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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. We literally just had Plague Star, and Forma has been rather trivial since the addition of the Forma Bundle for 35 Platinum. Sure, the sheer amount needed may look daunting when first applying Forma, but it's just a patience game. Like any resource, you will end up with more than you can use if you're reasonably active. If you're a completionist or an addict, farming specifically for Forma is also quite easy (farm Platinum or just daily Fissures to keep the streak of crafting going).
  2. I'm pretty sure they talked about fusing Tauforged into Tauforged versions of the combined Shards on the devstream. I agree with the rest of your post though. Tauforged is a mistake, and just having normal Shards would still provide plenty of content. The way Archon Shards have been handled has been a mess from the start. The issue is DE is very good at making their general players happy with half-baked solutions. There were plenty of threads since day one of Veilbreaker with the solutions you've reiterated here to actually make the Shard system feel alright. These were simply ignored for a very easy "pity system" that fails to address any of the real concerns with how they work.
  3. Spot on for me as well. ~15,000 on Steam and ~10,000 in-game. Every game has its issues, but Warframe always scratches that itch for me.
  4. I think the best course of action for anyone with questions is to question a Founder who participates in the beta. They can give you a concrete answer on anything specific.
  5. That's how I earned it. I got it fairly quickly through lucky runs. It would be really nice if Archweapons in general (not just this mod or Archguns alone) got a mod audit and updated to match the rest of the arsenal. The changes coming with Whispers don't look like they'll pack enough punch to make a difference.
  6. Personally, I do not consider "god roll" to be "the best in-slot Riven for this weapon" but "the Riven with the highest resell value for this weapon". For example, many weapons will want you to roll an elemental or fire rate to free up a slot with the Riven while adding more stats. However, +CD +MS +Toxin -neg will not go for as much Platinum in trade as an unrolled +CC +CD +MS -neg for the same weapon (assuming the weapon we are hypothetically discussing is your average hybrid gun with a decent disposition). With this in mind, I do prefer owning many "god rolls", because they are safer to own as you can recuperate or even profit when you resell later on, as opposed to a more niche roll that may only be "the best" in the very current meta in terms of what mods and tools we have in-game.
  7. Untransmutable. The problem with this mod is that it was added undocumented and never given a proper drop source or mod performance check. This mod is basically nothing besides a Codex completion tick.
  8. I think the point of the permanent acts is lower the bar so that players can reach Rank 30 in a season without ever needing to actually progress to unlock the content that so many challenges require. It's probably a part of their alternative to "story skip". I much rather do several "permanent act" type challenges with 0 variety than the entire system just be a bunch of chores for all the content islands I have already completed to be quite honest. Nightwave is something that should just progress as you play normally, not something you should have to go out of your way to do. It's a very fair battle-pass, but it's still ridden with inconsistencies and annoyances like that.
  9. You have the right to a single Excalibur Prime noggle. This goes both ways.
  10. OP makes this thread asking for extra Excalibur Prime noggles. OP then asks for this feature to only be for Founders, even though that's not how Prime noggles work. The original Founders package never incorporated Excalibur Prime noggles. This was a feature added later on for Prime, Vault, and Founder Access purchases. I payed extra to purchase several Prime Vaults to get my Prime noggles. DE changed the system with Prime Resurgence. Now you need to buy them separately. This is how it is, and I don't feel it would be fair if I had the opportunity to buy Ember Prime noggles whenever I want because I am an "original Vault purchaser", and everyone else would need to wait for an Ember Prime rotation of Prime Resurgence. The only complimentary noggles are for purchasing the Warframe through Prime Access, which is only one noggle. The Founders package is no different in this aspect. Think of it like this. If a Founder was allowed to purchase a second Excalibur Prime, then that option should then be available for everyone else as you're reselling the Founder item. Reselling a Founder item, but only for a Founder is still rereleasing the item in question. The noggle was originally given through the same script that extended to everyone else who purchased other Prime Accesses. It's silly to further isolate and separate Founders from everyone else. Yes, they were the original backers of the game. Yes, we should honor their financial gamble and not re-release the original packages. The best way to honor and respect players is to treat Excalibur Prime like every other Prime Access, but with the small asterisk of respecting the original backers that necessitates that exclusivity for trust's sake. However, it's been 10 years now, and Founders aren't what keep the game afloat in the last 9 years. Their initial investment is what jump-started the decade long success story, but their significance now is no more than your average player. It's important to have this distinction, as it becomes a mess when you further divide players like we saw in 100+ pages regarding the Heirlooms. The largest mistake with the Heirlooms package is the exclusivity and symbolism of separation it causes. Warframe's bread and butter is accessibility, and dividing players based on when they've made financial decisions is horrendous. I am all for giving a Founder the ability to get extra noggles. However, that feature has to extend to everyone else, because that is how Prime Noggles work, and a Founder is no different than the average player. With this in mind, I do have a problem with the fact DE will not allow Founders gear to cross-save. That is a mistake, and a disservice to Founders for the same reason (but in the other direction). If you want a feature, but only for Founders, then yeah, that entitlement deserves to be met with a sarcastic "enjoy your singular copy :)".
  11. Doesn't "upgrading" subtract the difference? The reason I responded the way I did is because of your attitude that we should get this feature but only for Founders. Other Prime Noggles can be purchased by anyone, regardless if they previously purchased the Warframe through Prime Access. Excalibur Prime Noggle was a generous bonus for the legacy way Prime Noggles were handled. If they're adding an avenue to buy multiple, then it should be congruent with the way current Prime Noggles work.
  12. With that attitude, enjoy only having a single noggle. You didn't buy multiples of the Founder packs, and by your definition, it's only related to that pack, which is never sold again. :)
  13. I wouldn't see the harm in just letting anyone buy them for Regal Aya. Prime Noggles are only given now when buying Prime Access. The Vault is gone, so the purchase is completely separate anyways. The Excalibur Prime noggle was simply a gesture to Founders when they introduced Prime Noggles. It was never "part" of the Founders package.
  14. Just got them from your comment in the other thread. I gifted you something from your wishlist in-game. Cheers and thank you again. You're a legend.
  15. It's a good thing I still follow this thread.
  16. It's all relative. Both DE and The Game Awards are based in NA, and they can't stream at the extreme early morning or late evening for EU/Asia. I watch/enjoy Trackmania, which is mainly played by EU players and developed by a French studio (Ubisoft Nadeo). For that reason, I can never play a Cup of the Day during the daytime when it is most active due to my time-zone (I am in NA). It is what it is.
  17. I don't believe it's random. I have an almost equal amount of every shard (slight variance due to Twitch Drops and the first weeks of ranking up the Garrison). I've also completed every Kahl mission to date, so that might be where the discrepancy lies. What shows up in Chipper is desynced from the Hunt, because when Veilbreaker first launched, the reset was not synced with weekly reset. When they changed it, it reset the shard rotation iirc.
  18. My comment in the thread I provided to OP outlines all the discrepancies (and I even went ahead and clipped the part of Devstream #173 that discussed the situation). At the end of the day, DE has the final say and there's really nothing we can do about it besides outlining their mistake. I really don't care what Gaz has for a video on the subject. I was following the thread and providing updates to other players in real time. I'm fully aware that they mentioned "additional" in multiple different places over the course of almost 2 months. Just because we know as players that DE had a massive blunder in communication (as they seem to do quite often) doesn't mean we always end up with the benefit of the situation.
  19. Apparently they weren't supposed to be intentional. They will replace 3 weeklies per week and they are working on making them recoverable.
  20. To note as you guys work on this: Permanent Weekly Acts are resetting ~10 minutes before server reset and then a second time at reset. This is only visual but may result in players getting confused (definitely not me who got confused and thought I missed extra standing ;p).
  21. I don't get it myself. Tactical Alerts and events have used the same structure for the last 10 years without issue. Treating a limited reward like it's a devstream alert is extremely disconnected.
  22. This is really sad considering how many lessons should have been learned with alerts in the past. I don't think there's ever been a Tactical Alert that has only lasted 24 hours (atleast in my years playing). I really don't understand why DE is whiffing with such easy and obvious things regarding how things are consumed by players.
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