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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. I do not see anything breaking it. It just propagates for 4 seconds and solidifies after, just as the Ability describtion says: Upon activation, the globe is invulnerable for 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds. Incoming damage that is absorbed during the invulnerability period is converted into health and added to the globe's health.
  2. Was it Archon mission? There have been numerous posts of complaining Inaros mains, who have been 1shotted by an enemy there (afar Narmer Elite Lancer). It glows and fires a slow moving projectile.
  3. Anything can. Snowglobe itself doesnt have much HP and no damage reduction whatsoever. You can get it to 10k HP, but that is nothing in SP. It is supposed to protect from chip damage only. Frost expends 50 Energy to create a protective globe of ice with a radius of 5 meters, a base health of 1500 / 2500 / 3000 / 3500, and additional health equal to 500% of Frost's base armor bonuses. Upon activation, the globe is invulnerable for 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds. Incoming damage that is absorbed during the invulnerability period is converted into health and added to the globe's health.
  4. Hard lesson, but if you already sold something on the market for play you will recuperate that plat easily.
  5. Weapon sure. But seling a warframe is a waste, even if you have Prime upgrade, considering you can feed it to Helminth later on. What did you do with the plat? All you should invest in, are slots. Eventually you will want to have slots for every frame in game as well as most weapons.
  6. Because it is Animal-like instinct. Humans can have animal-like traits, but that doesnt make them those particular animals.
  7. Does the name pack leader not indicate some kinda of pack animals to you? Or at least something with legs. Sentinels surviving may have been an issue before the companion rework, but currentlly they are simply back up immidiately after they got downed due to Momentous Bond+Primed Regen combo.
  8. You may want to try this thread:
  9. Zakkhar


    I think he means Ordis skin applied to senttinels. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sentinel_Cosmetics Doubt.
  10. Ask yourself. How easy is to determine that those accounts are two different people playing? Do your logging times vary? Or do you always log either both at the same time or either one or the other? What do you do in game? Same things or different? Do you do them different things at the same time? To be safe you can always contact support preemtively and explain the situation.
  11. If you run a Fissure you have an option to pick "no relic" (1st option). But this way you cannot participate (choose anything others openened) and only thing you are getting are traces. But it is unlikely scenario. ost likely it was a visual bug. Always check in actual missions what do people have equipped in their relic slot, pre mission doesnt matter much. If someone has "no relic" option taken, this will also show. If there is nothing showing, it is a visual bug as it is impossible to join a Fissure without picking this option.
  12. This is a mastery fodder weapon and there is no rumors about it being Incarnon soon, so it is worth 0 plat.
  13. No such thing as the best. No such thing as the 10 best, maybe the 20 best, but probably closer to 30 best. Of course there is also the part where certain playstles and weapons better fit certain people and their playstyle and that you have to decide for yourself. This list is somewhat outdated and doesnt involve incarnons, so should suit you as a geneneral understanding what is good and what is not. https://www.cephalonwannab.com/ In general most primary weapons are currently overshadowed by melee (again).
  14. Not really. You have to give them time for itt. If they are being nuked imidiately after spawning they simply have no time to do so. You can force high alarm state with certaain bounty stages. Best is probably Profit Taker Heist Part 2 for Enrichment Labs. This information is already menttioned on wiki: Common Toroids Vega Toroid: Drops from enemies around/inside the Spaceport. Has a 1% chance to drop from Mite Raknoids. A large number of Mite Raknoids will spawn during the first stage of Exploiter Orb whenever she moves across the battlefield Calda Toroid: Drops from enemies around/inside the Enrichment Labs. Has a 20% chance to drop from Scyto Raknoid. Doing all of a Profit Taker Phase 2 bounty but not turning it in will endlessly spawn Corpus dropships. You don't even need to let the beacons hit Alert Level 4 since the drop ships will bring plenty of enemies. Sola Toroid - Drops from enemies around/inside the Temple of Profit. Has a 20% chance to drop from Kyta Raknoids. Go inside the target area. Try to get one of the enemies to put down a Reinforcement Beacon. Wait until the beacon hits Alert Level 4. From this point, unlimited enemies will spawn. They will increase in level very quickly, but will eventually hit a level cap that is based on the bounty tier, and stop increasing further. Vega, Calda, and Sola Toroids can also be found as interactable pick-ups, similar to Ayatan Sculptures, in the many (17) caves throughout Orb Vallis. 17 confirmed spots by visual observation. All of them are located in secluded part of caves, unlike Tepa Nodule which can be found all over the caves. Possible number of Toroids spawned per run is zero to seven, 2-4 as average chance.
  15. Modded that. It doesnt do absurd damage - nowhere near compared to Contagion or certain Khora setups. Not after Arca Titron nerf: Cloudwalker? Not needed at all. Melee influence? What for? Slam has already fine range.
  16. 1. Do not have console host. 2. Do not nuke everything as soon as it shows, group them up ad wait for the corruption to hit. 3. Do not spread around the map. 4. Have some kind of loot multiplier. It should. Gameplay mechanics is clear and mindlessly ignnoring it should have repercussions. Console host + people ignoring the corruption mechanic will cause the problem also in Extermination. Especially if people strreamline asap to the Extraction.
  17. I am just baffled of how you (and OP) keep repeating that having an active lich is somehow breaking the game, locking you out of experiencing rest of it or destroying a new player experience. It is not. At all. You make a mountain out of a molehill. If someone doesnt like the system or a mechanic, there is nothing forcing them to engage with it. There is a clear choice. Actually there are multiple choices. New player experience: You stabbed one larvaling, you spawned a baddie. You can safely ignore it for the time being. Sure he may yoink a mod, credits and couple of mats. But you know you get them back because you have read the tutorial (you did read the tutorial, right?). But frankly the whole grind of relics, requiem mods, thralls, stabbing, you do not want to bother with it and you dont. And you can. You have a choice. Until one day you are terribly bored and actually engage with it. You eventualy grind your way through the Requiem mod system. You got better gear capable of dealing with high level missions and Lich itself. Sure you may fail some, but if you never fail you will not feel the satisfaction of progress. You killed it, its gone, you got the weapon. You did not like it, now you know to not stab another. I do not get it how you can be so obsessed with the devs choice to make this experience as natural/practical as possible, to the point of flaming anyone who doesnt agree with your obsession. Only thing that having an active Lich locks you out of, is having another Lich (or Sister) active.
  18. In what way you are being locked? What does it lock you from? By pressing "Play Warframe" link you are being locked into the system as well. Did you read the extensive tutorials before pressing it? Who provided them?
  19. Wrong. Do not respect people who did not earn your respect. Being artificially polite towards griefers is what gives them the same satisfaction as if you raged.
  20. That is not the fault of gloom, but the griefers. There are plenty more abilities that can cause malice and plenty more ways to do so. If you have time you can attempt to manipulate them into admitting they just want to grief you, save the evidence and make a support ticket with it. In game report is just a placebo, does nothing unless multiple people report this person. It is kinda wierd, but I cant remember last time I had a Gloomer in my squad in eg. defence. Maybe they just all land up in your missions instead. I am sorry. I wish I could take some.
  21. You cant be serious. What do you mean it may not be even relic you need? You will need multiple relics of every kind and multiple requiem mods of every kind. What time investment? Playing the game? Or waiting for the Kuva Siphons/Flood to respawn? This is a grind shooter, grinding is the gaammeplay. There is no magical investment you do to get "passive income" and no longer need to be playing the game. You grind stuff to get more stuff to be able to grind other stuff in more fun or/and more efficient way. Farming siphons - gameplay, fun. Farming requiem fissures - gameplaay, fun. Killing liches - gameplay, fun. If any part of gameplay doesnt give you fun then do not engage in it. Nobody is forcing anyone. You can pay to skip gameplay if you want. Buy the requiem mods for plat.
  22. Thats how it works in life. Why would it work differently in game? You either do something and face the consequences or do not do anything and live you life grieved and guilt-ridden unaware what would happen if you took a chance. Can you imagine how boring the gaming would be if you knew exactly what is gonna happen before you did something? PS: Chill with the ad personam please. It doesnt work on me. It just makes you sound weak.
  23. I wouldnt generalise. Yes, there are idiots. Idiots exist, you will meet them everywhere. Just do not let them provoke you. Keep doing what you are doing. Yesterday I had a radshare group and host picked a low level survival - it was a console host. Long story short we did not get enough reactantt pre 5 minutes mark. After It was obvious that we have been doing somethiing wrong, I gave two pointers: 1. stop killing enemies until they are corrupted 2. stop spreading around the whole map. One dude imidiately asked, if I also help him to do his taxes, I asked, which country? Some other dude, commented that I just wanted to help. But everyone imidiately grouped up in ~1 room instead of runninng around. Some people still killed stuff instantly (stat padding), but we managed to get 10 reactant in last seconds. Just explain the reasoning to them: Slower enemies, longer rounds, more time wasted. You can even show them (measure round timer). If they cant take logic reasoning (typical excuses is: "I just want to have fun"). Just leave. Keep doing it, at some point you will get a player who not only listens to reasoning in this mission, but will also improve in the future. Hopeless romantic, I know.
  24. Abusable for AFK gameplay. Play solo and be able pause at any point if you often have to go do something while playing. Also toggle void mode exist (5, ctrl+v)
  25. What is the point of skin for Torid? As soon as you activate the Incarnon form it is overwritten. Also would help if you showed us what those skins look like.
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