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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Excited to see what we're leading into in 2024 :).
  2. I don't really care for level cap at all, but in terms of Narmer Disruption (which is the only real Disruption I even touch due to the natural appearance), public really shows that failing a conduit extracting the player is just punishing for no good reason. I am all for there being more stakes in the game, but Disruption having such a fail state would make it worse in public than Sortie/Narmer Spy. I frequently take care of atleast 3 conduits solo while in public because players are often just not equipped for the way a Demolisher is different from a normal enemy/Eximus. I think this is a much better solution, and tweak the tables so that you're still getting guaranteed Relics and such on C, while the A and B rotations are healthy amounts of evergreen rewards comparative to how quick rotations are (good Credits, Endo, Kuva, etc.). This would also be a potential spot to move Ash parts to rotation B or include some other incentives to the tables. This type of change encourages improvement rather than punishing failure. Someone who fails conduits is still punished as that means they lose their rotation C reward. That's enough of a sting to tell the player that they need to change approach.
  3. This is an issue with most of these kinds of objectives. Even in the Deimos bounty, where it's the open Cambion Drift, not using a grouping ability like Magus Anomaly just makes the objective painfully slow, especially if you don't luck out with a Brood Mother spawn for free Maggot kills.
  4. Hello. I wanted to rekindle feedback I made 3 years ago in regards to the original six syndicates and their offerings remaining exclusive and untradeable with no practical way to manage maximum rank in all six. I understand there are old documented cases of upkeeping all six original syndicates, but it requires millions of points, and constant upkeep. Given how far apart syndicate content is released, I do not expect that to be a reasonable approach. I am proposing either two ideas: All items are tradeable within the syndicate offerings. Remove "negative" reputation from the system. 1. All syndicate offerings tradeable With the release of syndicate armor and emotes, we saw tradeable cosmetics added to the system. This was a nice way to allow players to own these even if they weren't aligned. Swapping back and forth between the many years we go without new syndicate offerings that aren't augment mods is not a great prospect, and this would be a simple change. This is a comprehensive list of the non-tradeable syndicate offerings: Arbiters of Hexis: Cephalon Suda: Steel Meridian: New Loka: Red Veil: Perrin Sequence: Bonus: Conclave (This could be an avenue for non-Conclave players to skip playing Conclave, and reward Conclave players with an avenue of making Platinum through trading: Making these all tradeable would stimulate another avenue for players to trade, while also feeling like they don't need to always swap back and forth to earn everything. 2. Removing "negative" reputation from syndicates Pretty simple. Players can just rank all of these up, make their sacrifices, and have access to all the rewards. Augment Mods could be re-shuffled so that a player would need to rank all syndicates to have access to all Augments. This is already partially the case in the current system. This would also give players an expected path to earn all the Archwing Gear and Weapons without needing to trade. Opening up the syndicates to all be ranked would also give newer players a more streamlined syndicate experience, and rank-ups could be changed to not require Prime Parts that shuffle every Vaulting. Changing the way players rank syndicates with slight tweaks to the offerings would be a massive improvement going forward. The original six syndicates feel very dated in modern Warframe with how many other syndicates we have gotten since then that allow for a player to complete them without maintenance in the chance that updates many years apart add items they need to restructure their allegiance for.
  5. Most of these QoL updates are geared for earlier players. I am not going to discount things like the pet rework, fixing the naming on final damage multipliers, or removing Syndicate Sigils for rep, even though those were just long overdue. We see lowering the bar to entry for quests, a boost in lower Mastery Rank syndicate standing caps, Mk-1 Weapons going away from Vor's Prize along with Flawed Mods, pushing players through previous content updates as usual, and quite a focus on acceleration instead of enrichment. Sure, we get syndicate sigils removed, but look at how Archon Shards are handled in the Helminth/inventory. They function like Arcanes did when we had to use Distillers. Melee Crescendo and Melee Duplicate existing in a time-gated reward table that houses items you get for a trivial cost outside of this mission. That feels worse than the one Arcane per Trial per day reward structure. You see so many QoL updates that affect more early game players, but several blunders in the areas where late-game players are engaging that have already been addressed at minimum 1 year prior in some other update. I also don't want to sound like what newer players have received is "bad". There is certainly still several things that need help when it comes to the new player experience. However, many of these changes aren't enhancing the new player experience, it's just shortening it. The only mechanic we've gotten that really enhances a new player experience is shield gating and universal medallion pickups. No improvements made to Fortuna's backwards Solaris Debt Bonds/Profit-Taker Systems drops for reputation. No proper universal vacuum. No standardization of Aura Mods for their bonus and polarity. No increased capacity from Exalted Stance Mods. We still have a restriction on "Acolyte Mods" which haven't even dropped from Acolytes in the last 4 years. We still have stat-stick abilities. You still require keys for several missions. There's been no improvement to make the Codex a place that properly teaches players about mechanics, enemies, or rewards. Nightwave shortened the lengths you need to go to reach rank 30, but there's been no word on their plan to tackle seasonal exclusives in a way that doesn't require the player to wait years. I could go on and on with the long overdue list of changes that actually enhances the experience for players, not just shortens their play time to reach the next hurdle. If you listed every "QoL improvement" for Warframe in a list, things like "remove Mk-1 weapons from Vor's Prize" is laughably far down the list. Isn't there a good quote from one of the large Youtubers (maybe it was JoshStrifeHayes?) that mentions the red flag this behavior creates when development shifts to a heavy focus on accelerating newer players "to catch up" as it serves as a form of admittance to being more desperate for newer players to stick around? Using Destiny 2 as an example here really isn't the best call. Though I guess Warframe has been following a similar strategy in some ways. You mention "eliminating FOMO", but that is now the entirety of Warframe's end-game. All there is to do between updates is FOMO content. There is nothing to strive for outside of that. Warframe's end-game should be an improved Riven Mods grind, something like Trials; an experience where there is infinite grind with infinite improvement during the process, but one you just do at your pace. I'm also really tired of hearing "This is because Rebecca is in charge" as if Steve and the "older" devs weren't adding these kinds of things already. Things like Endo replacing Fusion Cores, Arcanes getting dedicated slots, Plains of Eidolon Arcanes changing from a craft to just reputation, Bounty bonuses, and more were all a result of the same kinds of updates. We've been getting quality of life throughout Warframe's history. What's important is to analyze the context of these changes. Changes like Fusion Cores to Endo are a massive quality of life that tremendously enriched the experience for all players, just as Dirac to Endo did years later. Removing Void Dash for Void Sling as we're heading into the year of Warframe Mobile as well as more heavy usage of "exclusives" in monetization is not "quality of life". Honestly, with how many nice changes we have gotten, it still ends up balancing itself out with the other end of the spectrum with Heirlooms, Regal Aya, Void Sling, Archon Shards, Incarnon Adapters, Steel Essence purchase caps, etc. It doesn't bother me that we get so many changes that may not affect me personally as I play, it bothers me that as we get these changes, other areas of the game are actually regressing, like with Archon Shard management or Void Sling replacing Void Dash. Those types of issues just sting, especially knowing that even though leadership has shifted, they aren't "new" to Warframe's scene.
  6. I made this thread because of the "additional" discrepancy with the "Permanent Nightwave Acts" situation. To be honest, I just read first party announcements with a grain of salt now. I read things giving benefit of the doubt, but I'm not naive enough to rule out the possibility of yet another turn on the screws of monetization that DE has been cooking for a couple years now. Issues and questions like these are better highlighted when it's first apparent. I rather be wrong and things are fine than silent and getting an even shorter stick than previous "situations" like the Heirlooms, Supporter Packs, Regal Aya, etc. It's really a shame that these kinds of announcements are made off-platform. When they aren't, there's little elaboration afterwards and it's basically just "it is how it is".
  7. This could have been a possibility a long time ago before this feature was monetized for $1000 CAD through TennoCon, or used as a way to advertise content creation. I just don't see this happening for the masses as it would be pretty disrespectful to the previous process. Like yes, there is much more to Legendary TennoCon attendance than a glyph, but there's quite a bit of value to a one-off, sentimental, and custom glyph. The same goes for content creators. They put in quite alot of work to put their viewership together and at some point earn the prestige of having a glyph to represent their impact on the community in-game. Those two things should be cherished the way they are. If you really want a custom glyph that bad, it's $1000 CAD or a very long road of grind to relevance and community impact.
  8. Meanwhile people get moderated for posting non-public drop tables.
  9. I think you've just come to the realization of how modern kits are designed lol. There's lots of homogenization going on with Warframe design to make them practical to use in your everyday content. The downside is that the field is pretty saturated. Just pick what you want for flavor. Saryn has hers and Hydroid has his.
  10. If the lack of a "remember password" option drove you to uninstall, then you're saving yourself from much more irritation down the road. If something like this bothers you this much, it's for the best that you decided to find another game. Good luck! :)
  11. I've found over several years of playing Nova that it's more reliable to manage shield gating and evasion through Escape Velocity/Wormhole and Rolling Guard than relying on Orbs for DR. I also got quite disappointed that Molecular Fission is an augment for Molecular Prime and not a core mechanic or a Null Star augment. Nova feels robbed of a proper 4th ability augment if I'm being honest. I'm always using Nova with atleast 145% range just for Wormhole. The reward for well-aimed portals is always satisfying, especially when I'm passing a Titania player in a Fissure or something.
  12. Neither Mesa or Khora Prime had asterisks for their alternate helmet saying "Mesa/Khora Prime Access exclusive" as I listed in my OP. It's a long ways away, but this raises several concerns/questions for me. I really hope it's just written poorly and not actually starting a new trend where some cosmetics are excluded from the Prime Accessories pack.
  13. So I noticed the news about Gauss Prime coming January 17th (next week!): What exactly does this mean here. Is the Floof and Alternate Prime Helmet not given for purchasing Prime Accessories? They are listed under Prime Accessories, but the "Gauss Prime Access exclusive" seems oddly placed. Neither Khora Prime or Mesa Prime had this disclaimer for their alernate helmets: https://www.warframe.com/news/khora-prime-access https://www.warframe.com/news/mesa-prime-access Does someone need to spend $90 USD just to get all the accessories? Does this mean they will never be in Varzia's wares later on through Prime Resurgence? Usually Prime Accessories are pretty straight-forward. You buy a bundle that gives you all the non-Mastery items, no Platinum, and two 90-day boosters.
  14. It could be done where the layout counts up all decorations, and you can't "craft" the layout until the entire checklist is filled out. The checklist would ignore exclusive decorations and have tooltips of where you earn each one as you hover over them.
  15. For some reason the new icon does not update on warframe.com or forums.warframe.com. For now I will just leave it as-is until it's fixed.
  16. Or some people just get bored with a story that has no stakes. The same happens with saturated movie franchises, some anime, or other video games narratives. Warframe quests are still "nice" in the sense of content, but I've personally stopped caring after the way The New War wrapped up. Teshin for example, was rendered insignificant. The questline for many years built up a semblance of risk and loss, but The New War completely tossed that out the window, so there's a really easy reason to just not care or be invested in your own story as a player.
  17. Not really a W. They didn't even bother to reduce the number of scans to 5, or reduce the number of reinforced scans needed either. This change was purely because of the Reddit/Forum posts showing how to use the scanned containers as a "trick" to getting better rewards.
  18. This leans too far into spoiling a player and potentially killing the motivation to progress. Some might see it as a goal to set, but others may see a loadout turning off the mission for them as complete boredom, especially when 9/10 times they would not understand why something is modded the way it is.
  19. Not sure if this is related, but after logging in, I get quickly logged out.
  20. I believe this is old content that never made it in for a container that had captura scenes:
  21. I don't think think there's a market for "Warframe Classic", especially when it has so much less to do and complete. There's also very little cut content from Warframe, so those small bits of history could just be added into the live build. It would be nice to participate in some historical content though, like Raids or specific events.
  22. I never thought of this, but now thinking about it, a "materials goal" system that the player imposes on themselves with a craft would be very helpful in the early game as you learn where materials are earned and craft the first few Mastery Ranks worth of gear.
  23. Decrees do this on purpose so the average player can participate. Content serves the lowest common denominator, and that probably won't change. It's the same in the Circuit. You reach a certain point where enemies plateau yet you keep scaling.
  24. Yeah, I really don't understand the Stat Stick crowd. It's not like the solution players ask for would make them un-moddable. Sure, you lose a little powercreep, but who cares. The enemies still die and we still get more ridiculous upgrades anyway.
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