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Everything posted by (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz

  1. Fair enough, I'll take that one back. The point about any frame in any level of content however, stands
  2. The shaming language in this thread is crazy "Well I guess it's OK if you suck at k-drives" Like what?
  3. I simply pointed out YOUR proclamation that any frame with any weapon can be used in any high level content. So you're basically saying Inaros with a Stug is viable "high" level, correct?
  4. Interesting You're telling someone to get good while making statements proving your lack of knowledge about that very subject. Sorry, git gud doesn't work here
  5. I can see how your original thread caught so much flak. It's a video game, friend I legit lol'd at this ngl
  6. Seeing as how many players enjoy this game because it's both free and fun, this is a bad idea. I'd like dedis just as much as the next person, but charging for that after 10+ years is a surefire way to tank your player count as well as your revenue stream. Going to be a hard no from me on a subscription model
  7. Right Because we didn't learn from putting a k-drive in regular missions already. Sounds like a BOHICA suggestion
  8. The hilarious part is that you're trolling for attention while being farmed for likes. And the sad fact is people aren't even actively trying. You've spent the better part of 20+ pages on a circular argument that is completely unwinnable with points that are demonstrably false. I don't personally have a dog in this particular fight except continued amusement watching you crash out. I'm just making you aware of how the majority perceives you at this point. So by all means, carry on good sir.
  9. So because someone asks for build variety you automatically default to endurance runs and the "strongest builds?" This is a weird response ngl
  10. Finally someone came out and said it. Exalted weapons can be extremely limiting on build variety. And yet most people want more of them. It's baffling tbh
  11. Maybe not obscure, but I see a lot of Rev players that don't know that you can Enthrall Acolytes and therefore strip their damage attenuation
  12. Another game that released with "balanced" weapons was Anthem. I believe we all know how that story ended.
  13. What would be a more reasonable request are QoL changes to those abilities. What you are asking for is even more power creep. This is just a bad idea imo
  14. The fact that you have Voruna, Kullervo, Gara, and especially Garuda here is wild. This thread is going to be priceless
  15. As much as I find rivens useless, I say keep them. Lots of people believe they're the end all be all, and that's perfectly fine. It's easy Plat for me, so it's a win for all involved.
  16. Normally I'd agree, but at this point it's pure trolling and I'm here for it
  17. Honestly I'm surprised lifted status is even a thing, especially considering how often enemies regularly paint the walls and ceilings so easily
  18. I can't believe people are still arguing with this guy lmfao
  19. If he's a mirror image of us, all we need is a host migration
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