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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. It was Mesmer Skin before we had Revenant. It was the most braindead ability for the longest time, and good riddance to be honest.
  2. It's not actually removed from the game though. The bug that OP is referring to is where during melee (since they've added auto-melee), you can get stuck in a loop of Void Blasting.
  3. The same happens for shotgun fire rate as well as Maglev and Streamlined Form. Several areas of modding need auditing.
  4. Added! I always thought he had a code already but it wasn't in my thread (unless I am blind :D).
  5. I could use this in Plague Star right now lol. As the other person said, this would be easily exploited in many areas of the game.
  6. There has to be some kind of stakes in missions to make the prospect of staying more rewarding for good gameplay. It's honestly difficult to lose The Circuit with a decent defensive Warframe and all the Decree stacking that goes on. Only Defense can be failed (unless you're struggling with Survival).
  7. Only 2 Operations in the 10 year history of the game has had those arcanes as a reward. It's not a guarantee. I'm hoping we finally see a worthy Wraith or Vandal as a reward like Sobek or something.
  8. That would make the current problem at best not change, which doesn't accomplish anything.
  9. It's not a scam lol. Big fish are eaten by bigger fish. It's completely in your power to choose which one you are. That's just how it is. And that is a system that allows you to bypass the randomness. All of my Rivens were purchased. It really doesn't matter whether my take is good or not, it's simply the way it is.
  10. Well, they do in specific spots, but I would be weary about encouraging out of bounds gameplay as opposed to spawn manipulations or utilizing working mechanics. There is a contextual difference between unintended usage of mechanics and exploitative behavior. In the case of "spawn manipulations", this has been used for years in Eidolons for quick charging lures to allow for clean 6x3s and is currently advertised by more than one content creator/partner.
  11. I am not understanding what these teleports are for exactly. If you really want to optimize mission speed (for Nova specifically), you can subsume Decoy and use Savior Decoy to teleport yourself all the way back to the Cetus Gate after intentionally dying after grabbing the toxin canister. "Nightwave Skip" is also a very old strategy that still provides some time-gain by using Nora's Dialogue to override Vay Hek/Konzu/Lotus/etc. to progress bounty stages. In a team (preferably atleast duo with Wisp), you can use this to force the toxin mixer to spawn either south of Twin Horns or southwest of Hek's Stiletto. This toxin mixer spawn can then be used to take advantage of a spawn manipulation by standing at a lake shaped like the African continent south of The Seethe before the stage switches from 2 to 3 (toxin mixer to drone escort). Doing these steps forces the drone escort stage to spawn on a specific rock just south of Renthi Spring which affords a Nova with ~8 seconds left on the toxin mixer stage to pre-place 4 specific portals to give the drone a direct path right to the extraction point at the boil. This completes the drone escort stage in just a few seconds.
  12. You can just have a squad member sit in Amesha and accomplish the same thing. Watchful Swarm protects allies, and Warding Grace slows everything while not affecting the Hemocyte. This makes the 4th stage very manageable and chill without relying on something like Revenant. Just a tip for those struggling to stay alive.
  13. Just from my viewpoint of course. I just see that DE put themselves in a hard place with Incarnons, because they are a variant upgrade without changing the actual weapon itself, therefor they've pinned themselves with "well this would follow suit, but then we'd be nerfing Mk1-Braton Disposition which is kind of dumb". Because you've upgraded an old base weapon without adding a variant, you've created the perfect example of why Disposition just doesn't work.
  14. Came here for this. Just why man.
  15. That's because Incarnon Genesis was the most exemplary proof that Disposition is flawed in the way it's supposed to work. It's no different than new Prime weapons being functionally DOA for months in the last few years for those who want to use Rivens.
  16. You say accessibility is the most significant issue, but I honestly disagree. That's the only thing keeping them from becoming watered down power systems like everything else in the game. Once upon a time, Arcanes were in this position, and it really made them feel worthwhile and worth the grind. That's still the case with a very few select Arcanes, but in general, Arcanes are a much more accessible upgrade and lost their status of a late-game upgrade. Locking stats has been suggested many times, and every thread I will say the same thing. Fast-tracking players to rolls they want (or that they think they want because of hype and current market prices) doesn't actually improve the system in any aspect. You're just watering down the point of the randomization instead of re-approaching how it behaves with your gear. The core problem with Riven Mods is Disposition. Disposition gate-keeps how strict the attribute combinations are to be worth slotting on a weapon. If you removed Disposition, players would still want the better rolls, but a non-perfect roll would be much more viable to slot while they upgrade their mods. This also brings down the power ceiling on outlier weapons, hurts stat-sticks (which need to just be removed as well), and returns the excitement for Prime/Variants for players who like Rivens. Removing disposition wouldn't make any significant impact on what players are using. Kuva Bramma, Glaive Prime, and several other weapons are proof of this point. Weapons need innate changes (like Arca Plasmor/Catchmoon changes, Kuva Bramma's ammo pickup override of 1, Shedu's nerfs over the years, Melee Range changed from percentage to absolute values, etc.) to see players change up their gear. One of the mistakes DE made with Rivens as well is giving into the demands for players to get more slots. The original way Rivens behaved was that you had so few mod slots that you would look for your favorite weapons or the ones you wanted to boost the most, and then refine your inventory. Catering to the hoarding of general Warframe inventory management is what leads people to become very greedy with how many Rivens they want, how many good ones they want, and promote the mindset of necessity when it comes to their weapons. I am like this too by the way. If I had only 30 Riven Slots (or 60 with Master Rank 30), I would be pushed to only own Rivens on the weapons I really felt need them for my use, and cycle out my inventory when something else catches my attention. "Previously unused weapons becoming dominant" specifically applies to an oversight in mechanics, such as Kuva Hek against Archons before damage attenuation changes, Faction Damage sources from separate weapons interacting with Heat DoTs, stat-stick weapons/Incarnon bonuses, weapon passives/Amalgam Mods such as Ripkas or Furax before it was changed, etc. Players will gravitate towards certain gear purely on their innate characteristics. The only time players will look for a Riven on a weapon that was previously ignored is because of an oversight with the way Riven Mods are applying to completely unrelated weapons and mechanics. If DE suddenly removed the Heat Inherit functionality, people would throw Tysis away. The same would apply if DE removed stat-stick Rivens. People would just throw Amphis in the dumpster. Disposition has categorically failed to balance anything in the last 7 years. Even when Scoliac was a monster, DE had to make massive changes to the melee system as a whole to properly address that. The same has gone for other weapons and interactions over the years. Lowering the disposition on Kuva Hek wouldn't have improved Archon Hunts, and increasing the disposition by +0.20 on a 3 month old Prime weapon doesn't make it relevant for those who already own the base version with a much higher disposition, unless said Prime has an innate passive that makes it compelling over the base version in every way, such as Pyrana Prime.
  17. It's not as clear cut as that though, when many players who are decently invested in the game can easily bypass standing, resources, Credits, Endo, and many other hurdles that "building onto existing content" does. You could look at Bond Mods vs. Archon Mods. How many players saw Bond Mods and just purchased them right away, completely removing the acquisition part of the process because they've pre-completed all these vendors. Archon Shards forced everyone to get playing Kahl's Garrison and waiting weeks to purchase mods at a time. The only saving grace for players with those was the ability to transmute them, because DE goofed like they often do. Building on existing content is certainly awesome, and in my previous comment, I want to make clear that I am in total agreement with these kinds of comments. I want more impact on the game as a whole through systems already in-game as opposed to new. However, old content expansions are often figured out too fast, are bypassed in grind, or become stale in nature (like replaying Plague Star or Nights of Naberus every occurrence. Even if they changed up the bounty, it would be very similar in nature). If we got Infested Liches tomorrow, with a brand new set of Infested Proximas, players would boil them down like they did to Sisters of Parvos. Part of Warframe's charm is the never-ending surprise of how they add completely brand new systems, and how these systems tie into existing ones. That's part of what makes builds in Warframe so much fun is how many systems you can cross-collaborate with. In Plague Star, I'm using my Operator/Focus, K-Drive, Necramech, Loc-Pins, Helminth with Augment Mods, Archon Shards, Duviri Arcanes, Eidolon Arcanes, Vastilok from TennoCon, Kavats, Archwing, Railjack Intrinsics for Archwing, etc. That's honestly wild and super rewarding to get extremely fast Plague Star runs because I've farmed all of these random updates and items over the last several years they were added.
  18. I think it's really a case of how you're looking at the game and when you started. For example, players who played pre-Shrine of the Eidolon have some form of opinion on Trials/Raids (whether positive or negative) compared to players that have only played post-Shrine of the Eidolon. You can even narrow down to specific gamemodes like Eidolons on release vs. Eidolons now (old Itzal, the addition of Wisp, Helminth, spawn manipulations, etc.). It's not very hard to have the opinion OP does, but it also omits alot that has changed over the years in a positive direction (even if some of these changes were overdue for the longest time). There's an opportunity cost with everything, and at the end of the day DE has to be the most efficient with their time for business purposes. Making the most solid game does not actually equate to the most income, as you see with the releases of new Call of Duty titles or something of that nature. Sure, you can look at examples like Baldur's Gate 3 or Elden Ring for the "refinement is valuable" stance, but it's honestly really easy to assume that those studios sacrificed maximum profit and efficiency in order to deliver a very specific experience that was heavily refined. Warframe is a live service game, and it's free to play, so it does not afford the luxury of single player games that focus solely on refining one experience. Warframe has to constantly float above water to maintain relevancy and attention of players. This is the type of situation that drives mechanics like Battle Passes. DE has to settle for "good enough" with the functionality of old content to steamroll ahead with brand new content. I'm not trying to sound like a preachy DE sympathizer, that's just how it is. I would absolutely love more refinement to several areas of Warframe, but it's not in the cards to see that happen all that often. I am a bit disappointed with how things like Archwing, Railjack, and recurring events like Plague Star have aged, but I am also aware that DE would see more return from brand new events or brand new mechanics to grind through. That's why instead of just having an extremely rich Archwing experience with many things to do in Archwing, we have Necramech, K-Drive, Merulina, Kaithe, Razorwing, Railjack, and probably more in the future. Like you OP, I would like more of the older game to see refinement and expansion, but that's just not how a live-service goes, unless the live-service is specifically a pvp experience only. Every PvE content focused live service game would quickly become boring and lose all the dedicated players it creates if the content was extremely rich but lacking a treadmill of new things to do and earn. Let's take the solar map for example. You could have Starchart 4.0 with all new tilesets that heavily improved player progression and cut down on node bloat. The game would be tremendously upgraded. Or, you could get the Tau System. Brand new tiles and brand new rewards and progressions to take part in. In this scenario, DE would be foolish to choose Starchart 4.0 (provided the scope and man-hours line up with the Tau System, for the sake of comparison). That is how things are going with Warframe. DE could have spent all that Railjack development on Archwing and really beefed it up to be more enjoyable with more space missions, but that's just not what sells, even if it refines the base game more than adding Railjack would. You have to also consider the player expectations as another player mentioned. People expect to always have new things to do in live service games like this, that's just how it goes. Basically, all I am saying is that you aren't wrong, and it is completely valid. I totally agree with you too, but it's just not a smart way to prioritize the game's health when the game is in an industry competing in the attention economy. Warframe has to compete with games that may grab your attention more, and because Warframe is much less predatory than some of the giants, they are actually at a disadvantage. This is why I also think we're seeing the slight creep of some questionable marketing decisions. DE has to compete in the industry at the end of the day. If you lean too much on pro-player practices, you lose out on loads of revenue. That's just how the world works. That's why Apple had to be forced to use USB-C, even though they heavily contributed to the development of the standard. The Lightning cable is just way better for their pockets.
  19. Title. It would be a major improvement to Jet Stream and Zephyr in general if allies exiting the range retained more of the duration. It's really unfortunate given how low the radius is on this augment to begin with at a measly 6 meters.
  20. Hey, thanks a bunch! I updated every image. For the ones with changed names, did the code change? I tried Amprov vs Goku707 and the previous name was still the code. I put a note next to each one that changed names in the meantime. Again, thank you!
  21. I don't really see much of a point when you need so little compared to how fast and cheap they craft.
  22. Unfortunate. The flow is already pretty rough, especially if one (or more) isn't using an NVME SSD.
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