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Everything posted by sunderthefirmament

  1. It's deeper than that. Support can work fine in this game. Trinity would still work fine if she had reasonable durations and casting times/animations. Her buff durations are tiny, which wouldn't be a problem if literally all of her abilities didn't require a full body, stop everything you're doing, casting animation. This is further compounded by how tight mod space is on Trinity- she needs everything. Yeah, she can instantly replenish health and shields, max out people's energy, provide damage reduction, and strip armor. But doing all that means spamming 2, 3, and 4 endlessly. I'd fix her by changing most or all of her animations to upper body, one handed only. Then I'd double the base durations on Link and Blessing. Finally, I'd bake in some refresh conditions, at least for Link. Maybe attacking a Well of Life or Energy Vampire target could give her additional seconds on Link and Blessing.
  2. I’m enjoying the changes so far as well, though nothing in the update has made me want to swap off my charmbot for something else. Pet ability changes are apparently going to be part of phase 2 of the pet rework, whenever that happens. But I haven’t even been tempted to try any bond mods yet. I don’t see my smeeta as an active combatant that I fight alongside. She’s utility. That’s all I need from her. It’s also really hard to find mod space on kavats.
  3. It would fit better on his 3, in my opinion. Overguard per hit or something. Inaros’ 4 is arguably his best ability already.
  4. I cannot fathom how Thermal Sunder’s sound effects made it into the game. I avoid playing Gauss because that beeping sound is really grating. They don’t often replace sound effects. But I’m hoping they make an exception for Gauss Prime.
  5. I don't encounter any major bugs when playing solo, or when playing with one other friend and I'm the host. The only annoyance is how frequently enemy fighters/crewships will stop spawning. Usually this is because a ton of enemies spawned inside an objective somewhere and I didn't clear them out. Revisiting these areas and massacring their inhabitants can prevent this pseudo-softlock, but it's annoying that the game can't just clear them out for you.
  6. For interception, Nova is your best friend. Get her strength up a bit and max out her duration. Press 4. Capture points and avoid enemies. They'll be too slow to be much of a threat. For Hijack (the shield draining payload one), use Hildryn or Inaros and the railjack on-call crew summon with the healing effect on kills. Edit: For solo defense, don't be afraid to use specters to support you. The ancient healer and the shield osprey are both really useful. During my initial clear of SP, I used Khora for a lot of missions. She's not the easiest to get, and I honestly don't even like using her, but she can do significant damage with her Whipclaw, and her Strangledome can protect a point very well.
  7. Yeah. I get the sentiment that Turritopsis_Dohrnii is going for. Charge-to-cast abilities can feel cool and immersive. But I would say Garuda's are done way better than Hydroid's. Charge up Garuda's 4 and you'll send out a wide swath of blades, accompanied by increased slash procs and satisfying sound effects. Charge up her 1, and you can clear an entire room. Charge up Hydroid's current abilities, and all you get is limp and unreliable flopping. I partially sympathize. It is sad when a frame loses something unique to be more homogenized. But World on Fire looked and sounded really, really stupid. Spurts of randomly appearing flames accompanied by explosion sounds that wouldn't have been out of place on an N64... is this really what you miss? Yeah, the meteors are cheesy. And yeah, the variable energy cost of Ember's new 2 is really stupid and unclear. But she's still in a far better place than she was. I think the puddle could have been turned into something quick and engaging, but I'm going to hold off on mourning its loss until I actually try the reworked Hydroid. It was unique. But it was also really, really terrible.
  8. Nyx has a weird reputation that shifts depending on experience with the game: Newer Players: "She doesn't do anything, so she sucks." More Experienced Players: "She's got solid CC, defense-stripping, and she can tank for days! She's great and underrated." Players with Too Many Hours in the Game: "CC is basically useless (and Nyx's CC is unreliable), other frames can defense strip better, and you shouldn't need Assimilate to never die. She sucks." Just because a frame got some dev attention recently doesn't mean it shouldn't receive more. I'm with the OP. Nyx needs some help. Mind Control: Have minions deal % based true damage or something. Psychic Bolts: Remove the target limit and make it permanent. Chaos: Add the % based damage buff suggested above to enemies afflicted by Chaos, but only when they hit other enemies. Absorb: Throw the whole ability out. It's unusable as anything other than an AFK-at-extraction button without the augment. With the augment it's still terrible. I'd like to see it replaced by some sort of telekinetic barrier or something. We don't have enough wall frames.
  9. No amount of modding is going to prevent my idiot smeeta from crouching in a flame jet on Jupiter and dying repeatedly. No amount of learning or skill on my part is going to magically make my pet keep up with me as I move through a tileset quickly. No amount of preparedness is going to change the fact that going into operator mode means almost instant death for a sentinel at the level of content that DE keeps pushing us towards lately. I shouldn't have to be a stealth frame, a massive wall of linked HP, or a Safeguard spamming Nezha to keep my fully modded and meta build pets alive in high level content. I don't think DE is willing to allocate the resources necessary to make pets behave with some degree of self-preservation in mind, so this pseudo-invulnerability rework might be the best we can hope for. I'm going to withhold initial judgement until the update comes out... and then I'll withhold further judgement after the next round of the pet rework arrives (if, indeed, it ever does).
  10. I don't think that's what "overrated" means. They're certainly popular, but they're popular for a reason. "Overrated" is usually reserved for something that is highly praised or desired yet has little real merit or worth. Furthermore, I can't say I agree with the title (questionable "make ____ ____ again" format aside), as I don't think Sevagoth or Grendel have ever been particularly popular. Now that I've "well ackshually'ed" enough for one day, let me simply state that over all, I agree with you. It's absolutely nuts that Defy is nerfed through the Helminth and yet Gloom and Nourish aren't. I think instead of nerfs, I'd rather see some changes to the base versions on their original frames. If Sevagoth could hit that max slow at a lower power strength requirement, maybe he wouldn't be quite as much of a forma hog as he is, for example. That said, I don't really know that these changes, either the ones you're proposing or something else, would actually increase the popularity of Sevagoth or Grendel. Kind of off topic, but I'm curious to see if their popularity/usage increases significantly when they get primed. I've seen a lot of claims that Grendel's farm is brutal, and that Sevagoth's is also a pain. Primes will make them easier to get a hold of, if only for a time.
  11. Faster revives are fine with me, honestly. I’m really, really tired of reviving people. I still do it though. So anything that makes that process faster is great. Maybe she could grant extended invulnerability on revive or something. It certainly would be welcome in the pre-pet rework world. Not every passive needs to be as powerful as Wisp’s or Yareli’s.
  12. That’s a really good point. Maybe shooting or attacking a well of life enemy could give small duration boosts, with a bigger boost at the end. I certainly approve of the other synergies you’re suggesting as well.
  13. I'm not the one you quoted, but I can offer a bit of perspective on Trinity. She has her uses, but she's too clunky for modern Warframe. All of her abilities fully stop her (full body casts). To make matters worse, her durations are very, very low by default. They don't feel as comfortable as more recent Warframes with buffs. Even heavily investing in duration isn't enough, and it's not like you really can with Trinity anyway, at least not heavily. She is famously tight on mod space due to basically needing everything, especially if you want to use her armor strip Link augment. She even needs casting speed to help ameliorate her full body casting issues that I mentioned above. I don't think Trinity needs a massive rework. Instead, I'd suggest: doubling the durations of Link and Blessing at base, or even quadrupling them changing most of her abilities to upper body casts only (to allow movement while casting) consider some synergies like "killing a Well of Life target adds X seconds to active Link and Blessing" These three changes would go a long way towards making her more viable and appropriate for the game that Warframe has become.
  14. Bringing a nuker frame and AOE weapon into a mission where the only objective is to kill enemies is wrong? I'm sorry, but what are you defending? DE's design decisions? They give us these weapons, these shards, these abilities, these arcanes, and these mods, and we're supposed to... what, exactly? Not use them? I'm not a brainless meta chaser that's addicted to YouTube. I can't even name a single Warframe streamer. My most used frame is Ivara Prime, at something like 10-12%. I use a wide variety of frames and weapons. But when I'm trying to clear an objective quickly, I take advantage of the arsenal that I've spent thousands of hours building. Are you suggesting that I'm doing it wrong because my efficiency has exposed a flaw in DE's design? To get back to the OP, exterminate missions are capable of not spawning enough enemies if the player is moving quickly enough. The kind of speed needed to break exterminate missions seems to depend upon having access to endgame builds. If the goal of the game is to amass power (and have fun doing so), why are people who amass and use that power at greater risk of hitting a softlock?
  15. I’m not sure that you get to define fun for other players. And “Yes” to what? “Yes” I should deliberately hamstring myself so I don’t risk breaking the game?
  16. Players should not have to deliberately hamstring themselves to prevent the game from breaking. If DE is going to keep giving us power creep to make us want to engage with their content, then they should build their game to be able to support it. I derive most of my enjoyment from collectibles and mobility in this game, along with attempting to build a comfortable setup for each frame and situation. I don’t derive enjoyment from excessive grind, so I try to minimize it when I can by choosing optimal or at least effective setups.
  17. I get what you’re going for here, but to complete your analogy the doctor should also be prescribing hammers to the patient. By the thousands. DE has created a very grindy game. DE keeps drip feeding us power creep. I don’t think the player is to blame when they take advantage of DE provided power creep and it ends up breaking the game. That’s on the people making the game. Which yeah, means that I think reactant is a stupid system. But now we’re getting far afield.
  18. Perhaps, but it's egregious on Lua. It's not as noticeable if/when it happens elsewhere, probably because it's happening farther away. Maybe there are distance checks for spawns that don't work properly in the Lua tileset. I don't know. I'm definitely not a developer. To get back on topic, moving quickly through exterminates can and do result in not enough enemies spawning, even on PC. Go for speed next time you run an exterminate, like with a Saryn. Rush ahead while your spores finish the stragglers. You'll very likely hit extraction before the game spawns enough enemies, especially if you can read where the enemies will spawn next and not have to backtrack. If that was you in the video you linked, your time-to-kill in the 5-10 seconds I watched was probably closer in line with what DE wants than a bramma Saryn flying through an exterminate sortie, and therefore less likely to result in a lack of spawns.
  19. No, I mean like you're staring at an empty room, and then like a MOA just appears in front of you. While you're watching. Maybe 4 feet away. The only other places that happens are when there's a "lore" reason for it to do so: ESO and void fissures.
  20. You've never had enemies spawn on top of you or behind you? Normally the game spawns enemies out of view or in areas inaccessible to players (most visible on the derelict tileset). Lua exterminate throws this all out, and just plops enemies out of the ether right in front of you on a regular basis.
  21. I have no idea how to fix Devour, but slapping some overguard generation on Sandstorm (per enemy hit or something) would go a long way towards making Inaros into the tank king again. I suggest OG on sandstorm because it’s easy to replace with the Helminth currently, as it’s weak and requires modding in a way that most Inaros don’t do. But yeah. Devour is another matter entirely. Single target, slow, immobile, and ineffective. I don’t even understand how it’s still in the game.
  22. No, this can still happen on PC. If you move through rooms quickly and wipe enemies out soon as they spawn, you can very easily reach the end without enough enemies appearing. They aren’t sitting around in side rooms somewhere- the game just never spawned them. You can trick the game into spawning them by leaving extraction, but this takes time and exterminates are supposed to be fast. So I will often just abort the mission. Slightly off topic, but if anyone thinks exterminate spawns are perfectly operational, play Lua exterminate a few times.
  23. There's probably a psychological term for it. The few times that charm mega-proccs stick in your brain, somewhat smoothing over the constant need to revive the idiot cat. Somewhat. I do take issue with the "Charm isn't that strong," part though. Every major content update has a new resource or set of resources to grind. No, not all of them can be affected by charm. But when they can, it assuages the grind, and that's major. That said, I don't think I'll be that upset if they nerf charm. Smeeta has become mandatory for me, at least outside of archon hunts where I prefer panzer because there's just nothing charmable there. Nerfing or flat out deleting charm would nudge me towards trying something new.
  24. It is truly a testament to the diversity of human experiences that you can actually find people defending Hydroid’s passive- a CHANCE to spawn a tentacle on a slam attack. I’m trying to remain cautiously optimistic about the upcoming Hydroid rework, but from what I’ve seen I am worried it won’t be as profound a departure as the soggy captain needs to actually be worth using in modern Warframe. We’ll know in a few weeks, I guess.
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