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Everything posted by NecroPed

  1. That surprises me and if true even kinda disappoints me, considering theres an issue with this pack tied to the purchasable amounts of regal aya basically being a trap to make you buy more regal aya than you actually need to claim the items you want. If he could criticize it then, I'd hope he could criticize it now, especially since I think the actual purchasable amounts not being consistent with spendable amounts leading to the need to buy excess regal aya is more anti consumer than a high price tag.
  2. Sorry, but no, it is not. The amount of spendable regal aya is 6 for both primes on their own (Which results in you needing to spend more on the other items than if you get the bundle), 6 for the single bundled prime, or 10 for both bundled primes. This is clearly incentivized by being the best value pack. Now, how do you get the remaining 4 amount of regal aya to complete this 'best' purchase? You buy 3 regal aya twice, or 7 regal aya once, in order to get the 4 regal aya needed to finish the incentivized bundle, pushing people into purchasing more regal aya than they might actually want (while this is an inherent problem with regal ayas purchasable amounts, this can be solved with the current pack specifically by putting more regal aya in it (1 or 4) to no longer need to purchase excess regal aya in order to complete the most incentivized resurgence bundle). As far as I'm concerned this is inherently bad and this isn't something that impacts me at all, as I have both frost and mag prime, I am only saying this because I am concerned about others falling for this very clear predatory trap. This is in regards to those who actually want the regal aya in the current pack. That is a problem too yes, but there are multiple problems here. Those problems are from those who don't want the regal aya. I agree that providing a pack with the regal aya removed solves that problem, but it does not solve the layered predatory trap with the regal ayas purchase amounts. Edit: Though I will note that it was probably a bit rash for me to originally suggest an extra more expensive pack on top, rather than simply just add 1/4 regal aya to the current pack and making a pack with no regal aya.
  3. I'm not sure if this is account based, I'm really not sure (just putting some info out from my point of experience) but I think it might just be browser based (like stored cookies or the functions of the webpage still functioning without an active connection to an account or something), I get notifications on my PC on pages I've left open after viewing the notification on my phone, which should surely clear the notification since I am still currently logged in on mobile, it has cleared the notification on my mobile, I have not been logged out of mobile, so as far as my account is concerned, the notification is gone and has worked perfectly fine. But, upon returning to my PC hours later, I have the notification, and haven't been logged out on PC, but upon refreshing the browser my notifications become updated to what they were currently showing as on my phone. I'm no expert, but I feel like it could just be from cookies or something, like the websites code functions without the connection to the account because the information/code to notify you is still technically there in the webpage.
  4. This is a solution to a separate problem. This IS the answer to the fact that there is a predatory trap with regal ayas spendable and obtainable amounts, which pushes people to buying more regal aya than they actually need in order to complete the bundle that gives them the warframes these skins are for. There needs to be at least 1 (or 4) more regal aya in the current pack, so as to remove the inconsistency between purchasable amounts and spendable amounts, as this would only require the minimum purchase of 3 regal aya to complete the bundle, rather than two 3 regal aya purchases or one 7 regal aya purchase to get 4 regal aya that's needed.
  5. I'm done with you for now. I've used pretty much all the energy I've allocated towards you, I've said enough as it is and you wont listen to me so it is a waste of my energy to continue at this point. I will not "bring it" because I already brought it.
  6. I'm sorry but this is not good justification ever. There are countless situations you can apply this logic to, to prove how ridiculous it is to say that something should be that way because it was already. If we had to live by this rule we would never truly evolve, develop or expand our creativity and we would likely have never gotten warframe as it was when it released, because we would have only had the same crap over and over. (this is actually one of the reasons why warframe was hard to kick off, because it WASN'T just the same crap over and over and companies didn't want to take the risk on something they didn't know would work, so warframes eventual success basically relied on the opposite of this sentiment, don't just do what's been around since the beginning) And I truly believe that FOMO is actually inherently evil WHEN used for time limited monetization that will never return. Even before considering the inherently evil trap with the regal ayas pricing that makes this packs problems even worse (which if you don't think is an inherently predatory practice then I will just assume you don't know what is). I have a lot of issues with things like dailies, battlepasses etc. but I don't necessarily consider them as having inherent FOMO, at least in the same regard, (Though battlepasses often do have FOMO I don't think it's an inherent problem with the battlepass themselves, see warframes battlepass that is free and has returning items, and it's more about the actual monetization of a battlepass that is the problem (One time only, unique items in a time limited $ purchase, just like this pack, see basically every battlepass that's criticized (one that I have seen praised that solves a big problem here is Halo Infinite I believe it was, which has all the battlepasses permanently available entirely removing FOMO from the entire purchase system), which I feel is actually quite paralleled here, so if you feel that battlepasses are predatory, then I think you should see the same with this pack) and I do not think something that is repeatedly obtainable in game, with the active intention for it to come back, and is free, is even remotely comparable to a $ only pack with a limited time that will never return and layers of issues surrounding this. I don't have a fear of missing out on dailies that come back tomorrow (And there are some potential bonuses to systems like this, like increasing player population for people who haven't completed x old content yet). Sure, I might push my progress back if I skip anything, but that's not actually necessarily missing out, because the ability to do it and obtain it is still there, just extended or pushed back. I think this is an incredibly oversimplified way of looking at FOMO, just to show how ridiculous I think this perspective is I'm going to try apply the logic to something else, mission failure. Is there FOMO because of the ability to fail a mission and lose all rewards as a result? Since you technically miss out on what you lost from failing? I would say that this is not FOMO and I would assume that at least most people would agree that mission failure isn't a FOMO problem. FOMO extends beyond just not having something, let alone just for a specific amount of time (Which would surely be fear of being behind absolute maximization of time, rather than explicitly fear of missing out) I think there's a grand canyon sized difference that you're not seeing. Regularly available and repeatable rewards =/= time limited never returning $ only.
  7. Again doing things i've called you out for but do not "own up to" like you claim to do. You just want me to move on so I stop calling you out, that's all this is, isn't it?
  8. You are ridiculous. You pretty much started in this post by attacking someone else, so I find it ironic that you're even saying this, as well as basically telling them how to play the game (return to note about you claiming I'm telling YOU what to do and my point about how you repeatedly ignore the fact that your arguments are often better said about your own behaviour). Seriously, you are ridiculous. Get over the fact that I'm swearing, it's not an insult, it's censored, and it pales in comparison to your direct insults and petty obnoxious behaviour. You are so unbelievably unaware of your own bullS#&$ and your own arguments that it's actually comical. It is not lies, you simply cannot admit your faults, which is evident by you saying you own up to your behaviour, wrongfully accuse me of something you're doing and you still are yet to own up to your bullS#&$. It's not gossip to call you out for exactly the things that you do, especially when you yourself are doing the things you are trying to call out. You may feel like there is no need (maybe because you don't like being called out for your S#&$ty behaviour), but I absolutely do, because you are a rude, obnoxious, slanderous person, and I was simply looking out for someone else who might be putting more effort, thought and energy into a discussion than I believe they will ever truly get from you because of your behaviour and lack of awareness of it. I genuinely can't believe how unaware of your own behaviour you can be at this point.
  9. If you can't realize your nonsense then you're a genuine fool. You literally just claimed to own up to your behaviour, then spurted ridiculous nonsense and then say its a "hard nope" when I call it out for the nonsense it is. Your nonsense isn't even worth giving the props for trying. You are ridiculous. Terrible 'chats' really. If you think having a blatant disregard for your S#&$ty behaviour while acting the way you do is a 'good chat' then I don't know if there's anything I can say to change your perspective because I feel it is so blatantly obvious that you would have to be a blind fool to not realize it at this point.
  10. The 'heriloom packs bought' is the amount of subscribers to the warframe reddit. And the 'pending microtransactions' is how many people are online on the reddit. It's not an indication of any real warframe stats, it's just a dig at the pack situation.
  11. You do not. You do the things you try and call other people out for even when they're not doing it and you have literally done so in this very discussion (look back to where you simultaneously claimed I was telling you what to do when I wasn't, while you told me what to do) And you do not admit that you're doing it. If you own up to your behaviour then own up to your slander, your toxicity, your obnoxiousness, your general nonsense, your general bullS#&$, pretty much all I see from you is more bullS#&$ pretty much any time anyone calls you out for something. No, nothing I said is lies and the fact that you don't realize your lies just reinforces my point as far as I'm concerned. I have seen you make genuinely slanderous comments about DE that were easily disproven with a quick google search. I called you out on this and you still didn't own up to your slander. Blah blah blah blah more stupid nonsense from you. Just goes to show how ridiculous your way of thinking is and how unaware of your own behaviour you really are.
  12. Yep, I don't think its an issue with being banned because I have experienced this with other posts and its always console posts when it happens for me. So there's definitely something going on, I'm just not sure if its a simple issue.
  13. I always assumed it was because of the platform the account is linked to, since bugs are often system specific. But seeing that post theres an xbox account commenting there so I'm not sure now. I can still comment there too and checked some playstation posts and I could comment so my assumption doesn't seem to be correct
  14. Thats the problem, the point is people want to buy the skins and new goodies but we can't just get those things, we have to get things which are clearly taken into the value of the pack, one of which offers limited uses and we can otherwise get whenever we want. I'm comparing it to prime access because theres not much else to really compare it to, yeah sure we don't know how much these new items would cost, but would you really expect them to cost much more than other cosmetics? We can get at least a rough idea of if the value of a purchase fits our preference because of their prior purchase systems, and when you can get so much from prime access that is similarly priced I feel it's a fair comparison when you don't really have anything else. At this point I'd rather get prime access because by tier 2 I feel I'm getting more value out of it than this pack, and a big part is the regal aya. I don't see how rehiring an old developer is good justification to have a pack inflated with stuff that people aren't going to want that can be purchased at any time. Hell if the regal aya is simply a bonus I don't really see it any better, because regardless of the justification I think skins being priced that high is to put it simply a bit ridiculous, taking out most of the unique goodies and the plat the pack only reduces from 100 aud to 77 aud, I guess if people think thats a fair price for supporting someone I can agree to an extent, but I don't think it's a great price to pay for two skins and 2 attachments. Especially when I can spend around that amount of money and get more than 2 skins and 2 similar attachments (lets say syandanas) with just some of the plat from a bundle that comes with a prime warframe and weapons. No it would be more like trying to buy art from an artist you already buy from but you have to get a bunch of firewood in the middle of summer that's accounted into the bundled price even if you don't want the firewood. I don't believe that more than a third of the packs value is minimal. From my calculations, the pack is $100 aud, 6 regal aya and 600 platinum using the value of the biggest pack ($89 for 15 regal aya and 1200 platinum) the regal aya and platinum would account for over a third of the packs value with 200 platinum left out of the equation. So even at best value for platinum without a coupon thats getting to close to half the packs value. So even if $60± is leftover for the pack, I think its still not great value. When most of the smaller unique goodies with plat are about a third of the price of the pack, I can't imagine similar skins and new attachments are going to be priced even remotely close to the value of 60 aud, and while I can understand some extra cost because of collectors or whatever, I feel like that opens another can of worms when you get into the whole FOMO sitiation and the fact that these are apparently never coming back again. (And I'm going to be disregarding the trap with resurgence bundle for frost and mag requiring less than the amount of purchasable regal aya that is needed to complete the purchase because thats another issue) What an absolutely ridiculous statement. I want the skins, and the other unique goodies too. Just without having to buy it with regal aya, its pretty damn simple. Theres no reason I should have to be buying regal aya which clearly accounts for a considerable amount of the pack to get time limited unique items that are never returning. Just because I'm against that does not mean I don't want the skins. In the end if I have to buy the pack with regal aya thats probably what I'm going to do, but I'm not going to be remotely happy with DE about it.
  15. I kinda hope this is what happens because I missed the first alert due to unforseen circumstances on the last day so didn't end up doing any of them since I only really wanted the gunblade skin, but I feel like they could still be coming to just those who did the alerts.
  16. The puddle is my least favourite ability of his, I don't have a problem with him havng a puddle ability exactly, but if they are to keep it I hope it's either worked into another of his abilities, like the wave (tap for wave, hold for puddle for example) or overhauled to be a more engaging ability that synergizes with his other abilities. Something like having the kraken at the core of the abilities while you're a puddle that changes his abilities so its more engaging while you're a puddle. (Moving the tentacles location while using the wave as a puddle for example) I find the wave fun too, so am happy for that to stay, but I enjoy the tentacle and raining abilities more aesthetically so they're the two main abilities I would want to stay even if they come with changes.
  17. Financially I think it's the smartest thing they possibly could have done. The mobile market is the biggest market in the game industry. Not breaching into that is a big loss. As phones get more powerful and gaming gets more accessible people are looking for exactly the type of game that warframe is for mobile. This isn't a perfect situation though because there are problems that can come from mobile. For example, requiring more effort to balance around an extra control scheme, or people may also disrupt missions due to the nature of warframe not being very "on the go" friendly like a lot of mobile games are. I would also like to see certain options to help alleviate some of the issues that can impact others, like excluding mobile from hosting my games, as a PC player I never, and I really mean never, want this to ever be a thing I have to put up with, but I am more than happy to still play with people on mobile.
  18. My go to is nezha, he has incoming damage reduction, status immunity and a damage increase while also having his damage reduction scale up its total health from incoming enemy damage, making it have more total damage reduction when targeted by stronger enemies. And as for weapons the laetum and phenmor are two weapons that I find trivializes them a bit, build with arcanes, galvanized mods and no riven makes it pretty easy for me. (I'm not sure of your mod or arcane collection or your progress towards these weapons though) It also helps to look at the elements of your sister/lich when it comes to fighting them, as they can have weaknesses, resistences and even immunities.
  19. Exactly the behaviour I have a problem with and part of what I have been calling out. Good job. I seriously don't want to get into this rabithole again, but you absolutely have spoken ill about me and it does NOT justify it just because I was part of the discussion, my name being present is not even remotely good justification to speaking ill of me (unless its explicitly about my name which I would understand), you can keep trying to justify your toxicity because your ego wont let you see your own S#&$ty behaviour but that's on you, not me. And you're basically doing that again now. Saying I'm not worth mentioning, I'm unworthy of your time is exactly the type of behaviour I'm referencing and it is only a small part of it. Your behaviour is what's not a good look. Your entire comment before telling me I'm not a good look is not a good look. One of the things I've repeatedly tried to get you to realize is that a lot of your negative comments towards other people are actually perfect examples of your own S#&$ty behaviour, this is again one of those times. I'm not even telling you what to do, but here you are telling ME what to do while claiming that I'm the one doing that. Seriously, you need to take a hard, serious and long look at yourself. I don't understand how you can be so blind to your own behaviour.
  20. There absolutely has. Ive called you out on it before. I vividly remember you saying things about DE that were easily proven to be not true and were simply slanderous. I'm not spreading toxic lies, I am simply trying to look out for people and a healthy discussion because I do not believe you are truly capable of doing that based on my prior experience with dealing with you. I'm not claiming to be a saint. You have spoken ill about me publically though, I don't really care if you're directing it towards others or not. I don't even want to be going down this conversation but your toxicity and incredibly obnoxious and rude behaviour drives me to feeling the need to do so.
  21. Nah I think theres a better solution (short on time, energy and sleep so might not be as well thought out as I want it to be, will come back to this). Opening up the archon shards to multiple sources that contribute to the same cap so you have choice of how you do it (and I'm confident we will have other sources of shards eventually too). I have alot of ideas I need to think through first that I intend to post to try improve kaahls systems, but for now to put it simply I think it should be seperated into a couple categories, the current kahl missions, procedural kaahl missions more akin to regular warframe missions that are themed around kahls mission tiles or something that requires your warframe. I like kaahl and dont want him to go, I think his systems need a bit of improvement to be truly great, though I can understand that because of how different it is some might not be inclined to partake in kaahls missions so I feel choice is the best option. With these 3 categories they should all contribute to the same point cap for the store so players have choice as to how they get it but the cap shouldn't exceed the total earnable from 2 of them(i think this might even still be a bit high and only having the reward for any one of them you do to full completion or a mixed bag, like no extra side missions in garrison but complete the mission once for half the points, do a warframe mission from the rest), so as to not promote doing it all for best rewards.
  22. I can understand that, it's why I haven't blocked them because I don't want their nonsense to go uncontested if needed. Just take care for your mental health while dealing with them, it can be rough lol
  23. Agreed. I have no problem missing out on a competition if I can still buy them. I absolutely love trolli, warframe and candy in general, so this is honestly a pretty perfect purchase for me if it were possible. And it would be a perfect gift for me too, my family tend to buy me candy for presents and I would be more than happy for it to be warframe themed, even if I might inhale the whole packet faster than grendel would.
  24. This is basically just what this person is like, they are obnoxious, rude, will blatantly make things up to slander DE, insult you while telling you they're not insulting you and more. I highly recommend not putting the amount of energy into them as you are. I am speaking from personal experience when I say that it really is not worth it.
  25. Id say compensation can help alleviate that. I have issue with the amount of regal aya in the pack too because it pushes people who want the bundled frost and mag for 10 regal aya into an anti consumer predatory trap to buy more than the 4 remaining regal aya they need to complete the purchase. An extra regal aya in the current pack would help alleviate that by only requiring the minimum purchasable amount to complete the bundled purchase while simultaneously acting as a form of compensation for those who bought the pack before things changed, even if its not much its something. And whats more unfair to me is expecting people to buy a regularly available item that they don't want in order to purchase all the unique time limited items that will never return. Something absolutely needs to be done, this is also impacting their reputation and if it doesn't change their reputation will continue to be negatively impacted.
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