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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. I still don't understand the "level cap craze" or whatever. 99% of content where you farm for stuff is under level 200, and DE adds a scaling mission for something like an event once every few years.
  2. The only appeal the mod has is self damage though, as outlined in OP. The only time it was used for healing was on Necramechs for Orphix, which got nerfed.
  3. I think something that represents "10" for 3650 days would be cool if we cant get a 3000 days one.
  4. Lodestar Signa would be kinda epic. A profile badge would be cool too.
  5. Title. I've visited a dojo recently with an upside down trade post, and it causes a disorienting camera and UI rotation every time you enter and exit the UI. I hope this could be fixed as hiding a trading post in this fashion is useful.
  6. I wanted to bring up the idea of converting all the Conclave specific mods to universal PvP/PvE mods. Warframe's bread and butter is customization, and even though most of these mods would be weak or need tweaking, the idea of some of them could really open up more builds. Most of these mods could do with a drain adjustment as well. There are many categories of mods for Conclave that would give players more diversity in loadouts if given the opportunity to use them in PvE. Weapon mods: Impact/Puncture/Slash manipulation mods for pistol, rifle, shotgun, and melee: Conclave stance mods: Augment mods:
  7. Isn't the issue because consoles use your gamertag unlike PC with a Warframe specific account?
  8. Hearing it that often would completely kill why it's cool. It would be like hearing "We All Lift Together" in the background of Fortuna on blast 24/7.
  9. There currently is not. This has been asked for several years now. You could try contacting customer support. They might be able to help: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us
  10. Any chance we could see the trivially earned Arcanes removed from the Netracells drop table? The mission is already weekly time-gated.
  11. They never had to nerf the Rivens. If every weapon had the exact same Disposition, people would still gravitate towards weapons like Glaive Prime or Kuva Zarr for general nuking. You could nerf Torid right now in Disposition and the usage of the Incarnon would remain unchanged. The popularity of a weapon is purely dictated by what it achieves fundamentally with their stats and gimmicks. Riven Mods resulting in some massive spike of performance is from many years ago when they could make or break builds. Those interactions were addressed, and Rivens these days are quite far down the food chain compared to how many other ways the player is given tools to buff their weapons. The best example of this is Sentient Surge for Ocucor. The popularity and usage of this weapon is purely due to the mechanics of the Nightwave mod. A Riven Modded Ocucor for years has not had the same popularity, because the base characteristics of Ocucor aren't all that special. Sentient Surge adds several buffs that fundamentally change how the weapon is used, and that change is in a direction that has become popular. Handicapping Prime weapon Dispositions just makes them dead on arrival for people who like Riven Mods. Gauss Prime Access is an exception for both weapons being solid AoE weapons, but why would I care about Afuris Prime from Baruuk if I have had a high Dispo loadout for Prisma Twin Gremlins or Aksomati Prime for years now?
  12. These are not comparable in any way. Fetch is akin to Enemy Radar whereas Charm is akin to Desecrate. They are fundamentally completely different mechanics. One is a utility, and one is a staple farming mechanism. The concept of Charm is random yet helpful bonuses. They aren't supposed to be something you rely on. The problem (and dominance in usage) with Smeeta is the reliance on double drops, their self stacking, and the massive average benefit the companion brings to your farming experience (reducing hours played throughout progression) across the entire game. Sure, Retrieve on Chesa technically falls into this same category, but the difference is indisputable. The other problem with Smeeta is that it creates a divide in expected reward outcome. Two players can do a mission together and player 1 gets a much higher amount of loot than player 2. In the most extreme cases (Profit-Taker being the best example here), you can have player 1 earn multiple times the reward of player 2, essentially multiplying the amount of missions player 1 has completed over player 2 for the same mission. In the case of Profit-Taker, Smeeta is the sole reason that the mission is undeniably better than The Index. As soon as The Index approaches the efficiency of Profit-Taker for Credits, you just go "yea, well Smeeta doubles, quadruples, or even octuples my rewards sometimes". This variance creates a massive headache for resource balancing as well as the psych behind farming something. For years, there are many players that get bummed out when they don't get a proc, or get frustrated when they go multiple rotations or even hours without one while someone else is getting multiple. It's a bad mechanic to have in the game whatsoever. The variance of drops should come down to team composition with abilities, boosters, and general enemy RNG. There shouldn't be this X factor that you feel compelled to always have equipped just to save some mission time. Giving every companion Charm is equivalent to just removing it from Smeeta. In that sense, it would be better to retain the identity of the Kavat and fix the 8 year old problem that should have never made it out of Update: Specters of the Rail. Smeeta can be absolutely beneficial without double drops, and the double Affinity, static Critical Chance, instant reload, free Overshields, and rare resource chance would still be beneficial to many players without making it feel like something you need to equip in literally any gamemode that allows you to take it. People who say "I don't need drops so I will swap my companion for something that isn't Smeeta" are still leaving extra drops on the table. The players that opt-out of using Smeeta would already see no difference in their gameplay for the missions they wouldn't take Smeeta for anyways. I'm not confusing the terms. Smeeta is the general use companion. It has been since 2016. I cannot give you some exact number of resources, Credits, or Affinity Smeeta has given my account, but it is easily measurable in hundreds of hours of gameplay. That is something no companion has ever offered, not even Carrier. Carrier's popularity was the restriction of a QoL utility, which is the polar opposite of what Charm functions as. Smeeta's identity is the farming benefit of Charm, nothing else, and that defeats the intention of what Charm should be offering to the player. If every companion had Charm, you'd be applying power creep to companions, solidifying a point for DE to balance economies around Charm, robbing Smeeta of its identity, all while accomplishing precisely 0 with the companion system as a whole because players would just move to option #2 and slap Charm on that instead. "Increasing choice" is not an excuse to do this. It's the same as the really bad take of "make every gun AoE". We already have homogenized loadouts as it is; no need to accelerate that.
  13. It hit the same as that first Vauban Prime trailer.
  14. That should be the entire point of companion precepts: strong niches for where they can perform. Strong general use buffs are why situations like Carrier or Smeeta happen. Giving every player Charm on all companions would just be massive powercreep where it's not warranted.
  15. I wouldn't hold your breath. Tenet Detron has had bugged multishot since it was added with Sisters of Parvos.
  16. Thanks for the updated dispositions. Maybe in 2024 Riven Disposition can be revisited due to the power ceiling the game has as well as many other factors that makes Disposition just annoying for the system. Any chance Archguns can get examined to make Faction Damage not exclusive to Riven Mods? :)
  17. I think Smeeta would be perfectly fine if they just removed the double drops portion and kept it as Affinity only while also removing the stacking behavior. Smeeta would still be a valuable tool for leveling and farming things like Focus/Intrinsics in that way. There's just no way to reduce the dominance of the mod if it doubles drops. I do think Smeeta has heavily influenced how economies are balanced, especially things like Steel Essence, Vitus Essence, etc.
  18. I just wished they made all items tradeable or atleast let us rank up all 6.
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