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Everything posted by sunderthefirmament

  1. That's not at all what I said. I didn't say anything about infinitely stacking whipclaw or the xoris' combo pause. I said that I would be in favor of the OP's suggestion about making whipclaw pass through allies. It's a wildly inconsistent ability right now, and the OP's suggestion would help make it a bit more reliable. I can only speak for myself, but I don't like casting an ability and not knowing whether it's going to work or not. It feels bad, and it's one of the two biggest reasons that I don't play a lot of Khora these days. The other reason is that she uses a statstick and statsticks are clunky, gross, and outdated. But I digress.
  2. It's not quite the same due to different power dynamics at play in a historically patriarchal society. But this is a video game forum, so really this is very likely futile. Peace.
  3. It's not quite that simple. Here's a comic example of that. Basically, the body of a musclebound Greek god may be appealing to some, but it's more closely aligned with a masculine power fantasy than it is a sexualization or objectification of that form.
  4. Why are you opposed to fixes like this? Whipclaw used to be an insane damage dealer, but the line of sight check brought it back down to earth. It can still do significant damage, but using it is like rolling dice. You never know if it's actually going to hit what you want because DE has a lot of trouble coding line of sight checks. The OP's suggestion would help fix some of that uncertainty. And "just play solo" isn't a great suggestion here. The OP mentioned how their own companions were getting in the way too. Should players be expected to use a sentinel and Helminth away Venari in order to fully use Khora's kit?
  5. Perhaps a way to appease these people that are so protective of dated, bad content is to make the riven transmuters tradeable between players. Though really, I don't know why you would want to appease these people. Tridolons won't be irrelevant so long as they remain the best source of Arcane Energize and the other old and legitimately good arcanes. DE keeps adding arcanes, but few even come close to competing with the classics. And it's not like DE is precious about tridolons these days. They shattered the meta and then shattered it again with Necramechs, removal of self damage, and the operator rework. There's nothing particularly challenging about tridolons except logging in at the right time. Put riven transmuters in other sources. It's about time.
  6. That would be fine by me, depending on what it costs. I’m okay with the limited shards per week, as it’s a way for DE to keep people logging in. So I don’t think I would expect DE to just add a shop where we can buy unlimited shards with in game resources. I’m making the Chipper stock suggestion because I think it’s realistic. DE could put small bundles of stock on sale with varying costs, like Ticker’s debt bond shop. It would keep players logging in, give us another use for older resources, and let us skip Kahl’s weekly chore if we are tired of him. For players that aren’t tired of Kahl, they could of course obtain stock as normal.
  7. I don’t care if it doesn’t rotate. I’ve played these missions to death by now. There’s nothing new for me here. It’s just a chore, so I’m requesting a way to skip it. I think the work needed to make them good is just too much to ask from DE. They can’t even be bothered to fix baseline QOL issues like how the jetpack resets Kahl’s sprint toggle. The reason why I’m asking for a way to purchase stock is because DE has shown they are capable of adding shop after shop after shop to the game. I don’t think adding some buyable stock to Chipper’s shop would take anywhere near as much developer resources as reworking Kahl from the ground up, which is arguably what he needs for his content to be enjoyable on a weekly basis.
  8. Why do we play Kahl's missions? I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I play them for stock. I do not play them because I find them enjoyable. If stock were added to Chipper's shop at rank 5 (by which point any player would have experienced each mission at least once), then they could keep getting things from Chipper's shop by purchasing stock with star chart resources as I suggest, by playing Kahl's missions again and again, or some combination of the two. If my suggestion were implemented, I would happily burn through star chart resources just so I would never need to play a Kahl mission again. I haven't missed a Kahl mission yet, so maybe I'm missing something here and the shard only appears if you've completed the previous week. But if that's the case, then simply remove that requirement.
  9. Once you hit max rank in the Kahl syndicate, I think Chipper should start selling bundles of stock in exchange for star chart resources, credits, etc. Why? The Kahl missions are aging poorly. The only changes we are likely to get are more bugs introduced accidentally due to Warframe’s entrenched coding complexities. Having a way to safely ignore the Kahl missions and burn through resources we no longer have much use for would take the sting out of these inevitable bugs, and spare players from the monotony that is Kahl. Yes, Kahl’s content did get some QOL that made it less torturous, but there’s still a ton that needs to be done to make it palatable, and I don’t see DE devoting the necessary resources to do this. I imagine that introducing stock to Chipper’s shop would be simple by comparison. Use Acrithis’ rank locked wares as an example.
  10. That’s precisely why it’s a fear. It would be dead on arrival like Bonewidow, and effectively a waste of 5 forma just for MR. At least now with taxijack it would be pretty easy to rank them up fast. God it was slow going ranking up Bonewidow and Voidrig back when the best option was thermia on Fortuna.
  11. Hopes: infested liches infested Railjack overhaul of starchart infested new Tenet and Kuva weapons (Amprex and Stug, respectively) Fears: return of raids another Necramech more Kahl content Realistic Expectations: a one off cinematic quest about the Man in the Wall updates on cross-save a brief mention of the pet rework entirely too much time devoted to Soulframe and Wayfinder maaaaaybe a sneak peak of Gauss Prime?
  12. Agreed. I don’t think there’s any frame where this is more true than for Gyre. She’s binary: a zero of a frame with her base kit, or an absolute one when you put Pillage on her. For high level content, I mean. And there’s a lot I like about Gyre, but if we didn’t have the Helminth I wouldn’t use her. I go both ways on the Helminth. I think it was a mistake, but I still take advantage of it. I don’t want to lose Gloom on my Garuda. I don’t want to play Gyre without Pillage. I don’t want to give up Perspicacity on my Wukong. And there are some abilities that I just never want to use (Ice Wave, Sol Gate, Ulfrun’s, Navigator, etc.), and the Helminth helps me feel like I’m not missing out.
  13. This plus some sort of overguard on his 2 or 3 (or both?) would go a long way towards making him relevant. He wouldn't really need a full rework, though there is still a lot of clunk going on in his middle two abilities. And his passive.
  14. Agreed. I'd also like to see most of her abilities be changed from full body casting animations to just upper body or one handed. Casting speed helps her a lot, but no amount of amber archon shards are going to change the fact that literally every ability she has roots her in place. That, coupled with her absurdly short durations, make her really clunky in modern Warframe. While I'm here, I'll also repeat my other common Trinity request: give her some refresh conditions for her buffs. Gyre and Voruna can refresh the durations of their buffs without recasting them. Trinity should be able to as well, at least for Link.
  15. I love this idea. Armageddon seems like a lot of wasted dev resources, honestly. It's not a popular game mode. It's just too slow to be worthwhile. But there are some cool ideas there, and it seems like a waste to just have them in one forgotten game mode that only sees use when NW incentivizes it.
  16. Honestly, I don't think there's anything particularly compelling about Chroma as is, so I wouldn't be opposed to DE just removing all of his abilities and trying again. But if people have sentimental attachment to Vex Armor, it could be enhanced with some refresh conditions, perhaps baked into the rest of his kit. Every second using his 1 could give you 3-6 seconds on VA, or something. Having the 4 active could freeze the durations of his 2 and 3. I don't know. I don't play that much Chroma because he's really boring. You just maintain two buffs and use weapons. I agree about Trinity though. Upper body casts would help her a ton.
  17. I think the reason Oberon rework requests show up from time to time is largely due to Wisp. There's nothing Oberon can do that a Helminthed Wisp can't. And she'll outclass him in basically every area. She's got the heals, the debuffs, the tankiness, the radiation, and can get more potent armor strips from Helminth. Oberon does have some unique augment niches, but I still think Wisp brings more to the table. That said, it's not really fair to compare most frames to Wisp, as she has a ridiculously overstuffed kit. Here's my list, in order of need: Limbo, the grief frame. There's nothing worth the disruptiveness and hassle in his kit. Pseudo-invulnerability can be more readily achieved in dozens of other ways. CC isn't worth much these days. Give him a full blown rework and trash the rift as we know it. There are plenty of ways to stick to his theme of interdimensional wizard without the clunk of the rift. Hydroid, the obsolete farmer. Khora ate him alive when she got her farming augment. Yeah, she got nerfed a bit with the LoS on Whipclaw, but she's still a better frame. Octavia, the brainless teabagger. She's very, very strong, and can trivialize a lot of content. But as a music frame, she's a catastrophic failure. Optimal play involves muting her music and spamming crouch, while occasionally rolling your face across the first four number keys on your keyboard. Gara, Khora, and Atlas, the statstickers. Statstick frames need to be reworked and given proper exalted weapons, along with buffs and nerfs as needed. All three of these frames are arguably powerful, but they all need help for their dependence on statsticks and other issues besides. Khora's optimal gameplay loop is basically just spamming the 1 key again and again. Atlas really only has 1 ability worth using. Maintaining Gara's buffs is torturous. The infinite cap on her damage and its extreme fragility make her the ultimate FOMO frame. Inaros, the impotent tank. He has his uses, but at least half of his kit is bad. At a minimum, he deserves some access to overguard in his base kit. Chroma, the egg-timer buff bot. Chroma is boring to play. There's nothing in his kit that adequately taps into his theme of elemental dragon master. He's just a boring buff bot with two dead abilities and steadily shrinking relevance. Trinity, the powercrept healer. I don't think she needs a full rework, but at minimum her base buff durations should be doubled, and she could use some ways to refresh Link and Blessing (like how Voruna and Gyre have ways to refresh their buff durations without recasting). Trinity also needs her full body casts to be less restrictive. If you take her into high level play, she's basically always casting. Beyond these, there are many frames that need some help on 1 or 2 abilities or have other blind spots in their kit that desperately need attention. I love Ivara, but Navigator is too clunky for realistic use. Caliban has some solid use cases, but his 1 is the worst ability in the game and his 3 needs work as well. Yareli got some serious love when Voruna launched, but she still has a K Drive that needs a tap/hold option to give her some buffs while in a non K Drive state. I could go on.
  18. Revenant Prime. If you're not comfortable enough in lich level content, take a basically unkillable frame. Edit: Stealth frames also work really well. When liches were new and I didn't know what to do with them, I used Ash and Ivara a lot. Eventually you'll likely hit the point where you can bring any old frame to lich content. But until that happens, tip the odds in your favor with pseudo-invulnerability or invisibility.
  19. I trust you know that Energy Siphon will not provide energy while you have Ivara's Prowl active (or most other channeled abilities).
  20. How so? The point of crossplay is arguably just playing with other players across systems/platforms. I don't see how letting us prefer/pick PC hosts would compromise that at all. I'm hopeful that when DE implements cross-save they also iterate upon crossplay further. Hosting preferences are at the top of my wishlist when it comes to crossplay. Having a console host is often an awful experience. But turning off crossplay means I might as well be locked in singleplayer forever.
  21. You have been playing long enough to know that’s not good enough. Minions teleport all the time. And Warframe is infamous for spawning enemies from all angles. Nah, I stand by what I said. PSF is among the best defensive mods in the game. The self stagger immunity is also a great way to counter the BS DE puts players through on the regular (enemy spawns effectively invalidating cover and positioning, allies blocking shots). There’s nothing wrong with putting in a conditional arcane version that dedicated players could farm early instead of facing 400 logins.
  22. Reductive and inaccurate. Chained CC effects are the only thing I die to anymore, outside of a very rare toxin effect from an unexpected enemy. PSF has more use than just enabling close range AOE weapons. And let’s be real. Allies and summons/companions can move unpredictably enough to make your long range bramma arrow into a close range one. User error isn’t always to blame. To the OP, sure. I like your suggestion. This is coming from a PSF user who skipped it on his first chance because self stagger wasn’t a thing yet, and now uses it on many builds. I think such an arcane would be more likely to be implemented if the knockdown immunity were conditional, like “5 seconds of knockdown immunity on kill, stacking” or something. Melee kill maybe? Headshot? Lol. Knockdown immunity on headshot would just be mean.
  23. It truly takes all kinds. That said, yes, the voicelines from Kela are hilarious the first few times. The location is gorgeous. But that is all the praise I have for this game mode.
  24. It’s awful. I hope that if DE decides to bring it back, they add absolutely zero new rewards. I don’t want them to try to manipulate people into playing an unfun game mode with toxic anti-teamwork and the worst feeling gun in the history of shooting games. Seriously, that gun is the worst. It has no feedback. There is apparently travel time on the projectiles, but you can’t really see them to gauge this. The reloading and pumping mechanics are also downright miserable.
  25. Pro tip before it gets patched: the Zenurik passive that shield gaters HATE can be used on these zero energy missions to use the occasional ability. Inner Might, I think it's called?
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