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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Yeah, there is logic to that number selection, given that even random number generators need logic. However, I read the whole topic, and I think you've lost it lol.
  2. If Qorvex gets any kind of profile video, he has to be voiced by the same guy who did Korg:
  3. I am not pointing to any specific name. These people put themselves there on a weekly basis. EDIT: Cropped it just for your concern :).
  4. It gives Affinity to clients. I believe OP is mentioning coordinated On Call usage when Specters as a whole are a major portion of the problem. These are the type of people OP was likely talking to: I think tons of people are forgetting that this cyst in the playerbase is why we have capped Steel Essence purchases from Teshin. Lots of people are just unaware of this because they only know what they know. As soon as you dip your toes into the areas of the game where people "play" this way, you realize just how stupid and disruptive it is to the game overall as it does influence changes in the game. Shedu's nerf was a consequence to trying to band-aid this problem.
  5. A whale will always win out on a measure of spending. Which way you choose to measure that doesn't really matter. The whole point is supposed to be for a charity anyway, so people who get bent on a leaderboard of spending should just get ignored.
  6. These are definitely factors. Personally, I refuse to participate as long as they measure gift volume instead of gift value. A Kuva Lich Hunter Collection being equivalent in progress to an Argon Crystal decoration has always been super lame. These people at the top of the boards are gifting hundreds of 5 Platinum items instead of it measuring the value of what has been gifted.
  7. Aren't these type of "community goal" events always scripted? The last time I remember something like this not being scripted was Operation: Shadow Debt, and the Argon Scope and Maiming Strike Acolytes didn't even last like 2 days lol.
  8. I had a blast during Scarlet Spear using Volt paired with Amalgam Argonak Metal Auger and Balla with Exodia Contagion. My most used synergy is probably just Nova's Escape Velocity with Amalgam Serration on a primary, Amalgam Barrel Diffusion on my secondary, and Praedos as a melee.
  9. Congratulations, you've just entirely missed the point on why regional pricing exists and why OP is concerned about it being potentially overlooked. It doesn't matter whether the change was intentional or accidental. It matters to speak up about it so that players affected can get a proper answer about it. It's a bit sad that you consider it a "discount", even though regional pricing is specifically meant to balance out the cost of something based on the local economy. There is regional pricing on gasoline in California too, and it's in the opposite direction lol. I'm on the east coast of the United States (New England), and I'm not getting a "discount" on fuel because I don't live in California. The same sort of logic applies here (as OP pointed out in their own comment). What bothers me about regional pricing is how easily it can be abused and the lack of safeguards. There is no way it can be that hard to sniff out abuse based on several metrics such as trends in login data, billing addresses, and billing account origins. It is rather sad that retailers and major companies would rather just punish the people of smaller countries one at a time (because the Western consumer market is so large between Europe and North America) than have a robust security system to protect the minority who are affected the most and punish those who try to exploit the difference. Back to my fuel comparison, there is "Red Diesel" fuel for the farming and construction industry. It is a dyed diesel fuel that is untaxed specifically for those industries. It is illegal to use this fuel in commercial vehicles. That dye is the "security" measure to ensure people are not using untaxed fuel in their commercial or private vehicles. That's probably not the best comparison I could have made, but it would be nice if regional pricing had more securities in place to protect the reason it exists in the first place and value those smaller customers who are not making nearly as much money or living in a different economy than your average first world household. Here is hoping that DE just overlooked the adjustments that were automatically applied. If it is here to stay though, that sucks :(.
  10. I like how the article talked about Yareli and Grendel, and Ivara is just 8 years old in the mud. I really don't understand why they can't create a basic one-handed animation that plays for specific Warframe's like Ivara or Yareli, and Grendel just has no animation.
  11. What you're saying isn't wrong by any means, and it's actually quite on point. However, don't you find it concerning that threads and conversations about this topic lean towards a conversation on monetization, business strategy, and metric optimization and not gameplay or content quality? Of course there is a spectrum to this like anything, and DE is far from being in the deep end. It really is a major flaw in how we analyze things when we boil it down to a cell of a spreadsheet. It's why there are many people out there who hate their job, because their performance is only seen this way, not through the lens of what they are actually contributing or their relationship as an individual. When we deduce that FOMO is because of monetary reasons (direct or otherwise), we create disconnection between what the players perceive with what they are getting, and the goal of the content added. Games like Call of Duty will just plaster in your face red signs that basically say: "yeah, this is the way it is purely to optimize metrics. We don't actually care if you're having the most fun or if things are intuitive, creative, or innovative." Archon Shards could be much worse, but they could also be much better, and DE has built a reputation for not flying towards the sun, even when most other games start to. When Battle Passes became big, DE had every opportunity to milk players in the same way. They chose not to with Nightwave being extremely fair (with minor issues). Archon Shards feel like an example where DE was more focused on performance metrics than learning from the past and how this kind of system is perceived by many older players. Saying you are glad FOMO exists for player retention performance is quite dangerous to say. I could make the same "positive" argument about addictive gambling mechanics. If you want to toss morals aside and just focus about performance, maybe you should look into other games that are designed from the ground-up to be as predatory as possible to extort time and money out of your play sessions. I would like to hear what constitutes a "bad" game design. To me, what makes a design good or bad is how players interpret it, not based on monetary performance. If we look at whether FOMO is positive or negative through the means of performance in games, we arrive at the kind of discussion where we would be indirectly praising games like Diablo Immortal for being "well designed" given that their design revolves almost exclusively around business incentives, rather than player perception or health.
  12. This has to be the worst idea I have ever read in any Archon Shard thread on the forums. This isn't a gacha game.
  13. It has always been pretty sloppy in this department over the years. I think it's more noticeable these days because of the frequency of occurrence. You're definitely making a good point though. I've always been someone who admires and enjoys this game, but is very concerned with documenting these issues so that the game can improve over time. Unfortunately, many of these communication blunders feel repetitive in nature. Like how many times has Nightwave had issues with challenges now? How long did it take to fix boosters in Duviri? Some of this stuff is crazy for a game this old.
  14. The historical issue is that there is still, after 10 years, 0 evergreen content that actually makes use of the power you accumulate. The reason players in Warframe naturally "run out of things to do" is because Raids, Dark Sectors, Operations, and any semblance of this type of content has been lost to time. This playerbase also can't handle fail conditions. Endurance gamemodes should strangle the player with enemies until they are overwhelmed and need to extract. In Warframe this has never been the case. Whether it's Excalibur and Greedy Mag in a Void pipe or Accumulating Whipclaw Khora, people have been able to comfortably sit in Survival with a movie playing on another monitor. The game makes no effort to challenge the player's knowledge of the game's expansive universe of systems and mechanics towards the end of the game. Both Orb Vallis and Steel Path were quickly undermined by nerfs and powercreep due to players being unhappy that enemies actually challenged their loadouts. The best DE can do is slow players down, because accessible and easy content is more profitable to churn out compared to anything that delivers on the idea of challenging the powercreep in a mission that feels earned to finish. There are many ways that DE can extend the life cycle of content without making it a weekly check-in simulator. The speed at which you earn something isn't quite relevant if the way you earn them is genuinely rewarding. I think the elephant in the room that DE doesn't want to admit is that most of the game can have the gameplay boiled down substantially, and this turns it into a reward-simulator for many players. The issue is that DE is designing reward structures around these people, instead of rewarding the people who are genuinely enjoying the modes they add and playing them frequently. What has ended up happening here is that many players have shifted their focus from enjoying the journey to only caring about the destination. I'm in this group myself when it comes to certain content. The reason is because instead of making a new gamemode feel fresh and take a long time to complete, they've opted to keep their stale formula and just time-gate the player. This shifts my focus away from the mode itself and more towards what my reward progress is and if I am ensuring I don't miss a time-gate cycle.
  15. What has kept Warframe a strong game as it has aged is keeping the maximum account level/completionism/progression accessible to a new player. Why shouldn't a player starting today be able to sink that same amount of time and have the exact same progress as me? You should expect to come into a ten year old game and have the same progression, but they should absolutely have the ability to reach that progression at some point. I see what your point is, but exclusives only alienate those who have the opportunity of completion from those who don't even get a shot at it. Archon Shards are a pseudo-exclusive. It's not that a newer player can't have any, but they will forever have less than someone who's played longer. Umbra Forma functions similarly, but is slightly better given the very limited uses of them. To OP: Nah. The way to "solve" this issue is through fixing the root of the problem. "Tickets" defeat the entire point of the weekly rotation, in which case you should just properly rework the mode to be replayable at anyone's pace. Sad. I vividly remember Steve expressing Warframe as a "mistress" that you return to periodically to enjoy. The fact Pablo is focused on retention metrics with how Archon Shards are designed is why the system feels like crap. I'm sure he cooked up 7 weeks (and soon probably 8) weeks of Incarnon rotations too. This reminds me of the handful of past and present Call of Duty developers who were mad at Christopher Judge's joke about the short length of the Modern Warfare III campaign at the Game Awards. Their response was how much more money and retention Call of Duty receives compared to God of War. Congratulations, your game is designed by market analysts and psychologists. If you don't want players to farm all your content in one go, don't make the mission take 3 minutes. Archon Assassinations are laughably short. Trials were added in 2015 and they offered a better (and longer) three part mission to farm rewards in. You could farm an Arcane per Trial per day, and it still took years to farm a set of everything given the drop chances. A group functioning as a well-oiled machine still took ~40 minutes to do all three Raids in a row. What I really enjoyed about the past of Warframe is that the game aimed to make a satisfying grind, and then you finished it and could relax and take a break until something new came along. I feel like now Warframe is trying make sure you always have something you need to do, and this is just how you frustrate and burn out a percentage of players who would otherwise just be reasonably active and farming how they wish.
  16. I don't really mind since I need neither, but it's still pretty embarrassing.
  17. This is my biggest issue with how much of it has become the normal/expected content cycle. It's mildly annoying in the beginning, but has now grown to an amount that gets in the way with what you'd be otherwise doing in the game. For those who feel satisfied with their goals in Warframe, that then becomes an obstruction from taking a break. I'm sure someone will quote me with some nonsense like "it doesn't obstruct you from feeling like taking a break, you do", but the reality is, most players will easily climb that hurdle, but there shouldn't be one there in the first place.
  18. Sure, but my comment has the implication of omitting people with severe issues like that. Everyone who plays a video game does so to feel satisfied with their time (aka "having fun"). Someone who has crippling OCD is still trying to satisfy their time, it's just an unhealthy problem that they are dealing with. This is just basic truths.
  19. That's everyone's bar. A majority of Warframe's fun comes from the collectionism of loot and direct impact it has on missions. Most missions have the same mechanics, hence why so many players agree with the joke/meme of "this is all Mobile Defense" for many years now. You're preaching for players "not to treat the game like a job" while failing to acknowledge the mechanics that have been added that treat the player like an employee clocking into a shift to make their progress. Not every player is obsessive just because they approach these things as something to finish and eventually being burnt out by it.
  20. This is such a bad take to blame the player for a very obvious way to introduce habit-forming mechanisms into gaming. Sly_squash is bringing up a valid point for those who really want to get the most out of the game's diverse gear. It's very easy to "keep up" if your bar is simply Mastery Rank and finishing missions. Warframe has almost no fail-states.
  21. 110% agree. Another major hurdle is how many players will spin this on the player and say it's their fault for how these schedules stack up. The status quo of Warframe, which is honestly sad but true is to play the game extremely casual, skip the launch of major updates to wait for proper bug fixes, and never care about these scheduled content updates so you have more to do over the years. If you actually attempt to keep up, the endgame becomes a repetitive scheduled mission completion.
  22. Still concerning they thought of it to begin with. They really shouldn't have needed feedback to see the obvious. Plus, most solid feedback was actually disregarded. Removing the MR lock is a step, but most players were pointing out the massive issue with Starmap and gear acquisition in the early game. It's only been forever that players point out the steep hill to climb and lack of proper tutorials.
  23. Most of Warframe's gameplay has evolved into "one-man-army content". Defining a support role is difficult, and what Styanax does is already cross-pollinated through several other kits (like how we saw friendly Overguard added to various abilities after the initial addition of the mechanic). You also need to consider the context in what your support role is assisting in. For example, Frost may not check all your boxes for Styanax, but he is the go to for many players when it comes to Defense/Mobile Defense/Excavation due to Snowglobe and Avalanche. Styanax is fine, but he's not some kind of standard.
  24. This is an inevitable turn in monetization with Crossplay and Mobile coming to be quite honest. The thing with Platinum is there are really no good sinks for the player to spend Platinum and take it out of the economy. However, having this hypothetical sink is a catch-22, because as you ensure a secure value of Platinum, you would simultaneously necessitate that players always farm or buy some amount of Platinum as they play, which would destroy the mood of playing Warframe as a F2P.
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