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Everything posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. Seriously LOOK AT THIS. This isn't even built for it. This is just me swapping a mod order for Blast and one shard. I don't even have that mod that gives the old shield-gate on. No. Just... no, dumpster it, put it through a table from the top ropes. This is on-demand shield gate that doesn't even require your input and invalidates basically all defensive abilities lol.
  2. Omfg it even counts if your Companion does it. No, nope, scrap it, redo the bonus as on-kill, this is too much, lol.
  3. Yep, it's on application. The new shield-gate meta is here, and as powerful as that is I'm also kind of exasperated. That's too good for one shard lol.
  4. Topaz shards are so busted (in a bad and good way). Time to go check on Lavos and see if blast effects are actually regenning shields on application instead of on kill.
  5. Wiki states that Coaction Drift specifically doesn't work with power donation. It's one of those exceptions I'd like to see addressed.
  6. I like how you list out all these buffs, and then point out how you're not bothering to use them in favor of a zaw. Like, all those are nice, yeah. But the arcanes add a lot. Also exalted weapons still not being able to use acolyte mods in 2023 is just so antiquated.
  7. Also as far as mechanics, DE *used* to use them more in boss encounters. The example I always think of is Kela - where you have to stand on the platforms in order to spin the tiles and expose the point to shoot. Something a step or two more complicated than that and you've got a mechanic that can be a step in a boss phase.
  8. ❤️Love you guys, enjoy your holiday break.
  9. Also as near as I can tell, the Topaz bonus of Regenerating +5 shields on inflicting an enemy with Blast does actually nothing? e: Apparently it's actually only on kill instead of on inflict? I'll have to test. e2: Yep, only on kill. I don't know if that's a mistake on the code and it's supposed to be on inflict or if it's actually supposed to read on-kill. Can we get a clarification?
  10. Please consider adding slide-heavies to tennokai. You have a lot of melee weapons that use slide-heavy for their specials.
  11. There are a few weapons for which it would be really good but for which it doesn't work because DE didn't implement Slide-Heavies. They added heavy slams to it, so hopefully Slide-Heavies can get added to the Tennokai system as well. As for stuff I've been using - Zenistar? Not having to invest in Heavy Attack efficiency to keep the puddle melting people is convenient.
  12. I get the feeling Minn is around. In fact, I get the feeling we might have met her already, just in a different body.
  13. TL;DR everything but I do agree that basically the only possible way to actually challenge players in Warframe is to have some honest-to-god do-this-or-wipe raid mechanics. Unfortunately, if history is any indication, the moment most players encounter ANY amount of adversity they'll start screaming on reddit and the forums about it being too hard.
  14. Coming soon a tennokai mod that strips 100% of armor before applying the damage. Just to really lean in to how stupidly one-dimensional buildcrafting is nowadays.
  15. After the scaling changes, I've never had an issue keeping the defense objective alive. Any time there's a failure nowadays it's because people were basically coasting until a Survival hit where we actually needed everyone to be contributing to kpm, and oopsies maybe I should've been paying more attention to that jackhole that has 1% of damage done and 20 kills after 40 minutes. 😅
  16. This is like me yelling over wanting more melee types for zaws. Not happening.
  17. Yareli can't use Helminth abilities because she mounts a k-drive, and apparently whoever designed k-drives didn't realize that they'd have to account for abilities other than Yareli's being able to be cast on it. Why this is the case I don't know, since the Helminth subsume stuff was added in 2020 and Yareli was 2021. But presumably it has to be a lot of coding work to fix - maybe even a complete rewrite of Merulina specifically - since DE confirmed just straight up refuses to fix it.
  18. I think I would interact with the Loadouts feature 1000x more (being literal, since I barely interact with it at all) if changing a weapon didn't automatically modify the loadout. I often experiment and try weird stuff off of a baseline, or adapt my equipment to fit the current goal, which makes Loadouts currently quite pointless. Just, like, a little tick mark to lock it in as current, so that any further equipment changes don't modify that loadout.
  19. It doubles when you have 500+ energy. Do you have more than 500+ energy?
  20. As an example, Path of Exile is very consistent about the fact that INCREASED damage stacks together, MORE damage is its own separate multiplier. I would love it if it could be similarly clear at a glance, looking at a mod or arcane or whatever in Warframe, if something is FLAT crit, INCREASED crit, additive damage, its own multiplier, etc. I understand that the task is daunting because of the sheer amount of stuff in the game. It might be a long term thing taking several patches, each focused on updating a different system to whatever the new terminology is, but it would be an absolute game changer for me to not have to have the wiki open for basic information.
  21. Also please make it so Tennokai applies to slide heavies, as well. You made half a dozen weapons off the top of my head that all used some form of slide-Heavy for their special abilities, and it really constrains builds without that and is weird that the-thing-that-makes-heavies-appealing doesn't work on a lot of heavy-specific triggering effects like the Tenet Grigori.
  22. Topaz Shards state "Recover 1 health per enemy killed with Blast damage" when it should read "Gain 1 maximum health per enemy killed with Blast damage."
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