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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. There's no chance we're getting tradeable Credits. It's very easy to have millions (or even billions if you want to go for it) of Credits in this game. You don't have to do The Index either. Dark Sectors, Sorties, Profit-Taker, and several other areas give hefty sums that add up over time.
  2. Yeah, the one thing that translates from PvE that really makes PvP annoying is slam cancelling. I use it myself, but it's just annoying as a mechanic to have. The biggest issue with Conclave is that it is Warframe as a foundation, and Warframe is broken, unbalanced, and offers unrestricted movement that is completely chaotic. I really think PvP could be decent if they re-added Stamina and tackled all the intricacies that made their way into Conclave from PvE that don't need to be there (like abusing some passives, animation cancels, etc.
  3. That kind of behavior is often never met with real consequences. It's happened to Dog Days more than once as well. DE is unfortunately not very good at upholding their rules consistently and making sure they stay up to date with what players are doing to discourage others from jumping onto that bandwagon.
  4. This was my first thought. I am guessing it's possible that OP is unveiling Pistol Riven Mods from before Kitgun Riven Mods were created as a separate pool. The thing that makes me question that theory though is aren't the pool of weapons in a Riven Mod updated up until the moment they are unveiled?
  5. I am aware of overarching performance of aim assist with controllers. However, I was speaking within the context of this event. Thank you for explaining this though for those who may not know.
  6. This is an interesting take for sure, but to me, I think it's much simpler than that. The game stays relevant and retains players as their account ages by bringing them back for new updates. Between updates, the game doesn't have that much to do. As much as Warframe gets praised for experimentation, it's also strayed quite far away from what many players signed up for and enjoyed. While the removal of Trials in early 2018 didn't affect overall players much, I think this was writing on the wall for who the game is catered towards and what you should expect if you're sticking around a long time. The solution now for this "low between major updates" is scheduled server reset tasks. Players who are honestly not in the mood for that type of gameplay will simply skip, and the system then just burns players out (slowly or quickly) for participating. AoE is a major portion of Warframe's gameplay, and a long time ago, DE was quite bent on trying to reel this in to a degree. Since 2019, while DE has been verbal about watching AoE, they've functionally let it go off the rails and won't improve how dominant both AoE and Specter-like gameplay have become. Warframe's never been a hard game, but at this point, the only practical power increase we can farm that changes how we play is automation. Raw damage numbers are effectively meaningless unless you're into the nitty gritty of build crafting, collectionism, and deep dives into formulas for skill/damage outputs. Warframe has never really been declining, but it's shifted its playerbase multiple times over the years. If you're a very old player, you can identify "peak Warframe" relevant to how you enjoy the game. For some, that may be The Second Dream. For some that's Plains of Eidolon. For some that is Shrine of the Eidolon, and for some, it could be The New War or Operation: Scarlet Spear. The generational shift in what Warframe is meant to "accomplish" for the player is quite apparent, and we can see this through things like Regal Aya, Heirlooms, Archon Shards, Nightwave, and Incarnon Adapters. What got me personally hooked on this game was how rewarding the grind felt and how all these content islands eventually tied to your arsenal progression. That's still what keeps the game fun for me now. I will be brutally honest though: I like core Warframe, but the last few years have just been enjoying the destination and not the journey. Conjunction Survival with Voruna had me enjoying the actual farm. Things like Duviri Arcane farms, the Orowyrm bounty, Tier 10 Circuit, or Archon weeklies aren't that entertaining, I just do them so I can enjoy the reward benefit.
  7. If that's your takeaway from my point of it being "not that bad" and disputing a claim of controller aim assist cheese. Not every piece of content can please every crowd. I don't like Dog Days, but even though I voice my feedback on it, I'll still do it when it's present for the new rewards it offers. The same thing applies here. Conclave isn't something I really like in Warframe. I played Lunaro a fair bit a very long time ago, but that's the most Conclave I've ever played past getting Rank 5 and getting the mods and skins for completion. With all that said, 3 runs of a maximum 10 minute mission is hardly the end of the world, and it's really not all that bad. You can just treat it like an exterminate where enemies react to your behavior.
  8. In all 3 games that I played, crossplay was on, I had console players in my games, and my team won by a substantial margin with me banking a majority of them. I'm not sure what aim assist cheese you're seeing.
  9. Really brings me back with the nostalgia of players complaining about this alert. It's really not that bad. Everyone has the same weapons, and it's just a skill test. 3 whole missions isn't that much of an ask either. I honestly like when alerts and events go off the beaten path and DE tries something new/extremely old. I'm honestly tired rerunning "events" that are Nights of Naberus or Dog Days for the nth time.
  10. Considering Kills and Kill Assists are not a high-score on the same screen, I think it's a bug. Also, I've been confirmed before that it is a bug, just not high priority to fix, like Gross Income not counting Mission Credits (and recently mine reset itself visually).
  11. Interested to see how involved maxing out this system will be. Looks like something interesting to sink my teeth into personally. I'm almost 100% done with Incarnon Adapters, so this seems like the next thing to go for. I do hope there's flavor in these Arcanes and not the melee equivalent of Primary/Secondary Merciless or Molt Augmented.
  12. Yep. I really wish they reworked the gifting leaderboard to tally Platinum value and not just volume of gifts. Real nice people are woefully overshadowed by people dumping Platinum into 5 Platinum Argon Crystal Orbiter decorations as gifts.
  13. I stopped caring about the Codex after they took away my Bailiff Eximus scans from many years ago with Angels of the Zariman and never gave them back. Support also provided no help despite me pointing to my GDPR account data that I requested prior as proof of that scan completion. I'm all for a Codex rework/hotfix, but if it doesn't provide 100% availability for completion and all bugged entries fixed, they shouldn't bother. That seems to be what they're doing right now.
  14. I would understand the cost if you could tailor bonuses to specific configs once you installed a shard, but that's just not the case. We're getting even more Shards too, and these new bonuses look conditional, which means they are for niche loadouts. That Bile cost is just a modern day Arcane Distiller, and I don't see why we need to be taxed to experiment or optimize.
  15. This sums up most of Warframe's shortcomings for the 10 years it's been kicking to be quite honest. I feel like the veterans of Warframe staff know this, and also know that they can just keep getting away with this until the end of time. This issue will be forgotten like anything else in 1-2 weeks.
  16. Conclave Variant/Tactical Alerts where everyone uses the same weapons is actually decent fun, because it's not woefully unbalanced. I quite enjoyed the original Quick Steel Event, Valentines Day Conclave Alert, and the original Snowball Showdown, and I really don't like Conclave much (I used to like Lunaro when it wasn't broken). I know PvP isn't popular in this game, but it's pretty chill and not annoying when lobbies are filled with players with all levels of skill. Part of what really drags Conclave down is how stale the matchmaking is.
  17. I doubt it. If it was a miscommunication, the stuff quoted outlining the issue would have been met with a comment that the acts are indeed additional. To me it looks like this is being swept under the rug as only Forum-goers will notice the discrepancy. Most people probably won't notice.
  18. I have some bad news.... The part about permanent acts being additional has now been crossed out and this was posted at the bottom as an update: From here:
  19. What I'm guessing is that all the exceptions and asterisks with cross-save are because of different platform rules, and DE has to assume the position of it being their decision for political reasons between Digital Extremes and those platform partners. They can't go pissing off Nintendo by telling everyone that they are the reason Nintendo Platinum is locked to the Switch, and the same goes for TennoGen with Steam and other platforms. That's probably the reason that consoles never got the opportunity to purchase TennoGen skins with real money. Maybe I am totally wrong here and it is completely within DE's power to allow Founders gear (among other things) to transfer. It could be because it would be awkward to launch the Android and iOS versions of the game and this brand new market of players various items that they can never have.
  20. While true, your gatekeeping prolongs an inevitability. If we assume Shards are unbalanced (atleast the current ones as we can't test the upcoming ones), then they've been unbalanced the whole time. Wouldn't you prefer something gets fixed in a week than sitting for years like Maiming Strike did? The longer something sits without a balance change when it deserves one, the more time you waste investing in an experience that will be altered or revoked. The volume of Shards someone has isn't really a large concern, because the slot limit is 5 anyway. Having such a restricted nature to the system further encourages people to only care about their most powerful equipment. We've seen this with Riven Mods as well as Incarnon Adapters.
  21. There was actually a bit of confusion between Rebecca and Pablo in real time on Devstream 173. I just took the time to find it and clip it: https://clips.twitch.tv/TangibleCleverTofuSSSsss-OtshjDeNUZgxZ88E Dev Workshop, Rebecca, and Sam said additional, but Pablo said replaced. I'm guessing what Pablo said was not translated to a correction in all the announcement information or even the live build of Nightwave.
  22. Wait, I thought these were supposed to be additional? Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop:
  23. Thank you for the update. For those who did all the challenges and are waiting on the script, you should be Rank 5 with 3,000 standing left over once the script is completed. :) EDIT 2: It looks like the previous announcement from the beginning of this month was edited just now to walk back the communicated "additional" aspect of permanent weekly acts: EDIT 1: Regarding the "additional" language for these permanent acts, I organized the communication on this for anyone who is confused. Hope this gets cleared up. From the Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop:
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