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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. At first was extremely funny imho. Plenty of enemies, action and shots everywhere. But with each patch the number of enemies has been reduced again and again. Now its pure boredom. Usually you have 1 or 2 players afk... and you are grateful for it, since that means that you will be able to kill something! The last run towards the exit is a joke too... only a bunch (maybe 12) enemies appears at the side doors... and thats all. Nothing more appears until the capsule already i reaching the top of the stairs. That didn't happened before... So... i went from loving this new gamemode to hating it. There is nothing to do except to wait for everything. Wait for enemies to spawn. Wait for the lifter to move. Wait for the charges to drop. Wait, wait, wait... Its a shame :( Solo experience is still better?
  2. ZioElsydeon: People, be chill. Also ZioElsydeon: - Proceeds to roast OP about how wrong he is and how much he just need to learn to play with condescendency and a passive aggresive tone -
  3. Btw, i found a video showing how it works. Since clearly you didnt play with Jade a lot, it can be helpful to you so you can see how it works: There you can see how the enemies are re-marked when you use the mark. Again, and again, and again. And the DoTs applies when you use Glory to mark them, btw. And also Glory alt fire has proc chance too. You can see how those enemies get several heat stacks.
  4. Lol, yes, like people that say that Dante is perfect. Btw, you are just ignoring all the points that you cannot refute from the first to the last, dont you think that i didnt noticed. Thats like saying that you arent using any other ability with Dante nor Noctua. I dont know which is your point except being contrarian for the sake of it. Sounds like you are still wanting to compare apples to oranges.
  5. If you talk about the marking distance, Jade has infinite range. One thing is that you find hard to do it, but she has infinite marking range. Yeah, she has less area coverage for marking... but she must pay something for all that range, dont you think? So, you are comparing something like 29m with a cone vs infinite range 9m radius aoe (or 3.5m radius just shooting with Glory). Both have pros and cons, i dont think that they are comparable... just different. They need to be exactly the same for contrarians to accept that they are "similar enough"? Oh! And she also has a MUCH larger detonation range, btw (and without LoS :) ). She also needs less energy for preparing and detonating enemies. Thats also important to have in mind. So yeah, while she needs QoL improvements (she being pre-nerfed is very noticeable) mechanically she is better. At 7m radius with no fallout (x1.5 radius if they are inside the 1st ability area... so 10,5m), not losing heat DoT and having reduced or removed armor, i dont know how do you have problems chaining with other enemies.
  6. It seems like you didn't try it. Yes, it has range, and yes, it scales. If you don't know this basic thing about Jade's alt fire, there is no reason to further discuss your other points.
  7. Lets be honest, you dont need to reach the dmg cap to kill comfortably. Yeah, with Dante is easier to reach lolnumbers, so what? You don't kill faster. You should look at your build imho. I have 164% duration, 175% range and i cast Jade's 4th with 639% strenght. Tbf, when its needed that hits hard, is in SP, where there are more enemies spawns. Its not so hard to find groups (but mission dependent, sure). Why are we ignoring the fact that Dante is, effectively, also "marking" enemies? And that his "marks" also gets consumed? And that slash duration is lower than Jade's 1? Uhh... no? I'm pretty sure that Glory has more range than any ability... and even with just abilities you can cast 1 to very far distances if you want. And the detonation range is bigger than Dante's 4th.
  8. Look at Range: The more enemies the best, literally. Dante doesnt benefit at all, Dante doesn't have explosion at all. Tf this has to do here? You dont need scaling, so its even better since you dont need to spam the ability several times. And without needing mods, isnt great? 50m at base for free... and you can use Vazarin to increase it to 75m at no mod cost. Yeah, its a very small range. /s Same as Dante. And btw, press 1 with Jade, and you have permamarked the enemies inside. Also, you dont lose the Heat stacks.
  9. @Digital_Malz, did you hear that? Sounded like a baby without arguments crying loudly... maybe it was just my imagination :o
  10. Because DE writter forgot that Helminth exists. Seeing the results and the amount of plot holes, surely the writer only had like half hour and a napkin to write all the script.
  11. You should just block them, you are wasting your time with people that just want to disagree and will make the mental gimnastics to just continue bombing this thread for imagined reasons instead of opening a lot of new ones expressing why they love this new eximus.
  12. Personally, i like to block any person that comes into the forums to argue in bad faith or just lie or has a idiocy/fallacy level off charts. Since the messages can be readed anyways, i always end reading everything anyways, but the system gives me a second so i can adjuts my mind and not lose IQ while im reading casually some messages. People like those, or the ones that instead of opening their own threads to talk why they liked something, and instead they come to bomb threads made by people that just doesn't have their same opinions, are excellent examples of the types of persons that i tend to block. There were a lot of those when Dante's update came, and it seems like another bunch came with this new one. In each patch it seems like new ones arise... sadly its not a "this update" thing. To me, all that "avoid spoiler" that DE is making, has no sense... you can just go to any random team, see a Jade, and you already know all the spoilers you need. Its just absurd ^^!
  13. As you can see here, the golden badge appears in Saturn, but i still don't have the planet completed in SP, since i still lack 2 missions. Isn't the only planet when this happens. Maybe i'm misinterpretingthe meaning of it?
  14. She also reacted the idea of making a blueprint for air support pack like it was totally new idea... as if people haven't been asking for it on the forums for years.
  15. They are also lowering the amount of enemies at each patch (no idea if intentionally or not). Even at SP now its already boring af. DE are experts on doing this... once in a while they launch a gamemode that seems good and has great potential... and they dumb down the mode until is plain and boring again... and then ignore it forever when players doesnt play it anymore.
  16. You know that high MR requisite and good weapons arent correlated, right?
  17. If you manage a little your syndicates, you can max 4 of them and have access to every augment ever at all times. I have myself Red Veil, Steel Meridian, New Loka and The Perrin Secuence. When i'm leveling up New Loka (and by extension, Perrin) i try to dont lower Steel Meridian too much, thats all the management that you need to do. If you have Arbiters, Steel & Suda, you could level up in the same manner Red Veil using Steel Meridian (using Suda for leveling Arbiters, so you only have a -50% into Red Veil).
  18. You mean that armor reduction? Yeah, at 339% im getting... well... 33.9% armor reduction per second. Still 3 seconds :( And since it doesn't calculate per tick or something, but per second, until you somewhat were able to reach 50% you wouldnt get any benefit from it... Still, im trying to rotate her 2 buffs so i can use that +85% power str whenever im recasting her 3 (and her 1, since i've subsumed Nourish), so technically i have a 42.4% armor reduction, but isnt noticeable from the 33.9%.
  19. Yeah, now you can pick any weapon and use auto-modding, and you can still kill SP enemies. This will be remembered as "The Great Equalizer".
  20. Wrong, thats how DE thinks it works. In real world, Viral is green agains anything. If at that excel is red, it still gives you a x2.125. If its green, it gives x6.375. And x4.25 in any other case. Its not just green, but the greenest of the green. And also buffs any other elements paired with it. Its ultragreen. If you think that its stupid, its a good sign, because it is. But DE didnt get that one. Now, we can wait patiently until they read this feedback at some content creator video. That would be our best bet for this reaching them.
  21. DE doesn't read feedback forums. I though that this was a well known fact already xD This is the closest that they get to make a comment about all this topic after so much time. Written in the last hotfix 36.0.4 thread. Until this topic is talked about by some content creator in Twitch or YouTube, you can forget about any answer from their part. Maybe if you spam them with this in the comments when they make any devstream you can get lucky (but they tend to cherrypick all the comments that they answer, so dont expect a lot either)...
  22. The problem with Jade is that they nerfed her pre-launch. So now she is weak in all fronts... she needs duration mods, but also needs a few range mods, but also needs LOTS of strenght mods, but she also needs LOTS AND LOTS of energy management mods... So, at the end, you cannot build her comforably without sacrificing one of those and yet, you still need a lot of external buffs to make her work...
  23. Yes, and inaros is the father.... but dont tell stalker.
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