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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. You're creating a division in player behavior that is simply all in your head. These types of players aren't mutually exclusive. You can be laid back while going fast, and you can care about your efficiency while being laid back. Think of it like this (in the context of an average non-endless mission): playing Titania for Razorwing doesn't automatically categorize you as a sweat, and playing Nyx doesn't mean you're slow or taking it easy. DE used to step in when an AoE setup was a massive outlier compared to the rest (you can see my list in my initial comment). However the "AoE meta" was always there. Outlier AoE was addressed, but core gameplay AoE has always remained. The game has intentionally catered to this type of gameplay. We just got iOS today, and that platform has auto-melee when walking up to an enemy, and auto-shooting when the reticle is over an enemy. The whole "Warframe plays itself for you" isn't a new concept, but it's definitely only leaned more into it over the years. If you don't want to have the game play for you, that's absolutely fine. I'm with you there. I don't like using On Call/Kahl Beacon/Specters on every defensive mission I play. I don't like the fact that people AFK in Ani/Mot and ruin many aspects of the game for other players. Players rushing objectives though is just part of the game. Always has been, always will be. Fissures exaggerated this issue because it's public matchmaking. Tower Void Keys that predate the Void Fissure system were all pre-made squads. In this way, you'd be recruiting for people and easily seeing when they were doing 50 runs in a row, 4 hours in a Survival, or just a casual few runs. However, even in a "casual" run, plenty of people still brought their Orthos Prime, Tonkor, Synoid Simulor Mirage, or other methods to zip around the map to extract as seamlessly as possible. What you're advocating for is a gameplay experience that has never been the status quo, but something you need to create for yourself. If you dislike the fact that the game plays this way and matchmaking to play differently is too much of a hassle, you'll just have to bite the bullet solo, search for that one new/old group of friends/clanmates, or quit Warframe. That's just the way it is man.
  2. Once Dante's Unbound goes live, Dreamer's Bond will have a universal aura polarity and provide +14 capacity to all Warframes with the exception of Excalibur, Nekros, and Sevagoth getting +7 capacity (because these three Warframes have no Aura polarity at all). This change will highly encourage lazy homogenization of builds where people will not only feel compelled to keep this one Aura on all builds, but even be advised to by other players or content creators (with the exception of some niche cases like Protea who has a universal polarity in her Aura slot by default). You may as well make all Auras the same polarity if you're going to add one that throws the entire polarity system out the window, especially with safe bonuses. It's not like Dreamer's Bond is Pistol Scavenger, it's a reduced combination of Energy Siphon and Rejuvenation which are highly beneficial for the players they are designed towards. I'm not a fan of feedback that intentionally ensures all proposed changes are strictly buffs for the player, even when some of the buffs could be offset by some small negatives that would retain some of the reason things are they way they are. Like yeah, some stuff like Universal Vacuum is just an obvious QoL and net-positive for players, but suggesting changes to Aura mods must consider the current costs and the reasons for mechanics such as Aura Forma and polarities. What drove me to write this post begin with is that DE is undermining their own systems to this degree. I know they do it all the time in their past content, but this is just over the top. If this mod just released as a Naramon polarity, I wouldn't have minded really.
  3. This mod concerned me when I first saw a picture of it, but became more alarming as I read the patch notes. I understand this mod is half as good as both Energy Siphon for energy regeneration and Rejuvenation for health regeneration comparatively. Having both bonuses under one mod is questionable for what it serves to new players. However, it's not a game-breaking amount of regeneration, even in a full squad (+1.2 Energy Regen/s, +6 Health Regen/s), so I don't really mind that it's being added in the first place. The other skepticism I had was the Madurai polarity. At first glance, this looks odd (instead of Naramon or Vazarin) and reminds me of Cold, Status Chance, and GunCO mods having Vazarin. However, this was cleared up in the patch notes as Mag and Volt possess Madurai Aura polarities (and Excalibur has no Aura polarity). Okay, makes sense, even if a little bit of an outlier. (Source) This is what bothers me about this mod: (Source) This decision encourages a lazy modding decision for new players for the rest of the game (and to many existing players) and undermines Aura Forma as a meaningful reward for builds (which has already been undermined once before in Saint of Altra (2019) by being added to the Market). Likewise, it resurfaces what we saw for many years (and still today to an extent) with Steel Charge (and eventually Power Donation, although more niche) adding 9 (18 when polarized) modding capacity as opposed to every other Aura adding 7 (14 when polarized). I mentioned this in feedback 6 years ago, and a portion of it still holds merit today: (Source) To modernize my initial suggestions (given in 2017 we did not have Aura or Stance Forma), this is how I would approach this: Standardize the modding capacity gained from Aura and Stance mods. I mention Stances as these mods function similarly to Auras, and we now have melee Exilus mods as well as Exalted melee lacking the capacity boost. Parity between capacity boosting mods is important. Add this polarity by default to all Exalted melee Stance slots and Exalted Stance mods. Add a new polarity that is shared between Aura and Stance mods (Plexus/Railjack included). All base Warframes (with the exception of Protea) will not have this polarity installed by default. All Prime Warframes, Excalibur Umbra, Plexus/Railjack, and Protea will have this polarity installed by default. Teach new players through the modding tutorial using Dreamer's Bond and one free Aura Forma. Improve the new player experience in a meaningful way by giving the player both Dreamer's Bond and one Aura Forma in tandem while explaining the purpose. This teaches the player more about polarities, the fact vanilla Warframes do not have these by default, add a proper buff to Prime gear, and properly set up players for The New War with their Railjack without robbing them of critical mechanical experience by way of the introduction of Dreamer's Bond. To force this interaction to occur early in progression for mechanical education without creating a massive grind for releveling a Warframe, the player could be automatically leveled to rank 30 on solely their starter Warframe while completing the tutorial, and the player would then be explained Mods, Aura Mods, Aura Forma, normal Forma, polarities, Affinity, leveling, and Mastery Rank at the same time. This would give them a much needed capacity boost in early content while explaining very basic modding choices. Remove Stance Forma from the game and give all melee Stance slots this new Aura/Stance polarity. These were never sold for Platinum, and their usage has always been niche (Dark Split-Sword) or for a completionist checkmark with no real benefit to the player's arsenal. Unlike Aura Mods, there are always best in-slot stances due to forced procs and damage multipliers. Using a stance outside of this purpose has always been for flavor. Players have always matched polarities or reapplied Forma to slot the best stance for the given melee family (such as Sovereign Outcast for Tonfas). I have installed Stance Forma on every melee in the game with the exception of Zaws, and I rather see them removed if it means standardizing modding to reflect a more streamlined user experience. Relocate Aura Forma from Arbitrations to Starchart rotation rewards. This gives all players an acceptable avenue to farm these items. Newer players can install them on their earned Warframes throughout the game within this reward path while existing players have a reliable method of earning blueprints through natural gameplay. Arbitration players would receive an updated drop table that removes this bloat item in favor of more of what Arbitrations offer. Given these were added to the Market for Platinum many years ago, their value as a rotation reward during Arbitrations has been eroded almost entirely. Reduce the Forma cost for crafting Aura Forma from 4 to 2. Reduce the Market cost for Aura Forma from 80 to 60 for a single and keep the bundle unchanged at 150. A major part of the new player experience is first impressions with teaching mechanics, and adding a starter Aura that lets them bypass the entire polarity system for Auras indefinitely isn't doing them a service long-term. Introducing players to the Universal polarity in the early game (along with the rest of the polarities) through a larger set of changes would give them a healthier perspective to Warframe modding and also benefit everyone else going forward. Dreamer's Bond soon becoming the only Universal Aura is not only the lowest-hanging fruit for a change, but the proposed encourages the laziest modding perspective for the entirety of Warframe for so many players while completely neglecting why this initial concern had arisen to begin with. Now is the time to address this, and the game deserves better. Cheers, Voltage.
  4. I want to start with congratulating Warframe on the launch of iOS and hope the Android launch is just as successful. I installed it this morning, linked my PC account, and while I may not choose my phone over my desktop to play the game frequently, it blows my mind to play this game on the iPhone in my pocket with acceptable performance. I've always wanted to do smaller things like login rewards, trading, or short daily/weekly missions through my phone when I am away from home. For anyone wondering what an Accolade is or represents, [DE]Danielle explained it in a post back in April, 2017: Original Post: Fast forward a year, and in a November, 2018 hotfix, a Closed Beta Accolade was added to the profile of any account created prior to March 18th, 2013. This signifies participation of the PC Closed Beta. Original Post: I wanted to know if this could be something added for those of us who participated in the iOS Closed Beta (and potentially Android coming up). We all know the joke that Warframe is an eternal beta, but it would be nice to see the Accolade applied to those who have contributed valuable feedback during Closed Beta tests outside of the original PC one. This could also extend to Test Cluster players as well. I just thought I bring it up and ask during this major milestone. I by no means want to undermine the players from the very beginning with this request, just wanting to know if this Closed Beta tag could be applied to all Closed Betas that have occurred during the extensive history of Warframe. Thanks!
  5. I wouldn't be as fast as a Titania player, but it'd definitely be comparatively fast (just because of tile memorization, parkour skill, and understanding the ease of use in spamming radial javelin and hitting headshots on low level Grineer in an Exterminate. I'm not sure what exactly you've been arguing for in this thread as you've been all over the place. My point still stands that the pace at which Warframe is played at is a staple for why the game is popular in the first place.
  6. I take your word for it. I started in U16 with Volt Prime Access.
  7. That this discussion is silly. I've been following every page here and reserving myself from commenting until now, but this is really just the same discussion that's been had for a decade now. Whether it's Ash Bladestorm, Saryn Miasma, Excalibur, Mag in Corpus maps, Ember World on Fire, Maiming Strike, Synoid Simulor, Telos Boltace, Kuva Bramma, Trinity with Sancti Castanas and Link, Thermal Sunder, Void Hole/Munitions Vortex/Seeker Volley in Railjack, Arquebex for Necramech, or a myriad of other options over the years, the game has been designed this way from the ground up as item farming is about mission repetition with substantial time requirements if you look at farms cumulatively. The best examples of this are/were Fissures, Gian Point Railjack, and Netracells. In all cases, not rushing adds a substantial amount of cumulative mission time, and within the scope of how much there is to do in Warframe, this leads to several hours of unnecessary added time. I say unnecessary because most players have fun with the power creep and speed of mission rewards. If you want something to be completed a certain way, you just have to find like-minded players. Not nuking in Railjack makes armaments and intrinsic farming take eons, and the same goes for the 500+ unique Relics for various Prime sets out there. Netracells can be done in around 6 minutes by simply moving faster and grouping enemies faster to one shot. Expecting the status quo to slow down without a massive shift to the core game (which would obliterate this playerbase) is foolish. Players have been rushing through missions since before we even had Parkour 2.0 in 2015 with Update 17: Echoes of the Sentients. The point I was making above is how trivial it is to kill enemies in normal content. Player speed is often heavily overlooked. What determines your mission speed in most cases is not some easy-mode button, but your effective range in combat, which absolutely includes your downtime between moving to groups of enemies. In higher tier content, the only thing DE's been able to do to slow down players is "damage attenuation" (which is essentially rewarding crap builds while punishing people optimizing their damage). Knowledgeable players have already gotten around that too. This discussion has some merit to it for sure, and I can understand why a nuke setup might annoy some players, but this is a 10 years old dead-beaten horse. If you dislike the rushing nature of most content, find another game. There are some things about this game that shouldn't and won't change. This is one of them. I also want to add that I think this is why Soulframe is happening, because Warframe is too far gone and out of control to really try what Steve and co are looking to achieve. You can see this with the reception of Drifter and Kahl-175.
  8. That'd be too overpowered since DE swapped out Mk1 gear for the base versions in the tutorial. Now I'm tempted to run a Mariana Lith Exterminate with unmodded Excalibur and base weapons while still clearing the mission fast in pubs, just to prove a point.
  9. They appeared for me after trying the mission a second time. I was going to bug report it, but loading into the second run fixed it for me somehow. I also noticed that when they were invisible/bugged, there was one in the map that spawned normally (in the latter half of the mission).
  10. The Void is certainly the same vibe as Murex for me. It does feel a little dated though, especially with the lack of added gamemodes to the tile. Lua just doesn't hit the same. The Kuva Fortess provided me some fun memories back in the day with some stuff, but I just find it to be a claustrophobic Grineer tile at the end of the day. Yeah, Operation coordination is a rare, yet fun time in this game. It's a shame it has become a thing of the past. Rolling tilesets has always been a problem in events.
  11. In terms of my favorite aesthetically + gameplay wise? Probably the Murex. It looks great and plays well with large doors and little geometry to catch yourself on. Tiles like the Entrati Labs remind me of the Kuva Fortress to be quite honest. In terms of nostalgia? Probably a tie between Grineer Shipyard Interception (old Draco tile) and the Infested Salvage tileset that is from The Jordas Verdict. Lots of memories and progression made as a newer player in those tiles.
  12. 6250p sold 4250p sold 2650p sold Prices are negotiable. Please message me on here, in-game, or Discord (voltage). Thanks!
  13. There's no one item I am obsessed with, but I have over-farmed Affinity for items to be capped on the profile, Credits in the billions, Platinum in the hundreds of thousands to buy Riven Mods, Prodman Autographs in the past, etc. I never settle for one niche in Warframe, but I like to be relatively exceptional in each slice of the game. If I had to name just one thing, what I am most known for, it's probably my Forums reputation as a non-developer.
  14. I rather just wait and see what happens to other PC players. I don't want to be a guinea pig for a situation that seems to just be a complete mess right now.
  15. Is this still the response? Now I don't want to merge/link on iOS and ignore the entire platform if that's the case. There's no way I want to risk losing my Forums like that.
  16. I agreed with the rest of your post, but I just wanted to clear this up. I do not want them to be like mods and more like the socket type system you just suggested. I'm with you there.
  17. I honestly forgot to consider this. This is a very valid change to make to breath life into unused parts.
  18. Ally Voidrig. Mine is already scanned, but I assume it's the one from the Cambion Drift.
  19. Will you guys look into changing the apps icon? I notice the Warframe Companion App uses the icon that Warframe on PC does, but the official game that is soon to launch has a different icon. This would help in making sure players don't install the wrong app going forward. Thanks for the heads up!
  20. Keep dreaming. Everyone using these mods or knows how they work (including developers) understand that they are the polar opposite of an Exilus Mod. You are certainly correct. Drift Mods are an exception to the rule, and I personally wish they never came to be. However, 15% Power Strength in modern Warframe and 1.55x Damage to Grineer are not even close to similar in terms of overall strength.
  21. I'm not saying your request is invalid, but the tools are there if you want to remove Rivens from your trading experience. Personally I just filter chat myself in the way I read it. Yeah, the chat moves very fast and is mostly filled with things you won't care about, but it doesn't move so fast that you will miss trades. Advanced filters specific for recruiting and trading channels for matchmaking/items would be cool though.
  22. Faction Damage is not a "utility" mod and has no business being in the Exilus slot.
  23. Why don't you just create filters to remove all Riven Mods?
  24. Yeah ... that's ... an entirely separate subject and derailing this thread. Like sure it's sort of related (since modding is a core pillar of the game), but you seem to have issue with the entire modding system. Warframe builds are "locked" if you lock them for yourself. General use builds are popular because laziness is also popular (see: Revenant Prime and Wukong Prime stats for 2023). You're under the false assumption that changing polarization in the direction of "build diversity" (having your cake and eating it too) makes a significant impact to how missions play. It's like when DE nerfed melee through geometry and then Pikachu Surprised when everyone just said "Who needs Scoliac when I have <insert another AoE flavor of the month that bypasses geometry>." All you'd change is opening Pandora's Box where someone could future-proof their arsenal from having to ever revisit configurations or consider opportunity cost when modding for the foreseeable future or worse, the lifetime of their account. I wanted to keep this post as a comprehensive overhaul to modular systems in Warframe, especially if they plan to add more to the system later on. I also want to note that the current way they work doesn't exactly bother me because I've gotten to the point in Warframe where I've overfarmed almost all content, so the costs to things are just trivial to me. I want the system to feel good for those who are just getting into it as well as those coming back from a long break or tweaking builds for the latest updates. An inventory like this for Zaws where many of them are just old builds doesn't exactly feel like experimentation, just hoarding to not "waste" the Forma sunk. A player should see an update like Melee Arcanes and go "Man, I'm going to swap my Balla staff to a Balla dagger! Oh maybe I will just try another link first", not "Damn, I need to reapply another 3, 4, or even 5 Forma on another Zaw just to try out a different Balla configuration."
  25. Cross-post on Reddit Overview Warframe's "modular" equipment has never truly been modular, and the ability to experiment with various combinations has never been possible. However, with the addition of nemesis (Kuva/Tenet) weapons, Railjack components/armaments, and Incarnon Evolutions, I believe this idea could be revisited. Currently a player can end up throwing away countless Forma in an unnecessary way or having several configurations that collect dust in their inventory as the game has changed over time. Reworking the foundation of modular equipment would greatly benefit players of all levels of progression, give this corner of equipment a better gameplay loop, and the concept of modular Archwing gear would be a much brighter prospect going forward (should those release). The anti-experimentation currently within modular equipment in Warframe creates an investment sink that pushes players into looking for the best setup and ignoring all other combinations. Once a combination is created and Forma is applied, the player is locked into this configuration. The only option for recuperating some of the time and resources spent is selling the item for Credits in the inventory or providing the item to the associated vendor for a measly amount of standing. Modular equipment across the board would greatly benefit from the ability to "hot-swap" configurations similar to the mechanic present for Incarnon Evolutions within the arsenal. I want to dive into each category of modulars to ensure their unique differences are accounted for. This process would still consume earned/crafted components for their respective slots to ensure that experimentation is not future-proofing equipment, but preserving gear investments (to an extent) for players who realize they do not like their current configuration should updates alter their builds (such as changes in Riven Dispositions, Focus Lenses, Exilus Adapters, Arcane Adapters, new Arcanes, etc.). These changes would also reinforce and further encourage players to earn the Mastery for each archetype of modular. The general idea is to lock a modular item to the "base" that grants Mastery experience, but allow for the player to swap the other components in a modular fashion. That "base" would be the Amp prism, Hound and Moa model, K-Drive board, Kitgun chamber, and Zaw strike. Predasite and Vulpaphyla companions function differently as the modular mechanics associated with them are separate from their "base". The specific differences for those two companions will be explained further in their respective section of this topic. Amps UI Mockup: Once gilded, players would have the ability to swap between any scaffolds and/or brace. This feature could be locked until the player has Mastered the prism in question. The stats would show as gilded (with a note/warning) with the associated diorama as if it were configured through Onkko in Cetus or Little Duck in Fortuna to see a preview of the appearance. The prism would be locked as shown above. Hound and Moa Companions UI Mockup: Similar to the Amp concept, a diorama would open as if it were configured through Legs in Fortuna so the player could preview the stats and appearance with the Moa/Hound model locked. Polarities would remain the same when swapping configurations. With this in mind, Moa and Hound Brackets would no longer give the player a free polarity. Instead, players would be given the ability to add two polarities when Gilding as opposed to one. This would detach polarities from cosmetic choices. K-Drives UI Mockup: Like the previous concepts, a diorama would open as if it were configured through the Ventkids in Fortuna so the player could preview the stats and appearance with the K-Drive board locked. Polarities would remain the same when swapping configurations. Scrawls would be removed. Kitguns UI Mockup: Like the previous concepts, a diorama would open as if it were configured through Rude Zuud in Fortuna or Father in Necralisk so the player could preview the stats and appearance with the Kitgun chamber locked. Polarities would remain the same when swapping configurations. However, swapping the grip from secondary to primary or vice versa would remove all Mods and Arcanes. This is to prevent players from having a secondary Kitgun with primary Mods and/or Arcanes and vice versa. Skins would also be removed. Predasite and Vulpaphyla Companions UI Mockup: Like the previous concepts, a diorama would open as if it were configured through Son in Necralisk so the player could preview the stats and appearance. Polarities would remain the same when swapping configurations. With this in mind, Antigens would no longer give the player a free polarity. Instead, players would be given the ability to add two polarities when Gilding as opposed to one. This would detach polarities from cosmetic choices. Mutagen Innate Resistances Rework: The innate resistances earned from Mutagen could definitely use an overhaul to be more predictable and easier to understand. Removed from Mutagen and breeding. Through Son in Necralisk, infuse a new consumable (concept name: Parrigen [pronounced Parry-gen]) to grant Shields, Health, Armor, and Overguard bonuses to a Predasite or Vulpaphyla. All four bonuses can be stacked. Each Parrigen would cost various resources to craft and a sum of Son Tokens to infuse. This creates a meaningful path of progression that will give Predasites and Vulpaphylas unique resistance modifiers that are not an annoyance to understand and offer a straight upgrade to the companion without the appearance affected. Remove weaknesses and rename the bonuses for standardization. Proto-Shields -> Shields Resistance (affecting Shields) Puncture 50% Heat 50% Corrosive 50% Alloy Armor -> Armor Resistance (affecting Armor) Slash 50% Electricity 50% Magnetic 50% Cloned Flesh -> Health Resistance (affecting Health) Impact 25% Gas 50% Void 50% Robotic -> Overguard from melee hits. A functionally reduced version of Pack Leader (+50 Health per hit, 600 Overguard Max.) Zaws UI Mockup: Like the previous concepts, a diorama would open as if it were configured through Hok in Cetus so the player could preview the stats and appearance with the Zaw strike locked. Polarities would remain the same when swapping configurations. However, swapping the grip from one-handed to two-handed or vice versa would remove the Stance Mod. This is to prevent players from having a Zaw with the incorrect Stance archetype. Skins would also be removed. Because players would have the ability to swap configurations and potentially create combinations where the Stance polarity no longer matches, Zaws would be installed with a universal polarity in the Stance slot when gilded at Hok. This is to streamline the player modding experience. Conclusion: The goal here is to make modulars as a mechanic feel more tuned for experimentation, rewarding players for grinding additional components and trying new combinations. Punishing users for making non-meta choices is what leads to most players using similar configurations and not wavering outside of that path outside of Mastery. All the UI mockups can be found here.
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