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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. A gear check is build knowledge/skill. There's really no difference in what you just said. This reads like the people that say "man nothing ever pushes the limits of weapon DPS" and then throw the stupid phrase "bullet sponge" around at anything that doesn't die at a sneeze.
  2. The opportunity cost of a mod that only adds power strength (in quite a measly quantity to be quite honest) for one ability is hard to justify with Umbral Intensify which effects all abilities as well as Archon Shards. Precision Intensify is basically just a weak augment mod. Controlled Slide on Nezha offers more for the user than the condition of Precision Intensify. Power Strength is already an extremely saturated power stat from years of bonuses towards it. If you really want to save the Umbra polarity, you can just build a duplicate of the Warframe. You're undermining the point of Forma if you can just hit a button and get the sunk cost back. The amount of Umbra Forma you acquire is also quite generous (relative to how many are actually required or necessary) between Devstreams/Twitch Drops, Teshin's Steel Path Honors, and Nightwave.
  3. Focus is not an infinite system, it's a finite progression system for the schools. You simply maxed the Affinity like you would on say, Nova Prime. You'll need to rank up the others now. That's just how it works. Yeah. The last time I was into Eidolons, Itzal had old Archwing Blink.
  4. What I am guessing DE might be gunning for (and Gargoyle's Cry showcases this well compared to Scarlet Spear) is sunsetting one time clan operations for grindy events that can be recycled. The word "Operation" peaks the interest of older players who know what clan Operations used to be, but that word doesn't hold that much weight anymore. "Operations" as a term are closer to "Trial" and "Dark Sector" for Warframe vocabulary. Maybe I'm wrong, and it's just DE trying to get around the hurdle of cross-save/cross-play and Warframe Mobile before reintroducing proper Clan Operations.
  5. The unfortunate reality is that these things are balanced towards the people in the middle. That's why these items are time-gated, but only tolerable enough for the middle crowd that are active but not hyper-farming. It leaves a bad taste in the mouths of people on each end of the spectrum, but is still satisfying enough for people relatively active and keeping up with Warframe. I don't see this changing anytime soon, especially in recent years. The plus side is the maximum number of Umbra Forma a single Warframe could possibly use is 3, realistically 2 or even 1, and that is vastly easier to stomach compared to 5 (Tauforged) Archon Shards, especially when fusion is permanent and given how long it takes for Primes to release after their introduction. The bile cost is quite silly though, given how these are locked to all configs. I can see where the request comes from, but resource sinks typically aren't refunded or transferred, because they are sinks in nature.
  6. You can buy Primary and Secondary Adapters for Platinum now too...
  7. Yep, basically this. It's just a self-fulfilling prophecy going forward that adds a corrosive element to the way content is added. I think the last time DE said "no this is how it is" was with Hema research. Even Arcane Adapters are sold for Platinum now despite Rebecca very clearly stating that these were "earned only" when they were added to the Steel Path.
  8. I'm going out on a limb to assume that the reason Ganymede does not have a Fissure is because that was the original Disruption mission from Operation: Hostile Mergers. DE may have skipped or forgot to make the retroactive changes to make it work when Saint of Altra brought the Disruption expansion that added their respective Fissures alongside them. I think the larger elephant in the room with this discussion that affects Fissures, Arbitrations, Nightmare, and Sorties is how saturated the Starchart is with certain modes with zero opportunity for modes added in the last 5 years or so. For the game to stay fresh and actually teach the player about the game, there should be an equal amount of missions across all planets (this can extend to Railjack once we see Infested Proximas or just a more thorough map). There's no reason for there to be a single Infested Salvage map after 7 years. This node should either go away like the Jordas Verdict, or be expanded to all Infested planets. The "Disruption Expansion" from Saint of Altra was the only time in my 9 years of playing that a new mission has been added and then appropriately sprinkled around the map for relevancy and inclusion to rotated missions. That's just unacceptable with how many mission types have been added over the years. We have 246 unique mission nodes across 19 different planets/areas between 22 unique Starchart mission types. You can absolutely have one of every mission type on every planet, or atleast make changes to where Defense distribution is split 25% between Defense Pod, Operative Defense, Mobile Defense, Mirror Defense. The change made to move Sedna Disruption out of the progression path in place of Spy was massively disingenuous towards newer players on what the game offers. What DE could have done instead is sprinkle more of these gamemodes on earlier planets as lower levels to really flex the variety and growth of 10 years of Warframe, especially with the tilesets. The Starchart being mostly Survival and Defense for endless missions reflects horrendously on special endless missions like Void Fissures or Arbitrations. For a game to really grow, these new modes need to be added to these retroactive systems. Where are the Void Cascade Fissures/Arbitrations? Why is Infested Salvage still a single node? Why are the original planets neglected in mission variety? We see small sprinkles of missions like Abyssal Zone on Ceres, Mirror Defense on Mars or Conjuction Survival on Lua, but that's honestly just too little of an impact to change how this is approached by players. The last time DE made a significant change to the Starchart was 2016 with Specters of the Rail to illustrate better progression and reduce bloat in nodes. With a game this old, this should be looked at periodically, not once or twice. The problem here in this thread is not that DE missed Meso Disruption Fissures, it's that they've neglected the Starchart for almost 8 years now, and with that shows the true problem with how time limited missions like Fissures, Sorties, and Arbitrations choose their nodes. You see this in Sorties for Hijack, Kuva Assault and Free Roam, you see this in Arbitrations for popular new endless missions, and you see this in Fissures as this thread points out. There are several planets without Fissures too.
  9. I really don't understand why we can't just delete Converted nemeses from the codex/inventory. I will happily sell mine for 5,000 Credits each if it means they go away.
  10. This. 100% The Bird is even worse than Cephalon Sark from Conclave or Ordis. It's quite irritating.
  11. You're missing the entire point of my comparison to Payday or the use of hubs to make the game feel like a "massive" multiplayer experience.
  12. I mean illusion that Warframe is an MMO specifically. If you removed the hubs, you'd be as much of an MMO as Payday 2.
  13. I just want Mod Drop Chance Boosters to be added into the pool :(
  14. Maybe you're missing it or I am misinterpreting, but PC does have toggle crouch and its default is V on the keyboard iirc.
  15. It literally has the stats of vanilla Glaxion and somehow it's a "king". That's how you know where the bar is set. Remember when Vulklok functioned like Lanka? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  16. You can use the exclusive glyphs cross-platform though. It is only skins that stay console exclusive. I just wanted to note that in case anyone was wondering.
  17. Curious to see where 2024 brings us :)
  18. You can boil down the entirety of Warframe to that if you really went to get cynical. It will remain "this way", because that is the type of game it is. I hope you find something that encourages your pursuit with a goal within Warframe, but for now, it sounds like you expected to be going into a massive PvP game like Counter-Strike, Valorant, Dota 2, or other franchise (given you keep referencing them here). Warframe is an old game with strong player numbers, but it's not one of those games where you're constantly testing your skills and limits within the game itself. The type of game you seem to be itching for is more akin to Osu or Trackmania, something where you're always pushed to improve to reach higher ranks among other players. Warframe is not that type of game at all, but there are games that do achieve that well.
  19. You're really just setting yourself a low hanging fruit of achievement and considering anything past it "boredom" or "nothing to do". Warframe has never been a game to really challenge gear itself, but more of your choices with your arsenal. The point is mainly to collect loot and create your own aspirations with where you want to take your account, equipment, and how you approach what DE is releasing through their updates. I've been playing for almost 9 years now with recently over 10,000 in-game hours. There are still areas of the game I can "raise the bar", though these days I have been slowing down, because Warframe's endgame has moreso become a scheduled cycle instead of tackling a form of content where I want to really squeeze the potential out of what I'm doing. Gargoyle's Cry feels closer to Plague Star or Nights of Naberus than Hostile Mergers or Pacifism Defect in this regard. With that said, just taking a look at your profile, you still have many areas you can "raise the bar" with where you want to take your account. Whether you want to is up to you, but "nothing to do in this game" as a thread that is hiding the fact you want a PvP experience shows that you're just playing the wrong game at that point.
  20. It's a symbiotic relationship that just isn't going to change. Content these days is centered around this problem, because said problem has been incentivized and encouraged for years. The coffin has been nailed several times, from essentially infinite (self) revives all the way to Helminth. The only reason to play with others is because you yourself would be bored otherwise. There are several people out there though that enjoy the fact that the game is trivial for them by themself. You can't blame them either, because of how time-gated content is often, it's just less of a hassle to go by yourself to complete the weekly/daily goals that end-game has become. People spent years complaining about Hema research (designed for an actual clan of active players), Ignis Wraith being exclusive to well-oiled clans during Operation: Pacifism Defect, Trials and their Arcanes which then became Eidolon players, you name it. Heck, Kuva Liches were supposed to be "Clan Kingpin" assassination targets. It's really unfortunate when I read these kind of threads, and it just ends up sounding like we're having a conversation about a long-dead era of this game that won't come back. It's like listening to a Bethesda, Halo, or Call of Duty fan explain what the game(s) felt like in the "golden era" of that franchise. We've all seen or heard those voices. 2014-2017 Warframe is just not coming back. Maybe Soulframe can hit that magic again, but for Warframe, that time is long gone. Gaming in general has also shifted culturally, and this isn't exclusive to any one genre of games. Just look at the state of games ranging from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III to Diablo IV to Starfield to Forza Motorsport.
  21. Mesa is a poor example. It's likely more because of abilities like Smite and Energy Vampire. It's easier for DE to disable abilities than create an exception for every creative setup that makes use of scaling damage.
  22. You can answer your question by observing how Archon Shards are earned through Netracells. It's pretty obvious.
  23. I think if you reach 1 billion Thermia Fracture score, you need to seek medical attention. In theory yes, it would overflow. You can't see the number anywhere but the navigation menu though as far as I know. Yes, codex scans.
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