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Everything posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. It's been a while since I had to trade anything other than augments , They may have changed it recently but most of the cosmetics were unreadable . I switched from left to right 2 times , each time it was for some exclusive cosmetics.
  2. Sure , the actual mechanics could be changed to be different , doesn't necessarily have to be movement based. Just something that's influenced by the player during actual gameplay.
  3. Assuming it's only for syndicates ? Pretty sure some of the cosmetics are also exclusive. I personally don't have an issue either way , you can choose to switch syndicates (which does take a lot of time ) and get the syandana if you are absolutely sure you want it.
  4. I am not sure I understand what you are trying to explain. As per my idea you still recharge the weapon at a steady rate , the extra conditions are for you to have more control based on your actions , at the current moment there is no way you can manually influence the battery weapons while using it. Ammo based weapons can be reloaded even with a partial clip. Archguns work without ammo in archguns missions , when using in atmosphere you do need ammo. Titania has energy that (kinda ) is channeled for the weapon, that is enough of a check but energy economy is a discussion for a different topic.
  5. It completely your choice to leave it till 700 logins was my point. you could have gotten it at 100 logins if you so wish. I personally dont like the time gate , just highlighting factual inaccuracies in your statements.
  6. So I have seen in many conversation that rechargable ammo weapons comes up as the next alternative to keep up mindless slaughter while feeding you up from ammo management. While I don't fully agree that's the case for every weapon with recharge mechanics , It does raise some questions , For those that don't know , there are weapons that reload their magazine over time without actually needing ammo pickups. So I thought what if the recharging could be made a bit more engaging and also provide some benefits while having some checks and balances. There would be a few different kinds depending on the weapon type. For most Tenno/corpus weapons I thought of Gauss and how he generates battery charge , he does so by moving around very fast. What if we can apply the same logic to battery weapons , you still recharge at a fixed rate , but having fast movement recharges it that much faster. For things like the shedu ,basmu and bubonico it would consume your health if you reload from empty (it reloads full magazine and does so relatively quickly), but reloading from empty would also give you some health leech effects (basmu already does this pretty well, and hema is an excellent reference granting health on headshots) I don't recollect any grineer weapons that have a battery mechanism.
  7. You are factually wrong. You are given choices for which weapon to pick on 100 ,300 ,500 and 700 day login. It's not RNG , you only get unowned and unmastered (regular) weapon blueprints as part of daily logins. If you only saw azima it's because you picked the other weapons already , you are probably at day 700 , or you would have seen the zenith , zenistar or Sigma and octantis as well.
  8. Honestly I am not against it , it already partially exists as there are sigils you get for reaching certain achievements. Almost all bosses have them. Unfortunately both sigils and glyphs tend to get lost in all the visual noise that is in the game.
  9. I am not sure the incarnons should be in the list, they are powerful and some distance management or chaotic bounces should be par for the course (annoying as it may be at times) I do agree with others for sonicor ,it does make it rather pointless.
  10. I wouldn't mind , but I don't want a repeat of veilbreaker. Just make it an optional thing that only benefits kahl gameplay like duviri.
  11. Wouldn't other weapons that don't need charging also do that at such levels ?
  12. Why though ? If the enemies are already dying what is the point ?
  13. Wasn't there talk to make the lunaro ball a weapon at some point ? Wonder what happened to that.
  14. Good point , Torid and angstrum should only charge 1/10 of what they currently charge with body shots.
  15. Mmmm Ahctually .... Revenant Prime is most used if you seperate the primes and regulara, but combining the primes and regulars volt is the most used, followed by wukong ,then excalibur (and umbra) and then revenant (I might be off by a little) . And while revenant is definitely the next easy frame after wukong (hard to beat functional immortality) I don't think it goes against three principles that qualified wukong for the nerf , disruptive , dominant and does the work for you.
  16. Fish are tradable last time I checked. As to the OP , There are many things that you may find to be a bad concept but is enjoyed by some other part of the community.
  17. This is a mixed bag , while some augments would indeed help a lot of frames to catch up to others , there are a few that will just break the game further than what it already is. My preference has always been to make few augments innate for the frames that are struggling and to keep others unchanged. Very subjective to say what is what though.
  18. Always nice to see posts of appreciation , I will say the new war is very much NOT the same as the rest of the game , so you may be disappointed or excited depending on your own preferences. I will give the same advice I give to other new and returning players , don't rush and don't worry about what youtubers say. As long as you are enjoying yourself it should be all that matters.
  19. 2 Green shards so corrosive can fully strip Armor is quite excellent , paired with archon continuity you can strip enemies of Armor pretty fast while stacking them with a lot of DoT. I also suggest yellow shard for casting speed (optional) , Everything else is more for your personal preference , but I found health regen to make him passively tanky as well (if you build for health and Armor) He is my go to build if I just want to get things done and has been quite effective in solo netracells. Topaz used to be good , but since the changes it's not as effective for shield gating builds.
  20. So here's the thing , haggling is very much a culture and personal preference thing. I grew up in a culture where haggling is considered normal , i haggle ocassionally and expect others to do so as well. I have interacted with people that consider haggling as an insult. So as long as you are open minded to accept that people may get offended you are free to negotiate , but no one has any real power to report you (as long as you were honest)
  21. I may be misremembering , but didn't we get it on one of the baro rotations ?
  22. I keep him at around 220% duration , that gives around 1 minute of redline. That's decent enough in my opinion. And you don't gimp the rest of your build in the process.
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