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Everything posted by MutoManiac

  1. At that level, I recommend the Acceltra for primary, the Sporelacer as secondary and the Sepfahn Nikana for melee. You might. It use them as much once you get the Kuva, Tenet and the incarnon weapons later. Once you hit steel path, do arbis and get the galvanized mods. Alternatively, you can just use Titania’s pistols 😊
  2. There wasn’t any for Canada Day either. Happy Canada Day (July 1st) and Happy Independence Day (July 4th) to the USA. Let’s hope both these countries don’t descend into various states of fundamentalism, since that worked so well everywhere else. 😉
  3. I like Leyzar because he's like me and likes guns more than melee. He's also super good with fashion frame so I get to see some cool stuff which I don't really do myself. Grind Hard Squad is great in that he has more complex builds that one day I hope to be able to play. The others mentioned are also very good. I don't think anyone mentioned NighmareFrame, who is good although he doesn't coddle you and is blunt and to the point which I do like. Oh and WarframeFlo cause he has style in his delivery so it makes me smile.
  4. I would totally put it on Kullervo himself as his second ability so it’s easier to spam with how I have my keys mapped. 😜
  5. I’d rather play Zariman solo. I want others to help herd the sheep, goats, whatever they are and other exciting things like connecting power lines in Duviri. 😉
  6. If you think Zariman is bad with host migration, let me introduce you to Duviri. People still leave even though they now have a way to see what their load out is like. Then they leave because it took an extra 30 seconds to do a defense wave, etc. It’s a sh!t show.
  7. Makes sense I guess. Would be nice though since you do need to give up a mod slot for it, so don't think it would be too OP. 😉
  8. Oh, wasn't aware that overguard becomes active once cast. What I was doing was to purposely not hit enemies and it would just damage my health as I thought overguard only activated like the wiki says, which is confusing then. Thanks "When Kullervo has max Health, he receives Overguard from struck enemies."
  9. I got pissed that I got no energy in return and replaced the ability. Would be nice!!
  10. Don’t invert his mobility. I thought the straight teleport was going to be great, but I just slam into walls, so still need to get used to it. If you like melee, just spam his 1 with the heavy attack being done for you and it’s fantastic. I used Hirudo to get up and personal and it’s a lot of fun destroying pretty much anything. Learning the rest of his kit slowly and so far and it’s really good. I replaced his 2 with Tharros Strike since it felt weak. I wish his teleport was his 2 since that’s easier to spam on my keyboard which I mapped to the Caps Lock key for all other frames. I guess I’ll just have to pay attention and remap when I play him.
  11. First time I tried it, I got 7 in one shot. I was spamming, but then did different groups and kept trying and nothing, so I tried something else. Only reason I used Loki was because he's the one that has Rest and Rage from helminth. Will def try from the air with paralysis next time ;)
  12. Thanks Titskillet, that worked a little then wouldn't work for some reason. Got it done with Loki, Rest and Rage and Vazarin's 2nd ability. I casted 2nd ability for Vazarin, then R&R and finally knocked them down with void sling and it was hammer time. I'll put you down as the solution though since I saw a YT video where it worked great to help others.
  13. Hi! So you need to look down on an enemy while they are down and then press the melee key. I'm never going to do this apart from trying to finish the incarnon evolution for the Magistar, so is there a way to cheese this? Only so much mindless hammering I can take. Enemies seem to get up right away most of the time. Thanks
  14. I went up and down a few times in each and mostly it didn’t ask for another sacrifice while ranking up, telling me I had already done so. But a couple of times it did ask, which made me scratch my head. For the OP, I would suggest ending your journey with whatever syndicate has the specter you like most.
  15. Sounds like me tying to use a console controller or mobile controls. You might have better luck with a mouse and keyboard although I don't think Nintendo allows movement with a keyboard. I also invert the X axis in options for all modes or I can't play. GL
  16. I believe Loki can stay invisible forever which makes him great. Well not forever, but you can quickly cast once it runs out and he’s invisible again while you regenerate energy with a pizza. Zenurik Well Spring also regenerates energy while invisible. If that is an oversight and they fix it, then he becomes a very weak frame.
  17. Sorry my bad, I was thinking of another companion, not the sentinel, so if I gave you false info, my apologies.
  18. I put it on all my frames, I love it. Usually doubles my health, what’s not to like? That and Molt Augmented mostly. But it doesn’t really matter on short missions like some have said. And no synergies, but I use Carrier Prime with Verglas which is OP. I link health so survivability is fine. Sure, in high level missions it sometimes dies, but it’s worth it for me. If you want something not to die, just get the panzer V.
  19. It’s still private, so not sure what you mean.
  20. The problem isn’t Frost, but players who put up snow globes on things like intercept mission points thinking they are helping the squad. This just results in you not being able to move and have to stay in the bubble, since you can’t shoot anything inside the globe or see anything from further away. Not as bad as me leaving right away when there is a Limbo in the squad, but it’s getting there. I mean what are the chances that the Frost or Limbo player actually knows how to play them? In fairness, I don’t either. 🙂
  21. 8 sisters to get my 60% arca plasmor. It was worth it.
  22. I usually follow this guy's builds. I don't have a riven, so I just added Vile Acceleration and it feels a lot better.
  23. I want to like it since it's an auto and I sunk like 5 forma into it, but the Torid and now the Latron feel a lot better. It's ok, but maybe I need to work on the build more.
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