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23.3.0 Vauban changes - REALLY DE??????


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I'm pretty sure that you know where I'm coming from because of my avatar, but what the hell

I hadn't much in mind about the rework, I was mostly waiting for DE to fix the infamous bastille bug, slap one or two meaningless changes on it and call it a day

What I hadn't expected was a NERF. A NERF, when DE themselves admitted that cc is less useful now that we don't have raids and that Vauban and other CC frames are less useful to the "meta". Not to mention that DE cannot seem to be able to fix their spaghetti code, because the bug is still here, and made arguably even worse by the tweak

So here, I'll try to go over why changing repelling bastille is a bad idea:

Repelling bastille is Vauban's core ability: it's like ember's world on fire, Frost's snowglobe or Excalibur's exalted blade, it's the thing that defines Vauban for a lot of players.
Now, I'm not saying that it's the only thing that Vauban has for it, but it's the main one to get one in your squad

What does bastille do ?
It suspends a few ennemies in the air, immobilizing them. If you have repelling bastille however, new ennemies cannot enter the range of the bastille at all.

Now, the problem was that repelling bastille did not work, a lot of the time. I'm not a vauban main, but it happened frequently when I played Vauban, and it was a known issue. The fact that it was never fixed made me think that it was a hard tweak to make, and that it wouldn't be an easy fix. So naturally, like many other players, I rejoiced when I heard about this rework or "retooling" as they called it in the devstream.

Now, Vauban is a CC warframe, I think that we can all agree on that. Crowd control. Now, what exactly do you control if:

-Any additional ennemy can straight up enter the bastille ?
-You have to wait FOUR SECONDS for ennemies who have entered the bastille to be repelled ?
-Wait, did I said repelled ? I'm sorry, I meant ragdolled back. What, the ennemy hit something on the way out ? I guess he can stay in the bastille then
-The bug isn't actually fixed ? Meaning that if you launch repelling bastille, some ennemies won't be suspended at all and continue with their lives ?

Now, DE just released a hotfix that apparently "fixed" the bug by forcing every ennemy not caught in the bastille to be repelled, but until major testing that's just not something that can be trusted. Bastille is supposed to be a full-on suspension and capture of ennemies (hint, it's in the name), not just half-denying them access to a zone.

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@Gold_Ingenium dude calm down, there is no nerf.

Repelling Bastille is supposed to:
- Hold enemies in the air until the target cap is reached
- Targets above the cap get repelled when they try to enter
- Enemies that have for some reason entered it get repelled every 4s

Its just like it was before with a small addition to make it work better and to counter the well known bug

Edited by LazerusKI
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The Tesla sucks for damage to start. Might as well put a V8 in a smart car. 

All his 1st ability needs to be, is a persistent threat of electrical procs in a small area. 

Ladies and gentlemen I give you, "the arc mine" go to any grineer level.

Sure, they seem harmless enough to a tenno just passing through or parkouring over, but imagine 3 or 4 enemies walking by one. Watching streams of beautiful electricity arc between them. Not killing, not stopping but definitely slowing their approach. 

Tell me that doesn't sound like it would still be a relevant ability 1 hour into mot? 


There's no saving the mine layer... Not in it's current state. Swapping between the different mines is just too clanky.

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5 hours ago, LazerusKI said:

@Gold_Ingenium dude calm down, there is no nerf.

Repelling Bastille is supposed to:
- Hold enemies in the air until the target cap is reached
- Targets above the cap get repelled when they try to enter
- Enemies that have for some reason entered it get repelled every 4s

Its just like it was before with a small addition to make it work better and to counter the well known bug

No, your second bullet point doesn't exist anymore. Targets above the cap only get knocked back every four seconds. If what you said was true, it wouldn't be a nerf, but unfortunately what you said is not correct. 

Of course, there is a chance that I am horribly wrong. If that is the case, then I will write you a flowery poem.

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I don't understand why they just don't amp up the Tesla's damage significantly.  I mean what harm could making a single target electrical proc hit super hard?  If Saryn and Volt can get away with nuking every living being in Elite Onslaught I can't imagine allowing his 1 to deal significant damage would be considered "game breaking."

Also address his armor plz.  Feels really good knowing that my favorite frame gets downed if an enemy sneezes in his general direction AND doesn't deal notable damage to counter this lack of armor.

Edited by SenorCrouch
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vor einer Stunde schrieb SenorCrouch:

I don't understand why they just don't amp up the Tesla's damage significantly.

Tesla link did do that when it released... it didn't have the 5 ball/net limitation it has now....you could go max duration, make a net and watch enemys die as they walked in.


But they nerfed it.

Cause it could do damage current damagers laugh at.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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15 hours ago, Hawk_of_the_Reborn said:

+25% flat damage bonus does nothing for sortie 3 or ELO levels of enemies. If it were scaling based on how many enemies affected by Vauban's bastille, capped at a certain limit of course, for example then yes, this new passive would be a good thing. But as it is now, it's just as wack as his old one. It's garbage and unviable at all for anything with stupid armor. 

I would like to dispute that. firstly 25% flat damage is what you make of it. on an akstiletto you wont see much change. on an opticor you will. on a red-critting riven'd rubico you'll see a dizzy ammount of it. and sure. we all know armor scaling is kinda ridiculous at the moment. but there's half a dozen ways to get rid of that armor too. for some weapons 25% extra damage wont make a difference. and against sortie enemies even less so. but with the sort of weapon people tend to bring in for sortie assassinations with heavy hitting in mind it counts a lot. my glaive prime can 1shot most 3rd sortie enemies. and that 25% bonus flat would translate into thousands of damage potentially. because hey. most people already aim their builds towards sorties as a baseline of what you need to get. and they do fine without vauban's passive. more than a few times in a sortie a vauban would be an asset to the team. that is actually why i keep weapons like akstiletto prime and dex furis. to get rid of armor so I can switch to a heavy hitting primary and finish off the enemy.


So dont say its garbage or unviable when people are being fully viable Without the buff in the first place.

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7 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

Of course, there is a chance that I am horribly wrong. If that is the case, then I will write you a flowery poem.

You can start writing that poem as of 23.3.1 when the bug was resolved and it now works as he said (or should, in case there's further bugs)

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3 minutes ago, Julian_Skies said:

You can start writing that poem as of 23.3.1 when the bug was resolved and it now works as he said (or should, in case there's further bugs)


Seriously it took a few hours for this bug to get fixxed. but you had to go off he deep end and angst like a linkin park video. I mean come on. have some faith in DE. its not like they havent been earning it for 5 years non stop.

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vor 8 Stunden schrieb (XB1)Erudite God:

No, your second bullet point doesn't exist anymore. Targets above the cap only get knocked back every four seconds. If what you said was true, it wouldn't be a nerf, but unfortunately what you said is not correct. 

Of course, there is a chance that I am horribly wrong. If that is the case, then I will write you a flowery poem.

ah yeah sure, im totally wrong here because i have read the patchnotes and watched primetime /s

it was just a bug that the repelling on entering was gone. it is inteded to be a full buff to it, not a nerf. but we should know our patches by now, we have bugs that survived since release and were supposed to be fixed a long time ago *cough* ballsplitting 😉



The Sacrifice: Hotfix 23.3.1


- Vauban’s Repelling Bastille Augment now functions as it did originally with the intended addition of pushing enemies on enter and every 4 seconds after.
- Subtle tweaks to Vauban’s Citadel Skin for a more consistent metal tint.

- Fixed Vauban’s Repelling Bastille Augment ignoring an enemy that is ignored by the base effects of Bastille (e.g. if they were ragdolled after being caught).


cant wait for that poem 😉


edit: damn adding a quote is hard

Edited by LazerusKI
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8 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite God said:

Of course, there is a chance that I am horribly wrong. If that is the case, then I will write you a flowery poem.

Give poem now or I make a terrible thread about giving Vauban a jazz hands ability. 


Give Vauban more armor. 

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I'm not used to writing posts but I feel the need to this time.

Overhaul I'm here to complain, even if I know that it's not the final rework. I just want to max the chances of DE changing there mind. (hopefully)

With all my respect towards DE, this rework is a joke, exept his passiv.

-Tesla is still useless because it's uncapable of zapping more than 1 enemy per shoot and per hour. It's to slow for the pace of the game. For exemple, Khora's WHIPCLAW deals AOE with good damages. 

-Minelayer is filled with useless gimmicks.

   1) Bounce has been useless since parcour 2.0.

   2) Trip lazer lacks consistency for it's only reliable against infested cause they're the only one to run into this ability often enough to make it feels like it's doing something. 

   3) Shred is still a time limited debuff that need an entire specific build that doesn't suit Vauban's other abilities. While Oberon can whipe out enemie's armor in 2 cast for ever.

- The augment Repelling Bastille. What a shame, it had one known insue that only needed to be fixed for it to be very good. But it has been nerfed and left bugged. Why  ?


I don't really understand the way Vauban is treated, he need some simple tweaks to  solve the issues that players are complaining about. He wouldn't be overpowered  at all compered to some other frames, like Saryn or Ash or Equinox, or other. He could be enjoyable and fun to play. But the only thing he receives is a slow casting for Tesla to be nearly usefull in a fast paced game. A forever bugged augment that can now only work every 4 seconds, again, in a fast paced game.

One positiv note is his passiv that makes a lot of sens in his theme.

So DE, with all my respect for you and the game I love since the beginning, Why such a bad rework ? Will there be some other rework for him like there have been for Saryn and Oberon ?A good passiv can't save him.

It can't be its final state.

PS: I'm french, sory for the bad english.

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1 hour ago, Dolynjo said:

- The augment Repelling Bastille. What a shame, it had one known insue that only needed to be fixed for it to be very good. But it has been nerfed and left bugged. Why  ?


23.3.1 Patch Notes

- Vauban’s Repelling Bastille Augment now functions as it did originally with the intended addition of pushing enemies on enter and every 4 seconds after.

- Fixed Vauban’s Repelling Bastille Augment ignoring an enemy that is ignored by the base effects of Bastille (e.g. if they were ragdolled after being caught).

The bug you mentioned here was fixed 15 hrs before your post, unless you're aware of some other bug nobody's mentioned.

1 hour ago, Dolynjo said:

Overhaul I'm here to complain, even if I know that it's not the final rework. I just want to max the chances of DE changing there mind. (hopefully)

With all my respect towards DE, this rework is a joke, exept his passiv.

These few changes are not even a joke, it's a "here's a bone while we work on something, we realize it's terrible but this is a little less terrible in the meantime."  DE has already said they're not keeping it this way, so there's no mind-changing to be done.  Wait until they actually do the rework before calling it a joke.

Edited by mactrent
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vor 57 Minuten schrieb mactrent:

The bug you mentioned here was fixed 15 hrs before your post, unless you're aware of some other bug nobody's mentioned.

These few changes are not even a joke, it's a "here's a bone while we work on something, we realize it's terrible but this is a little less terrible in the meantime."  DE has already said they're not keeping it this way, so there's no mind-changing to be done.  Wait until they actually do the rework before calling it a joke.

^ this. wasnt that even during yesterdays primetime?

the "bastille rework" is just the first fix for the bug that plagued us several years. there is more to come. and hey, so far its great. i can finally use the ability and dont have to be afraid that a random enemy sneaks into it and onehits me

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Well #*!% me I've been away from my keyboard then wrote this. Didn't think they'd make a new update so quickly. So sorry for my rage on that point. Now, what about the rest ? Let's wait. But seriously it's a bitter bone for the wait. I'm of those who think that Vauban needs a real rework with proper new abilities replacing old ones, rather than some tweaks.

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