet again. Thank god the addition of Shadow of Mordor's "Nemesis" system was cancelled, probably due to DE finding out it wasn't that simple to produce.

However, truthfully speaking, I was also one of those who were so hyped when archwing was announced, but ultimately got very disappointed.

Edited by Blue_Robot
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Jordas Golem Assassinate Sortie when?

That was a troll sentence. I kind of regret not doing Jordas Verdict when it was still around.

I could certainly agree that Pursuit and Rush aren't exactly great introductory missions for archwing, but at the same time that's like expecting to go past Saturn using Excalibur, a Mk1 Braton, a Mk1 Kunai, and a Skana. You won't do very well if you are expecting starting gear to serve you well the entire game. There are people who never touched archwing and are therefore struggling to deal with Jordas Golem for the quest or to farm Atlas.

To add to DrakeWurrum's complaints about archwing, I would like to add the existence of archwing mods total, compared to regular mods. About 10% of all the mods we have now are archwing exclusive. I suppose we should at least be glad Titania's Dex Pixia and Diwata do not take archwing mods when DE released the exalted weapon patch.

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2 minutes ago, DrakeWurrum said:

My only complaint is the lack of Arch-weapons on Plains, though I understand the reason.

Yeah, in-lore, it's because "gravity".  Makes sense....the density (not volume) of Arch-weapons would likely be too much to wield reliably on the Plains. Underwater you have buoyancy and in space there's no localized gravity. 

In reality though, yeah...peeps would just cheese Eidolons even harder with inf ammo Velocitus or whatever.

But yeah, I enjoy AW too.  Bugs me when people state "AW is bad" like it's a fact and not their opinion. 😛


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I enjoy archwing.  The controls are simple (after I remapped things to my preference).

Though it should be noted that the starter gear for it is the equivalent to the gear you get in the first mission in the game.  Once you upgrade it becomes a breeze.

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6 minutes ago, aswitz87 said:

I enjoy archwing.  The controls are simple (after I remapped things to my preference).

Though it should be noted that the starter gear for it is the equivalent to the gear you get in the first mission in the game.  Once you upgrade it becomes a breeze.

The starter gear experience is so poor though it gave me very little incentive to build more AW gear, beacuse why would I put more effort into a poor experience?

I have non base gear now, but I put it off for a very long time. 

I agree with OP that it should be its own thing and not block star chart progression. 

Edited by raian78
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Just now, raian78 said:

The starter gear experience is so poor though it gave me very little incentive to built more AW gear, beacuse why would I put more effort into a poor experience?

I have non base gear now, but I put it off for a very long time. 

I agree with OP that it should be its own thing and not block star chart progression. 

While I would agree with you... its so ingrained into Uranus that changing it would rather impractical.

However earlier star chart stuff I do agree, if it is blocked by archwing (wouldn't know because finished that part before the current chart was released) that isn't good.

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11 minutes ago, aswitz87 said:

I enjoy archwing.  The controls are simple (after I remapped things to my preference).

Though it should be noted that the starter gear for it is the equivalent to the gear you get in the first mission in the game.  Once you upgrade it becomes a breeze.

Agree with this, I tend to switch between the Itzal and Amesha Archwings depending on the mission objective... use Fluctus mainly as my primary but Velocitus & Grattler are great for things like Jodas Golem Assassinate (have helped many grateful Tenno farm Atlas). I have yet to settle on an arch-melee but I'll probably end up using either Kaszas or Centaur whenever I decide to switch syndicate sides to buy the last few Archwing parts I need. Hell, I'm getting all the Syandanas anyways so might as well.

Have potato'd and forma'd multiple times all of what I've listed (minus Kaszas/Centaur because I don't own them yet) and don't regret it.

Edited by RosaGigantea
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