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Everything posted by Zaghyr

  1. I'll need to check that list then, cause another bug that needs fixed is tornados not registering Melee combo multiplier from heavy attacks.
  2. And it's funny, a lot of people are complaining about 50 vosfor being the final reward. But with that being the final reward, as you said, you can choose any weapon/frame of your choosing. DE is literally throwing the playerbase a bone.
  3. Most people aren't realizing that DA and EDA are literally testing your game knowledge and mastery before the mission even begins. Part of the challenge and purpose of the mode is looking at the 3 modes and all modifiers and seeing if the player understands the game enough to construct a build that can complete all 3 missions against all of those odds. The game mode literally says "So you think you're hot S#&$ huh? We'll see about that."
  4. If EDA was progressive then there is no longer any difficulty and DE should remove the mode. Making it progressive literally defeats the purpose of the mode being difficult.
  5. Agreed, this mode is great and they should absolutely not nerf it. I think they should make it harder actually by making it possible to fail all the other missions types in a way that isn't just everyone dying (since right now the only mission that can fail is Mirror Defense). And a lot of the posts/comments from people complaining about the difficulty stem from them just not being ready for this level of difficulty. Crazy, a mode that makes you really think about your build and make sure you can put together a suitable build for the task makes the game more difficult? Who would have thought. 1st week I did every modifier and did Gloom Garuda because I was able to counter most of the modifiers and she worked well for the missions. 2nd week I did every modifier on Elite with Titania because I can use her to counter most of the modifiers and she worked well enough for the missions and was great for the assassinate. I absolutely love that this mode is really weeding out the tenno that just aren't endgame ready, just getting by with overpowered brainless gear, and all they will keep saying is "This mode is bad because I can't complete it".
  6. Just a bunch of triggered man-children. These threads are ridiculous.
  7. Ya the discourse around this is embarrassing. On here, and on reddit. DE says they will do a slight adjustment to ensure he doesn't become dominant, we don't even know what the change is, and everyone is losing their minds. Like WF players get easily triggered when they hear 'nerf', which still baffles me, but all of these posts are just pathetic.
  8. It's also a matter of intuitive gameplay. When a player aims at an enemy and uses a Heavy Attack, they do a heavy attack. When Tennokai pops up, you do a heavy attack. But when airborne, if you look at an enemy in front of you, whether you have tennokai or not, and you heavy attack, you would expect to just use your heavy attack in the air but you don't, you just heavy slam. Just doing a normal heavy would be intuitive because you only do a slam attack when facing the ground. It's frustrating wanting to do a normal heavy in the air but being forced into a heavy slam when I'm not even looking at the ground. It frustrates me even more because I'm a Zephyr main, I spend A LOT of time doing aerial melee.
  9. After testing out the Subsumed version of Dark Verse...it is very mediocre. Yes we get a Slash spam spell, but it just feels boring since it serves no other purpose except for maybe breaking containers. It would technically be out of the norm for subsume abilities, but It would have been amazing to be able to use Page Flight as a Hold-Cast with this. Summoning 3 bird friends who deal damage and apply status vulnerability while using Zephyr (the birb frame) is an exciting thought.
  10. Love to see the damage cap change after so long. The fix to electric damage is kind of sad to see, that is actually a significant damage loss at higher level content. After jumping in game, the tornados are still broken. They still stop distributing damage after taking a certain amount of damage so it appears the damage cap change is not working. One fix I would like to see added to the tornados is with Heavy Attacks. Currently if you Heavy Attack a tornado, your Combo Multiplier is not taken into account for the damage distribution. I would love to see this get fixed, it would allow for Zephyr to do some more interesting melee builds.
  11. No, the new Aura Mod is starting as Madurai Polarity, but they will be changing the mod's polarity to Universal later.
  12. A few friends recommended it and I watched them play it but wasn't too interested. I looked through the wiki and checked out the frames, saw Zephyr, and thought "Wind bird frame"? Sign me up. And here we are, where Zephyr is my main and the overwhelming majority of my frame usage.
  13. New cosmetics I think would be the best thing. Some evergreen rewards would be nice but honestly having more earnable cosmetics would probably make more players happy.
  14. Zaghyr

    Helminth QOL

    I would just prefer that any ability we subsume onto a frame is 'transplanted' in a sense and stays there in a pool, then at any time we can choose an ability that has been added to the frame and swap it on over another ability like how incarnon bonuses work. On Config A I wanna swap 1st ability for Breach Surge? Cool, I can do that. A few games later I want to swap it back and change my 3rd ability to Wyrd Scythes? Cool, I can do that. I want to experiment with all of the subsume abilities but it simply takes too many resources and too many configurations to make use of them. I would enjoy it more If I could just subsume it once and be done with it, swapping it in and out as I please without have to constantly burn through resources and feed helminth everytime.
  15. This exact thing is why I appreciate them adding Precision Intensify and why I want a duration variant of it. Not every kit needs strength across the whole kit, sometimes only one ability, hence why the new mod is so nice for some builds because 4th abilities tend to care about strength a lot more. Duration is the same. Even for Zephyr, less duration on Tailwind is great outside of open worlds and tornadoes need to be recast somewhat often anyway for positional changes. resetting elements, or cause they reached damage cap. Turbulence is the only ability she has that REALLY wants a lot of duration. And it just so happens that a lot of 3rd abilities tend to care about duration a lot. Having a Precision Continuity for giving a ton of duration to 3rd abilities would be fantastic.
  16. Ya I ran into this as well when I tired the braton incarnon and the effect didn't work. My first though was 'Tailwind is a channel, right?'. I agree it feels weird and inconsistent and is for sure not intuitive for players. Hopefully they address it by either clarifying what a channeled ability is, or just making these effects with Tailwind (the preferred solution).
  17. Been seeing more posts regarding this issue again and I wish they would fix it. Like you said, Gas and Electric do so much combined damage that the tornadoes reach damage cap and break within seconds, Heavy Attacks can do the same thing, and with the right setup can do it in one shot. I've been trying to use Funnel Clouds as a way to do more DPS to the Fragmented One with a Melee Setup, but I deal over 500k in less than 2 seconds and the tornados break and disappear. It's starting to get really frustrating now when using Zephyr at higher tiers of content and not being able to rely on Tornados for more than a few seconds because they stop working properly after hitting their damage cap. The health it has is most likely there as a way for the tornado to know how much damage needs to be distributed, which is fine, but it CANNOT be 500k, it should realistically be like several hundred million. And if that gets fixed, they her interaction with Heavy Attacks should also be fixed. Right now the tornados do not take the Combo Multiplier into account for damage distribution when using Heavy Attacks, leading to a massive loss in damage potential.
  18. While you guys are at it, can you look at how Heavy Attacks work while airborne in general? One of my personal frustrations with Tennokai right now is that if I'm using Aerial Melee attacks and use a Heavy Attack, it does a Heavy Slam by default regardless of me aiming at the ground or not (like a normal slam attack), and I don't always wanna be forced back to the ground. Heavy Attacks, and Tennokai by extension, would feel much better to use and more intuitive for players if we could use Heavy Attacks while Airborne, and only do Heavy Slams while aiming at the ground.
  19. Same issue for me as well. Tons and Tons of steam reviews saying the same.
  20. Please just let us use normal Heavy Attacks while Airborne instead of auto forcing a Heavy Slam, we should only do a Heavy Slam when aiming at the ground just like a slam attack. When I'm doing Aerial Attacks and Tennokai shows up, I want to use that Heavy Attack while in the air and stay there, not be forced back to the ground. ????? This is a typo right? I don't recall Void Angels being present here.....
  21. I don't see what the problem is here? You can get up to 5 shards per week from this system. Having variance in quantity per week makes sense since shards should be a rare end-game item. The fact that we can even get that many is already insane.
  22. Nice of you to conveniently leave out that DE said there will be a new way to gain normal and combined Archon shards.
  23. I just want them to stop copy pasting a million sparks/fireworks for every visual effect.
  24. Over time I've leaned pretty heavily away from wanting augment mod slots, simply because I think augments shouldn't be mods in the first place. Like OP I also think an Incarnon system for frame augments would be a good system for this, but it would be a large undertaking to do and would probably require moderate rebalancing elsewhere in the arsenal. The other idea that I'm a large fan of is 3mptylord's idea for combining archon shards and augments into a new shard type. The 3rd option that I think could work, although players would jump the gun with pushback, is frame Riven mods where the bonus stats are fairly low but can roll augment-lite effects, things that aren't impactful/strong enough to be their own mod, but unique/interesting enough that you could still make unique builds. As an example "While Turbulence is active, gain +2 Ranks to Carnis Set Bonus" or "25% chance to extend Tornado duration by 1 second when picking up an energy orb". Augments right now are a huge batch of wasted potential that could be reworked into something really cool and allow for truly unique builds to flourish.
  25. Day 3000 of waiting for Zephyr Tornados to be fixed so they deal their own damage again and work with Heavy Attack multipliers.
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