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Tutorial is so damn bad


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I think Tutorial in Warframe is rly damn bad. Tutorial should give basic knowledge ,give answer on all newbies question like : Where to find any material required to craft any weapon?. What are and where to find eximus units?

Reward for doeing it should be like basic mods(not broken) like: For WarframeVitality, Redirection, Flow, Streamline,Stretch, Intensify, Thief's Wit ,Equilibrium., for PrimarySerration, Point Blank and all Elemental Mods like Chilling Grasp , Charged Shell, Incendiary Coat , Contagious Spread . same for secondary and melee .

There should be more info about companion like u can have kubrow or small "flying thing" under head who's claiming loot for ya. Dropping kubrow egg is even problem for newbies.They are so confused. Also Taxon got 24h crafting time what is ridiculous.

In Tutoral there's nothing about installing potato in warframe/weapons , also both Catalyst and Reactor should be given at begining.

Also daily rewards for first days in game shout be like 100,200,300 endo or any cool looking Syadana .

Mars Boss drop Excalibur components - but what if someone would pick Excalibur as first frame?, Earth Boss drop Hydroid but i dont see newbies who's can kill him - even MR10 got troubles with him LEL. Only Ceres is fine - frames like Rhino, Frost and Oberon are good for start and I think that they should be reward for Boss challenges at first Planets.

I play Warframe since Year , I recruit so many new tennos and many of them after few hours of playing give up because was so confused and usually tells me that there's too much everyting, I don't have that much time to be good in this game. 
What do u think about it? 

Edited by Downlouder
Yeah my bad, i wrote that Earth Boss drop Necros not Hydroid.
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1 minute ago, Downlouder said:

I think Tutorial in Warframe is rly damn bad. Tutorial should give basic knowledge ,give answer on all newbies question like : Where to find any material required to craft any weapon?. What are and where to find eximus units?

Reward for doeing it should be like basic mods(not broken) like: For WarframeVitality, Redirection, Flow, Streamline,Stretch, Intensify, Thief's Wit ,Equilibrium., for PrimarySerration, Point Blank and all Elemental Mods like Chilling Grasp , Charged Shell, Incendiary Coat , Contagious Spread . same for secondary and melee .

There should be more info about companion like u can have kubrow or small "flying thing" under head who's claiming loot for ya. Dropping kubrow egg is even problem for newbies.They are so confused.

In Tutoral there's nothing about installing potato in warframe/weapons , also both Catalyst and Reactor should be given at begining.

Mars Boss drop Excalibur components - but what if someone would pick Excalibur as first frame?, Earth Boss drop Necros but i dont see newbies who's can kill him - even MR10 got troubles with him LEL. Only Ceres is fine - frames like Rhino, Frost and Oberon are good for start and I think that they should be reward for Boss challenges at first Planets.

I play Warframe since Year , I recruit so many new tennos and many of them after few hours of playing give up because was so confused and usually tells me that there's too much everyting, I don't have that much time to be good in this game. 
What do u think about it? 

What they need to do is hard lock new players into a tutorial screen when they unlock each station that gives a brief overview of what it is and tells them about the damn wiki! its such a massive help!! and they don't mention it at all ingame 

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14 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

In Tutoral there's nothing about installing potato in warframe/weapons , also both Catalyst and Reactor should be given at begining.

That would cut DEs' income

14 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

Also daily rewards for first days in game shout be like 100,200,300 endo or any cool looking Syadana .

What is a "cool looking Syandana"? Many "cool" skins are garbage in my eyes.

But I do think the Endo is a good thing. It really is tight at the beginning.

14 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

Mars Boss drop Excalibur components - but what if someone would pick Excalibur as first frame?

Mars used to be Frost, Excal used to be Pluto. You should know this since "you play since  Year".

They switched this around for those who didn't pick Excal and because Mag and Volt are early to get, Excal should be too.

14 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

Earth Boss drop Necros but i dont see newbies who's can kill him - even MR10 got troubles with him LEL

Vay Hek drops Hydroid, not Nekros. Nekros is being dropped by Lephantis in the Derelict.

And if MR10 have trouble with him, they are bad and need to work on their stuff. When I did play a amurf account (MR5), we (4x MR5) completed Oro without anyone dying


But yeah...some sort of Tutorial wouldn't hurt anyone

12 minutes ago, paul5473 said:

What they need to do is hard lock new players into a tutorial screen when they unlock each station that gives a brief overview of what it is and tells them about the damn wiki! its such a massive help!! and they don't mention it at all ingame 

This hits the mark pretty good

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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22 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

Reward for doeing it should be like basic mods(not broken) like: For WarframeVitality, Redirection, Flow, Streamline,Stretch, Intensify, Thief's Wit ,Equilibrium., for PrimarySerration, Point Blank and all Elemental Mods like Chilling Grasp , Charged Shell, Incendiary Coat , Contagious Spread . same for secondary and melee .

I agree that damaged mods are pointless but giving new players all the meta mods after they picked up their first Braton doesn't seem like a good idea since they won't even have the credits and endo required to upgrade those mods

22 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

There should be more info about companion like u can have kubrow or small "flying thing" under head who's claiming loot for ya. Dropping kubrow egg is even problem for newbies.They are so confused. Also Taxon got 24h crafting time what is ridiculous.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there's a quest that gives a Kubrow and the Taxon sentinel as well.

22 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

In Tutoral there's nothing about installing potato in warframe/weapons , also both Catalyst and Reactor should be given at begining.

So they wouldn't give their starter Mag and Skana a potato even though they don't need the extra mod space, and sell them two days later because they don't have inventory space.

22 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

Also daily rewards for first days in game shout be like 100,200,300 endo or any cool looking Syadana

Endo maybe, syandana why? Don't we get a Dex syandana anyway?

22 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

Earth Boss drop Necros

Lephantis from the Orokin derelict assassination drops Nekros, Vay Hek drops Hydroid if I'm not mistaken.

22 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

I play Warframe since Year , I recruit so many new tennos and many of them after few hours of playing give up because was so confused and usually tells me that there's too much everyting, I don't have that much time to be good in this game. 
What do u think about it?

Maybe your friends are too young to play this game and should stick to Minecraft or Fortnite till they're old enough to read or Google?

Edited by (PS4)Equinox21697
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3 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

What is a "cool looking Syandana"? Many "cool" skins are garbage in my eyes.

But I do think the Endo is a good thing. It really is tight at the beginning.

I think first experiences in game should be nice , let new players feel like , damn my frame looks rly cool, I am so good in this game and give a lot fun.I think boltor not braton could be fun weapon at begining. Enemies pinned to wall are rly cool and weapon got nice burst. Also Hek could be cool starting weapon option.


7 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:
22 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

Earth Boss drop Necros but i dont see newbies who's can kill him - even MR10 got troubles with him LEL

Vay Hek drops Hydroid, not Nekros. Nekros is being dropped by Lephantis in the Derelict.

Yeah my bad.

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Biggest problem is WF is in constant flux.  They are changing fundamental parts of melee soon enough. Voicing and scripting takes a lot of time away from doing things that keep the game alive for the substantial amount of players with a willingness to ask questions and Google.

Can the new player experience be better? Always. In any number or directions. But in just free stuff? Not really.

Is it good business sense to not entice players to buy a https://www.warframe.com/starterpack with bare basics given in game? I mean the hundreds of thousands of players before the start of this year went without it, do the newest players with way more options than we had 3 years ago need more free things or that starterpack? Eh. I can't say.

Also can't say but can definitely assume many players who get frustrated and don't want to finish even the current tutorial and does not have a willingness to search for answers will leave anyway because of future random changes in their eyes because of constant patches and system changes "out of the blue". You really have to keep yourself informed unlike other more static games. Some players old and young may just be incompatible with Warframe. And that happens. 

Edited by Firetempest
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8 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

I think first experiences in game should be nice , let new players feel like , damn my frame looks rly cool, I am so good in this game and give a lot fun.I think boltor not braton could be fun weapon at begining. Enemies pinned to wall are rly cool and weapon got nice burst. Also Hek could be cool starting weapon option.

I see what you are getting at. And I kinda agree. It took me ages after I was "brave" enough to do trading and buy me some.

As for Boltor and Hek - nah. Big nope.

Bad weapons at start are typical for any game. You get them, you use them, you throw them away and get better ones.

You get the Boltor blueprint anyways after the 3rd or 4th Junction. Hek can even be used until endgame. Also it's "early on" (MR4) and cheap to craft (~50k creds, 4 Neurodes and worhtless other resources).

Consider this: You get Hek as starting weapon. Have no clues. No mods. No Endo. And of cource no Inventory space. You sell your Hek for "better" weapons to learn the hard way Hek was already pretty good. So you might get angry at yourself or the game

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

I agree that damaged mods are pointless but giving new players all the meta mods after they picked up their first Braton doesn't seem like a good idea since they won't even have the credits and endo required to upgrade those mods

That's why they should give Endo and Credits as reward for Daily logs in game. Not like me for example 3rd day of playing this game and recived mutagen mass or discount for buying platinum. Who the hell needs that. RNG for newbies sux.


7 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:
27 minutes ago, Downlouder said:

In Tutoral there's nothing about installing potato in warframe/weapons , also both Catalyst and Reactor should be given at begining.

So they wouldn't give their starter Mag and Skana a potato even though they don't need the extra mod space, and sell them two days later because they don't have inventory space.

They have 50 platinum for additional slot and new player should consider selling weapon with potato.


9 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

Endo maybe, syandana why? Don't we get a Dex syandana anyway?

Dex Syadana wasn't reward for anniversary? So beginners won't recive it. 


11 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

Maybe your friends are too young to play this game and should stick to Minecraft or Fortnite till they're old enough to read or Google?

Maybe. All of them are adult and I am 30+ so I don't have so much teen friends.

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vor 37 Minuten schrieb johnxd_:

I kinda wish the wiki was integrated into the game some way. My PC is terribly slow and just windowing warframe takes a while and im not even talking about trying to open Chrome while warframe is running. 

Change the settings to borderless windowed mode. This should fix it.

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vor 42 Minuten schrieb Downlouder:

I think Tutorial in Warframe is rly damn bad. Tutorial should give basic knowledge ,give answer on all newbies question like : Where to find any material required to craft any weapon?. What are and where to find eximus units?

Reward for doeing it should be like basic mods(not broken) like: For WarframeVitality, Redirection, Flow, Streamline,Stretch, Intensify, Thief's Wit ,Equilibrium., for PrimarySerration, Point Blank and all Elemental Mods like Chilling Grasp , Charged Shell, Incendiary Coat , Contagious Spread . same for secondary and melee .

There should be more info about companion like u can have kubrow or small "flying thing" under head who's claiming loot for ya. Dropping kubrow egg is even problem for newbies.They are so confused. Also Taxon got 24h crafting time what is ridiculous.

In Tutoral there's nothing about installing potato in warframe/weapons , also both Catalyst and Reactor should be given at begining.

Also daily rewards for first days in game shout be like 100,200,300 endo or any cool looking Syadana .

Mars Boss drop Excalibur components - but what if someone would pick Excalibur as first frame?, Earth Boss drop Hydroid but i dont see newbies who's can kill him - even MR10 got troubles with him LEL. Only Ceres is fine - frames like Rhino, Frost and Oberon are good for start and I think that they should be reward for Boss challenges at first Planets.

I play Warframe since Year , I recruit so many new tennos and many of them after few hours of playing give up because was so confused and usually tells me that there's too much everyting, I don't have that much time to be good in this game. 
What do u think about it? 

uhm.. i can't say that these informations are hidden or something? 

as i began to play i go through the story quest.. which answers most of the questions. for all other stuff i used the well filled warframe wiki or the ingame codex, which leads you through almost everything. you can ask in chat for help... and so on.  there are even in-game step-by-step tutorials for a few things - just have a look into your codex.

what you write is not to bring new player better in play. it's to crush the whole system and make it easy to get an well-equippet frame on first two mastery ranks. it will also bring the quest rewards to uselessness. and i think it will make most things boring in the beginning. there is a reason why you get just some mods and have to deal with damaged mods in the beginning.

so i don't think that this is a basic problem.... but yes you're right in one point: there is a LOT of stuff to go through. and thats what warframe makes so genius. you have so many options do play, that everyone can find his place. you just have to try it out. for yourself or with friends 🙂


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The only thing I felt was missing from the tutorial was the ability to try all 3 frames before choosing which one to keep. I chose Mag and I'm so glad I got Saryn and Khora as gifts early on. I suck at playing Mag and it would have been awful to try and get anywhere using her. Why did I pick her then? Her abilities sounded cool and she is the only female starter frame.

Sure the game has a lot going on and as you progress there is more and more added all the time, but I love that. Modern games tend to babysit players too much and I hate tutorials that hold my hand too much. I grew up playing games like Baldur's Gate that required a lot reading to know where to go, what to do etc. So I guess not having everything available to me at the start or without spending time to figure things out is something I'm just very used to.

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Leyvonne:

The only thing I felt was missing from the tutorial was the ability to try all 3 frames before choosing which one to keep. I chose Mag and I'm so glad I got Saryn and Khora as gifts early on. I suck at playing Mag and it would have been awful to try and get anywhere using her. Why did I pick her then? Her abilities sounded cool and she is the only female starter frame.

agree - may girlfriend did it exact the same way 🙂 maybe there should be any kind of improvement. on that matter. on the other hand, it's just a starter frame 🙂

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I'm gonna have to disagree with most of the OP's points. I hate games that force feed me tutorials and mechanics. It makes me feel like the developers assume subpar intelligence on the player's part. I think the tutorial aspect of the game is fine as is. If new players can't be bothered to look up something simple, they are gonna have a hard time in any game that's not shoving tutorials down their gullet. 

And there's no correlation between the retention rate and the volume of tutorials one has to jump through before they are semi autonomous in their gameplay. Need information? There's a codex. Need more information? There's a Wikia. Need even more information? Google.

Information isn't absent. Just look for it. I'd hate to open up any sort of information tooltip or scroll over an item in game and be presented with an encyclopedia. Staggered distribution of information prevents overwhelming data dump and ensures if you're looking for the information, you'll be able to find it.

Edited by (PS4)hereticSky
Completed thought.
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53 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

The only thing I felt was missing from the tutorial was the ability to try all 3 frames before choosing which one to keep.

Haha yeah, I felt the same and took Volt because a friend had Excal and I Didn't want to "copy" him. Same thing is with the Focus. I picked Madurai since I'm more the brute facepunch guy...but with Focus 1.0 it was utter trash

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4 hours ago, paul5473 said:

What they need to do is hard lock new players into a tutorial screen when they unlock each station that gives a brief overview of what it is and tells them about the damn wiki! its such a massive help!! and they don't mention it at all ingame 

I disagree. If you need to refer to an external source or even the codex for basic info, then the game isn't doing a good enough job.

I agree with the op. Most of my time learning has been through trial and error or external research. The game itself teaches you nothing of importance.

I also agree with his point about reactors/catalysts. They aren't a good game system. And something so integral to your power level is totally left out of any tutorial. 

But how do explain to a new player that you want to double dip on the micros? It's better not to say anything.

Yeah you can bypass the platinum cost on some things by crafting them but they won't be viable for much of anything unless you drop real money on a potato. Double dip. No one seems to mind though. 

If anything, the people that put in the effort to collect materials and blueprints & wait unreasonable amounts of time for completion should be getting pre-installed potatoes.

The whales who lazily buy stuff outright should have to jump through hoops for the potatoes. 

Or just get rid of them entirely. They are the least consumer friendly part of this game imo. 

Edited by IIDMOII
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Yeah, this is unfortunately a wiki-game. Much of the needed information is to be searched from the wiki and in various orbiter screens and consoles, but this is easily overwhelming for the beginner. When I was one, I felt lost in many aspects of the game.

I think proper tutorials are tough to create when the game's systems are not all finalized. This is probably one of the last aspects of the game that will be addressed properly, when it comes out of its "beta" phase (i.e. not in the near future)

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