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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. As per the title, I believe reworking the older Arcanes that boost weapon stats could be migrated to their corresponding weapon class slot (with possible adjustments) to give them standardization within those Arcanes. There would be some exceptions and specific changes needed, but in general: Warframe Arcanes Arcane Acceleration -> Rifle Acceleration Arcane Awakening -> Secondary Awakening Arcane Fury -> Melee Arachne(?) ('Melee Fury' for base damage on melee would be confusing with Primed/Berserker Fury.) Arcane Momentum -> Sniper Momentum Arcane Precision -> Secondary Precision Arcane Rage -> Primary Precision Arcane Rise -> Primary Awakening Arcane Strike -> Melee Acceleration Arcane Tempo -> Shotgun Acceleration Arcane Velocity -> Secondary Acceleration Arbitration Arcanes Arcane Blade Charger -> Melee Charger Arcane Pistoleer -> Secondary Pistoleer Arcane Primary Charger -> Primary Charger Arcane Tanker: Since there is no Arch-gun Arcane slot, this could be left as-is for now until we get that functionality. With this, Exalted weapons (and pseudo-exalted if you make them moddable and fix 'stat-sticks') would then get an Arcane slot that would make use of these Arcanes. That way, players would not lose their Arcane Velocity Regulators Prime or their Arcane Fury Exalted Blade. I know this may seem like a "nerf" to many Arcanes by moving them away from the Warframe slot, but moving them would free up that slot on your Warframe for a different Arcane. This change would streamline how Arcanes can be expected to be used, and open up greater build possibilities between Arcanes such as Momentum, Pistoleer, Primary/Blade Charger, etc.
  2. This is a really cool idea that I would love to see, especially for the completionism it could add to the game like Call of Duty offers.
  3. I'd wager Ember Prime (and more specifically Glaive Prime) is being saved for when Warframe Mobile launches.
  4. Voltage

    Forum Updates

    Thank you for the notice. Any possibility Mobile features could be discussed or added? 👀 I'd find this really useful for updating my free promocodes thread. :)
  5. This is more the reaction of adding something as strong as old Defy to a different Warframe with an augment that lets you share it within Affinity Range, Priming said Warframe, and then being surprised the usage is that high.
  6. They've already undermined Eidolons several times with Arcane rewards elsewhere, massive Focus gains, Itzal Blink nerf, a complete Focus rework, double Amp Arcane slots, and the addition of Helminth to remove players from the squad. There's nothing left to lose by allowing Riven Transmuters to be earned elsewhere lol.
  7. You can't expect a live service game to always offer things you like. Games like these have a "golden era" of content that is different for every player based on what they enjoy. You dislike Necramech, but that's just within the context of how you enjoy Warframe. Warframe's "identity" has always been about trying and tying in many unrelated systems to dip into new unknowns with gear and progression. Necramech is just another one of those cases.
  8. If you nerfed Titania, Nova would still smoke Gauss to a good player. Titania is an outlier, i'll agree with that, but your maximum speed is decided by parkour skill.
  9. That too. I think when people look back at things like "Press 4 to win" Ash/Saryn, 360 no scope Mesa, Greedy Mag, World on Fire, etc., they miss key details about why they were good at the time. Sure, if some stuff from the old days was present now it could prove useful, but you wouldn't actually revive the melee meta that overshadowed all other equipment by simply adding just Maiming Strike's old functionality back. There are many layers as to why certain builds rise to their fame during a specific time period.
  10. In technicality, they aren't the same. In practicality, they are. When Ember had World on Fire, there was no Praedos, Archon Shards, Amalgam Barrel Diffusion, Amalgam Serration, or every other way to buff movement. Sure, she didn't have to recast, but she didn't have Razorwing Blitz, Escape Velocity, or all the other things I already mentioned. DE designed the game this way, but most of my kill-focused missions (mostly Fissures), I can get most, if not all kills with Thermal Sunder/Kuva Tonkor/Torid/Ocucor/Tenet Cycron and similar items with little aim or concern for energy consumption. Sure, Ember had less button presses than I have now, but World on Fire in today's Warframe would be outclassed and slow. It would be like forcing yourself to Chroma for an Eidolon when Volt is just far superior due to the game's progression and nature. World of Fire was dominant in missions where you're allowed to now fly at Mach 5 as Titania with a nuke loadout anyways. If we bring up the higher levels, there are several "lazy" setups that require very little attention to be paid towards what is going on and "aiming" is a general suggestion.
  11. You can build both sniper and melee combo off these kinds of non-ally targets though. Even when you had old Condition Overload and old Blood Rush, this was never a problem (or atleast, it never got changed during that time). I don't see how Incarnons would be problematic on the same enemies.
  12. I am sure if Kahl was integrated into your gameplay weilding the Arquebex, people would have a different attitude about it. People naturally dislike when a mode is added to a game they've played hundreds or thousands of hours in that throws their previous gameplay and progression out the window. Unlike Necramechs, Railjack, Archwing, and K-Drive, Kahl has no integration with the main game besides the Skaut Air Support that just spawns specters in a mission to play for you. I am all for DE trying new gamemodes as they always do over the years, but when it's an isolated mode that has no integration to your previous progression, it becomes hard to enjoy. Learning the Operator back in 2016 and integrating that into gameplay was a massive change to the game. Running around as Drifter/Kahl with gunplay that has no correlation to the "real" game you play everyday doesn't remotely tickle the same interest.
  13. World on Fire in 2015 was no different than Titania with Thermal Sunder in 2024. The only reason World on Fire was nerfed was because there was a higher priority from the devs to address methods of AoE. World on Fire in today's Warframe wouldn't even be broken or out of place. Inferno isn't even a massive downgrade to World on Fire and it's still nothing crazy. I think what OP is trying to ask for is Ember (an older Warframe without a strong presence like Volt, Rhino, or Saryn) getting brought up to par with every modern Warframe/rework that just makes them do everything by themselves. She's much better off than some Warframes though. It doesn't help that Helminth undermines so many Warframe skills that give them a reason to stand out (Fireblast, Thermal Sunder, Nourish, Eclipse, Roar, Elemental Ward, and so many others).
  14. A proper codex would make a massive difference to everyone, from the new player experience all the way to latest update players like myself. It requires a full overhaul though, down to the information presented and how scanning reveals information. Drop chance percentages are one of many things that could be added/addressed with the Codex.
  15. The ship has already sailed here though. Retrospectively, I think the bonuses should have been kept to things like parkour, cast speed, status duration, etc., and Tau should have been something you can craft from a single share with a cost. In this case, i think the ratio should just be lowered from 4:1 to 2:1, especially when you need to further reduce your Shards to use the new colors.
  16. I'm finding that these days, DE seem to be missing the context of why feedback is asked. I don't know if this is intentional or the person reading and relaying the information doesn't know, but this is no different than some of the issues with Heirlooms being direct results of issues with Regal Aya. The context of Archon Shard refinement/improvement is for a player to spend more resources/time than a lucky player to reach the same inventory progression. Losing 4 Shards for 1 Tauforged is extremely tone-deaf to be quite honest, or they just know the average player is not active enough or smart enough to realize this system is shafting them, like the original pity system which made zero practical improvement to how Archon Shard acquisition is handled long-term. This happened again, in the same stream when they talked about Netracell rewards.
  17. I know this may not be the exact feedback you guys want to see (because it's more scope outside of Eclipse specifically), but for the future of Warframe, an audit of multipliers and squeezing bonuses would create diminishing returns on stacking and allow for "consistent Eclipse" without making it wildly overpowered. The reason Eclipse is so powerful currently is because of the type of multiplier the damage bonus offers. It's final damage, multiplicative to Vex Armor/Base Damage, but not Faction Damage like Roar. I urge you guys to make a consistent Eclipse for quality of life, but examine the way multipliers are handled to pseudo-nerf the ability, but reserve a large portion of the strength it currently provides in isolation. For the record though, I am on team toggle :D
  18. Matchmaking updates/filters/additions have been asked for a decade. It's really overdue now. It's even worse when every player on a different platform has the exact same logo. There's no way to know what hardware a player has without asking, and from my own experience, you usually get an angry response when you ask someone their hardware before you invite them.
  19. And I'll never have Obsidian or Jade items. So what? I feel like this is such a cheap excuse to restrict purchased items for a subset of players. I assume the real reason is one DE can't get into, so they just have to work with the "we can't/won't, sorry".
  20. The Tennogen situation was likely complicated by cross-save. I think lots of things that we normally expect has taken a backseat to iron out cross-save first before proper re-implementation.
  21. Crossplay requires build parity between platforms, but it's just a fact that PS4 Warframe =/= PC Warframe. Cool, but I like to trade and play in highly populated missions. Disabling cross-play can absolutely make matchmaking more of a pain depending on your region, what you're playing, and if you're trying to recruit.
  22. Sure, but the point of crossplay is build parity, and that's just not the case in this game.
  23. This is still a problem. It happened to me in solo.
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